AN:Ii tried to upload this last night but it wasn't working. I'm really sorry this is short and rushed but please enjoy it!

A few hours have pasted since the guys left, and Musa had finally regained herself. She had showered and changed and now was going downstairs to eat breakfast with her friends. Although she wasn't really hungry, she still took a bagel.

The Winx made small talk knowing that Musa didn't want to talk about her nightmare at the time. Musa was very appreciative of her friends for doing this.

"We have arrived" an obnoxious Brandon said walking into the caferteria, hands in the air as if to quiet a crowd.

Stella smiled at Brandon as the guys made their way to the table.

"You're such a dork" she said as Brandon kissed her and sat down.

The guys sat down at the table and started having their own conversations with their girlfriends.

"How are you doing?" Riven asked Musa to break the silence between them.

"I'm alright" she replied.

"Good cause I'm taking you out for the day- anywhere you want…you know, get your mind off things".

"Really?" Musa said thinking to herself how sweet Riven could be.

"Really" Riven said with his signuature smirk. "So…where do you wanna go?".

Musa knew exactly where wanted to go. She didn't know why but she felt like she was being drawn to the place.

"I want to go to my mother's tombstone".

Riven gave her a confused look. "You want to go to your mother's grave even after your nightmare?".

"The nightmare is why I want to go there. I don't know why but I just have to…please".

"Ok then let's go" Riven said getting up and taking Musa's hand.

Standing up caused everyone's attention to be on them.

"We'll be back later" Riven said as he led Musa to the door.


Musa stepped off Riven's bike onto the grass. She walked slowly to her mother's tombstone as Riven followed her slowly, giving her space.

She knelt down in front the stone and Riven stood behind her.

Looking towards the ground she silently prayed to her mother.

When she looked up, she examined the tombstone.

It read:

Adored by all, the voice of an angel

Musa smiled. Those eight words described her mother so well.

She looked at the stone once more, only this time to see something horrible written on it.

The previous words had turned into Musa's worst nightmare, literally.

They read:

The time is almost here

Musa screamed upon reading these words. Riven knelt next to her and took her in his arms.

"What's wrong" he asked not knowing about the words.

"Read the words on the stone" Musa said quietly, not wanting to look herself.

Riven turned his head and read "Adored by all, the voice of an angel".

Musa pulled out of Riven's grip and looked at the stone shocked. The words had changes back.

"I-I don't understand. The words said something else and then changed back. Riven, please, you have to believe me! It said 'the time is almost here'! It has to do with my nightmares, I know it! You have to believe me!" Musa said frantically staring into Riven's eyes.

Riven pulled her into another hug trying to calm her. "I believe you".

There was a silence until Riven spoke up again.

"We should talk to Ms. Faragonda. She seemed to know something about your nightmare and maybe she knows more" Riven suggested.

Musa nodded. They got up and walked towards Riven's bike. Riven helped Musa on and they drive back to Alfea.


Musa and Riven were standing outside the headmistress' door.

Musa was about to knock when she heard talking inside. She signaled for Riven to be quiet so they could hear.

"I thought he was gone for good but if he's in her dreams then he's obviously coming back" Ms. Faragonda's voice could be heard.

"Czar will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He almost killed her once, I won't let him try again. Musa needs to remain safe no matter what". That voice, she knew it. It was her father.

Musa startled thinking out loud. "Why is my dad here, let alone with Ms. Faragonda? Was I really almost killed by the figure in my nightmares, Czar? How does he know me? What did I ever do to him? Why didn't my dad tell me anything?" These question kept rambling out of her mouth until Riven took her hands in his. She looked at him.

"Musa, we are going to figure this out ok? Trust me. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise". She smiled alittle but tears quickly filled her eyes wanting to escape.

"I'm really tired. I'm going to go to my room to sleep" Musa lied. She didn't want to have a breakdown here. She stormed off before the tears could burst out.

Riven knew she was lying. "Musa wait!" he screamed alittle to loudly.

A few moments later the headmistress' door opened. Riven saw Ms. Faragonda standing on the other side with Musa's father.

"Riven?" she said with a hint of anger.