1. Taking the Quest
Rainbow Dash flew slowly towards Canterlot. Well, slowly for her, anyway. She would still cover the distance from Ponyville to Equestria's capitol in under an hour. Even so, she didn't want to get there too fast. Given the situation, she needed time to think.
A little over three months prior, Twilight received a letter from Princess Celestia that she would need to return to Canterlot on a more permanent basis for an indeterminate amount of time in order to begin the new stage of her training, as she came into her own as both an alicorn and a princess. This news had hit the entire group rather hard, and Twilight had been nearly inconsolable as the date of her departure approached. However, her friends had been determined to give her a sendoff to remember.
Rainbow remembered that they had thrown a massive party, just the seven of them. There had been cake, ice cream, games, balloons, streamers, and even a musical number. Then they had started to watch...something, and Applejack had broken out the family cider. Rainbow's memory was kind of fuzzy after that.
There was something she thought she remembered happening, but she wasn't entirely sure if that was real or just a drunken dream. All she knew for sure was that she woke up in Twilight's room the next morning with no sign of alicorn or dragonling anywhere. She had returned to Canterlot without letting the others see her off.
That had been three months ago, and aside from official announcements, there hadn't been a peep from Twilight to any of them. Rainbow wasn't sure what to think, or why it was that the long silence hurt her so much. So, when a letter had arrived via Spike's magical fire for her to be in Canterlot two days from then between 10 am and noon, to come alone, and to not tell the others about the trip, Rainbow didn't know what to think. This was why she now flew slowly towards the capitol, hoping that she could work her thoughts around whatever was going on. Unfortunately, she was no closer to a conclusion by the time the soaring towers of the palace rose into view. Sighing, she glided into the palace.
She was rather surprised to see her path intercepted by several royal guard pegasi leveling their lances at her. "Hey! What gives?" she demanded.
The pegasus in the lead spoke up. "Present identification and clearance, now."
"Hey, it's me! Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow was not happy about this. She'd never been stopped by security like this before.
"You cannot approach the castle without identification and invitation!" he snapped.
"What?" Rainbow Dash was confused. This had never happened before. She did remember that the letter Twilight had sent her had an unusual symbol on it. Pulling the letter out, she showed it to the guard. "Is this what you mean?"
The guard examined the symbol and nodded. "Princess Twilight awaits you on the Dusk balcony," he said, gesturing. The guards parted, giving her a clear path to there, and only there.
"Geez," Rainbow muttered as she glided in, "this tightened security is giving me the creeps."
She glided in to the balcony, and saw Twilight sitting on a throne in a room inside. "Hey, Twilight, I'm here!" she called, stepping into the room.
Twilight smiled at her. "Rainbow, it's good to see you. Sorry I haven't written or anything in so long, but things have been really busy."
Rainbow nodded. "I can imagine." She tried not to think about what she thought had happened when last they were together. Now wasn't the time. "So, did you need something?"
Twilight sighed. "As much as I wish that this was just a social call and that we could just sit and talk, something very serious has come up and needs to be addressed right away." She shook her head. "And that's why you're here."
Rainbow blinked. "Okay. What's up?"
Twilight cleared her throat. "Long ago, in the founding days of Equestria, we had an ally from another world. This other kingdom helped us to balance the magical forces of our world, as well as forging the Elements of Harmony in their mystic forges, giving them shape so that we could use them. However, a great threat fell upon this other kingdom, and they called on us for aid. Not to battle the threat...but to protect two ancient artifacts of theirs until the time came for them to be used against the threat. The first was a weapon of great power. The second...a magic beyond anything we can conceive of, with the ability to reshape the world and grant any wish."
Rainbow was entranced. "Whoa..." she whispered. This is like, the ULTIMATE adventure story set up, she thought to herself.
Twilight continued. "Both weapon and magic were hidden here, in Equestria, and the keys to their seal scattered across the world. However, the time has come to use them. Our old allies have called for our aid, and it is time for the weapon to be wielded against the rising darkness. And beyond that, the darkness already has a foothold in our world, seeking the magic."
Rainbow blinked. "Wait, just the magic? Don't they want the weapon?"
"They can't touch the weapon," Twilight replied. "It's nature is antithetical to the very existence of evil forces."
