My new story in progress. Yep I am going to try talking three stories at one time. Smart. Why am I so stupid... Any who ENJOY! and REVIEW! Sorry its short. I wanted this out tonight! I wanna push my limits and yeah. ALL RIGHTS GO TO ALLEY CARTER! :D

Cammie POV

I woke up as my alarm rang. Time for school! I hit snooze and silently jumped out of bed. I got took a shower and got dressed without a sound. I then brushed my long light brown hair and stood in a mirror looking at my reflection. I looked at my outfit then stared into the ever changing colored pupils. Right then they were hazel. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I walked downstairs and warmed up some frozen waffles. Then I grabbed a plate and poured a glass of milk. I heard soft footsteps coming down the hall. I took off my backpack and hid behind the entrance wall to our hallway. I waited till the footsteps were almost to the entrance of the hall. Then I poked my head aroun the corner.
"Hi mom," I laughed as she screamed and fell on her to the ground.
"Cammie! Don't do that!" she panted as I laughed at her and walked back to the table to finish breakfast.
"It's 7:30 Cammie you need to leave now," I heard my mom call five minutes later. As I walked out the door I noticed that the house beside us had finally been bought. I would have stopped by to say hi, but it was to early in the morning to do that.

~At school~

I walked up to my locker and put in the combination. Then I grabbed what I needed and closed the locker. I sat down in an empty corner near the lockers. It was dark and dusty but as long as no one noticed me that was ok. I was the chameleon and chameleons weren't noticed. Not by their, parents or even best friends. I was only noticed by- no I had promised myself never to think of him again. So I just waited for students to actual start arriving. Finally, ten minutes later. The hall was filled with teens. I watched them all when all of a sudden I watched a tall kid with daark hair and green eyes walk up to the empty locker next to mine and open it. I knew everyone at this school, so he was obviously a new kid. I watched him as he organized his locker. All of a sudden he froze and spun around looking well everywhere. He must have felt me watching him. I watched as he spun around and looked directly into my hiding place, but he couldn't see me no one ever saw me. He walked slowly toward me eyes locked on mine. I tensed as he got closer. I needed to move. Run. My instincts shouted. His fingers where inches from me. When I all of a sudden darted out of the corner and ran straight into the crowd of people. No one noticed me run and duck into a new corner.

Zach POV

I was putting my stuff in my locker when I felt someone staring at me it was weird. People always stared at me. Girls just loved to stare at me but this felt different. I spun around trying to find out who was staring at me. I felt like I had to. I finally noticed something. A corner. At first glance there was nothing in that dark corner but then I saw her eyes. She had dark eyes. Beautiful eyes but her eyes were all I could see. I inched toward her as if she were a lost and scared puppy. I couldn't scare her away. For some reason I felt like I couldn't lose her. I was inches away from the girl and I was feeling rather triumphant when all of a sudden I saw a flash off a green plaid skirt and light brown hair and she was gone. All I had was the memory of her beautiful eyes.

Cammie POV

I can't believe that boy had seen me! I was the chameleon no one just saw me! I mean seriously I was unseen. I was like a ghost a legend.
"Cammie,"I heard a british accent call to me, Bex.
"Oh Cammie," I heard Liz's southern accent say.
"We know your there Cameron so come out now!" I heard Macey snap. Gotta love your friends.
"Cammie come out know or you will not live to see tommorow." Bex finally ordered after ten minutes. I jumped out of the corner and ran right into my three best friends.
"I'm here, I'm here!" I exclaimed.
"Oh no no no!" Macey said as we all got up.
"Our hair! Our clothes!" Macey exclaimed. Then she dragged us all the a bathroom. She handed us clothes to change into as she got out her makeup bags and curling irons. "Change" she commanded. We all complied knowing what would happen if we didn't. The curling iron was useful for more than curling hair. Once we were all done she but makeup on us and I started combing my hair.
"No! I am curling everyones hair Cammie sweetie" she chided me taking my comb. Bex looked at Liz and I and we all nodded.
"Run!" Bex exclaimed running for the door. Macey chased after us through the crowded halls. I doged person after person. Then Bex and Liz headed for the classroom but that would be first place Macey would look! So I turned right down a hallway towards the school exit. If I got out those doors I was home free. I heard Macey yelling probably at Liz,"You can't escape the curling Iron!"
I ran faster and became more carless. Thats when I did the most idiotic thing ever. I ran straight into a boy and we fell to the ground.

