
A time for scaring children and making sure their teeth rot. Is it safe to say it's Santana's favorite holiday? And she's not evil or anything but she thinks it's funny seeing some of her students running around in freaky as shit costumes while trying to scare little 's why she likes to scare them.

With homework assignments.

Pretty scary, right?

Her students seem to think so.

On Halloween, her, Rachel, and Puck usually just go to one of their houses and pass out candy. Which is also fun because she gets to load up all the kids bags with candy and later have the pleasure of imagining the horror on their parents faces when they see the dentist bill. It's fun.

Rachel tells her it's horrible that those are the reasons she loves Halloween so much and Puck just tells Rachel that it makes sense that Halloween is Santana's favorite holiday. She is Satan's offspring after all. That's what Puck calls her anyway. And you know what? She wears that fucking name proudly.

This year, Finn invited her to spend Halloween with him and Abby and she just couldn't refuse. He did that cute little pout thing that he does and it gets her every time. He tells her that he usually just takes Abby around the neighborhood, trick-or-treating, and then comes back home to watch whatever Halloween movie is on TV that night. Santana figures it's at least better than watching the horror show that is Puck and Rachel all night.

She figures that she should dress up, too. She just has no fucking idea what she should dress up as. Abby told her a few days ago that her dad found her a really pretty Pocahontas costume and that she was going to wear that. Santana asked her if Finn was really going to go as Meeko and Abby shook her head with a pout and said that he was going to go as the guy with the blonde hair and big muscles. Yes Santana laughed at that.

She can not wait to see Finn as John Smith.

The days leading up to Halloween she still didn't have a costume so she decided to take a trip to the mall and just see what they had. When she got there, there wasn't much but there was a cute Little Red Riding Hood costume that caught her eye and she decided to try it on.

It looked good.

It didn't look too trashy like it was some kind of sex-role play costume, it looked actually decent. Like she could be around her co-worker/guy-she's-sleeping with/friend's daughter. So she bought it.

The night of Halloween she drives to Finn's house a little early so she doesn't risk injuring any little kiddos that might be out trick-or-treating. She's already dressed in her costume and she feels pretty damn good in it. She doesn't usually dress up because Rachel's costumes are usually wild enough that she doesn't have to dress up but she's glad she decided to this year.

She pulls into Finn's driveway and smirks when she sees the Halloween decorations all over his lawn. Most likely because Abby told him he should put some there. She parks her car and grabs her purse before pushing her car door open and stepping out. There are a few kids trick-or-treating already and Santana smiles at them as they walk past.

When she gets to the front door, she knocks and shifts her basket that came with the costume on her arm and waits. The look on Finn's face when he opens the door is priceless.

"Trick-or-treat." She says all seductively as she smirks at him. He's already in his costume and it's the funnies thing ever. He has on this fake blonde wig and he's wearing a blue button-down shirt and he has it rolled up to his elbows. He's wearing these black tight things on his legs and he has on black boots to match. She seriously wishes she had her camera right now. After realizing he hasn't said anything yet, she smiles slightly and says, "So, are you gonna invite me in or leave me out here to greet the trick-or-treaters as they walk up to your door?"

Finn practically pulls off her arm when he drags her in the house and shuts the door before pushing her against it and attaching his lips to her neck. "You look so sexy in this costume." he says against her neck, leaving little kisses along her collarbone.

Santana tries not to moan as she tangles her hand in his hair. "I would say you look good, too, but really Finn, you don't." She says jokinginly. He looks good in everything (mostly). She squeals when Finn reaches down and pinches her thigh, which causes her to hit him on the shoulder. "Where's Pocahontas?"

Finn moves his lips from her neck to her ear and bites down on her earlobe. "She's upstairs getting dressed." His hot breath coming out tickles her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

There is a pretty good chance that Abby could walk down those stairs any minute now and she just doesn't want to risk traumatizing the kid. Especially because she and Finn haven't really defined what they're doing yet so it's not like she knows that Santana is daddy's girlfriend so it's okay. Santana actually doesn't know what she is. But she pushes Finn off of her anyway because he was igniting something inside her way too fast and she wasn't sure if they got started that she would be able to stop.