Twilight sighed. "By its very nature, it drives off and wounds evil. Like silver to vamponies and marewolves."
"Oooohhh..." Rainbow replied in understanding.
Twilight shook her head. "Anyway, that's why I've called on you. To-"
"Wait!" Rainbow interrupted. "You're like, the most badass magic user ever. Not that I'm complaining, but why can't you fetch it?"
Twilight chuckled and shook her head. "Because it will not allow itself to be wielded by one of royal blood. Now that I'm a princess, that includes me."
Rainbow tilted her head. "Why doesn't it like royals?"
"Because its primary purpose is to be a weapon wielded against evil tyrants," Twilight replied. "Those who would be tempted through a hunger for power to misuse the magic. The weapon must be wielded by a hero who is pure of heart."
Rainbow blinked. "Since when are Princesses' hearts impure?"
Twilight smiled. "It was more to prevent it being miswielded by Kings and Queens."
"Oh, okay." Rainbow paused. "But...why are you asking me to do it?"
Twilight smiled. "I knew I had to ask someone who wouldn't be tempted by the magic, so I couldn't ask a unicorn. The royal blood restriction blocked alicorns as well. Given how time sensitive the mission is, that meant it had to be a pegasus. So I decided I would ask the bravest, most confident, awesomest pegasus I'd ever known. Somepony I knew I could trust above all others." Twilight watched as Rainbow's chest swelled with pride with each word she spoke. She then smirked wickedly. "But since Cadance is an alicorn now-"
"Twilight!" Rainbow cried out, her voice pained.
"I'm just teasing you, Rainbow," Twilight said happily, giggling. "To be perfectly honest, when this mission was handed to me to find somepony who could accomplish it, you were the first one I thought of. There's nopony I'd trust more to save us all from the forces of darkness...no one else who seems more a 'hero' to me."
Rainbow blushed. "Well, don't worry, Twilight! I won't let you down." Turning, she spread her wings, ready to fly.
"Wait!" Twilight called out. "You will need this." She concentrated, and her magic flashed. A sword floated in the air over to Rainbow. The blade itself was well forged steel, the hilt designed to be wielded by a pegasus. The cross guard, however, was in the shape of Twilight's Cutie Mark.
Rainbow stared at the sword. "What's this?" she asked, taking hold of it.
Twilight smiled. "It's the Twilight Blade, the sword...of my champion."
Rainbow got the Twilight Blade!
The sword of Twilight Sparkle's chosen Champion. Take good care of it.
Rainbow smiled. "This is a sweet sword."
"It's more than just a sword," Twilight replied. "Place your hoof on the gem."
"Like this?" Rainbow asked.
Twilight nodded. "Now, say, 'Twilight, I need you.'"
Rainbow blinked, suppressing a blush at the phrasing. "Wait, what?"
Twilight smiled. "It triggers the spell. I need to know that it works properly."
Rainbow sighed. "Twilight, I need you."
What did you need, Rainbow? Twilight's voice sounded in her mind.
"Wah!" Rainbow cried, falling backwards, her hoof coming off the gem.
"That disengages the spell," Twilight said aloud. "Once you say that trigger phrase with your hoof on the gem, I'll be able to communicate with you telepathically for as long as you keep your hoof on the gem." Twilight conjured a sheath for the sword and strapped it to Rainbow's back. "There you are."
Nodding, Rainbow sheathed the sword. "Alright, I guess I'm off!" She bunched up for takeoff again.
"Rainbow!" Twilight called out. "Where are you going?"
Rainbow blinked. "Uhh..."
Twilight giggled. "Same old Rainbow." She shook her head as she sat back down on the throne. "Your first stop is the Ancient Grove, beyond the farthest edges of the Everfree Forest. There you must bespeak the Forest Guardian and acquire the artifact he protects. It is the first key to the seal."
Rainbow nodded. "Alright." Turning to go, she paused. "Say, Twilight..."
Twilight smiled at her. "Yes, Rainbow?"
Rainbow Dash shook her head. She had been about to ask about what had happened at the party, but now wasn't the time. "Never mind. We'll talk later." Spreading her wings, she took flight, beginning her adventure.