Alone. Miserable. These two words described the Lord of the Underworld. It had been decades since he and his brothers had divided the realms amongst themselves with Zeus getting the sky, Poseidon with the ocean and Hades was stuck in the underworld all alone, shunned by his family. His own family! Poseidon. Hera. Demeter. Hestia. All of them! For whom he stood strong and protected them from harm for years.

He was alone and miserable in the underworld. He had no one except the dead, his furies and Charon but they weren't much company. And his work! Don't even get him started about all the dead he has to judge! Because of them he has a permanent scowl etched to his face. His brothers were married and even had children but him? Nope. Single. Alone. No one to love or have someone to love him back, confide his deepest emotions and desires. All his hatred, pain and hurt was buried deep inside that would widen each day and consume him like an eternal torment. Torture that had only one cure. Love.

Hades needed a wife. Someone who he could love and cherish she would do the same. Hades went to Olympus for the annual Winter Solstice where there were several arguments. Before Zeus concluded the meeting he gave a revelation of his and Demeter's daughter named Persephone. The moment Hades lay eyes on her, his immortal hurt stopped beating.

She was just beautiful. Her brown doe eyes so soft and tender that would make anyone happy by entering the room, her lustrous auburn hair long and silky that would shine when the sun would touch it and most of all were her lips. Red like rubies so full and sculptured into a smile on her radiant girlish face.

She was introduced to everyone with a fuming Hera glaring at her husband. She shook hands or curtsied whom ever she met. When she finally reached Hades, he was ready to pass out. He took her hand and kissed it which surprised the Olympians and was hurried away by Demeter but this didn't seem to bother him because he was preoccupied by the thought that he had finally found his bride though it might take a hwile before she too loves him.

Hence, when he returned to his palace, he judged the dead half-heartedly as his mind was preoccupied devising how to get his bride. So weeks later it had been decided that when Persephone would be alone he would approach her and carry her to the Underworld.

One evening, the lovely Persephone was alone in the garden, sniffing the scent of a lily with her delicate nose. The sight of her so happy and full of life just wanted him to stare at her all day but he quickly slapped himself on the face to focus and summoned his charriot and skeletal horses, reigns in hand he climbed and went airbourne and approached the young goddess. The sight of him terrified her but slowly a wave of recognition passed through her form and she seemed to relax a bit.

"Persephone, young and beautiful as always. I hope you are doing well?" Hades asked politely with a rare smile.

The young woman returned the smile "I am well, Lord Hades. What pleasure do I owe of your presence?"

"I was wondering if you would like to see my realm?" Hades asked.

The young woman eyed the skeletal horses skeptically but from his eyes she could tell he had no ill intentions for her so she gladly agreed. She took Hades's hand and claboard the chariot and before she knew it they were in the air and with a dive they melted into the shadows and were swallowed into the earth.

Persephone's eyes wandered across the underworld and she could see some similarities, no a lot of resemblance of the underworld and Mount Olympus. "Your kingdom is a replica of Mount Olympus" she said and Hades nodded. She would frequently state that the underworld could use some flowers or a garden to give it more life and make it look pretty.

She saw his palace, the Fields of Punishment, the Asphodel and of course Elysium and isle of the Blest. She most certainly loved the Isle and Elysium as it was filled with exotic flowers some were jewelled others were made of sweets but nonetheless they were magnificent.

Finally, she was getting tired and she wished to go home but Hades refused "I'm afraid you can't go. You shall be my queen and will rule the underworld by my side." hearing this she was furious. She screamed and yelledadd then ran away to the closest chamber she could find and locked herself in there and would refuse to come out.

He plead and begged her to come out buhashes would not budge.

Months passed and Demeter was hysteric on the surface and she threatened Zeus that she would cause famine. Zeus who had heard that his brother had Persephone ordered him to bring her home to Olympus. Heart wrenched and shattered but he loved her too dearly and he wanted her to be happy so one early grim morning at the breakfast table. Persephone was playing with her food, not bothering to look at the man beside her.

"Persephone, my dove, I shall return you to your mother on Olympus" Hades choked out which startled her. Her brown eyes shone with emotions that he hadn't seen since her arrival that made him catch his breath.

They shone with happiness, joy and even hope. She instinctively shot up to her feet and did something he never expected. She kissed him on the cheek.

He stared at her as she happily ate her breakfast. Then soon they were off to Olympus in a flash. The moment they landed at the palace of Olympus, they were engulfed by a very angry and fussing Demeter who was busy yelling insults at Hades while she hugged and asked whether Persephone was alright.

"Oh daughter! How had this maniac treated you? You are so thin! You didhot have any cereal! Oh my daughter I am so happy you're alright! I told you to stay away from this lunatic!" Demeter ranted.

