Hey guys! This is a little one shot I thought of and just had to write it. See you at the bottom.

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything…

It was an average day in the Fenton house. The Fentons were currently cleaning up after dinner. "I'll be in my room" Danny quickly says before running off. With Danny gone it was only Jazz, Jack and Maddie left in the kitchen. "Hey guys?" Jazz begins awkwardly. Maddie looked up halfway drying a plate and Jack put down his screwdriver from his invention.

"What is it Jazzy pants? Is it about ghosts!?" Jack's voice boomed. "Jack clam down" Jazz smiled at her parents nervously. "Actually it kind of is…" she trailed off looking away for a moment. Jack looked very eager and was practically jumping on his seat. Well he was bouncing in his chair and the poor chair looked like it was about to break any second now.

"You know your whole 'every ghost is evil' theory?" she asked. "Jazz it's not a theory. All ghosts are evil. No questions asked" she turned back to cleaning the dishes. "Yeah they're nothing but ecto scum!" Jack yelled happily.

"Then what will happen if me or Danny die and become ghosts? Would you think we're evil?" Maddie stopped cleaning and Jack stopped looking excited. "Of course not! If you two were ghosts you would never be evil!" Maddie exclaimed putting down her towel and the plate she was working on. "But didn't you say all ghosts were evil? Wouldn't that include us if we were ghosts?" she questioned half smirking.

Jack and Maddie were both speechless and were staring at Jazz dumbly. Jazz crossed her arms and stared expectantly at her parents. "I guess that means that maybe not all ghosts are evil" Maddie said reluctantly. Jazz started smirking as her parents retreated to the lab. The moment the door closes, crossed her arms and smiled. "Danny I know your there" she said without even turning around. She heard a sigh as Danny, in phantom form, appeared behind her floating in mid-air. He landed and transformed human as he sat next to Jazz.

"Heard what they said?" Danny nodded half smiling. "I guess that may mean they would stop shooting first, ask questions never" he joked as he yawned. "Get to bed ghost boy" Jazz ruffled his hair as a cool blue mist left Danny's mouth. "No chance of that" he joked transforming and started phasing out of the ceiling. Jazz shook her head as she yawned herself and headed to bed.

Well here it is! Hope you liked it. And by the way I heard from another fanfic, that the group SOPA is back. Since I only joined this year I don't know who they are but I don't want them to take away what we have here. Although what I heard may not be true, I choose to believe it because it will affect all of us here on Fanfiction. Please spread the word and you can see where I found this from chapter 14 of the story Darkness Rising – The Enemy Within by Zgogery and chapter 10 of the story Legendary by Clockwork's apprentice. Even though I'm not in America I will still choose to believe it.