Even More (Sand)Slash Fiction

Just as Seth began to reach toward the floor for his clothing, Pepper the sandslash got the pokemon ranger's attention with a nudge under his arm.

"Yeah, Pep?" he asked, turning to face her.

The curious sandslash pointed to his flaccid manhood with a long claw. But when she spoke, casually asking if he was going to lick himself clean, Seth only shrugged in confusion, being unable to decipher the meaning behind her unintelligible language.

"What do you mean?"

Pepper let out a terse sigh of exasperation. Trying again, the sandslash stuck out her tongue and waited, and when that didn't work she repeated the act and this time lowered her head to his groin. It was then that Seth had a moment of epiphany.

"Oh, you want to give me a blowjob?" He grinned, shifting his hips to face her more and spreading his legs. "Sure! I'd love one!"

Pepper's eyes brightened as a tiny burst of excitement filled the pokemon's chest. Well, she wasn't quite sure what Seth meant by a "blowjob", but now that the offer to lick was on the table... well, why not? She had always wanted to try licking a male clean herself; it always seemed like a hot thing to try. She had never gotten the chance to really explore a male's mating tool before... usually, the thing only showed just before the mounting, and after mating, it would often decide to go hide back inside the male's body right away! However, her trainer was weird: his mating tool didn't appear to go back inside of him afterward. This was perhaps a perfect opportunity!

Deciding that the floor would provide a better angle, the eager pokemon hopped off the couch with a flourish and approached her trainer's open legs. Hesitating briefly, she tentatively leaned in to sniff and inspect. Seth watched as the shrew-like pokemon's pointed nose twitched and wiggled as she examined the area. Grabbing the scent of their mingled fluids in the air sent a rush of excitement down the pokemon's spine. Feeling the pull of arousal urging her on, she unwittingly licked her lips in anticipation, and then, after closing her eyes, the sandslash extended her tongue.

Seth let out a quiet hum of pleasure as he felt the soft, wet ply of his pokemon's tongue exploring his shaft. He watched as Pepper explored his manhood with an inquisitive and curious reservation, stopping occasionally just to cock her head stare at his half-erect shaft as it bobbed around by the push of her tongue. Feeling a bit more comfortable after a few more licks, the pokemon slowly scooted forward and placed her claws on the inside of Seth's thighs as she continued to lap.

Seth flipped his nose-length brown hair back with a flick of his neck and settled himself in his couch, widening his legs for her. She paused to swallow what she had collected before going in for more. Her tongue explored, wrapping around his girth, lingering to taste the remnants of his flavor. The enthused ground type chittered to herself with closed eyes, being lost in the moment with her snout buried in her trainer's crotch and tongue moving on automatic.

"Ha ha..." Seth chuckled. He reached out and pat his sandslash playfully on the head. "You're cute, Pep."

Meeting Seth's gaze, the pokemon let out a brief, affectionate chitter and showed an expression that was rather rare for her normally stoic personality: a full-on grin. Seth took the moment to heart.

Without missing a beat, Pepper returned to licking. She took Seth's half-erect phallus in her paw and lifted it to reach at the underside near the base, holding the shaft before her to drag her tongue to and fro along the sheen of sexual fluids. The sandslash couldn't bring herself to stop even if she was told. Getting her first chance to explore between a male's legs with her mouth and tongue, all up close and personal like this filled her with an exotic thrill. For now, the pokemon was keen on taking her time.

With the underside of Seth's shaft licked clean, the pokemon found herself going lower, dipping down to explore further and investigate that silly-looking pouch that males had hanging between their legs. There were fluids here too, and the pokemon was delighted to lap them up. Pepper pressed her nostrils to the wet skin of Seth's balls and wriggled her nose as she took in a deep sniff. Immediately, she felt a warmth work through her body as the sharp musk of a male sent her feminine brain reeling with desire.

After a moment of investigation, Pepper twisted her head to the side to lick at unexplored areas of skin. It was then that Seth caught a view of her long, pink tongue eagerly lashing out through the side of her open jaws, comfortably nestled between the rows of her small, peg-like teeth. At once an uncomfortable realization brought its self to the ranger's attention.

"Oh hell..." he muttered, slowly breaking into an uneasy laugh.

An oft-overlooked fact about the sandshrew evolutionary line was that the species was mildly venomous, with the toxin being delivered through grooves in the teeth. Though he trusted his pokemon completely, an accident was not out of the question, and now Seth was mentally kicking himself for not thinking about it earlier.

"Sheesh, I'm an idiot. He shook his head.

Pepper, distracted but not entirely oblivious, rotated an ear upwards at the sound of her trainer's voice as she continued to dote affection along his ballsack and the base of his cock.

Seth smirked. "Be careful with the teeth, Pep... or I'll have a hard time explaining to the nurse why my dick is all swollen and purple. Heh..."