Persephone shook her head "Lord Hades is a kind man, I was the one was being rude. I did enjoy myself there. If he hadn't said he was going to bring me home I would have requested to plant a garden." and she stared into his eyes.

He gave a small smile "That would have been nice."

"Oh forget him, you're home andthat's what matters" Demeter said tugging her arm away from the Lord of the dead.

"I hope, no I believe that you'll be happy here." He said.

"I do mean what I said. I did enjoy myself, it was also amusing to see who you would act at times but I think, no, I believe that I have begun to feel the same for you. I do love you." Persephone said in a whisper.

With this an ear splitting silence was carried on and it was hard to tell who more shocked; Hades or Demeter.


"Mother! He is not influencing me! You haven't seen the side of Hades I have! He is kind and gentle but his work load stresses him to be a bit grumpy. I love him mother, please. Try and understand."

Demeter's gaze was stern and her lips were pressed so tightly it was impossible to tell whether she had lips. Hades on the other, hand felt the gaping hole in his chest get filled.

"Persephone, my love, I offer you these" he pulled out 6 pomegranate seeds "They are from the underworld. If you eat them then you'll be spending six months with me and six with Demeter" though Hades would have preferred if the young woman would stay with him for all year but he knew his sister would not allow it. So it was sort of a compromise.

"Don't eat it, daughter! Don't anything that rascal gives you!" Demeter screeched but Persephone seemed to have turned a deaf ear. She analysed his eyes to truly understand his intentions and stared at the seeds in hand and slowly held out her hand as he placed them in her soft hand and she ate them.

"Persephone! What have you done?! I am talking to Zeus about this!" with that she pulled Persephone and dragged her away who gave Hades a sheepish smile.

Hades shook his head and followed. In the throne room after a lot of debating, screeching, cussing and insulting Zeus called order in the room.

"I have heard enough! What has been done is done! We can't do anything about it!Persephone is to be Hades' bride!" Zeus declared.

Demeter huffed and looked furious. "So shall we prepare for the wedding?" Hera said, after all she is the goddess of family and marriage.

Zeus nodded "They shall be wed tonight"

The Palace was decorated and prepared for the wedding. Not because of Hades but for Persephone as she like growing things and making things beautiful.

Hades was dazed throughout the wedding and when it was time for the kiss he felt his heart melt and the gaping hole vanish. Oh how joyful he was, her lips so soft and sweet, she smelled like flowers and how he wished that time would freeze right there and then so they could savour this very moment. When they pulled apart their were cheers and Hera wanted everything to go perfect so she had a banquet prepared.

He danced with his wife, every movement, every step, for how long he held on to her, Hades was thrilled but he knew this will be the last time his family would be happy for him. He shrugged it away as he knew it was true but right now he was with his wife and family. That's what matters.

After every few minutes Demeter would come and threaten him but he shrugged her rants and threats away.

Finally, the wedding was coming to an end and everyone watched as Hades and Persephone walked down the isle hand in hand. They climbed the chariot and were soon off to the underworld.

As they approached his palace, Persephone whispered "I'm sorry for being so rude, my lord."

"It's fine my dear. I understand." Hades replied kindly.

"May I plant a garden here? The underworld could use more nature" she said.

Hades nodded "Of course my love. What ever you wish!"

Persephone gave him a radiant smile which made his heart do a gymnastic routine but he kept or tried to keep his cool.

When they arrived in the throne room of his palace he summoned all the skeletal warriors, his furies, Thanatos, Charon and Cerberus. "My men! I present you Persephone! Queen of the Underworld! She is now your mistress! Fulfill her every command and needs! Protect her from all harm or suffer my wrath!"

"Hail Lord Hades!Hail Queen Persephone! Hail!" they chanted. Soon they were dismissed and he led her to his, no their chamber.

Persephone gasped at the beautiful and yet horrifying room. The furniture in the chamber was made or obsidian crest with jewels, the black velvet draperies hung elegantly of the canopy bed. The sheet too was velvet but it was red and was laced with black and the soft blanket lay at the foot of the blanket. The curtains hung at the terrace door seemed very inviting and she walked towards it and opened the glass doors as she set foot in the terrace and she couldnt help but gasp.

The view was incredible, under the artificial light casting upon Elysium gave the underworld a sort of a mysterious, scary and yet beautiful glow.

"Do you like the view?" he asked.

Dumbfounded, she nod her head. "Persephone" he whispered and she turned her gaze towards him "Persephone, my love, my life. You are now not only the Queen of the underworld but also the queen of my heart. I swear to forever be faithful to you unlike my brothers. My eyes, my heart, my love will forever be for you! I love you, Persephone. Forever and Always" He placed his lips upon hers and they shared a passionate kiss...

This story shall be a three shot. I hope you all liked this oneshot!

Please review!