Zach POV

I had been calmly walking through the halls, thinking about that girl with the dark eyes in the corner when WHAM! I was tackled to the ground.
"What the heck!" I exclaimed looking at the girl with hazel eyes as she pulled me up she dusted herself off and looked at me. Then she froze.
"Sorry she mumbled and looked at the ground. Wait wait wait! She had light brown hair and a green uniform on! Just like the girl in the corner!
"Your the girl from the corner!" I said looking at her.
"Got to go!" she said and ran down the hall and straight into a classroom. Good job. I mentally screamed. You scared the girl away. Again. Anyways she was kind of cute. I should get to- wait wait wait! Zachary Goode did you just call her cute! You can't think she's cute! Your not supposed to like people in that way anymore! Exspecially after what happened that summer with Lindsey and Catherine. No need to think about them though I needed to get to class. I told myself and walked towards my first period class. I walked in and the teacher came over to me.
"Mr. Goode, nice to have you join us! I am Mr. Smith now would you like to introduce yourself." He asked me.
"Hi I'm Zachary Goode but just call me Zach," I told the class. People started murmuring and I felt someone staring at me. It felt the same as it had this morning. I casually swept the room ignoring the rumors that were already starting about me. Where was she! I know she's here! I thought.
"Mr. Goode you may sit in the back of the room with Ms. Morgan. Would you stand up Ms. Morgan and show Zach to his classes the rest of the day?" Mr. Smith asked. Then in the back of the classroom I saw the girl stand up. Yes the girl!
"Yes Mr. Smith" she muttered and I did something I hadn't done since Lindsey. I smirked.

Cammie POV

Did he just smirk at me? What in the whole world of worlds did that mean! He smirked at me. This was going to be a long day, I thought as he sat down next to me.
"So I never caught your name," he whispered at me.
"Cammie." I answered relunctantly. I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye. He was smirking again! That's it! It's official! He is soo annoying! I was as good as dead! I thought as I listened to Mr. Smith drone on about the importance of Cells.

~At Lunch~

I sat down at the same table as Macey, Bex, and Liz. I know dangerous right?
"No no no no Grant is sooo the cutest boy at school." Argued Bex.
"Pla-lease its obviiously Jack," Macey retorted. Great this conversation... Again.
"Could we not today," I muttered as I started into my food.
"Who is it," Macey asked looking at me.
"Who is what?" I asked.
"Who is the boy that you like duh," I nearly choked on my apple.
"Someone must have noticed you or something I can tell." Macey continued. Oh crap that kid Zach.
"Omg your right she has that look in her eye!" Exclaimed Bex excitedly.
"I see it too," giggled Liz. Liz saw it darn it. I must have it bad.
"Soooo... who is it" they all whispered in unision. Then I made the oldest mistake in the book. I glanced at Zach. Who was staring right at me!

