"Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel." Shouted Mirajane "The master wants to see you in his office now!"

Each of the slayers got up. Natsu from his position next to Lucy, happy and Lisanna as they had been talking about the missions they had recently been on with respect teams. Lisanna being a team with her sister and brother and Natsu and Lucy being in a team with Gray and Erza. Giving a quick grin to Lucy, Natsu headed to the office.

Wendy had been talking with Carla, Happy and Romeo at the bar. She politely excused herself just like Carla had told her and she followed Natsu up to the master's office.

Gajeel had been in conversation with Pantherlily and Levy. He grunted as he got up as it had been the only chance today to talk to Levy without her annoying team mates trying to get her to go out with them. He flashed a smirk at Levy as he saw she had a look of annoyance on her face as well. He then made his way across the guild and into the office after Wendy and Natsu.

"What is it, master?" Asks Wendy when the door has fully closed behinds them.

"It is a matter of importance, my child and the magic council has decided to let me deal with the matter. The magic council wants you three and only you three to take out the dark guild, White Lord. As the request is from the council and involves my three dragon slayers, you will set off tomorrow for Cardinon. Do me proud, my children."

As the master finished, he looked into the faces of the 3 smashes before him. Their faces were full of resolve and determination. The master knew he had made a good choice of Hugo to send on this mission.

"Wait, why send us and not the S-class mages?" questioned Gajeel.

"Because you 3 are only ones who can take out this quill and only you 3. The master has great power but his mages don't so when in battle, save your power for the master. And when you find out what this master plans on doing, only your skill can defeat him."

"What does he have planned?" asks Wendy.

"I can't tell you as you will all need to know at the right time for this to work." Was the response the master gave. "Now go prepare and I expect everyone back in one piece."

"you got it gramps." Said Natsu as he and his fellow slayers left the office to prepare for their mission.

As they left, Gramps knew that when they found out about the plan, the guild will be now more as all hell would break lose. If only the time of them finding out could be shortened a bit.

The Next Day

Everyone from the guild came to wish the dragon slayers good luck.

With Wendy

"Don't worry Carla, Natsu and Gajeel will look after me. I will return soon." Said Wendy while hugging her exceed.

"I know but I don't want you picking up any habits from those 2." Replies Carla.

"I won't and you know it."

"Don't I get a hug good bye" Said a young male voice from behind Wendy.

"Of course, you do Romeo." Said the young dragon slayer as she turns to face the young fire Mage. "I just thought you would want to say goodbye to Natsu first."

"I already did and now he is saying good bye to his team mates." he days looking over to Natsu who was hugging Lucy and whispering something in her ear so quietly not even Wendy and Gajeel could hear what was being said.

The 2 young mages hugged each other. Romeo whispered in her ear, "Come back, okay. I will need you back."

"I will come back as soon as I can." Said Wendy as she pulled back from the hug and smiled at him with her cute smile.

The young teens then parted fully and Wendy headed over to the car that the council had sent.

With Gajeel

"Jet, Droy, Lily. Make sure you protect shrimp, okay." Said Gajeel

"we would never let anything happen to levy." Responded Jet.

"And you know it." Finished Droy.

"I can look after myself, you know." Said a girl with brillant blue hair with an expression of annoyance on her face after being called shrimp by the man she cared for.

"I know, but I want to know that I can come home to a still smiling, still healthily Levy."said Gajeel as he turned to look at her. He reached down to hug her.

"I will be fine. It's you I am more worried about." replied Levy aAshe hugged him back. "Come back to me, promise me you will."

"Promise." Smiled Gajeel knowing the girl he had hurt so long ago had forgiven him and now loved him as much as he loved her.

With that knowledge, Gajeel pulled back from the hug and planted a quick kiss on Levy's lips before turning and heading towards the car with Wendy getting inside.

The Iron dragon slayer made his way to the car after fist bumping his cat for kissing Levy. He knew that he would be thinking of Levy the whole time he was away.

But he wasn't the only one with a girl on his mind.

With Natsu

He said good bye to everyone at the guild. Said good bye to his team mates Gray and Erza. All that and saying good bye to Lisanna all came with ease, He knew he would be fine as he had Wendy and Gajeel for back up. Saying good bye to happy, his flying blue cat was harder as Natsu was basically his foster father. Their bond would never break even after all the stuff that had happened on Edolas.

But nothing compared with saying good bye to a certain celestial wizard.

After saying goodbye to happy and Romeo, both of whom then went to say good bye to Wendy, he turned to see his partner.

Lucy was on the verge of tears. He was going away and she didn't know how to react. She had come to terms with her love for her best friend, knowing she would likely love him for a very long time, if not forever. When she learnt that Natsu was leaving to destroy a dark guild, she knew he was risking himself to protect her and the guild, which had her tearing up. She didn't want him to leave.

Natsu knew this.

"Good luck on your mission Natsu." Said the tearing Mage looking at the ground.

"Thanks Lucy." Natsu replied as he pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry, I will come back, always." He whispered the last sentence as he hugged the girl to his chest because he didn't want the whole guild to be listening to their conversation.

Hugging him tightly, Lucy whispered back "I know but I don't want you to leave me."

"I promise I will return. I will never leave your side again." Natsu said into her ear so only she could hear it.

Lucy pulled back and said "You better keep that promise."

"You know I will."

Natsu turned to see Gajeel and Wendy waiting for him to get moving. The rest of the guild was just staring at the pair as if they had become attached at the waist.

"I have to go now." Said Natsu pulling back.

"okay but return soon, okay." Said the blonde.

"Promise." Natsu turned "Happy, I want you to look after Lucy for me while I am away. Okay, buddy."

"Aye sir." Said the blue cat flying to give Natsu one last hug before landing on Lucy's shoulders.

"Bye everyone." He yelled as he made his way to the car.

"Finally, now we can leave." Said the iron slayer.

"Wendy, could you do your motion sickness spell, please." Asked Natsu.

"Of course, Natsu." Replied the youngest slayer.

And with that, the 3 dragon slayers gave one last wave to the guild and they were off To Cardinon.

The guild then turned and walked back into the hall,leaving just 6 figures standing, watching the car drive away. Each human had an exceed standing near them or on them, almost as if showing the world who their owners had chosen to love. Lucy still had Happy on her shoulder while Carla was in Romeo's arms and Pantherlily was standing next to Levy.

"Come on guys, lets head cake into the guild hall with everyone else. They can handle themselves." Said Lily.

"we know that..." Answered Levy

"The problem is We don't know..." Helped Romeo

"When they will return." Finished off Lucy.

"Let's go inside and join everyone." Said happy, trying to cheer up Lucy and the others.

"Okay." Said the 5 remaining mages and they all headed into the fairy tail guild hall.

In The Shadows

A figure made of shadows was reporting back to White Lord's master.

"Sending only 3 mages to take out my new guild, how dumb is fairy tail becoming." Said the man from the shadows. "The idiots don't even know what I have planned. Those dragon slayers will rue the day they destroyed and betrayed Master Jose, master of white lord."

The figure in the shadows then slipped away as he set to work on his plan for his master.