Author's note:This fic takes place right after Zero saves the Empress Tianzi in Code Geass R2 Episode 11. Anya may be a little OOC in this fiction. This is my first fic ever. Please review,and feel free to make suggestions.

Chapter 1:Sweet Infatuation

I was exhausted from today's rigorous activities. Playing games with my elder brother Schneizel,avoiding an assasination attempt by Nina,setting up the consulate members and saving the Empress Tianzi. To come think of it,I was so close of losing to Xing Ke and losing my own life. How ironic,I have taken the lives of many with no regard for humanity while I myself am afraid to lose my own life. With Rakshata's new Knightmare frame,the Shinkiro,I was able to save the empress and win over Xing Ke's trust. However,Kallen comes in play. I may have won over a dauntless and cunning warrior in Xing Ke,but I lost the ace pilot of the Black Knights. Dammit! I wasn't able to save her! But I won't give up. I won't stop until I have taken her back. I swear.I shouldn't think about her right now,she is important,but I am facing other problems will have to wait.

"Zero,what should we do?If Xing Ke and the Empress are to marry,then we will establish an allegiance with the Chinese Federation." Diethard explained.

"No!Master Zero you can't do this! They must decide for themselves! Love is a very powerful emotion that can change the world! You can't just force them to marry if they don't love each other!" Kaguya exclaimed.

"C.C.?" I turned to C.C..

"She has a point." C.C. answered with a smug smile adorning her lips.

"What?Zero,you can't do this!We need to establish an allegience with the Chinese Federation!" Diethard contrasted.

"Hey,back off buddy! "Nagisa blurted out.

"Buddy?I am a staff officer!" Diethard stated.

"Hey Zero,what are we gonna do about th-Oh,you're not finished yet huh? "Tamaki interrupted. Excellent timing,Tamaki.

"No,let's go."

"Zero?!You can't just leave!" Diethard spoke.

"Tamaki's matters are important as well." I bluffed,using Tamaki as an excuse to think about what I should with Xing Ke and the empress.

Tamaki and I walked down the stairs to a secluded area. I went inside a room while he stayed at the door. Tamaki started talking.

"Hey Zero,you understand me right? It's just that,if you don't give me power,I won't get respect from any of the new guys."


"It's alright man,you're like my best buddy!"

I shut the door quietly and let him ramble. I flipped out my phone and saw that Shirley was calling. I quickly answered the call,as to not raise suspicion.


"Hi,Lulu. Look about the-"

"Wait,Shirley,what is love?"


"Yeah. Can you explain it to me on your point of view?"

" is a feeling of desire. It's passion for someone whom you care about deeply. Love is when you go crazy if you see them,you feel butterflies in your stomach,you glow if you're with them and most importantly-you feel that their happiness is your happiness. It doesn't matter what happens to you,what matters is that they're happy,because when they are,you are too. Simply because you love them." My eyes widened at Shirley's words. She was right. I feel the same way about Nunnally. I became Zero for her sake,to create a world where she can live happily.

"Thanks Shirley! I'm really glad that I talked to you. Bye!" I quickly ended the call and scuttled outside.

I approached the empress and told her my descision.

"Empress Tianzi,your fate,lies within your hands! Your fate shall be decided by you,and only you. For our most powerful weapon is the human heart! And the heart can never be taught how to love a person. It just decides for itself. And the same thing should be done about this!" I cried.

The empress looked up at me and smiled. Xing Ke also grinned and held out his hand. "So,this is what kind of man you are,Zero." He commented as I shook his hand.

Since business has been taken care of,I flew back to Ashford using my knightmare. I instructed Tohdoh,Ohgi and C.C. to take charge while I was away in case something happens. It took about an hour to reach my destination. I left my knightmare in the underground facilities of the O.S.I.. I was met by Rolo and Sayoko at the aquarium.

"Welcome home,Lelouch!" Rolo cried.

"Welcome home,Master Lelouch." Sayoko greeted.

" feels good to be ,did something happen while I was away?"

"Nothing of immediate concern,master."

I took my bags and headed to the my residence. I showered up,brushed my teeth and plopped down on my bed.
Morning came,I cleaned myself and got dressed in my uniform. It has been a while since I last wore this uniform. I wonder what Sayoko did while I was away. I entered the school building and found Shirley leaning by the wall while looking down on the floor. I approached her to find out what's wrong with her.

