I've decided to to Centennial Sabotage a little earlier than expected. This is the sequel to Sonic: Visitors Meets Equestria Girls. Characters belong to SEGA, Hasbro, Disney, WB Kids, Square Enix and Warner Bros..

- - - - - - - - - - - Sonic: Centennial Sabotage - - - - - - - - - - -

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and the Equestria Girls were riding a carridge to Chanterlot City, which is hosting the Celestial Summer Centennial, a celebration in which is respecting Equestria's 100th anniversary. Tents and exhibits were everywhere on the grounds, showing off prices and items for sale. Applejack made a chart in which where everyone should go.

Applejack: I made a chart of groups an' places to go. Tails can go with Twilight and Fluttershy, I've got goods to sell, and Sonic can go with Rainbow Dash.

Knuckles: Wait, what about me?

Rainbow Dash: You can go to the salon, you need a major makeover. (Everyone laughs).

Knuckles: Grrr... (walks away)

Twilight: I heard about this magic show at the East End. Maybe we can go there.

Tails: Well, I don't really believe in magic, but I guess it'll be fun.

Sonic: I got to meet somebody. Someone important.

Rainbow Dash: Well, who is it?

Sonic: Well...I can't really tell you...

Fluttershy: Why not?

Sonic: Because... because it's about a way to get to Mobius.

Applejack: Well, if it's someone that can help, I guess you can see him.

Sonic: Cool! (zooms away quickly)

Rainbow Dash: What is he up to? (zooms after him)

Tails: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's see some magic!

- - - - - - - - - At the magic show - - - - - - - -

Tails and Twilight took their places in the front row of seats. The magic stage was decorated with stars and crescent moons. A melodious voice piped up from the stage.

?: Welcome to my enchanted show, ladies and gentleman. You are about to be amazed by...

A puff of green smoke appeared on the stage. When it cleared, there stood a blue-skinned girl with silver hair with a navy blue robe and a purple witches's hat, decorated with stars and crescent moons.

?: The Great and Powerful Trixie!

Twilight: Oh, no.

Tails: I agree. There's probably a smoke machine and a stage lift. Not at all magical.

Twilight bursted out laughing and Tails just sat there, unconvinced. Trixie heard Tails and called his name.

Trixie: Please, Miles Prower, step forward.

Tails was shocked. How did Trixie know his name? Still unconvinced, he stepped onto the stage.

Trixie: You're probably thinking... how did I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, know your name? Because I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, know everything.

Tails: (I doubt it.)

Trixie: Now you're mind is saying "I doubt it". Everyone knows that I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, hates non-believers! (She looks into the crowd) Attention, everyone. This fox is going to help me with my first trick. The Levitation Charm!

Tails: What are you going to do, close the curtain and tie me with tiny strings and let one of your cronies use a fork-lift? (crowd starts giggling)

Trixie: No. This is pure magic, young non-believer. (She takes out her wand and points it at Tails) Wingardium Leviosa!

Tails was lifted five feet into the air and hovered around the magic show. Tails was checking every to make sure that his limbs weren't tied to anything, but they weren't. He was dropped down on the stage and the audience (besides Twilight) gave an applause.

Trixie: Thank you! Now, I'm going to introduce to you another spell: the Crucius Curse!

Twilight: WHAT? Trixie, you can't!

Trixie: This doesn't concern you, Sparkle! I didn't know you like mangy mutts so much! (points her wand at Tails again) Crucify!

Tails: What is the Cru- - AHHHHH!

Tails suddenly felt pain, unbearable pain that only death can take away. Trixie was laughing maniacally at him, screaming in fear and pain. Twilight was running up stage and kneeled to Tails' side. A tear fell down her cheek.

Twilight: REMOVE IT NOW!

Trixie: Sorry, Sparkle, but non-believers must pay the price when they face The Great and Powerful Trixie! (She rolls up her sleeves and points her wand at Tails and Twilight) Very sorry, fellas, but I have to make an example for my father. Avada Kedavra!

A flash of green light shot out of her wand and missed Tails by inches. The Crucius Curse ended, but some of the pain stayed. Tails struggled, but he eventually got up and gave Trixie a glare.

Tails: You think you're strong is because of your magic, Trixie? Well, the only thing that's actually real is your attitude.

Trixie: You dare taunt The Great and Powerful Trixie Riddle? You will now pay the price, non-believer! (She points her wand at Tails again) Goodbye, Miles Prower!

Tails set up his Wrist Cannon and pointed it at Trixie. Then, they said words that people are dying to hear.

Trixie: Avada Kedavra!

Tails: Wrist Cannon Blast!

The green and yellow blasts of light merged and glowed even brighter and more dense. Trixie's Killing Curse was winning, but it was not as strong as Tails' Cannon. The yellow ray came closer to Trixie and suddenly, Trixie turned into a puff of black smoke and zoomed away into the sky. The crowd was cheering, not for The Great and Powerful Trixie, but Tails. Twilight ran and hugged Tails, tightly as though Tails had been given the Crucius Curse.

- - - - - - - - - - From the distance - - - - - - - - - -

Trixie reformed into an alleyway away from the magic show. She watched as the crowd lifted Tails off of the stage and cheered on. Furious at her defeat, Trixie rolled up her sleeve. A snake and dagger tattoo was showing on her wrist and she laid a finger on it. The tattoo wriggled like a real snake and bubbled.

Trixie: I, The Great and Powerful Trixie Van Riddle, will have her revenge!

Then, Trixie ran into the midst of the alley and was gone.

Will Trixie have her revenge on Tails? Has Tails lifted the bar? What about the others?

Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of Centennial Sabotage. Please review on how you liked it and don't forget to enter in my poll. Did you like how Trixie fought Tails? That was a parody of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I also thought that the Harry Potter spells were a good touch. Did you think so? Theres also a twist in the story. Try to find out. Please review and/or follow. SonicDash777...OUT!