The sandslash, with both paws still on her trainer's inner thighs, first pulled back with head cocked in disbelief. The pokemon then abruptly turned away with a grumpy huff. Why, her venom control was just fine! She was perfectly capable of deciding when, or more importantly, when not to use it... And all this, coming from a human who couldn't even control something as simple as what direction his ears faced!?

Her upset behavior was not lost on the ranger. "Aw, come on, you know I trust ya." Seth put on a warm smile for her as he presented his still-stiff manhood to her once more, feeling ready to receive more attention. "All I'm saying is... don't get carried away."

Pepper looked at her trainer out of the corner of her eyes, then glanced down at the hand that was re-offering his growing erection for her to play with. The pokemon appeared to think for a moment, and then, to Seth's happiness, turned to face him and once again took his shaft between her paws. Giving it a squeeze, she lowered her lips to the head of Seth's cock and began to lap along the underside, albeit doing so while looking up at her trainer with an obviously disgruntled glean in her eyes.

Seth tried to hold back an amused grin. He brought a hand to his pokemon's cheek and gave her an affectionate rub as she lapped slowly.

"Alright, alright... if you wanna smack me for not being trusting, I'll give ya a free hit when we're done. Deal?"

Having decided that was an acceptable substitute for an apology, the ground-type relaxed her angry brow, closed her eyes, and turned her focus back to the manhood she cradled between her paws.

After doing a quick double-check to make sure his shaft was clean, the pokemon went lower to continue cleaning her trainer's sack. Before Pepper even knew what was happening, her mouth had popped open and she had begun to lip and lick at the area, chittering to herself at the strangeness of the organs and how they felt on her tongue. She looked up, amused to find her trainer slowly stroking himself as she continued to lick. It was awfully hot to watch him do that from this angle, the sandslash thought.

Gently, Pepper lifted one of the orbs up with her tongue, getting a feel for their size and shape. Such strange things for a male to have! She couldn't even imagine how awkward must be for her trainer to move and walk about with so much stuff dangling and swaying about down here. Thank goodness she didn't have to bother with putting up with such strange anatomy herself: it was far more fun to just touch and explore someone else's... and speaking of, there was much to touch and explore! Why, it hadn't even taken half as long to clean her own slit.

After surveying the area and finding her trainer clean, Pepper let out a snort in approval of a job well done. She let Seth's cock slip from her grasp and bent her head down to wipe her snout and lips clean with the back of both paws. Afterwards, she looked up at her trainer, expecting a smile of gratitude.

Instead, a disappointed expression slowly spread over Seth's face that perplexed the pokemon. He sat up.

"Hey... why'd you stop?"

The pokemon cocked her head. He was all clean, wasn't he? She glanced down to reaffirm that she had not missed a spot, before looking back up once more. Her left ear flicked errantly as the sandslash bore a look of confusion.

"Are you done for the night, or did you just not wanna give a blowjob?"

When his pokemon's expression did not change, an epiphany came to Seth's mind. He let out a quiet laugh. "Oh, I see... Shoulda figured you wouldn't know. A blowjob is when you use your mouth to pleasure a guy's... well, this." Chuckling, he reached down, grabbed his own cock, and held it out to her.

"Instead of having sex regularly, you put it in your mouth, see?"

The sandslash opened her dark, glassy eyes wide as the incredibly unusual idea took hold in her mind. Putting that in her mouth for mating? What a dumb thing to do! It sounded like a good way to get a bruised nose, if anything! Why, she had a spot between her legs that was a perfectly good place for mating already. What was the point of using her mouth?

"A lot of guys love it," Seth continued, oblivious to her disdain. "And sometimes the girl finds it fun too. Just keep doing what you were doing, Pep, and then..." he shrugged, grinning. "Take it a little further."

The ground-type pokemon stared at the cock presented in front of her, still half-erect, and flicked an ear as she considered the proposition. Licking it had been fun, sure, but using her whole mouth to mate with it? Surely, doing that instead of mating normally wouldn't feel anywhere near as good... in fact, the whole idea seemed like it would be rather uncomfortable. And yet...

And yet, the pokemon felt curiosity urging her to try it anyway. Stepping closer, Pepper found herself taking Seth's shaft from his hand. Staring up at her trainer, she brought the tip of his cock to her snout lips before looking up for assurance. Immediately, Seth put on a goofy grin.

"Awesome! Thanks, Pep." He relaxed back in the comfy cushions of his sofa and gave his pokemon an affectionate rub on the cheek. In response, the sandslash leaned into the hand and gave a quick lick across Seth's wrist. Pepper smiled to herself... seeing her trainer eager for her to try brought a warm feeling spreading through her body.