"Shirley? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Lulu..." She trailed. "About what happened yesterday..."

"Yesterday?" I heard a click go off. I looked to my left and saw...what the hell?

"Good morning...Lelouch Lamperouge." Anya greeted monotonously.

"It's Anya! The Knight of Six!" Rolo blurted out.

"Hey! We've been waiting for you! You're the vice president right? It is an honor!" Gino exclaimed. What is going on? Why are the Knights of the Round in school,not to mention wearing uniforms! Don't tell me that...

"Not so formal now." Rivalz said.

"Oh,right. Anyway,we both just enrolled here in Ashford. And,uh...while we're here,we request that our social status be ignored." Gino informed.

"They said that they wanted to experience how it feels like to be a normal student." Milly added.

"So I'm teaching them how to talk." Rivalz said.

"I am really looking forward to this...old man." Gino said as he patted me on the shoulder.

"Right..." Was all that I could say.

The day went by like a blur. Before I knew it,classes were dismissed. However,Shirley was acting so weird the whole day. She wasn't her usual bubbly,cheerful self. She did mention something about what happened between us "yesterday",and that's exactly what I'm going to find out. I went to the O.S.I. control room and replayed the camera footage from the time I left for the wedding reception until I arrived. I reviewed the activity board as each footage replayed. While I reviewed everything,my mind went back to Gino and Anya. They've become members of the student council in a day. This ought to be fun. My thoughts were interrupted when I came across something that made my eyes widen like plates.

"Wh...what were you saying? That...Shirley and I were..." I stuttered as I turned to Sayoko to clarify that I wasn't hallucinating.

"Yes,it's true,Shirley and you were kissing."

"What?!" Rolo blurted out.

"I wasn't wrong in doing that was I? I was afraid that she might discover this control room. So I thought that that's what I should do in your character."

"Bad were mistaken there." No wonder Shirley was acting so differently. Argh...I have to fix this...soon.

"Sayoko,I told you already! You were acting too nice as a stand in!" Rolo spat out.

"No,apart from that,she did a great job in covering up for me. I just have to make some adjustments." I said.

"Master Lelouch,here's your schedule for tomorrow's activities." Sayoko announced as she handed me a digital log book.

"Tomorrow?" Rolo and Sayoko continued their 'friendly' conversation as I browsed my schedule. I almost dropped the log book in shock.

"Sayoko! Wh-what's with the schedule?!"

"You are scheduled for twenty-eight dates with twenty-eight different women. Fourteen of them are waiting for cancellation,and about sixteen of them have already been in the wait list for six months." Sayoko explained.

"Sayoko,I appreciate everything you've done for me,but time,don't make it hard for me okay?" I pleaded. Tomorrow's going to be a long day. According to the schedule,I only have five hours allotted for sleeping,which means I'll more or less be a dead man walking by tomorrow.

After Sayoko explained everything to me,I decided to return to my private quarters. Once I got there,I looked out the window. I looked up the sky and saw countless stars scattered all around the luminous moon. I was captivated by its beauty,that I decided to go outside and enjoy the evening. I went to my closet,grabbed a jacket and headed outside. I slipped the jacket on before I headed out the door. This proved to be a good move since immediately after I opened the door,I was greeted by the cool breeze.

I walked down the campus grounds,since I am inside the campus,there's really nothing to be afraid of. Light posts were scattered all over the campus,providing light for the walk ways. I kept looking around in awe,I haven't done this in a long time that I probably don't even remember the last time I did this. The night was silent,as if it was non-existent. The eerie silence of the tranquil night calmed my nerves and helped me forget about my problems at the moment. As I continued walking,I caught sight of the shrine. It was well lit,and there appears to be a person sitting on the stairs. I wondered who it was,yet maybe I shouldn't bother whoever he/she was. In the end,my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to approach the person.

When I closed in and my vision cleared up,I realized that it was Anya Alstreim,the Knight of Six. I didn't want to be nosy,or I shouldn't be nosy. She is my enemy,I have no business with her what so ever. Another idea popped out of my mind though. What if I use my geass on her? I can turn her against Britannia,I can manipulate her,I can even squeeze out some useful intel from her since she is a Knight of the Round. That would give me some leverage against my opposition. I looked at her and prepared to use my geass. However,when I saw her face...I just felt...sad.

