
Central America

Three raptors are walking through a cave somewhere in Central America, trying to figure out what the strange readings they discovered were.

The lead raptor is an orange striped raptor, the stripes being a brighter orange than his standard orange hide, and he has a metal brace like device attached to his jaw. He is wearing a yellow strap that goes over his torso and waist and he is also wearing black shorts. The one expression that can clearly be seen is one of simple irritation.

The second raptor is a mahogany raptor with implants on the back of his wrists that produce green blade like weapons. His tail has been replaced with a blade covered weapon that spins. He has metal spines on his back and he wears pink shorts.

The third raptor is a mulberry purple raptor who only wears a tank filled with various liquids on his back that can spray out of nozzles on his wrists, tail, and from inside his mouth. He seems to be the intelligent one of the three.

The lead raptor growls in frustration and turns towards the mulberry purple one. "Spittor, where is it?! It should be here!"

Spittor jumps in fright, but regains his composure before glaring at the orange raptor. "Why am I always responsible?! It's not like-"

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shatters, sending the three into a dark cavern screaming in fright.

As they landed upon the cave floor, the lead raptor is the first to get up and focus on the thing they've been searching for.

"We… We found it," exclaims the orange raptor.

"Found what," asks the mahogany raptor as he pushes himself to his feet.

"Shut it Haxx! Anyways, after searching for years, we have found them."

Haxx sighs heavily. "Sure, whatever you say Bad Rap."

Bad Rap turns and smiles at Spittor. "Spittor, thaw them out."

Spittor starts to laugh maliciously and he walks towards the ice formation and smiles at the sight before him; five raptors frozen in ice. They look exactly like the three, with the exception of the weapons each one is carrying and their skin colors.

Spittor grabs a heater and places it near the ice and turns it on full blast.

"This may take awhile."