Well, it looks like I'm back for round two. Thanks to all of the lovely people who've reviewed, I didn't actually think anybody would like the story! XD Anyway. *clears throat* I'm mature. So, this chapter is basically for rianna, who reviewed and asked for another chapter. Well, here it is, everyone!


Eridan sat in front of his husktop, glaring at the screen as if it had done him wrong. Every time he went to use it, he remembered two things; first, it was broken(still), and second, that fucking lowblood had shagged him when he was supposed to be fixing it. Yes, he was still pissy about that. He had been right- he STILL couldn't walk comfortably, five days later. It was easier than the day after, where he sat in bed all day because his lower back ached so much, but still uncomfortable.

Eridan sat glowering about his kismesis when his 'phone'(if you want to call it that; it's really just a tiny computer) buzzed, scaring the living shit out of him. He jumped before pulling his 'phone' out of his pocket. Someone had sent him a message.

TA: hey fii2hface

TA: gue22 what

That lowblood had the audacity to talk to him, after what had happened?!

CA: wwhat the fuck do ya wwant captor

TA: ii 2ee your hu2ktop i2 2tiil malfunctiioniing. want me to come look at iit for real thii2 tiime?

CA: fuck no captor i'm fine wwith my phone

TA: whatever. iil be there 2oon.


Eridan huffed as he literally punched in each letter, even if he really did want his husktop fixed.

TA: oh and ii have a favor to a2k

CA: you wwant a fuckin favvor

TA: yeah ii wont fiix your hu2ktop unle22 you dre22 up for me

Eridan turned purple, whether from embarrassment or anger, he didn't know.

CA: wwhat the fuck no way

TA: hey iit2 cool wiith me iif you dont

TA: ii ju2t wont fiix your hu2ktop

Eridan weighed his options. On one hand, he had Sollux Captor seeing him in drag. Not too bad, unless Sollux used it as blackmail, which was highly possible. However, if he didn't do it, he would never get the damned husktop working again. He'd probably get so frustrated that he'd blast it to hell with his 'science' wand. Eridan growled and gritted his teeth.

TA: hello?

CA: fine fuckass. you win. get ovver here and fix the damn thing.

TA: that2 what ii liike to hear. 2ee you iin a few eriidan.

twinArmageddons has ceased trolling caligulasAquarium

"FUCK!" Eridan shouted, slamming his fist on the desk and making the husktop clatter.

His head found its way to his hands and he sat there for a moment, defeated, before realising that Sollux would be there shortly. Grumbling under his breath, he walked to his room and dug through the pile of dirty and clean clothing in the corner before pulling out one of the arm sleeves.

"Looks like I'm in the right place," he said, sighing, before returning to his dig. In ten minutes, he had found everything except one of the hair ties, which annoyed him to no end.

'I guess the fucker's gotta deal with one ponytail. Maybe I'll do bangs,' he thought to himself.

Soon, he had wriggled into the mini skirt and slid on the arm sleeves, put his hair up into ONE ponytail 'take that, lowblood. What, you thought I had a stutter in my thoughts? RUDE.' Just as Eridan had finished applying the lipstick, he heard the front door open and slam closed.

"Oh honey, I'm home!" Sollux yelled.

"Fuck off, loser!" Eridan shouted back.

"Is that any way to treat your kithmethith? Wait, never mind," he joked and he strolled into the kitchen. Eridan walked in behind him, as quietly as possible and shadowed Sollux as he placed a bag of… food, he guessed, on the counter.


"Jegus christ, Eridan!" Sollux yelped, whirling around to meet the other troll, before noticing his get-up and taking it all in.

"Fuck… it kinda thcareth me that you know how to apply lipthtick, ED…" he said, trying to keep his mind in check.

"Wwhatever. Just fix the husktop."

"Oh, but I brought food, unleth you wished to dine upon wandth," Sollux said as he gestured towards that bag.

"I already ate, but I brought you thomething to hopefully fill out thothe curveth, becauthe frankly, you're lacking," he joked as he slapped Eridan's ass, walking to the husktop.

"Wwell fuck you too," Eridan mumbled, seriously considering that food.

"I'm gonna work on that huthktop now. I highly thuggetht you eat that. It'th from my favourite rethtaraunt." Eridan, in all of his sassy drag-princess pride, eyed the food suspiciously as Sollux left the room before opening it up and finding some food he was unfamiliar with, but with one bite he found that the food quite pleased his palate.

After about 20 minutes, Eridan had finished the food and Sollux called out "Hey ED, I'm done."

"Great, noww leavve." Sollux rose to meet Eridan and gripped his chin very tightly.