So Santana asks, "Does she need help?" to get her mind off how fucking hot Finn looks in this button-down he's wearing because seriously, ugh."

Finn shrugs as he places his hand back on her hips, but doesn't do much more. "I'm not sure. She said I couldn't see her yet. It's suppose to be a surprise."

Santana chuckles as her hands find their way to his arms. "I'll go check and see if she's okay." She tells him before pecking his lips quickly them heading for the stairs.

When she gets to Abby's room, she knocks on the little girl's door and says, "Cutie, it's Tana. You need some help in there?" She hears some things being shuffled in the room before the door swings open and Abby's standing in the doorway.

Cutest. Kid. Ever.

She's in her Pocahontas costume with her hair long and straight like Pocahontas's and she has a little Meeko doll that she's holding in her hand and she just looks absolutely adorable.

She's smiling up at Santana when she asks, "Do you like it?"

Santana nods as she kneels down. "I love it, sweetie. You are the cutest, prettiest, most beautiful Pocahontas I have ever seen."

"Really?" Abby asks, tilting her head to the side.


Abby throws her arms around Santana's neck and hugs her tight. Then she pulls back and looks over Santana's costume. "I really like yours too."

Santana stands up and fingers her skirt a little. "Why thank you. I'm Little Red Riding Hood."

"From the story?" Abby asks, looking up at her.

"That's the one."

"Did you see daddy?"

Santana nods, "I sure did. He looks great. I bet he wants to see your costume, are you ready to go?"

"Yes! Let's go!" She races Santana down the stairs and runs up to Finn. He tells her she's the best Pocahontas he's ever seen and that he's honored to be her John Smith. Abby laughs at him and demands that they go trick-or-treating now before all the candy is gone. It's almost dark outside so Finn grabs a flashlight and these glow sticks he must've bought and puts one around Abby's neck.

Santana just watches as he gets Abby ready to go and makes sure she's going to be safe. When they're finally ready, all three of them walk out of Finn's house and set off. Abby skips ahead as Santana and Finn wait on the sidewalk when she goes up to ask for candy. They go to about thirty houses and about halfway through, Santana reaches down and grabs Finn's hand, interlacing their fingers. She watches as he looks down at their joined hands between them before he gives her a quick kiss and tells her that this is the best Halloween ever.

They decide to head back to the house right after Abby announces that she's pooped and doesn't think she can make it any farther. Santana lets go of Finn's hand so he can pull her up onto his back and carry her the rest of the way. Abby's already sleeping by the time they're walking through his front door so Finn tells her to make herself comfortable before heading up the stairs to Abby's room.

Santana plops down onto his couch and turns on the TV. She finds Scream 3 being played so she leaves it at that and kicks her shoes off before pulling her legs up under her. Finn comes back down, in a t shirt and boxers, with one of his old t-shirts in his hand. He tells her that she can change into it if she wants to and Santana kisses him before taking the shirt and heading to the bathroom.

She folds up her costume and puts it on the table in front of the door before heading back to the couch and curling up next to Finn. Somehow, she ends up on his lap, her hand tangled in his hair and his hand on her waist as their tongues move against each others. They have fuck on the couch that night and it's definitely some of the best sex Santana's ever had. It's hard and rough but also passionate and powerful and her orgasm completely drains all the energy from her body. She's completely exhausted by the time they're done so she let's Finn carry her upstairs to his room and lets him lie her down in his bed before crawling in and snuggling up to her side.

It's the first time she's sleeping over and she's a little surprised by how normal everything feels when she wakes up with her head on his chest and her legs tangled with his. You would think that she'd be freaked out but surprisingly, she isn't.

Every Thanksgiving, Santana's parents and Rachel's dads come in to town to see their girls. They all either go over to Rachel's house or Santana's house for Thanksgiving dinner and they just switch off. This year it's at Santana's house. Her parents and Rachel's dads are all really good friends. Rachel's dad, Hiram, worked with Santana's dad, Antonio, at the hospital. So their parents kind of knew each other, but they kind of didn't. That was, until the girl's became best friends. After that, the parents started seeing more of each other and eventually all became very good friends. Rachel's dads live in Columbus too and Santana knows for a fact that they get together with her parents every month for brunch or something. It's totally weird, but it totally isn't.