She was sitting on the steps,hugging her knees to her chest,and just staring on the pavement. The look on her face seemed...distant,somehow eerie...or befuddled. Somehow I wondered,isn't she cold? She's just wearing her Knights of the Round uniform,which practically didn't cover that much skin. I felt chills run down my spine at the sight of Anya sitting out here in the cold. I suddenly felt the urge that I should go and offer my jacket to her,sinc-What? What's wrong with me? Why do I feel pity towards her? I should let her freeze to death. She is my enemy anyway. I prepared to walk away,but for some reason,my legs wouldn't move.

It was as if my body felt numb just seeing Anya out here in the cold. I can't just leave her here. Somehow,I felt like an idiot thinking about even leaving her here. Deep down,I felt that it's my duty to help her. Wait,since when did I care about what others feel? Especially about what my enemies feel? Argh,to hell with that,I'm gonna do what I have to do. I slowly approached her,feeling a bit nervous since I didn't know what to say to her. As I went nearer,she looked up at me,her face neutral,she must've heard my footsteps. I gathered up all the courage I could muster and sat down beside her.

"Lady Anya,what are you doing here?" I asked formally. I looked at her,trying to read her expression. She looked at me before answering.

"Lelouch Lamperouge?"

"Um,yes milady,it's me."

"Nothing...just...thinking about things." She replied to my question earlier.

"Well,with all due respect milady,this isn't really the best place to think. Not only is it late in the evening,but the climate's freezing." I retorted.
She just nodded in reply. She looked up the sky and just stared into the distance. Well,if she won't do anything about her situation,then I guess I'll have to. I unzipped my jacket,removed it and wrapped it around her shoulders. She looked at me as I coated her with my garment.

"There,that should do it." The whole time I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders,I could feel her eyes on me. Oh great,now she probably thinks that I'm an idiot. "Wouldn't want to get sick now,do we?" I joked as I looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you,Lelouch." She thanked as the corner of her lips started to stretch upward. It was the smallest of smiles,but under the hood,it was still a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her,for no reason.

"Nice night,eh?" I commented as I looked up the star-studded skies once again.


"I almost forgot how it feels like to go star gazing." I mused.

"Star...gazing?" Anya asked as she once again looked at me.

I looked at here again and replied. "Yeah,star-gazing. You know? Staying up late at night,staying outside,waiting for the stars to show one by one,and just watch the magic unfold." At the back of my mind,I wondered-Hasn't Anya gone star gazing yet? I mean,really?

"I never thought of doing that." She that sucks.

"You mean you've never tried star gazing before?"

"I...don't know. Atleast...I don't remember ever doing that." She answered hesitantly. She doesn't remember? What? I looked at her and she looked pale,giving her a gloomy aura. It was as if she was the sadddest person on Earth right now. That's how she looked.

"What do you don't remember?"

"I...I..." She stuttered. I looked at her when she started to stutter. She was looking at the pavement,just staring down the cold,hard floor. My heart ached at the sight. Maybe she too had a very forgettable childhood. I rested my hand on her shoulder. I lighty squeezed her shoulder,telling her that I was indeed listening.

"What's wrong milady?" I asked in a gentle voice. I was surprised with myself. I rarely speak like this to anyone,especially to my enemies. But,for some reason,I really wanted to get inside Anya's pandora box.

"It's just that...I...I don't have memories." She whispered. As she answered my question,it lead to more questions. Why doesn't she have memories? What happened to her? She hung her head low the whole time,making me more curious about what really hides behind that beautiful,yet passive face. Whoa,wait a minute! Why did I just think of that? Something's wrong with me.

"Y-you...don't have...memories?" I repeated,I did it primarily because I couldn't believe what I just heard and that I wanted to make sure that I wasn't hearing the wrong thing. Anya tilted her head slowly,reiterating what she just said. Man,must be tough. Somewhere along the line,I remembered Nunnally. Yes,what happened to Anya and to Nunnally are two completely different things. Nunnally was blinded and was crippled because of the assassination of my beloved mother. While Anya,on the other hand,lost her memories for some reason. Under the hood,both of them lost something precious. My sister lost her ability to see and walk,and Anya lost her memories. They lost something that more or less they can never regain. Even if she is my enemy,that she doesn't show emotion often,she is still human. And humans have feelings no matter what.