Once more her tongue flicked out, and Pepper quickly resumed licking across the bottom of Seth's cock. Immediately, Seth dropped his shoulders and sighed in pleasure. After a minute or so, Pepper found herself bringing up both paws to hold the base of her trainer's cock. The sandslash began to feel Seth's manhood growing between her paws, eliciting desire and lust out of the female pokemon. She tightened her grip around it and squeezed greedily, feeling a playful growl growing in her throat. Pepper couldn't deny that there was a certain excitement in having such an erotic thing so up close and personal, to play with and touch.

Despite their fearsome and intimidating size (being as long as her snout at least!), Seth trusted his pokemon's sharp digging claws completely. He knew quite well that Pepper could be incredibly dexterous and careful with them... in fact, he had seen her effortlessly pick up individual peas with two claw tips and toss them in her mouth, un-squished!

"Mm, yeah." Seth groaned. "Go ahead, squeeze and stroke it, too. That feels good."

Taking the words to heart, Pepper began to steadily knead the base of her trainer's shaft between her paws as she continued to dote affection, switching occasionally to bring both claws up in down in a rhythmic motion. This was... well, it was fun! She especially liked to feel his cock as it continued to stiffen and grow from her touch. That alone had the ground-type feeling tingly between her legs.

Pepper pulled up on the shaft, causing the foreskin to slip back over the head. Hovering her mouth over it, she flicked her tongue out and slipped it inside the foreskin to explore the odd feature of her trainer's mating tool. Strange thing, it was... Sort of like a male pokemon's sheath, but not quite. Regardless, it was fun to play with, Pepper thought. She took the stretchy skin between her lips and gently nibbled and pulled, chittering to herself when she heard her trainer let out a short groan. There was surprisingly much to explore and many things to do with a male's mating tool besides just using it to mate with!

Pepper pulled her head back and looked at her progress. Seth's cock was now feeling rather stiff, and she gave it a long, eager squeeze, chittering in heated approval in its firmness. Perhaps now was the time to try with her whole mouth? Pepper licked her lips with an uncertain anticipation and popped her jaws open. She paused to look up at her trainer. Seth was staring at her, almost transfixed. He felt the hot breath of his pokemon washing over the head of his cock as she breathed.

He smiled. "Go on, Pep," he encouraged her, nodding.

In hearing her trainer's words, the ground type silently obeyed. Fixating her gaze onto to the cock in front of her snout, she lowered her open mouth around the head of Seth's member and took the first few inches of him between her jaws.

Seth sucked in a sudden gasp.

The ranger's chest tightened with excitement as he felt the heat of a warm maw slide over the head of his cock. He watched his pokemon with the tip of his shaft in her mouth. She blinked and paused to accustom herself to the act. Squeezing him gently with her paws, she then slid her mouth lower, Opening her mouth and trying to pull more inside, attempting her best to keep her teeth out of the picture. The pokemon felt absolutely silly trying such a thing... her trainer's cock felt way too big for her jaws to take! Why, she couldn't even close her lips around him! Who would want to go through a whole mating session like this!?

Seth grunted in pleasure as his shaft was manipulated inside his pokemon's mouth. He felt her tongue pushing the thing around, exploring out of curiosity. He felt the rotation as she twisting her head to the side to explore from different angles. She maneuvered Seth's cock into the pouch of her cheek, inadvertently causing a large bulge to appear on the side of her face. The ranger stifled a laugh when he saw it.

With her trainer's cock inside of her cheek, Pepper furrowed her brow. No, that didn't feel right. Perhaps down her gullet was the only way? She widened her jaws and slipped the cock over her teeth once more so that the whole thing was nestled between her tongue and palate. The sandslash moved her tongue around to lick and lap, coating Seth's cock with a liberal layer of saliva before dipping her head further down. The tip of her snout met her claws that were holding the middle of her trainer's shaft, and she removed her paws and rested them on Seth's thighs to make room. Feeling the thick shaft slide deeper into her mouth filled the ground-type with a sense of uncertainty, but the ground-type closed her eyes and pressed on.

Being a sandslash, Pepper did not have a gag reflex, though once Seth's cock passed into her throat, the sheer size and length of it began to feel rather constricting and uncomfortable for her. However, as long as she could relax her throat and still breathe around him, Pepper felt that she would be fine.

When the tip of her nose bumped up against her trainer's stomach, she flinched in surprise and opened her eyes. Had... had she really fit the whole thing in her mouth? The pokemon was staring straight into Seth's stomach, and her lips were wrapped around the base of his cock. She felt her tongue and jaws moving in a gentle sucking motion, pressing against the large shaft that filled her jaws. Part of it was uncomfortably forced down her throat, nearly blocking her airway.

There. But now that she had done it... but now what, she wondered? Just wait for her trainer to use her mouth as if it were a female's slit?