They are all driving into Lima on Thanksgiving Day and then their driving back out the next morning. Santana's dad and Rachel's dad have this huge conference in Columbus the day after Thanksgiving so that's why their leaving so early. Both sets of parents usually stay at least a couple days but Santana's not complaining. Her parents usually just stay with her and Rachel's dad stay with Rachel. It usually causes for a lot of hectic in Santana's house Which she hates. But she'd never tell them that, they're her parents for christ's sake.

Santana's thinking about inviting Finn and Abby to join them but she doesn't want to freak him out or anything. After Halloween she started sleeping over more and more and she's come to find she actually prefers sleeping with him than all alone in her bed. He's huge and cuddly and she likes hearing his heartbeat as she falls asleep. And if you think that makes her some ridiculous sap you can fuck off, okay because she doesn't give a shit.

When she gets to school on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, she still hasn't decided whether or not she's going to invite Finn. She figures she should. He probably doesn't have any family around here and he's her friend, first and foremost. But still, she takes the entire day to think it over and by the time eighth period comes around she's made up her mind.

She's going to invite him.

After going through all the essays she assigned due today, she locks up her classroom before making her way towards the gym. She knows Finn is still there because he likes to let the kids work out in the gym until about six-thirty before he'll close up. So she walks into the gym and over to his office. She knocks on the door lightly and smiles as he looks up to see her.

"Hey, there." She says, walking in his office and putting her purse in one of the chairs in front of his desk. .

Finn stands up from his desk and comes around to meet her. "Hey, you." he greets, coming to stand in front of her and resting his hands on her hips. "And what do I owe the honor?"

Santana laughs as she slides her hands up his chest until they're at his shoulders. "What are you and Abby doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow?

Finn shrugs, "Nothing much. We were just gonna stay home, have some dinner, maybe watch a movie. How come?"

"Do you wanna come over to my house for dinner?" She asks, looking up at him through her eyelashes,, "Mine and Rachel's parents are driving in tomorrow morning and we're all meeting at my house for dinner. I figured that maybe you'd want to come."

"I'd love to." Finn smiles, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. Fuck. She should not be having fantasies of him bending her over that desk right now. "You want me to bring anything?" he whispers against her lips.

Santana shakes her head as she sucks on his bottom lip. "Just that adorable child of yours and your equally adorable self." She laughs, finally pulling away from him. "Me and Rachel usually spend the entire day cooking so we'll have lots to eat."

"You sure? I don't mind bringing anything. Even if it's just drinks or something."

"Finn," Santana says, placing both hands on his cheeks so he's looking straight at her. "Just bring yourself and I'll be happy."

Finn hangs his head. "Fine."

Santana laughs as she leans forward to kiss the pout that had formed on his face away before stepping out of his embrace and picking up her purse. "Great. Dinner's at seven-thirty. Don't be late." She kisses his lips one last time before turning around to walk out the door.

"Honey, that's two settings too much."

Santana looks up at her mom and continues to place the napkins and forks down. "No it's not," she says, looking down at the table. "I invited a few friends."


"Yes, mother, friends." Santana sighs, placing a hand on her hip. "I do have friends besides Rachel and Puck, you know."

Her mom raises her eyebrow at her and Santana already knows what's coming. "Is one of these friends a special friend of yours?" See. This is Maribel Lopez's way of asking if Santana is seeing one of these people she invited. But she likes to do it subtly, well, what she thinks is subtle.



Santana takes a deep breath and nods. "Yes, mom, he. He is a nice guy and he's my friend. Actually he's me and Rachel's friend." Maybe not the same 'type' of friend to both of them, but still friends.

"Oh. That's nice. I'm sure he'll be great company." You may think that this conversation is over. It's not over. Santana knows her mother well enough to know that this is definitely not over.