"You really have no memories? Even just a gyst of a memory? You don't remember anything?" I croaked out. I really couldn't believe it. I always looked at memories as something very important. Because,at the end of the day,memories are all you have when the bastards have taken everything else. It's one of the few things that you can keep with you for a lifetime. Memories may be distant,but if you cherish those memories,they will remain in your heart until the day you die. Somehow,some way,I kinda felt that she went through a more hellish childhood than Nunnally and I did. Because Nunnally and I had memories of the joyous moments of our childhood,whilst Anya doesn't have any.

Anya just shook her head. I squeezed her shoulder once again,in a desire to comfort her and to let her know that everything was gonna be okay.

"To come think of it,there is one memory that I remember clearly." Anya spoke up.

"What kind of memory?"

"A memory...of someone...someone very special to me."

"Someone?" I sounded like a girl who was looking for some fresh gossips with my tone.

"Yes." Anya closed her eyes for a minute. It appears that she was trying to remember who that person was,or what made him so important to her. Eventually,she opened her eyes,then she spoke. "I remember,when I was just six years old,I met a boy. He had black hair,purple eyes,and he always had a smile on his face. He was so kind to me. One day,I was sent to the Imperial Palace as an apprentice for proper ettiquette. Once my lessons were done,my teacher instructed me to go along and play with the royal children." My eyes widened as she said that...royal children? I decided to shut my mouth and let her finish. "I didn't know what to do,I didn't know how am I supposed to ask the royal children if I could play with them. I was so shy and nervous. Still,I slowly approached the playing children. There were three of them,two girls and one boy,playing a rather foreign game. I just stood there,not knowing how to approach them. After a minute or two,the boy turned to me and approached me."

"Hey,wanna play with us?" The boy asked,who was likely to be a prince.

"Um,sure." I replied.

"What's your name?" He asked as he smiled at me.

"Anya." I replied,smiling back at him.

"We're playing role-play!" A brown haired girl exclaimed.

"Yeah,I'm the mother,he's the father and she's the daughter. So can be a daughter too I guess." A pink haired girl informed.

"Hey! You've been the mother already! Why can't I be the mother?" The brunette protested.

"So? There's nothing wrong with that. You can be the mother the next time we play."

"But I don't want to wait until next time!"

"Why not let Anya be the mother?" The prince interjected. The princesses stopped arguing and just stared at me. The prince got down on one knee and pulled out a small silver ring. "Anya,will you marry me?"

I smiled at him before I gave him my reply. "Yes."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it as he slipped the finger into my ring finger. When he stood up,I can feel the two princesses staring daggers of jealousy at me.

"On second thought..."I trailed.

"Will you two stop acting like brats!" He cried. The girls stopped arguing after he spoke.

"You should be the mother,Anya."

"Yeah,you should."

We continued to play throughout the next hour. Eventually,the pink haired girl attended dancing lessons and the other girl had piano lessons,leaving the prince and I alone in the garden. We walked together in the garden,engaging in a light-hearted conversation while we were at it. But something kept bothering me. Why is he so kind to me? He hasn't even known me for a long time,yet he's so kind and caring towards me. It bugged me so much that I just had to ask him.

"Um...your highness?"


"Why did you defend me back there when they got angry with me for playing as the mother?"

"Because they're just being brats. I won't let anyone and anything hurt my friends,especially not over something childish as that."

"So,I am your friend?"

"Of course you are."

After she shared her flashback of what could possibly be her only memory of her childhood,I was consumed by shock. Everything that she said sounded familiar. Her,playing with the royal children,walking around the palace grounds with a prince. It all sounds familiar...and the biggest sell-out was the fact that they were playing a role- play! When Nunnally,Euphie and I were younger,we used to play role- play on the garden. It was just like as Anya said,I was played as the father and Nunnally and Euphie would take turns as the daughter or as the mother. I remember playing the game with another girl,and just like Anya said,the first time she played with us,I did ask that girl to play as the mother. I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I asked her to marry me and she said yes. We became real close friends after that. Everyday she would visit me in the garden and we would talk about everything the entire day. So does this mean can't be,it can't be her.