"Oh, and after you went through the trouble to dreth up for me? Not likely," he smirked. Eridan growled. He did not want to be fucked again, but he could hardly top when dressed as a girl. Sollux grinned before mouths were shoved together, crushing lips and smearing Eridan's lipstick(never thought you'd hear that line, did you?).

"Where'd you get cherry flavoured lipstick?"


That matter pushed to the side, sloppy makeouts were once again taken part in, but this time it was just going to be in the kitchen, nothing fancy like a pile of wands. Out came Eridan's pony tail. Sollux's hands roamed along the exposed skin Eridan had made sure was there, what with the crop top. They disconnected to pull off Sollux's tee-shirt.

"Tho, thweet-cheekth, you wearin' anything underneath that skirt of yourth?"

"Wwouldn't you like to knoww?"

"Oh, but I wwould," Sollux said, mimicking Eridan's stutter.

"Fuck you", he seethed.

"Gladly." Open mouths reconnected and tongues fought for dominance. Strands of saliva dripped from the sloppy kisses but neither seemed to care. After groping around a bit, Sollux found that the girly outfit came complete with panties.

"Nggh, Sol, cut it out." Sollux ran his tongue down Eridan's jawline and stopped at a collarbone. Eridan made the loveliest of sounds when Sollux sucked on it, and before he knew it, there was a hickey. This gave him the idea to plant them all over Eridan's shoulders and neck. Eridan couldn't help but enjoy this attention. He didn't get it that often, really. He relished every press of the lips and every flick of the tongue he could get, even if it came from a kismesis. Sollux seemed to be enjoying this, too.

"ED, up," he commanded, squeezing the ass underneath the skirt to let Eridan know to jump up to the counter, which he did.

"I need you up higher, you're too short. Now thtrip."

"Wwhat do you think this is? A strip club? No wway." Sollux smiled before reaching up and putting Eridan's wrists together above his head where he couldn't use them. He tugged up the crop top and used it as a makeshift pair of handcuffs and hooked it onto the handles of the cupboard.

"Alright, noww wwhat, Captor?" Eridan practically spat.

"Now I teathe you." And before Eridan could say anything, Sollux placed his mouth over a nipple and his hand on the other one. The last hand went underneath the skirt. Eridan squirmed and made little noises that was driving Sollux crazy.

"Sooll~" Sollux could feel his bulge unsheathing and he decided that was enough. Eridan was unhooked from the cabinet and Sollux's pants were unbuttoned and yanked down far enough that his bulge was free.

"Tell me what you want me to do to you," Sollux growled before clamping down on Eridan's shoulder.

"F-Fuck, Sol, I'm not gonna talk dirty to ya- ah!"

"Tell me." Eridan gulped audibly, trying to keep his moans in check so as to talk dirty to Sollux.

"I wwant you to fuck me into the counter. So I can't wwalk for another wweek," he snarled. Sollux gave in, pulled aside Eridan's panties(Sweet Jegus what am I writing here?!), and shoved in with both bulges, not giving Eridan any warning.

Eridan tossed his head backwards and keened before clamping his hand over his mouth. Jegus fuck, did he just KEEN? Did he just fucking keen?!

It didn't even matter anymore because Sollux had begun to move, guiding Eridan's hips up and down as they reached a steady rhythm. It was a good thing that Sollux was against a wall, because otherwise his knees might buckle from the sensations rocketing through combined with the weight of Eridan, which really wasn't all that much. Anyway. Back to smut.

Eridan knew he was close. He could feel it, but he needed a little push in the right direction. Suddenly, Sollux hit something and he yelled. Yup, that was a push in the right direction. He bit at his lip to stay quieter, breaking the skin in approximately that same place as the last time.

"D-Damn, Sol…"


"Pretty soon I'mmunna-aah!" He tried, but Sollux had yanked him down particularly hard and hit that special spot , causing an immediate orgasm on the receiving end. Eridan's back arched and Sollux knew he wouldn't hold on much longer either. They both rode out their orgasms before collapsing on the kitchen floor, breathing heavily, all energy gone.

"Eridan, where'th your bucket?"

"Already been collected."

"Fuck, so how are we getting thith clean?"

"We showwer and then YOU mop it up."

"Me? Why me?"

"You started the whole 'fucking me senseless' thing."

"The fuck wath that good huh?" Sollux said with a cocky tone.

"Shut up."

"Oh, and I notithed."

"Noticed wwhat?"

"You were mithing a ponty tail."

The end! Again! I seem to enjoy ending fuck scenes with awkward humor. Does it transition okay? Never mind. You guys had better like this one because I stayed up all night writing it. Like, seriously, I'm writing this at one in the morning. Well, I guess I'm off to my recuperacoon.