"Hey!" Santana beams when she opens the door and sees Finn and Abby standing there. And because he's Finn, she sees that he's holding a box in his hand, no doubt containing some kind of food. She raises her brow toward the box, "I thought I told you not to bring anything." She steps aside to let them inside and closes the door after them.

Finn shrugs as he hands her the box and says, "My mom always told me never to show up at someone's house for a meal empty handed." Of course his mom taught him that. Santana's pretty sure he and his mom are really close like that.

Santana rolls her eyes, "Still. I told you not to." She reminds him, leaning over to kiss his cheek then looks down to Abby, "Hiya, cutie." she greets, leaning down to kiss her head.

Abby just gives her this sad little smile. "Hi, Santana." Santana's eyebrow immediately quirks up and she looks at Finn questioningly. He just shrugs his shoulders which, yeah, doesn't help much.

Santana puts her hand under Abby's chin and lifts it so she's looking at her. "You okay, sweetie?" Abby nods silently, looking back down to the ground. Santana looks at Finn again before asking, "You wanna come meet everyone?" Abby shrugs and moves to stand behind Finn.

Finn puts his hand on Abby's head and mouths, "I don't know what's wrong." Santana nods and sighs as she leads them into the living where Rachel, Puck, Rachel's dads and her parents are sitting. Santana introduces both sets of parents to Finn and Abby. Finn smiles at them and shakes all the guys hands, and kisses Santana's moms cheek. Abby just gives them all a little wave before moving to sit down on the carpet. She even declined Puck's offer to play helicopter. Which she loves.

Rachel looks to Santana questioningly, asking her what's wrong, with her eyes, but Santana just shrugs and moves into the kitchen. She sets the box of whatever Finn brought down on the table before moving to the oven and checking the turkey. After making sure it was perfect, she began spooning the side dishes into serving platters.

Finn comes into the kitchen while she's spooning the mashed potatoes into a big serving bowl and he asks if she needs any help. Santana shakes her head and tells him she's got it before moving to scoop the stuffing onto a platter.

She puts the spoon down after she's scooped it all and turns toward Finn who's sitting at the bar. "What's wrong with Abby? She seems so...un-Abby like."

Finn smirks sadly as he leans against the counter. "I don't know. She's been acting weird since I told her we were coming here this morning."

Santana's stomach kind of drops into her stomach, thinking that this is her fault. "Did I do something?"

"No! Santana-" He stands up and wakes his way over to her, pulling her into his arms. "you haven't done anything." he promises. Santana buries her face against his chest, "I think she's just homesick, you know? This is her first real holiday away from Boston."

Fuck. That's right. Santana didn't even fucking think of that. And here she was being selfish and making everything about her.

"Do you think she wants to leave? Because you guys can-"

"We're not gonna leave."


"Santana." He says firmly, his hands, that are on her hips, tighten a little. "We're not gonna go anywhere. Abby just needs a little time to adjust."

Santana sighs, looking up at him as she chews on her bottom lip. "I want her to have a good time, Finn. I know what it feels like to be somewhere you don't want to. It sucks, Finn. Hard."

Finn chuckles a little and Santana almost wants to hit him for it but then he cups her cheek in his hand and he's looking at her all lovingly and shit and she just can't bring herself to. "She's gonna be fine. I promise."

Santana purses her lips at him and narrows her eyes. "Fine." She says then moves to check the turkey and when she sees that it's perfect, she grabs the oven mitts off the stove and pulls it out then sets it on top of the counter to cool. She looks up at Finn, who's staring at the turkey like a starving man. Which, yeah, he probably is. "You wanna help me carry some stuff out?" she asks, tilting her head toward the side dishes she has set up on the counter.

Finn nods and takes all the plates Santana tells him to and walks to the dining room. Santana follows behind him, bringing the rest of the plates, leaving the turkey for her dad to grab. (It's a tradition that he has. He always has to be the one to carve the turkey. Santana thinks its stupid, but whatever). She calls everyone into the dining room before sitting down in the seat beside her mother. She around to find Abby and pats the seat next to her. "Hey cutie, you wanna sit by me?"