"Since then,I always played with them,especially with him. I always walked with him in the Imperial Garden,I always talked to him about whatever was on my mind,I always cried on his shoulder whenever I needed to,and he even comforted me whenever I was sad. I was so happy that I met him. Even if my parents died,I didn't feel sad and lonely,because I had him by my side." She started to choke on her words. I looked at her and was saddened. She was crying,as if she was remembering the pain that she felt when her friend left her. I never knew that the Knight of Six had a side like this. I wanted to comfort her,just tell her that everything's gonna be okay. Instead,I allowed her to continue her story.

"Time passed,we became the closest of friends but deep down...he wasn't just a friend to me. I started to feel something for him...something that I can't name until this very second. I never wanted to be separated from him ever again. But one day,he and his sister left the homeland. I asked everyone in the palace about his whereabouts. Everyone said that he was just going to take care of some business and will come back home shortly. I waited for him...but he never returned. I cried day and night,wishing that even for just a second,I'd be given a chance to be in his arms again. Eventually,I forgot about him,but my feelings for him still remain."

She is crying openly now. I can't handle this. I moved closer to her,draped one arm around her shoulder and started to rub her arm. I used my other hand to get my handkerchief and to wipe her tears away. Somehow,I felt nostalgic doing this to her. I used to do this for my friend when I was younger. To come think of it,it was just like what Anya said-her friend would comfort her. Is it just mere coincidence that I used to do this for a friend and that she used to be comforted like this by her friend? Is she talking about me? If she is,then why can't I remember her? Or I do remember,I'm just not sure if that girl is Anya. I cooed gentle words into her ear. I kept telling her that everything's going to be okay and that I will be here for her.

"Everything's going to be okay,milady. I'll be here for you,I promise. I'll stand by your side,just like your friend did for you. I'll never leave you,never. Not if I can help it." I promised. She just nodded in reply. I've never been this gentle to anyone before,well apart from Nunnally that is. To me,it didn't matter if Anya is a Knight of the Round,I'll take care of her now. I just felt like I'm supposed to do this for her. I rarely promise anyone anything,but when I do,I see to it that I fulfill that promise,just like what I'm going to do for Anya.

I continued to look at her until her cries subsided. I don't know why I'm thinking this but,she looks beautiful right now. Her skin,illuminated by the moonlight made her look like an angel. Even if she's crying right now,she still looks very beautiful. I looked into her eyes and got lost. Two gems of ruby,they look ferocious,as if they're ready to fight,but deep down,they just wanted to be consoled.

Eventually,she stopped crying. My arm was still draped around her shoulder,and I was still rubbing her arms. This emotional outburst opened the floodgates within her. She must've been hiding this for a very long time now. And she just opened it up to me...somehow,I felt honored and happy that she decided to share this with me.

"Th-thank you,Lelouch." She thanked as she looked at me in the eyes. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying.

"Not a problem,milady."

"Please...just call me Anya."

"Very well,Anya." I liked the feeling when I pronounced her name. I couldn't help but smile at her. Not a forced smile,but a gentle smile,a smile that I've shown to Nunnally only,until now. She smiled back at me,this time,a full smile. Her appearance,which was illuminated by the moonlight,and her smile,that looked so gentle,made her look like the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in my life. I was absolutely stunned at her angelic appearance.

However,no matter how beautiful she looked,I still couldn't help but think about her current state. She has no memories. She has one memory of a prince of Britannia,but he left her. My blood boiled at the memory. How could someone hurt such a beautiful person? Then,I came up with an idea. Since I only have dates tomorrow,and no classes,this might work out.

"Anya," I started.

"Hm?" We were maintaining eye contact,making me nervous at what I'm about to say.

"Would you like to out with me tomorrow?" I invited. Man,I must sound like a nerd who's asking a girl out for the first time in his life. I noticed that Anya's cheeks started to turn red after I asked her. Is she...blushing? Nah,maybe I'm just seeing things. A minute of silence passed between us,she was so silent that I thought she wouldn't answer me. I was afraid that she was gonna leave me hanging.

