
Hello guys! Sorry for the wait!

I'm back with a new chapter that I hope you enjoy~

Also I have an announcement!

I created a Guidebook for this story!

It's called 'Bad Apple Guidebook'.

I created it so you guys can understand the story a little better and the Grimm Society. Hopefully it is useful~ I'm not making you guys follow it but to help you guys more with my story. So check it out if you don't understand something! Also, leave a comment on there or here about things you don't get and I'll post my answer on 'Bad Apple Guidebook' ok?


Have fun reading this chapter!

Question of the day:

Did you hear about a new spinoff manga about Yuki and Zero? I heard about it on a fanpage I follow on facebook. Supposedly, there will be one for them so we fans can see their relationship progression. I'm honestly just reading it just for Zero though, since I'm not a fan of Yuki . . .


~Bad Apple~

Chapter IX

Grim Reaper

The Phantom.

The Phantom is a ghost that had stayed in the human world since the shadows of history. It was an Arcana when it was alive. This proved that our Grimm Society had existed alongside with the vampires.

The Phantom's duty is to test the Inheritors to see if they are eligible enough to become the next Arcana. If the Inheritor does not pass the test, there is a horrible path awaiting them:

They are to die.

The Arcana would have to choose another Inheritor to succeed their role soon after. That is why choosing an Inheritor is hard job once you become an Arcana. You must live and be responsible with the burden of killing your student.

Why do they die? It's because the Inheritor's soul is attached by chains to the gates of the afterlife once they agree to meddle with the power of life and death. Basically becoming a Grim Reaper. There is a time limit set soon after for the doors to open and drag the soul away. Leaving just an empty body left. The worst thing is . . . nobody knows what the time limit is until the Phantom tells them. It varies depending on the person. Only the Phantom knows when the Inheritors will die.

But if they pass the test, the chains will be broken by the Phantom who is the only one who has the ability to break them from reasons that we do not know of yet. The society is still wondering about the Phantom's power till this day.

Anyway, the only reason why I'm telling you all this detail is because right now my life's in danger by the very thing that I was explaining about.










YES! I am as shock as you all are! Who would have thought that the little ghost girl that I named Amber from the beginning of this story turned out be THE PHANTOM?!


Hatter snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ok?!"

"Y-yeah!" Wow. I am seriously shocked right now. I don't even know what to think.

I squeezed hatter, who was in my hands, tighter as I tried to sense Amber. It was completely pitch black around me. Ambe- I mean the Phantom, must have casted a spell around me. God. With the Phantom showing up, does that mean my time limit is almost up? Are the gates to the afterlife going to open for me soon? No! Don't think about that yet, Crimson. Your main focus is to finish the test with a perfect score. Just treat this like any other mission!

"Crimson," I heard Amber's voice but I somehow can't sense her presence anywhere, "you know what will happen to you if you don't meet my expectations right?"

Beads of sweat were forming on me. I nervously smirked. "Of course."

"Well then. Please do your best for me, my Prince~" She said in a jokingly manner.

A tick mark appeared on my face. Now she uses that phrase?! You know how long I was waiting to hear that from her? Forever!

"Crimson be careful." Hatter whispered to me.

"Yeah, I will."

". . . If you don't pass, I just want to tell you that,"

". . ."

"I was the one who ripped your Rima poster."


Before I could say anything else to Hatter, a sudden realization hit me. The envelope with the rose petal. I have to get it out.

I let one of my hands free from holding onto Hatter and search through my pocket to find the envelope that my father had sent me. It took a while for me to guess why he sent me it but I finally found out what it is (actually Hatter told me but who cares). I took it out of my pocket to look at it but stupid me, I couldn't see it since I was surrounded by blackness.

"Crimson, did you take the envelope out?"

"Yeah but I can't see it."

"Just don't drop it. You know what to do right?"

"Yeah, but I got to let you go for me to do it."

"I'll be fine. As long as I hear your voice, things will be ok."

I took a deep breath in and exhaled it out. ". . . Ok."

I let go of Hatter, who I hope landed safely on the ground (she probably did since it is Hatter), and proceeded to open the envelope to get its content out. The rose petal was still there, thankfully. I grabbed it out and shoved the unneeded envelope back in my pocket.