With his jaw lazily hanging open, Seth glanced down and looked over the pokemon whose head was buried between his legs. Pepper's dark, glossy eyes stared back with an inquisitive, curious gaze as she calmly and gently suckled around his shaft. With her nose pressed against his belly, all but the very base of his cock was firmly nestled in his pokemon's mouth. Her paws were resting on the inside of his thighs. There her sharp claws gripped him gently as the heavy breathing through her nostrils blew steady billows of hot breath onto his crotch. Silently she waited in that position, anxiously holding Seth's cock deep in her mouth, and looked to her trainer for what to do next.

Pepper held still, still expecting her trainer to begin thrusting, and feeling more confused the longer he did not move.

"Holy..." Seth mumbled, his shocked eyes locked on his pokemon's. He was mesmerized.

Feeling her saliva start to pool in her mouth, Pepper tightened her lips around her trainer's shaft and swallowed once, causing her powerful throat muscles to constrict and squeeze around his cock and quickly eliciting an uncontrollable groan from the trainer. This caused Pepper to giggle and pull her lips back into a smile. Swallowing again, she felt her trainer's hips jerk as Seth instinctively tried to press deeper into her throat. The pokemon felt the massive shaft in her maw come to life as it flexed and stiffened, causing Pepper to let out an uncomfortable grunt of surprise as the shaft pressed against the back of her tongue and filled her mouth. She gave a tiny cough around his cock and felt the need to come off of him by a little bit, pulling back slowly.

"Its... um, ah..." Seth fumbled with his words, still shocked at how his little ground-type had managed to take every inch of him. Seth swallowed his saliva down and took a breath. "You don't have to choke trying to take every inch, Pep."

Pepper blinked in mild confusion. Slowly, she pulled back, watching as inch after inch of her trainer's shaft withdrew from her maw. When the head slipped from her lips, Seth's erection sprung upward and Pepper watched, amused, as his erection bobbed up and down in the air. From tip to base, it was now covered in a reflective sheen of thick pokemon saliva.

Seth felt a twinge of disappointment as he was pulled out of her mouth, but the ranger did not stop her. In seeing how much of him his pokemon could take, his mind was racing with thoughts of deep-throating, face-fucking, and all sorts of other oral-related activities. But as this was the inexperienced pokemon's first time giving head, the ranger judiciously decided to reign in his wild ideas.

"Just, ah... well, blowjobs are more about using your tongue and sucking and bobbing your head back and forth and stuff like that..." He put on a warm smile for her as he rubbed the pokemon's cheek. "Just do what's comfortable for you, 'kay? Go at your own pace and explore; I'll sit back for now."

Pepper looked at her trainer with her head cocked to the side as a small epiphany came over her. So she was supposed to provide the movement? Ah, well now this whole "blowjob" stuff was starting to make a fair bit more sense, not to mention sounding much more comfortable as well! She had been enjoying herself so far with the licking and nibbling... More of that didn't sound bad.

Decisively, Pepper grabbed hold of him with one paw. Feeling surprised at herself for feeling a bit eager to continue, the pokemon once again brought her trainer's cock to her lips. She lowered her snout and felt a swell of arousal bloom in her belly as she felt the erotic organ slide back into her maw, causing the pokemon to let out a low hum. Stopping at only about half-way this time, the sandslash then tightened her maw around the ranger's shaft and began to work.

"Ah!" Seth gasped. He lurched forward a bit, hands gripping the couch armrest tightly as his pokemon began to suckle. "Ooh, yea... That's it, that's it."

Between his legs, Pepper closed her eyes as she began to fall into a slow rhythm. Using her paws to massage and knead, the sandslash worked Seth with her mouth and lips as if trying to coax milk from a Miltank. Probably not a bad idea to start from, either! Quietly she suckled and focused on the strange sensation of her trainer's tool in her mouth. She could not deny there was a certain erotic excitement in getting to feel her trainer's mating tool this way... It was fun to squeeze it between her jaws, to feel how stiff it was growing, and to rub her tongue along the underside. However, even now that she was doing it, the sandslash still wasn't sure what to think of this whole blowjob thing. For one, his shaft was huge compared to her mouth, and having him between her jaws felt rather unusual and uncomfortable. She couldn't close even her lips around him which caused the pokemon to awkwardly drool.

But regardless of her reservations, the shrew-like pokemon's efforts were quite effective on her trainer. Seth didn't try to stop the groans from escaping his open mouth. All the sucking, licking, tugging, squeezing... he couldn't even believe how good of a job Pepper was doing, especially considering this was the pokemon's first time giving oral! Maybe part of it was due to her snout, he reasoned: compared to a human, she had more mouth to work with, a longer tongue...

"Oh man," Seth broke out in a wide grin as a thought came to mind. "Yaknow, I bet some guys would kill to try this with certain pokemon. I wonder what a kekleon tongue could do..." Pepper paused and raised her head to give her trainer a weird look, but she found Seth was busy staring off in the distance with a goofy smile on his face. After a few seconds, the ranger shook his head. "Aw, heck, maybe I shouldn't get any more ideas than I already have... Hah!"