"Oh my gosh!" Macey whisper/screamed," You like Zach!"
"No way!" Bex gasped. Liz just squealed. Oh my gosh I have the most spastic friends ever. They were all smiling like crazy people.
"I don't like Zach," I answered. They all just looked at me like yea right.
"Well, its true," I muttered, yet inside my head I knew that wasn't true. Darn it you stupid girly horomone crap!
"Ohh hi, Zach" Bex said.
"Where?!" I whisper/squealed and fell out of my chair and onto the ground. Everyone at my table laughed at me while I got back into my chair.
"Oh yes you don't like Zach," Macey said sarcastically. Liz giggled.
"Well, smart ones who do you like huh?" I asked grumpily.
"Umm well... no one..." Liz stuttered poking at her food.
"Hey Grant come on I need your help looking for a book in the library," Jonas said.
"But you know the library like the back of your han-" Grant started.
"I need help with looking for a book," Jonas said sternly pulling Grant up and out the door.
"Well..." I prodded.
"Ugh well, I don't like anyone really, Liz likes Jonas, and Bex likes Grant," whispered Macey.
"Ohhh that explains alot," I replied nodding. We all threw away our garabage and went outside for 45-minute recess. Which is pretty much P.E. Bex went to play football with the boys, Liz went to the library to look up something on the internet, Macey went to the bathroom to fix her make-up, and I just sat next to a wall and looked at some flowers on the ground. I was in a shadow and no one ever even noticed me. I felt someone sit next to me. Well if I don't move they won't notice me. Actually, I probably could move and no one even notice so I leaned against the wall and looked next to me.
"Holy crap," I jumped a little as I saw Zach looking at me.
"Hey there Gallagher Girl" he replied smirkning," Whats wrong aren't you happy to see me?"
"Nope," I answered popping the "P" in my mouth.
"I am so hurt right know," he said fake pouting.
"Oh come on grow up," I told him smiling. He started to stare in my eyes and it was kind of weird, but he was hot. Really hot. Kind of like- no no not going to think about him. I stared back into his gorgeous emerald green eyes and his seemingly perfect dark hair.
"Hey Zach!" Tina Walters called. This was my chance. I always sat next to a really hard to notice secret passage way. So the moment that Zach turned his back to me to talk to Tina I slipped away and closed the secret passage. I sat against the closed pasageway door and leaned against it to hear their conversation.
"So what do you think?" Tina was asking.
"Umm not right know Tina but have you seen Cammie?" Zach asked.
"Cammie... Cammie.. Cammie... who know?" Tina asked.
"Cameron Ann Morgan she's been going here ever since you have," Zach answered impatiently.
"Ohhh Cammie... umm black hair and silver eyes right?" Tina asked.
"Impossible," He muttered, "your impossible." I heard him stomp away angrily. Why was he so angry? Plus, no one really ever noticed that I had left. Yet he noticed. Huh, he noticed.

Zach POV

That darn Tina person. She made Cammie dissapear. Ugh, I liked Cammie so much and I was really enjoying our moment and then who were to come besides Tina, and then I turned around and she was gone. Why had Cammie even left? I thought she liked me. I stormed off leaving the school. It was the end of the day anyways.
"Zach wait up," Grant called. He was dragging Jonas behind him.
"Yeah wait Zach," Jonas agreed. I stopped walking and turned around.
"Oh hey guys," I replied.
"Dude you want to hang out with us later?" Grant asked me.
"Sure where you want to meet?" I asked.
"There is this awesome place down on fifth street it has the most delicious pizza ever and a huge arcade!" Exclaimed Jonas.
"Sweet meet you back here in ten?" I asked them.
"Yeah," they agreed. I walked to my house and changed into some clothes that suited me better, you know made me look cooler. I changed twelve times and I played with my hair for like five minutes. It would have been a lot longer but I only had ten minutes. I was nearly late but made it just in time.
"Ready?" Jonas asked. I nodded and we walked down to the resturant. It was really awesome! It was so cool. It was filled with video games and and smelled of pizza and I was starving.
"Lets grab a bite to eat," Grant said as we sat down at a table. We were all eating pizza and looking around.
"Hot girls at 2 o'clock," Grant said. We all looked and my heart nearly stopped. Darn what a girly thing to say. It was Cammie, Macey, Bex, and Liz. Cammie! Cammie was here!

Cammie POV

Macey, Liz, Bex, and I went down to this awesome pizza place that we loved to hang out at. I mean seriously it was a boys heaven therefore a girls heaven too. It all worked out well.
"Look the boys," Macey squealed. We all casually glanced their way. Omg Zach was there. No boy ever noticed me except well that guy but Zach always did! So he would notice me right. Well, I was busy thinking and didn't even notice the wire on the floor. Oh crap. I tumbled to the floor and found myself being helped up by Zach.
"Woah there Gallagher Girl guess you really are falling for me," he smirked. I glared at him as he turned back to Jonas and Grant.
"You want to join us?" Grant asked us girls.
"Of course they do," Macey answered pushing us to the other boys," I will be back soon with a boy."
Macey left and we all started playing video games. Zach and I were playing some awesome spy/fight game. It was aweesome!
"Your going down boy," I taunted.
"In your dreams Gallagher Girl," he shot back at me. Oh it was on. Then he pushed me away from the machine against the wall and won the game.
"Hey what the crap" I said laughing, "you cheater!"
He smirked at me,"I win!" he boasted. He leaned really close to me. I felt his breath on my skin. His face was like inches away from mine.
"Cammie?" I heard a familiar voice. Zach backed away and we looked at the person. It was- It was him Josh. The only other boy that ever noticed me.
Hahaha cliff hanger! Pleaseee Review :D