A/N: Gooooooooood evening my Imperial Storm Army! Tonight is the season finale of this story. Wahhhh! But tis not the end! I have something planned for the future! So fret not! Thank you guys for sticking with me and thank you for your support! Thanks to those who favorited, alerted, and reviewed! Special thanks to JensenAcklesfan, SnarryMoreidLover, Gazzy8, and DjinnAtwood! You guys are awesome and I love you! I hope you continue to stick with me! And same for you Padawans! For the new story, Sammy's Promise Reprise is in the lead! If you want to vote there's still time! You have until the 9th til 10pm to vote! The first chapter of the story will be posted after voting's closed! So go to my story board and review or pm (because polls won't work on my profile for some odd reason) me! Also if you guys have a request! Please let me know! I'll post your request on my story board and write it as soon as I can! Now without further ado, the season finale! When we last saw our heroes, Sam's back to normal! For the most part anyway. Let's see what he's up too!


All mistakes are my own! Oh man! I never would've guessed!

Season Finale

A week later

Sam panted as he ran. He ducked under the fallen tree and hauled ass! He quickly turned and dodged an attack when a big blur came at him. He and the blur wrestled and fought.

Sam came out victorious! He howled his victory.

What's wrong old timer? That all you got?

Sam grunted when the old German Shepard tackled him. Havoc laughed when Sammy huffed. He got up and Sam shook his fur then sat down. Havoc did the same.

You were saying pup?

Sam growled playfully.

Well pup. Congrats. I've taught you everything I learned in the Military, and you did it under a week.

Sammy smiled.

What can I say? I'm a fast learner.

Havoc chuckled. His ears and Sam's perked up when they heard a whistle.

Sounds like you're being called pup.

Yeah. Dean wants to get going on our next hunt. He waited a week to make sure I was okay.

Got yourself a good big brother.

The best! I don't know what'd I do without him.

They heard the whistle again and Sam howled to let his brother know he was coming.

Better get going. Hope to see you again old man.

Havoc laughed.

Hold up pup. Before you go. Take these.

Sam looked down and saw dog tags. Military dog tags. He shook his head.

Havoc I can't take these.

Sure you can. I want you too.

Thank you.

Sam changed into a human and slip the tags on. The chain was big on him as a human but he knew as a wolf they'd fit perfectly. He sniffed and hugged the old dog.

"Thank you for everything." Sammy said.

You're welcome pup. Now git! Before that brother of your leaves you behind.

Sammy laughed. He changed back into a wolf and took off.

Havoc sighed and smiled. He was going to miss that 'pup' but he knew their paths would cross again. He stretched and headed home.

Sam bounded to the house and all but pounced on Dean when he saw him, and nuzzled his face.

"Alright, alright. Go get changed and get in the Impala! We got tracks to make!" Dean laughed.

Sammy did just that.

Later that night at their motel Sam laid down in his bed and sighed in contentment. He was healed and back to normal, he and Dean were on the road again. Life was good.

Back in Sioux City.

An un earthly howl filled the woods and a fire raged.

"How did this happen?" A shadowy figure in hiding asked himself.

He watched as everything dear to him burned away.

"If we were to cross paths again. Now would be a good time."

The once silent night remained silent except the raging fire and the need for revenge.

Hmmm. I don't know about you guys, but I smell a sequal. And that was the season finale! I hope you enjoyed! I'll see you guys in the Adventure!

Until The Next Thrilling Season of Supernatural!