Pepper rolled her eyes. The pokemon let out a terse huff and returned to her ministrations.

After a while, Pepper pulled back slowly, letting the head of Seth's cock came out of her mouth with an audible pop!. She was a bit intrigued to find some clear, slick liquid had leaked from the tip of her trainer's mating tool. Steadying the shaft between her paws, Pepper leaned in and drew her tongue across the spongy tip of Seth's cock. Immediately, a pleasant, savory flavor began to spread across her taste buds. It wasn't quite the same flavor as his seed... actually, the pokemon thought it tasted better!

Wanting more, Pepper leaned in and at once she began to run her tongue in circles over the head of his shaft, lapping more of the fluid up as she curiously traced along the ridge of Seth's cock head. Merely watching her do such a thing had Seth groaning.

"Oh man, that's hot," he gasped.

The pokemon paused briefly to look up at her trainer.

"Keep doing that... that thing with your tongue."

Pepper blinked. Obeying, the sandslash dragged her tongue across the tip of her trainer's cock once more, carefully repeating the circular movements. The slow, lingering ply of her tongue had Seth reeling, and although the pokemon wasn't aware of it, the amorous look she was unconsciously giving her owner as she licked was hitting all the right buttons.

Seth sucked in a deep breath from arousal as he watched his pokemon dote affection. "Oh man, Pep... that feels so good."

Pepper felt her trainer's cock suddenly flex and stiffen up in her paws, and more of the fluid leaked out from the tip. Delighted, she lapped it up immediately, chittering quietly to herself as she began to find an odd enjoyment in eliciting reactions from her trainer. There was something fun... something arousing, even, about all this attention and affection she was giving her trainer's mating tool. Being able to watch his reactions and hear him ask for more came with this odd, but thrilling sense of power and control the pokemon had never really experienced in mating before. In the past, Pepper had always found it more prudent to focus on her own pleasure and just assume her mates would entertain themselves upon mounting. But this... well, human mating practices were a fair bit different, it seemed.

And Pepper liked it.

Staring up at her trainer and looking at him in the eye, Pepper let out a long, amorous hum as she lipped and mouthed along the side of his cock. Out extended her tongue, and Pepper wrapped the long appendage around the girth of her trainer's manhood. As she squeezed and constricted the thing, the bulge-eyed, slack-jawed expression Seth wore delighted the pokemon, and she couldn't help but chitter to herself in amusement. Wrapping her long tongue around his girth, she constricted and squeezed it, before letting go and following up with long, lingering licks along the underside of her trainer's cock. Then, after repeating the circling laps around the contours of his cock head once more, the pokemon opened her mouth wide. Pepper closed her eyes and sucked in a heated breath as her open jaws descended on his cock once again. Feeling the thing slide into her mouth, she closed her lips around him as best she could and returned to a rhythmic suckle.

Above her ears, she heard Seth moaning in bliss, and knowing he was making those sounds because of her, especially it being her trainer of all things... it filled the sandslash with a rush of excitement and lust. Perhaps there was something to this blowjob stuff, Pepper thought: he certainly seemed to enjoy it a lot, although it seemed a bit unfair that her own feminine parts weren't getting any attention. Pepper didn't like the idea of having mating being so one-sided, with only one partner receiving all the pleasure and the other...


Pepper's train of thought was interrupted by a long, wanton moan. She continued bobbing her head back and forth for several more seconds before suddenly freezing in place with eyes wide open. That moan... that had been coming from her own mouth, not Seth's!

"Enjoying yourself, too, huh?" Seth laughed.

Pepper, being a bit too proud to admit it, looked away from her trainer's gaze and did not answer. Instead, the pokemon closed her eyes and resumed the push and pull of her head, deciding to focus on the task at hand. There was much to focus on: the shape and feel of the cock head rubbing against her tongue and the roof of her mouth, the taste of his skin and fluids, the sensation of his cock growing ever harder from her efforts, the enjoyment of being able to explore such a normally off-limits part of a male's body. It was... well, she didn't know why, really; for some reason... putting her mouth around her trainer's manhood and pleasuring him was just... it was just...

It was hot!

Feeling far more comfortable with the act now, and with an ever-growing fire warming her belly, the sandslash relaxed her body, closed her eyes, and began to let go, letting lust guide her actions.

"Ho shi-" Seth lurched forward and tensed up in surprise. He looked down to find his sandslash increasing in pace and aggression until she was practically plunging her head into his lap. Her snout bounced against his stomach on every push, and on the pull the pokemon would tighten her jaws and lips, tugging on his shaft, as if trying to draw out more of his fluids. Every bob of her snout would force the pokemon's jaws wider as she took more of him inside.

"Oh man, Pep..." Seth mumbled. He leaned his head back on the couch, unable to do much of anything under the assault of his pokemon's mouth.