"Oh? What's that?" Amber asked from somewhere in the dark.

I smirked, "Nothing much."

I bit my lip until I could taste blood and kissed the petal.


I could sense Hatter smirk.

. . . . .

Aidou was irritated at this very moment.

He was thinking about what had happened earlier that day when the classes were switching. He wanted to think that he had heard wrong but he knew he didn't.

Takuma had said that man's name.

"Aidou?" His cousin Kain had been wondering what was wrong with the blonde for a while now. He wasn't energetic as usual. Could it be because of the red hair prefect from a while ago?

Aidou didn't respond back.

". . ." Kain decided to leave him alone and continued taking a little bit of notes.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Kaname had to step up to question the blonde male.


Aidou snapped out of his thinking and turned his attention to the Pureblood.

"Y-yes, Kaname-sama?"

Kaname didn't look at him. Instead he placed his attention to the book that he was holding while leaning on the wall with Takuma beside him.

"What's wrong?"


At the answer, Kaname turned his head and slightly glared at him which made Aidou flinched.

"It's obvious that there is something wrong. You are not your usual self."

". . ."

"Do I have to force you to speak?"

"N-no! I'm sorry Kaname-sama!"

At this, the whole Night-class stopped what they were doing and placed their attention to them.

"Did Aidou do something wrong?" They thought.

Kaname went back to reading his book. "What is the matter?"

Aidou was hesitant to say it because he thought that it would bring some bad memories to the Pureblood. But at the same time if he didn't he'll get a scolding. With a sigh, he decided to state his problem.

"Hai, Kaname-sama," Aidou turned his attention to the blonde beside the pureblood," . . . Takuma-san,"

Takuma raised a brow. "Hai?"

". . . what is the relationship with Grey and the prefect from before?"

"!" Takuma suddenly covered his mouth as if he had said something wrong and looked at the Pureblood nervously.

Kain, Ruka, Shiki, Seiren, and Rima suddenly flinched at the mention of 'Grey'. They heard the man's name from when Takuma was talking with the prefect but they didn't want to ask why. They didn't want to bring up the past knowing certain memories will be remembered.

The Pureblood closed his book and stared at Aidou again with an unfazed expression.

Yuuki looked at her beloved Kaname-sama with confusion. Who was this person name Grey? And why was he someone important? The atmosphere in room had suddenly turned tense because of the mention of the unknown person.

"They are family." Kaname stated.

Aidou's eyes widen.

"T-then does that mean . . ."

Kain stood up from where he was at and went to his cousin's side immediately.

"Aidou!" He blurted out while grabbing the shorter male's shoulder.

". . . He's the same as Grey?" Aidou said while his body shook nervously.




". . . Yes."

"That prefect is Grey-san's brother?" Ruka blurted.

"What is the council thinking for allowing one of those things to be here?" Shiki spoke. He had also gotten up from where he was at and approached the group with a stern look. Something that was rare coming from the always monotonous male.

Everybody nervously watched.

"Or is it that they do not know of his existence here?" He asked his cousin.

"Kaname?" Takuma spoke.

". . ." Kaname looked at everyone around him to see if they were prepared to hear his answer. He mainly looked at those who grew up with him. ". . . The Vampire Council knows of his existence at Cross Academy. There is no need to worry."

"Then why is he here?!" Aidou blurted angrily. He got out of Kain's grip. "Doesn't the Council know what monsters they are-" Before Aidou could say anymore, there was a sudden pain on his cheek.

Kaname had slapped him before he could say more.

"Aidou. Calm yourself." The brunet said, looking down at the blonde.

Aidou slowly caressed his cheek and gritted his teeth. ". . . Y-yes. Sorry Kaname-sama." He walked towards the window beside him to get out of Kaname's way.

". . . We are monsters to, Aidou." Kaname stated as his eyes glowed red.

Aidou didn't look at him. Instead, he looked at the scenery outside.




"Ahem!" Everybody turned their attention to Takuma (besides Aidou and Kaname). "Ok everyone~ Go back to what you were doing. Everything's ok." He smiled at everyone.

The class listened to the blonde and returned to their previous activity.

". . ."

Aidou continued to stare out the window during the class period. He had his hands wrapped around his body as if he was protecting himself from something.

Those memories from that day will always haunt him. Especially that man.