But nonetheless,she smiled and replied. "Sure." I don't know why,but I almost jumped for joy when she said that. I couldn't help but smile at her even more. What the hell is going on with me? I just asked out a Knight of the Round!

"I'll meet you here around ten,how's that sound?" I asked. She just smiled and nodded. Woah,I can't believe this. I am going out on a DATE,with a KNIGHT OF THE ROUND. It looks so wrong doing this,since we're sworn enemies,but it feels so right. I tried to conceal a huge grin but failed miserably.

I didn't want the night to end yet,but I really had to go to sleep. Not because I don't want to be with Anya,or because I have a date tomorrow,it's just that,I haven't slept properly for the last 72 hours.

"Anya, have to go now." I announced. She hung her head low when I said that. Aw,dammit.

"Do you really have to?" She whispered inaudibly. Aw man...

"Stay...please,stay with me." She begged as she looked at me and held my hand which was rubbing her arm. Oh man...she's just too cute. I decided to stay with her.

I sighed and spoke. "Okay."

With this she smiled again,and thanked me. "Thank you."

I just smiled back in reply. She let go of my hand,much to my disappointment,but she left my arm draped around her. I didn't want to remove it,it felt nice there. Slowly,she started to move closer to me. She tried to make it appear that she wasn't doing anything,in reality she was trying to move closer. Cute. She didn't notice,but I was looking at her the entire time. In fact,her cheeks started to turn beet red. So she really is blushing.

We remained silent for the rest of the evening. We sat there at the steps,just gazing at the stars. Actually,what we did was quite nostalgic as well. We went star-gazing together,the last time I ever went star-gazing with anynone else was when I was with my mother. Well,I did go with Nunnally but she wasn't able to see the stars. As I was lost in my train of thought,I suddenly felt something rest on my shoulder. I looked down and saw Anya sleeping soundly. I blushed at the picture. Anya was resting her head on my right shoulder and my right arm was draped all over her right shoulder. I smiled down at her,enjoying the sight of a beautiful young woman sleeping on my shoulder. I gazed at the stars a little more,thinking about where do Anya and I go from here.

I am Zero,she is the Knight of Six. I can't possibly be developing feelings for her,can I? It's just not possible. Even if we return each others' feelings,it won't work out. Once she finds out that I'm Zero,it's all over. She'll kill me,and I have to do the same to her. I don't know what happened between us tonight. Her emotional outburst also opened the floodgates of my feelings. I wasn't myself earlier,I made a promise to an enemy,a promise to protect her. How can I do that when I AM her enemy. How can I protect her when I'm the one who's supposed to slay her? But,I made a promise,and I'll see to it through the end. Maybe Lelouch will protect her,but Zero will do otherwise. I didn't want to think about it,no,not tonight,I'll rest for tonight.

A few moments later,I decided to go home to get some sleep. And then,I remembered Anya. I can't just leave her here and expect someone to bring her home. I guess I should bring her home. Oh wait...I don't even know where she lives. I'll just have to ask her.

"Anya,anya." I whispered as I gently tapped her awake. She groaned a few times,before cuddling deeper into my chest. It's no use. I have to think of another solution.

An idea popped out of my mind,but it would be too suspicious,especially since Rolo's at home. I don't have a choice do I? Well,I guess she's staying with me for the night. I held her close to me,stood up and carried her in the threshold. I blushed at the picture. If I were wearing a tuxedo and she was wearing a gown,we'd look like a newly-married couple. All thoughts aside,I lifted her,gently cradling her head to my chest and went home. I sneaked in the house,as to not awake Rolo. The lights are off,signaling that he is asleep. I went to my room,laid her down on the bed and tucked her in the covers.

As I tucked her in,she sighed and hugged the covers tighter. I couldn't help but smile at the action. I went on and prepared myself for bed. After cleaning my self,I sat up pillows on the floor,laid down an extra sheet and grabbed an extra blanket. Once everything was set,I approached the bed and knelt down in front of the sleeping Anya. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and just looked at her. Don't worry Anya,I won't break my promise to you,I swear. I got up and lied down on my makeshift bed. A few minutes later,I drifted off to sleep with a peaceful smile on my face.