Gently, the ranger began to caress his sandslash's pointed ears with his thumbs, surprised with how much she had gotten in to the act. He couldn't believe the treatment he was getting, and all from a pokemon, too! She seemed to be going at a machine's pace now, squeezing him with her paws, keeping the pressure with a steady suction and moving tongue. Her jaws and tongue were deceptively strong, and all the pressure and back-and-forth movement began to feel like a bit too much. In fact...

"Pepper..." Seth groaned. "You're... you're going too fast. Slow down a bit..."

There was no audible response. Only the loud, wet smacking and slurping sounds. Seth felt the growing tension deep in his groin increasing even more.

"I... Ah, Pepper! You're going too fast! S-stop!"

The sandslash felt her trainer pull backwards, and the cock she had been servicing slipped from her mouth, causing the pokemon to let out an upset cry. No fair! She immediately leaned in to retrieve the object of her affection, but found her trainer's hand pulling his shaft away, jealously guarding it from her.

"Too much stimulation... I don't wanna come yet..." Seth gasped.

Looking up at her trainer with both ears down and an unhappy frown on her face, the sandslash let out a huff. It was then that the pokemon realized that all this time she had been leaning forward on the tips of her toe claws in her efforts to get his cock back. She slowly let herself lean back and return to her foot paws.

But, after only a short moment of waiting, Pepper began to feel impatient. Unable to grab her trainer's cock for herself, she instead met Seth's gaze, pointed a long claw towards her open mouth, and uttered a clear "Ahh... Ah-ah!"

Just from the sharp tone of her voice, Seth thought it sounded more like a demand than a request. The ranger let out a short laugh, but he held up a finger, signaling he needed more time.

"Just... give me a sec, 'kay?" He asked, still panting hard from his near-orgasm. "I don't wanna end so soon."

Pepper, unhappy at finding the situation non-negotiable, let out a huff. The pokemon put on a clear pout, making sure that Seth saw it.

"Whew..." Seth shook his head. "Yaknow, you're really good at giving head! A little bit on the rough side, but man..." he whistled. "You picked up on it fast."

The sandslash wasn't sure what to do with the compliment. She was too busy trying to show Seth her dissatisfaction. Pouting still, the pokemon looked down at her trainer's hips, staring at the now off-limits member and the sack underneath in jealousy...

And then she had a pleasant epiphany: there was still something she could do!


Seth lurched in pure reflex at having his balls unexpectedly touched. He looked down to see his pokemon's nose buried in his sack, tongue lapping eagerly to lick and taste the area once more. He began to laugh as his pokemon doted attention and love on his twin balls.

Pepper felt a bit strange, albeit aroused, to re-explore this incredibly odd part of the male anatomy. The smell of her trainer's musk was strong here, and Pepper took in a deep breath, feeling the desire in her chest grow. She lapped along the twin orbs that were held inside, lifting them up with her tongue to feel their heft, then moving up to nibble gently at the base of the erect shaft that proudly stood just above. Pepper looked up at her trainer, and, feeling amorous, let out a lusty growl as she continued to lick, and Seth watched it all with an almost mesmerized expression. After a while, the trainer abruptly snapped out of it, breaking out in a short burst of laughter.

"Alright, alright..." Seth playfully acquiesced, letting go of his rock-hard erection and holding both hands up in front of him. "I get the hint. Excuse me for wanting to draw out the moment a little." He chuckled. "I just don't think I'll last too much longer, okay?"

Straightening up, Pepper immediately reached out with greedy claws for her trainer's cock. By now, her head was in a haze, her groin felt tingly with arousal. The amorous shrew-like pokemon was no longer concerning herself with anything else at the moment... this blowjob was all so new to her, and quite exciting to boot!

In Seth's cock went, her lips closed around the shaft as best as she could, and before she knew it the pokemon found her mouth was suckling once again. Slurping and swallowing her excess saliva, Pepper began bobbing her head up and down, working to pleasure her trainer. She felt herself becoming giddy with lust, and the sheer eroticness of her actions caused the pokemon to let out a long, unfettered moan.

"Oh man..." Seth breathed out as a whisper. He looked down, and as his hair fell in front of his eyes again, and he brushed it out of the way to watch his sandslash service him. Her growing eagerness, increasing pace, and focused desire were driving him up a wall.

Pepper's arousal was gaining. The pokemon found her hips moving, humping the air wantonly and wishing for something between her legs. With a grunt, she attempted to back up into the coffee table, but she couldn't find a comfortable spot to grind on. So instead, Pepper removed one of her paws from her trainer's thighs and slipped it down her belly. She shivered from the first few touches across her slit, finding herself already wet, but quickly fell into a rythmic massage with her claws as her desire for pleasure dictated an increasingly intense need for stimulation

The pokemon diligently sucked for several more minutes, with the occasional groans and growls being heard along the sloppy smacks and slurps of a sandslash mouth. Laying back against the couch, Seth had shut his eyes tight and was slowly writhing in bliss. He had lost track of how long he sat there with his pokemon's head between his legs. The only thing on his mind was trying to draw out the experience and make it last longer.

