Hello! This is my first attempt in fanfiction, so please bear with me.

This is a set of drabbles and one-shots about Percy and Annabeth, our sweetest couple.

Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I'm not Rick Riordan and I don't own Percy Jackson, Annabeth does ;)


Annabeth feels Percy's grip around her tightens, his brows frowning.

They are currently watching a documentary film about rape cases at Percy's apartment, and she can see her boyfriend's scowl everytime something horrible was mentioned.

"Hey, what's the problem?" Annabeth asked.

"Nothing, I just can't stand what we're watching. What if it happens to you?" Percy mumbled kissing the top of her head and suddenly hugging her tighter.

"Percy, I can-t breathe." Annabeth said biting her lower lip, trying hard not to laugh at her boyfriend's over protectiveness towards her.

Percy looses his grip on her and looked straight in her eyes.

"I'm sorry; I just want to reassure myself that you're here and safe with me."

Annabeth smiled and kissed her boyfriend's cheeks.

"Don't worry, Percy. I don't want to sound like an Aphrodite girl, but I really feel safe when I'm with you."

Percy smiled at her saying, "I love you, Wise Girl. And I promise to always keep you safe."

"I know, and I LOVE YOU for that, Seaweed Brain."



And they sealed their promise with a kiss.