"Aidou." Kain called.

Aidou turned his head a little to look at his cousin.

"Come sit." He commanded. His eyes showed concern towards the blonde.

". . ." With a sigh, Aidou dropped his hands that were wrapped around him and proceeded to sit.

Until a sudden chill went down his spine.

He noticed that everybody in the class felt it to by the way their faces were alarmed. There was a great presence around them. And it wasn't Kaname.

Aidou turned back to the window and what he saw made him quiver.

His body shook once again with his blue eyes becoming wider.

He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare but he knew it wasn't a dream. It was reality. And just outside the window was something he feared ever since he was young. It was there right before him.

There, just outside the window, was a cloak figure standing to be 8 feet tall or taller floating in mid air. It had a black cloak that was torn at the ends while it loosely fell down and wrapped itself around the creature. The figure had long red hair that was being dragged by the wind. On its head was a black top hat with strange black stitched rabbit ears on it. It's hands and neck had chains wrapped around them. The chains disappeared at a certain point, as if they didn't belonged in this world. But what really scared Aidou was the figure's form.

It did not have any flesh.

And it was staring right at him.

Aidou starting puking.


. . . . .

Kain Cross had also felt the presence of the creature.

". . . It seems that it has began." He stated while looking at a picture.

It was a picture of Crimson and her siblings. Jade glaring at the camera, Grey smiling happily, Crimson sitting in a wheelchair without a smile, and the twins crying. They were all so young.

Emerald and Navy had sent him the photo a long time ago and he had kept it safely protected since.

"Do well, Crimson-chan."

. . . . .

Zero was on the other side of the school.

He was taking a stroll like normally until he felt it.

An unknown but dangerous presence.

He got Bloody-Rose out and proceeded to go look for it. Whatever it was, the silveret knew he had felt it before. He just couldn't remember where or who.

. . . . .

"Well. What a surprise to see you here~ Fool~" A man with a curly blonde locks and dull blue eyes had stated.

Felice turned around to see the man walk up to him. He gave him a smile.

"Hello Devil."

The blonde stopped once he approached the brunet. "It's rare to see you at a bar."

"Really? I don't think so at all, Samuel."

Samuel chuckled. "I'll buy you a drink. Come sit with me and we'll talk about that cute student of yours~"

"You still want Crimson, I see. But I'll take you up on your offer~"

The two men sat down and ordered their drinks.

"Still haven't found yours yet, Samuel?" Felice asked.

"Nope. Still searching for a kid that seems eligible."

"I hope you find one soon."

"Why don't you just make it easy for me and give me Crimson?" The blonde chuckled. Half kidding and half serious.

The drinks arrived and were placed in front of them.

"Thanks sweety~" Samuel winked at the woman who placed the cups down. She winked back.

"No can do. She's already being tested."


The bar suddenly became silent.

"You're too loud Samuel." Felice took a sip out of his drink.

The blonde looked back and apologized. The place went back to its usual loud self.

"Wait. She's been tested?"

"Being tested."

". . . And how do you feel about it? You think she'll pass with flying colors?"

". . . I believe in her."




"That's what you said last time, Felice."

". . . I didn't make the same mistake as last time."

"Of course not! She's the Emperor's daughter after all!" Samuel nervously chuckled.

. . . . .

"Oh my!" Amber had spoke as she stared at Crimson. She was looking at the ground with her body leaning forward. "You got out of the spell I casted thanks to your petal."

Crimson didn't look at her or even say a word. Her shoulders were drooping as if she had given up while a skeleton figure was floating above her. Its' skull head was looking to the side.

The skeleton cloak was hiding its outfit and hands. It wasn't long enough to hide it's disturbing bone legs, though.

Amber shifted her eyes away from the crossdresser and placed her attention to the rabbit doll on the ground beside Crimson's leg. It was lying on the cement as if it was just an ordinary toy.

"Well," She placed her eyes on Crimson's body again, ignoring the presence above her. "I'm glad that you at least know the basic of being a Grim Reaper, Crimson."

Crimson suddenly straightened herself up. She brushed off the invisible dust on her shoulders and her blouse.

"Or should I say Hatter?"

The red head girl looked up at Amber and gave her pleasant smile.

"It sure has been a while since I've been in your body little red."