"Pep, you're amazing..." Seth panted. "I... I think I'm getting close again. You... you gonna pull off or finish me?"

It was a silly question for the sandslash. There was no sense in quitting now... not when she was almost done! Feeling amorous, the pokemon drove her snout to the very base of the ranger's cock and held it there, tightening her jaws around him and looking up at her trainer as she swallowed and suckled.

Seth's jaw dropped for a moment. "Holy... that's one heck of an answer!"

Pepper felt a rush in seeing his response and knowing she was turning him on. The sandslash began to aggressively pump her head on her trainer's shaft, forcing her snout down with surprising drive and power. So fixated she was on the strange performance that the pokemon had completely lost her sense of self. Above her ears, she heard her trainer groaning. Another burst of precum splashed across her tongue as Seth's cock throbbed within her maw, causing a squeal of excitement to erupt from her vocal cords. The savory flavor only had her immediately wishing for more, causing the pokemon to continue the unfamiliar back-and-forth motions of her head with renewed focus, trying to coax more of the liquid out. Frothy spittle had collected in the corner of her lips. Excess saliva had dribbled down the sides of the pokemon's open mouth, coating her chin and her trainer's sack.

Between her legs, a pair of claws were rubbing back and forth in a frenzy, assaulting her now needy body with some very welcome pleasure. As her fluids began to spread along the outside of her slit and get onto her claws, the sound of her ministrations began to join the wet smacks and slurps of her mouth. She cradled the head between her lips and found her jaws moving, pressing, squeezing the turgid flesh pressed between her tongue and palate. Everything was moving on automatic for the pokemon.

"Oh hell..." Seth moaned, squirming in place. His eyes were tightly shut in concentration, his fingers starting to clench her head. "I'm gon... gonna come, Pep."

The sandslash hummed deeply as she felt her trainer's cock begin to stiffen up and swell even more. Letting go of his base, the pokemon mashed the front of her nose into her trainer's belly and took every inch of him. She began a rhythmic, pulling, swallowing motion that seemed to practically suck the climax right out of Seth. Moaning, he lurched forward, gripped Pepper's head tightly, and released his pent-up seed.

Pepper felt an incredible, intense rush as her trainer's shaft began to throb in her mouth. With her mouth aching, tongue tired, and lips messy, she felt Seth push into her mouth as burst of hot fluids splash down her throat. She tightened her jaws around him, holding tight and suckling hard as the claws fiercely rubbing at the outside of her slit began to bring her own climax.

Seth's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull as the increased stimulation began to overwhelm his now overly-sensitive cock. "Ah... ahhhh! Too much, too much! Stop!"

Forcefully, he began to pull her off, and as Pepper realized what was happening the pokemon let out a cry of dismay. His cock slipped from her mouth just as a second spurt of cum splashed across her tongue. Adamant, she lunged for his erection, but the ranger spent every ounce of strength to hold the pokemon at bay. A sudden, third spurt from his cock went airborne, catching the sandslash across her sandy tan snout with a line of sticky, white fluids. Desperately, she lashed her tongue out, trying to lick at his tip, trying to catch more of his seed.

"Too sensitive!" Seth gasped, trying to stave off the frenzied pokemon. He felt he could only hold her back for a few seconds more.

Upon letting the hand off her chest, the lustful sandslash immediately dove back on his cock and locked her jaws around him, humming in satisfaction as she felt the last few drops of his seed pool onto her tongue. She savored the flavor, finding it pleasurable to taste, even if the texture was not the most agreeable. Seth groaned loudly as his climax was drawn out by the sudden pick up of the tightening, sucking jaws. He held her head limply as Pepper once again buried her nose in his stomach, taking every inch of his cock. Between her legs, her claws were still going strong, still feverishly rubbing at the sensitive little nub at the apex of her slit.

Seth watched, dazed, as Pepper wantonly mouthed and squeezed his softening erection with her jaws as her own climax rose. Her eyes were shut tight, soft moans were vibrating deep in her throat, and as pleasure overwhelmed the pokemon, an impassioned squeal, muffled by the cock in her mouth, reached Seth's ears. Pepper clenched her thighs tight as her feminine vent began to convulse in orgasm. She rocked mindlessly into her own claws, hips moving in a circular, grinding motion, with tail raised high, and rode out her climax with glee as her jaws tightened around her trainer's shaft.

When the pleasure had finally passed, Pepper, panting hard through her nose, finally opened her eyes and looked up. She saw her trainer, her owner, gasping for breath but wearing a wide grin. In seeing his face, the shrew-like pokemon shared her own smile, and, with half of his cock still in her mouth, she rested her cheek against his inner thigh and relaxed for the first time in what seemed to be forever.

