Wow October already?! Where has this year gone? Anyway sorry for the lack of updates…life, work etc. etc. If you are still reading (and I hope you are) I thank you sincerely. Hopefully things will settle down a bit once I move to the new house very soon. Anyway…on with the story! Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: If NCISLA was owned by me, there is no way Kensi and Deeks would ever be split up. Instead they would be together in bed.



Sam contacted some of his friends he had at the SEALS to organise a meet up regarding Ethan Matthews. He was looking forward to catching up with a few of his partners but the circumstances that he and Callen were primarily there was disconcerting. Sam was always Navy straight to the point of obsessiveness. He prided himself on his Navy training and constantly reminded others in the NCIS team of his skills.

"Nice to be home again Sam?" Callen smiled at his partner.

Sam nodded, "Wish it wasn't about Ethan Matthews though. I just need one minute with him to let him know just what I think of him" he growled.

"Well hopefully you'll get that chance soon. Who are we meeting with again?"

"Major Jarred Tomkins. He was my one of my training partners and a good friend of mine. He's got his ears to the ground so if anyone would know about Matthews, it's Jarred".

Sam parked the Challenger outside the main building and he and Callen strode up the stairs, opening the large doors and walking to the main reception desk. They pulled out their NCIS identification wallets and flashed them to the young female officer at the desk.

"Special Agent Sam Hanna and Special Agent Callen to see Major Jarred Tomkins please" Sam smiled to Jessica.

"Oh of course. The Major is expecting you Agent Hanna. I will just let him know you are here. Take a seat just over there" Jessica warmly smiled and pointed to the group of five chairs over by the window.

A couple of minutes later the oak door behind Jessica clicked open and a tall, muscled man came striding out, hand extended for a handshake.

"Sam Hanna! Good to see you buddy. How are things in the NCIS world?" Jarred laughed.

"I sometimes think Bosnia was a hell of a lot easier than dealing with the paperwork after catching the bad guys we go after and closing the case" Sam chuckled.

Callen stood to the side, observing the warmth and friendly banter between the two men. Callen noted that Jarred seemed to be a Caucasian version of Sam. Tall, tough and strongly principled.

"Jarred this is my partner, Agent G Callen" Sam nodded his head to his partner.

"Pleased to meet you Agent Callen" Jarred strongly grasped Callen's hand.

"Likewise and please call me Callen. Sam is always recalling his days with the SEALS. It's getting a little irritating" Callen smirked.

"No doubt. Sam was always one to be a bragger about how SEALS do it better than anyone else" Jarred winked.

"I do not brag" Sam grumbled.

"Sure you don't Sam" Callen nodded knowingly along with Jarred, "Anyway Sam isn't the reason we are here"

"Ah yes Ethan Matthews. I spoke to a few people around who either worked under him or with him. They all said he was pretty high strung, determined. Very strong minded" Jarred said.

"Could he be one to turn traitor against his own country?" Callen asked.

"It's possible" Jarred nodded, noting Sam's discomfort at hearing that, "Ethan, according to files was an excellent soldier. A sharp shooter on the range. However on his last return from duty there was a sense of change in him. He spoke more harshly about the navy and the SEALS and one day he just didn't report in for duty. Along with five others who served with him who have also gone AWOL"

"Did he get checked on?" Sam asked.

"Yes. We sent a few of ours to his house. All his uniform gear was still there. It looks like his laptop, phone and a duffle bag of some clothing were all he took before he went AWOL" Jarred explained.

"What about weapons?" asked Callen

Jarred grimaced, "We did an arms check after he didn't report in with the others we got a little…uncertain about his state of mind"

"Oh don't tell me" Sam mumbled.

"Unfortunately several navy issue rifles, hand guns and explosives were stolen a month after his disappearance"

"Okay not great news. If you can send us details of exactly what weapons are missing we would appreciate it" Callen stood and shook Jarred's hand.

"I'm sorry Sam, I wish this hadn't happened" Jarred shook his head.

"Me too Jarred. Thanks for your time" Sam nodded.

Callen and Sam collected the weapons list from Jessica as they walked out, back to the Challenger, Sam's scowl growing larger on his face.

"Sam, listen we'll get him" Callen tried to reassure.

"We better. I got a bad feeling about Ethan Matthews, G"

"Hey he's up against us. He hasn't got a chance" Callen smirked.

"Hey Kensi, am I really your last resort guy?" Deeks asked with a pout, as they drove along.

Rolling her eyes, she turned to her partner, "Is someone's ego bruised?"

"No…I…okay can I be honest?"

Kensi shrugged, "Go ahead"

"Oh…okay, well you are not my last resort girl. I would say you are my first resort girl"

"What does that mean?" Kensi frowned, before turning and smirking at Deeks, "Oh My God! You haven't done it in a while have you?"

"Not with the one I want to do it with" he shrugged, "Nothing wrong with waiting for that special girl"

"Does this girl even know you are interested in her?"

"I'm pretty sure she feels it too. She's just scared of her feelings. She acts all tough and acts like she doesn't give a damn on the outside but inside I think she really does care about me"

"Maybe she does care about you but I don't think she's scared"

"No?" Deeks arched his eyebrow, "Then what do you think is holding her back?"

"Knowing that he does care about her"

"So she is scared" Deeks exclaimed.

"Wary…she's wary" Kensi stated firmly.

"There's lots of things she should be wary of, but me is not one of them" Deeks looked at Kensi, "And neither should she be wary of her feelings for me"

Kensi sighed, "Why can't these sorts of things be easier?"

"By things you mean love or relationships or dating?" Deeks chuckled.

"All of the above. Everything the whole works" Kensi waved her arms around, "Sometimes it sucks"

"Not all the time it doesn't Fern, trust me. Just promise me something?"


"You won't give up on finding love. Maybe you're just not looking in the right place"

Kensi turned and stared in Deeks' blue eyes, "I promise" she whispered.

"There's hope for you yet Kens. Promise me something else?"

"If it's getting you laid I'm sorry I can't promise that" she smirked.

"No, geez and you say I'm a pig? No can you promise me that if a guy comes along and asks you to go out with him that you'll give it a shot?"

"Depends on the guy" she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Kensi" he sighed.

"Okay yes! I will give him a chance"

"That's my girl" Deeks smiled.

Okay that's it for now. Thanks for following, reading and reviewing! Much love xxx