. . . . .

I looked at the school building that was at the side. The vampire's were in there and I was pretty sure that they have felt my presence since I just saw a guy puke by the window. Wow. How rude. I know we have a horrible aura but to throw up? Are you serious?

Hello, readers! Once again, I must explain something to you all. You are, again, going to be confuse so good luck with this information!

I, Crimson Scarlet De Luca, am floating above my body. Yes. My body is right beneath me as we speak. Now you must be thinking that my soul has left my beautiful body right? You are correct. My soul is in the figure above my body. It's that skeleton figure that I'm pretty sure looks awesome if I do say myself.

To become a Grim Reaper you must acquire a specific form that will allow you to connect with the dead mentally and physically. This skeleton figure is the form that you must know how to create with your mind and soul. It is another body that protects my soul from anything dangerous.

Acquiring this form isn't easy of course. You need concentration and determination in order to make it. Even if you do know how to make the Grim Reaper form, your body will not last since it will just be an empty frame after a good few minutes. Your soul is basically leaving your body and if it leaves for too long, it will be lost and will leave the body in a dangerous situation.

That is why you need something to replace your soul once you leave your body. In Grim Reaper term, a Partner that is compatible to fit and lead you back to the body. So basically again, another soul.

And that is what I have. Hatter.

Right now, she is in my body protecting it while I'm in my Grim Reaper form.

This process is called Soul Switch.

Hatter, is a soul that I had acquire years ago. Thanks to her, I am able to be in my Grim Reaper without worrying.

In order to gain a partner, or soul, you would have to try to tame it. Once you tame it, you would need to place the soul into an item that you cherish greatly. Like a ring or something. That will be the leash that bind the soul to you.

To release the soul, you would have to destroy your item.

Each Arcana and Inheritor should have at least one soul that they posses to be able to be in Grim Reaper form. The more soul that you posses the more it shows how strong your are. Most of the Arcana's have at least 3 souls.

But my older brother has 7.

Now that you know the jist of it, let us continue with my badass scene.

I turned my head away from the building and looked down at Amber who was just standing . . . or floating in front of me with a smug look. Even if she is the Phantom, I really want to hit her.

"That form really suits you, Crimson."

"Why thank you. I take great pride of creating it~" My voice was like a soft echo in this form.

"Well then, let me step up my game a bit to."

If I had eyebrows (which my body does) I would have raised one up.

Amber suddenly brought her hand in front of her and snapped it like how she did last time. A sudden figure appeared behind her.

I could tell that Hatter (who was in my body right now) eyes had widen. Mine would to, if my face wasn't a skull.

The figure looked exactly like my Grim Reaper form.

Great. Just when I thought it was my turn to be badass.

Fuck you Phantom!

. . . . .

"Crimson, run!" Hatter had shouted.

The skeleton figure hesitated to follow the instruction as it kept staring at the figure before it.

"Crimson!" Hatter yelled.

Getting out of the shock, Crimson proceeded to run away but it was too late. The figure that Amber had made appear dash towards Crimson with full force and grabbed her red hair. It pulled her head to the ground. Crimson screamed in pain as her skull face met the gravel ground with a hard impact.

"!" Hatter jumped back. She stared at the scene behind her with surprised eyes. "C-crimson?"

Crimson didn't move as her doppelganger started pounding her head with its bone foot. It suddenly stopped and slowly looked at Hatter.

Hatter met its hollow eyes. "Get your feet off her." She demanded.

It stared at her for a minute more, then took its feet off the skeleton below it. It stepped forward towards Hatter, and suddenly attacked her with a fierce kick.

Hatter barely dodged it as she jumped back. She hurriedly grabbed something out from the backpack Crimson had brought along. "This is fucking heavy." She placed on a pair of metal claws.

"What a disappointment, Crimson." Amber has said behind Hatter. "I really did expect much more. It also looks like your partner is having a hard time moving in your body . . ."

The doppelganger of Crimson's Reaper Form, dashed toward Hatter and attacked her once again. Hatter tried dodging it once more by jumping back but she suddenly tripped over something. She fell back with her eyes closed and was waiting for her head to hit the ground until something caught her by the neck.

"Gah!" She croaked out. The doppelganger was choking her with its bony fingers.