"Good grief, Pep," Seth panted, putting a hand to his bare chest. "That was intense. You're crazy! Haha."

Pepper looked up at her trainer and enjoyed his reaction. She continued to suckle softly around her trainer's softening erection, hoping to draw out more of his fluids, and did little else beyond simply basking in the relaxing afterglow of her climax.

Seth flopped backward on the couch and stared at the ceiling for a few moments, trying to catch his breath. After a while, he cleared his throat.

"Never had a girl give a BJ that intense before... Sheesh!" Slowly, he shook his head in disbelief. "Heck, most of the time I can't even finish from that alone..."

Still breathing hard out of her nostrils, Pepper blinked. The taste of her trainer's warm fluids was spread over her tongue. The smell of it reached her sensitive nose. Slowly, she pulled off of him, taking as much of the stuff with her as she could, and when Seth's now limp manhood dropped from her lips the sandslash let out a quiet, satisfied hum and reflected on the moment.

So that was what it was like to mate with your mouth, the pokemon thought. She pushed around the slippery stuff in her mouth with her tongue a bit, reflecting on the intensity of her trainer's climax and how her vent must go through that ordeal every time she mated. It was much more intense experiencing it face-to-face! Almost scary, in a way...

Collecting the fluids on the back of her tongue, Pepper swallowed and began to lick her teeth clean of the sticky mess. Her entire face seemed to ache: her jaws were tired, her tongue was sore, her lips felt a bit raw...

And yet, it had been worth it.

"Come 'ere, you!"

Before she knew what happened, Pepper's trainer grabbed her underneath the arms and lifted her to his lap with a grunt. Laughing, Seth carefully wrapped his spiny pokemon in a hug, to which the sandslash readily accepted. Pepper rested her chin on Seth's shoulders. She felt a comforting hand pet and rub the back of her head, on that good spot right between the ears, causing the sandslash to chitter quietly. The two embraced quietly for a moment, with neither party willing to let go.

"Silly quill-butt..." Seth ranger let out a chuckle as he felt his pokemon let out a snort of annoyance.

After a while, Pepper pulled back from the hug. She looked at her trainer in the eye, wanting to tell him something.

"Ah.." Seth winced. "You got a mess on your face. Sorry about that."

Blinking, Pepper focused her eyes on her own snout, seeing a splotch of sticky white stuff. She attempted to curl her tongue around and clean it, but before she could, Seth ran a finger across her snout and gathered the rest up. Grateful, Pepper leaned in and licked his finger clean, causing Seth to playfully pat her head.

"There." He smiled, returning his hand to her hips. "Good enough for now... but, I think we might both need a shower after all the crazy stuff we got into tonight. Heh..."

Pepper, who had been wiping her snout off with the back of both paws, immediately paused and folded her ears back in disapproval. The ground type was not fond of getting wet.

The satisfied and tired ranger breathed in a huge breath, held it, and let the whole thing out with a sigh. "You're awesome, Pep." Seth beamed. "Seriously, that was great. Never would have expected this whole thing between a human and a pokemon could turn out so... so..." Seth thought for a moment before breaking out in a smile. "Well, awesome!"

Pepper stared into her trainer's eyes. She felt warm in the cheeks.

"Of course," Seth abruptly started, looking off into the distance. "Now that poke-sex is on the table, I may have to go out and experiment a bit. Might have to put you in the ball for a few weeks while I go and find a nice lopunny or a ninetales and-Ow, hey!"

Laughing, Seth brought his arms up to protect his face as he fell under the assault of various claw smacks and jabs. After a while, he managed to grab her wrists and hold them back while the pokemon struggled in his lap. Frustrated, she pulled back from his arms, freed herself, and sat down on the opposite corner of the couch with an angry huff.

Seth gave his pokemon a look. "Haha, you know I'm kidding, Pep! Come on..."

Pepper snorted at his words. Of course she knew, but even so...!

"Oh!" A moment of recollection fell over Seth's face. "Yea, you still got one free hit for the comments about your venom." The ranger stuck his neck out. "Go on, I'm a man of my word." He patted his left cheek. "Right here. I'm ready."

Pepper let herself smile. Eagerly, she bounded forward on the couch. Planting her feet, she wound back her arm, ready and eager to give him a good smack with the flat part of her claws. Seth shut his eyes tight, expecting the hit.

But instead, Pepper faltered and hesitated. She looked at her trainer with his scrunched up face, all prepared to be slapped...

Slowly she lowered her paw. The sandslash took a step closer.

Seth opened his eyes in surprise as he felt a pair of sandy-tan lips press against his own. The kiss was over just as fast as it had started, and as Pepper pulled back, looking a touch sheepish at her own actions, Seth only grinned.