Sometimes McKinley liked to let his mind wander. It was not a luxury he indulged in too frequently; bad dreams and guilt sickness had curbed fantasizing from becoming a habit. Over time he had learned to handle the sexual day dreams, where he would bite Price's skin and tug at his uniform. Price could whine his name as often as McKinley wanted him too inside his mind. Some days they were sensual, sweet and slow - others were rough and hard and raw. These visions could make McKinley bothered and hot, but that stopped phasing him long ago.

The ones that got to him were simple ones. There were moments when McKinley caught himself thinking about taking Price back to Orlando and sharing ice cream. A few times he envisioned falling asleep together in the same bed, fully clothed and chaste and wrapped up in each other nonetheless. He thought about teaching Price how to dance, and Price teaching him how to cook. Fantasies about holding hands during movies and talking until the sun rose were the ones that annihilated McKinley's ability to love himself and made getting up in the morning harder and harder. McKinley had never wanted anything more in the world than he wanted Kevin Price.