Character Descriptions

Name – Crimson Scarlet De Luca

Age – 15

Race – Italian and 1/3 Japanese (From father's side)

Height – 5'5 ft.

Weight – 115 lbs.

Hair Color – Red Wine (brown and red [more to the red color side though])

Eye Color – Chestnut Brown

Family – (Father) Navy Gray De Luca, (Mother) Emerald Green Cielo/De Luca, (Elder Brother) Grey Ashen De Luca, (Elder Sister) Jade Emerald De Luca, (Younger twin Brothers) Silver White De Luca and Slate Crystal De Luca

Other Relatives - Uncle (Topaz Cielo [From mom side]), Aunt (Luce Ceilo) and Cousin (Cerise Red Cielo)

Delinquent Gang – Tainted Knights

Rank – Leader

Delinquent Friends – Co-Captain/Right Hand-woman (Sammy Lloyd), Left hand woman [so she claims] (Jessica Lloyd), Technician Leader (Lal Mirch) and etc. . . .

Rival Gang – Blue Dragon's

Rival Leader – Blu (Ex-boyfriend)

Personality – Crimson is a daredevil. She's hyper almost all the time but if not she tends to stare off into space and sometimes overreact over small things. She's kind of a flirt to both genders, although she doesn't know of it most of the time (In a sense, she's bisexual). She is kind of like a sadist but not at all at the same time . . . kind of difficult to explain. She's what people called a Yangire (friendly or nice but later aggressive [kind of like Yandere but not]) but don't call her that to her face. She's really dense, doesn't know when to stop irritating people at times, and when she's being confess to.

Likes – Anything sweet, Anime/manga's, Yaoi/Yuri, her motorcycle, family, gang, friends, flirting (even though she doesn't know of it most of the time), the music box her mother gave her, and making people bow down to her (sadist mainly).

Hates – Coffee, Sushi, people who don't listen to her, science, rollercoasters, and people who steals her stuff without permission (she'll hunt you down if she needs to)

Best at – Being friendly, Cooperating, Fighting, Glaring, Crossdressing, and sleeping . . .

Background – Although she was sick most of her childhood, Crimson had been an active girl. Her family adores her and she does to them but sometimes their love to each other is . . . quite weird so to say. At the age of ten, she attended school since her health had gotten better and met her three friends (the delinquent ones) and at 12 they started their little gang. Her flirting started at the age of 11 when she started to crossdress due to Sam and that's when her bisexual came.

Favorite Quote – "You dare _ at/that/to the Queen, lowlife?"

Known as from others – 'The Red Queen from Hell'

What people say about her:

Tainted Knights –

"The best!"

"My Queen."

"A bit of a flirt but she's still hot to me . . . when she crossdresses of course."

"Scary . . ."

"Must avoid when she's in a bad mood."

". . . Umm . . . She stole my first kiss *blushes*."

Family –

Sister: "A strong girl but she's too rebellious *smirks* like me."

Brother: "She's my cute little Princes- err Queen! Although she can be a bit mean to me. *sigh* I miss when she was younger and saying 'Big brother! Big Brother!' oh! And – glare from Crimson – u-umm . . ."

Younger Brothers:

Silver – "Big sister is awesome! I remember one time a bully picked on me and Sister put him in the hospital for SIX MONTHS!"

Slate – "Big sister is strong and stupid."

Mother – "She reminds me of myself when I was younger!"

Father – "My cute little girl is growing up!"

Townspeople –

All: "She's a monster . . ."