2 months had passed since the agonising conversation with Persephone. Hades was filled with misery and shame that burned in his chest like fire. A fire that can never be extinguished without his butterfly, Persephone's love. For weeks he tried to convince her, talk to her, reason withher but she turned a deaf ear to him. Then slowly, ever so gradually he stopped. He stopped trying to reason with her, his shame binding him, restraining him, torturing him with excruciating pain that oone could never imagine. He could not look into her eyes with out seeing her shattered soul. He could not even glance at her without having his very being, get consumed by guilt.

Hades sat in the throneroom, his eyes fixed on the pile of paperwork in front of him but his thoughts constantly kept drifting to the Queen of the Underworld. It was like eternal torment. A pain, a misery that was more painful than any punisnment in the Fields of Punishment.

He abruptly got to his feet with his knuckles clenched tight "Enough is enough! I am going to end this once and for all" he exclaimed to himself and swept across the throneroom to their chamber. Truth is, ever since their conversation Persephone spent most of her time either in their chamber or in her garden.

But as he approached their chamber, his steps began to weigh him down, he felt as though his legs had turned to lead and his body was slowly turning to stone. His immortal heart raced, with every beat it sent a wave of excruciating pain as though a hellhound was clawing his heart and chewing it to shreds over and over again.
He swallowed hard as he started at the dark mahagony door of they step their chamber and with trembling hands he opened it. His every breath, every step, his every swallow was aching but he entered and with slow steps he entered the terrace where he, Hades had vowed to love and be loyal to Persephone and there he had his painful conversation with Persephone and broke his oath and here he was once more in the same terrace, in the same position as two months ago as Hades will try to reveal the truth to his lover, to mend the oath he broke.

With an internal sigh he approached the Queen of the Underworld. Her lustrous hair had lost it shine in two months and skin was bleached, though she had her back turned to him but to Hades she was the most beautiful goddess ever, not even Aphrodite was as beautiful as Persephone.

"Persephone...I..." Hades croaked, his voice froze in his throat as Persephone cut him off "Why? Why do you do this?" Persephone whispered in an ever so soft and velvet voice and slowly turned to face Lord of the Underworld but did not gaze at him in the eye. "Does it please you to bring me pain? Does it brings you joy of the eternal torture you give me. Everytime you try and talk to me, I avoid you. Why? Because whenever you try to convince me it just refreshens the pain. The pain that you loved another woman and I can't stop my love for you. Everytime I see you my heart bleeds, by souls shatteres and my dreams and happiness tarnish cause I know that your feelings for me have fade"
She said it all in a hush whisper but she might as well had screamed at him as every syllable of her words plung him into an eternal abyss of pain and darkness.

"No" Hades whispered looking down, he knew if he stared into her brown orbs he will collapse right then and there from misery. "Persephone, my spring, my joy...please just listen to me. Please. One chance. All I ask is one chance to explain then you can either forgive me and let this heartbreaking conversation end or you can forget me for ever. Act as though I never exist and you never met me but Persephone, all I ask is for you to hear me out"

Hades couldn't lift his gaze from the ground and stared at his boots. Persephone's silence grew heavier by the second and he felt as though he was suffocating. "Alright, prove me wrong" she whispered which sounded more like she was begging. Maybe she was, a ray of hope that would prove to her that Hades' love was for her and her alone.
Hades took a deep breath and slowly words escaped his lips without him evening realizing what he was saying. The words just formed on its own, revealing his true feelings for the elegant woman in front of him. "You my love Are the only one for me. 5 years ago when you left for the surface world, I got lonely like every time you leave. I was aching on the inside an after being constantly infuriated by Charon, the ever growing population of the Underworld and paper work I left the Underworld to get some air. I paced the streets of Washington when I heard a cry for help. Some filthy mortal men were trying to grope a young woman. I decided to assist her and so I summoned one of the skeletal to knock the men unconscious and I transported them to the responsible authorities. The woman fainted so I transported her to a hotel room and I decided to stay with her until she gains consciousness. Something about her bound me to her. I wonderedfor days why I felt a connection with her, a desire to protect her. Then one day it struck me, she reminded me of you. You Persephone. That's who Maria reminded me of. Do you know how I realized this? One day, I was spending my evening with Maria in a garden infront of her home, a garden though it's nothing compared to yours but for mortal standards it was wonderful. She was sniffing a lily when I remember another young woman who I saw taking a wiff of a lily thousands of years ago." Hades gazed into Persephone's eyes as a small smile played on his lips and he could see that she knew what he was talking about. Hesitantly, he took her soft yet slightly cold hand in his. As though he was injected with an elixr, her touch had clessened his throbbing pulse.

"She reminded me of you. A mortal reincarnation of my love, Persephone. So I began spending my Springs with her and the Winters with you. I was happy and I knew that I was loving the same woman. I do not know whether you have heard of this revalation made by the Fates eons ago when my brothers and I had divided the domains amongst us that there shall be one mortal once in existence that will be the reincarnation of each god or goddess and if any of us fall in love with that mortal it means that our love for that particular god or goddess is eternal. I fell in love with yours, my love."
The two immortal beings were so close, their faces inches away, locked in the others arms and slowly a beautiful smile graced Persephone's face. A smile that had not been seen for months.

"I was an idiot, getting jealous of my own mortal incarnation." Persephone gave a light chuckle and she stared into her lover's eyes. They could see in the others orbs that the shattered souls were mending once more.

"Persephone, my love, my life, I love you" Hades murmered and they kissed. It was as though they had been injected by pure bliss. It was wonderful, all their pain and agony was being washed away by joy, happiness and love.

They gazed into the others eyes and stayed in an embrace savouring the moment. "I'm sorry my love, forgive me" Persephone murmered but Hades gave her a sweet and genuine smile that was only recieved my Persephone and...Maria.
"What happened to the children?" Persephone muttered and Hades looked as though he was suckerpunched by her question.

"I had Alecto wipe their memories in the Lethe and send them to the Lotus Casino" He replied, still dumbfounded.

"How old are they?" she asked with an elegant eyebrows arose.

"Bianca is 4 while Nico is 2" Hades replied and Persephone stared at him as though he had a sudden desire to be a belly dancer. "They are mere toddlers! How can you send them there? You should have brought them here! Let them grow till the age of at least 12 before sending them there" seeing that Hades did not understand what she was saying or why she was, Persephone giggled at his expression. "I don't have anything against toddlers, besides I am their biological mother, aren't I?"

A smile slowly crept upon his lips "I'll tell Alecto to bring the children here but for now..."
Their lips met once more as their souls began to heal. An oath was not broken as it was thought to be. They murmered as they're love grew and healed their soul and wiped their pain into non-existence.

"I love you..Forever and Always"

This is the end of the three shot!

Please do keep your eyes open for the sequel!

Please review!

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