Hatter's vision was becoming blurry as she was trying to free herself from its hands.

Amber looked at the scene with bored eyes. She suddenly sighed. "I guess this student it also a failure."

"C-c-crimson . . ." Hatter mustered out.

Where am I?

Who am I?

Oh yeah.

I'm Crimson.




What happened to me?

"Are you alright?"

I opened my eyes that I didn't even know was closed.

"You look quite pale, dear." A woman suddenly appeared above me with a smile.

I notice that my head was on her lap.

". . . Who are you?"

All she did was continuing smiling at me.

"You have such beautiful red hair." She said as her hands were digging into my hair.

I notice that she also had red hair. The same shade as mine. The only difference was, her hair was longer and curlier than mine.

"You do to." I commented.

She blinked her red eyes at me and smiled soon after.

"You should get going."

"Where?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Back to your friend. She's in trouble."

". . . Who?"

She stopped looking at me and raised her head up as if she was trying to listen to something.

"Shh . . . She's calling you."

I looked at her and slowly closed my eyes to see what she was talking about.




"C-c-crimson . . ."

Hatter . . .

"I'll see you again." The woman said.

I woke up and jolted up. How weird. It looks like I forgot what I was dreaming about. But anyways, I noticed that my doppelganger that Amber had made appear was currently choking Hatter (choking me to be exact).

I hurriedly got up onto my feet and ran towards them. Grabbing my doppelganger's neck, I did what it did to me. I fucking pulled it to the ground and stomped on it's stupid face with full force. Take that you fucking bitch!

Hatter was throwing a coughing fit while sitting on the ground. "T-took cough you long cough enough." She stated.

"My bad."

"Wow! You got up." I looked at Amber's direction and glared at her.

"Are you seriously trying to damage my body to?"

"Of course I am. It's a test after all." She smiled at me.

"You bitch!" I dashed towards her with the intent to kill. But before I reached her, I was stopped by the doppelganger. It suddenly appeared right before me and was about to throw a punch but I blocked it with my left hand and proceeded to punch it with my right. I hit it as it staggered backwards.

"Nice punch~" Amber stated.

It stepped forward and brought it's right leg up as if it was going to kick me. I ducked down and was going to give it an uppercut punch but it saw through me and pulled back its body. Fuck.

"Hatter! A little help please!"

"On it!" I could hear her footsteps as she ran towards us. She jumped onto my cloaked back and off it so she could kick the doppelganger's skull head. Luckily, she hit it.

Hatter landed safely on the ground right next to me. "Yes!" She cheered.

There was a crack on it's right cheek where Hatter had hit it.

"Good job!"

The doppelganger slowly turned its head toward Hatter as if it was pissed off. I honestly would be to if Hatter left a fucking crack on my Grim Reaper form. I was about to give it another punch but it suddenly disappeared before my eyes.

"Whe the?!"

I turned my body to the side to see it rushing towards Hatter.

"Hatter, watch out!"

Unfortunately, Hatter wasn't fast enough to block its attack on time. She was sent flying a couple feet away from where she was at and landed on her side.

"Gah!" She screamed out.

My doppelganger was going to attack her again.

"Use your illusio-" I was suddenly cut off by a gunshot.

"What the fuck is this?" A new voice emerged.

Hatter slowly got up from the ground and stared at her savior beside her with dumbstruck eyes. I was to.

"H-how could you see it?" She questioned him.

"Z-zero . . ." I whispered.

. . . . .

Zero glared at the two figures before him. What the hell was going on? He thought.

He shifted his lavender eyes away from them and onto the red haired lad on the ground. The boy was looking at him dumbstruck for some reason.

"Can you stand?" He questioned 'Crimson'.

". . . Y-yeah." Crimson stood up quickly but continued to stare at the silver hair man.

"Good." He shifted his attention back to the two figures before him.

The skeleton Zero had shot with bloody rose shifted its gaze at him. There was an even bigger crack on the right side of its face than before.

"So, what the hell are these?" He asked.

Crimson gulped. She stared at the skeleton behind the first one then back at Zero.

"They're Grim Reapers."


And done!

Stay tune for the next chapter!

I promise to hurry up with the next update :(

Also, remember to check out 'Bad Apple Guidebook'!

Have a wonderful day!