Abby shakes her head. It sends Santana's heart straight to her ass. "I think I wanna sit by Aunt Rachel." she says softly, climbing up onto the chair next to the one Rachel just sat down in. Santana's trying not to pout as she looks at Rachel, who shrugs as she smiles sadly at her. Finn sits down next to her instead and she feels him place his hand on her thigh and squeeze it reassuringly.

Yeah. It's not reassuring her. She tries to make conversation with Abby the entire time they're eating, but Abby keeps answering her with either a nod or a shake of her head. She doesn't want to say it but she's feeling really sad right now. Finn's hand is still on her thigh when her mother goes into the kitchen to get the dessert and Santana just wants to run out of the room and cry. She hopes Abby doesn't hate her and it really is that she's just missing her family, like Finn said.

Santana's mom brings out the different pies and cakes out from the kitchen along with the dessert plates. She sets them all on the table and Santana stands to help her mom serve them. She gets what everyone wants and she puts a piece of chocolate cake on a plate and sets it in front of Abby with a wide smile. She knows that it's her favorite and she hopes it gets her at least a little smile from her.

"I don't want chocolate cake."

There goes Santana's heart. Right out the window. Gone.

"A-Are you sure?"

Abby nods silently and Santana glances at Finn before taking the plate back. "Abby, chocolate's your favorite." Finn says, looking at his daughter confused. Everyone eye's find Abby's and the little girl is just sitting there with a frown on her face.

"It's not anymore."

Rachel glances at Santana before turning toward Abby and asking, "How come?" Abby shrugs, "Well, what is your favorite now?" Abby scrunches her nose before pointing to the pumpkin pie sitting in front of Rachel. Rachel picks it up and shows it to her, "This is your favorite?"

Abby nods. "Yep. I want some of that one."

"You don't even know what that one even is, Abigail." Finn says, his eyebrows furrowed. Santana is just trying to to cry as she serves Hiram and LeRoy their pieces of pie they asked for. They both thank her graciously and Santana just gives them tight-lipped smiles. She's not really in the mood right now for real ones.

"I do too!" Abby argues, then leans forward to poke her fork into Rachel's pie then shoves a piece in her mouth. "See!" she opens her mouth slightly. "My favorite." Finn still shakes his head at her and smiles sadly toward Santana.

Rachel shrugs at Finn and asks,"Honey, do you want your own? I'm sure Tana can-"

"No!" Abby shouts glancing at Santana for a minute before looking back at Rachel, "I wanna share with you."

Can someone just kill her now? Please? This kid is ripping her heart out and she just wants to curl up in a ball and cry. So she excuses herself from the table, saying she needs to use the restroom. Finn tries to latch onto her hand but she just pulls herself free. As soon as the door to her en suite bathroom is closed, tears start streaming down Santana's cheek as she moves to lean against the sink.

She has no idea what she did wrong. She loves Abby and all she wants is for the little girl to be happy and have everything she could ever possibly want. She thought they were getting closer but she was obviously wrong. Abby hated her. And she didn't even know why.

Santana doesn't know how long she's in the bathroom until she hears a quiet knock and a soft, "Tana?" come through the door. She quickly washes her face in the sink before using a towel to pat her face dry. After cleaning herself up as much as possible she opens the door and puts on the best smile she can manage on her face.

"D-Did you have to use the bathroom, sweetie?" She asks, looking down at Abby.

Abby shakes her head. "No. Daddy and Aunt Rachel said I should come up here and see if you were okay."

"I'm fine." Santana smiles meekly as she wrings her fingers together.

"You don't look fine."

"But I am."

"Are you sure?" Santana nods and Abby's still looking at her like she doesn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. Santana forgot how smart this kid was.

So she sighs and moves to sit down on her bed and pats the seat beside her, "Can I talk to you, sweetie?" Abby walks over to her and jumps up onto Santana's bed, laying her hands in her lap. Santana takes a deep breath before asking, "Did I do something to make you mad at me? Did I make you sad in any way?" Abby looks down at her fingers and shakes her head silently. Thank god. But that still doesn't explain anything. "Then how come you're not my friend today, cutie?"

Abby's quiet for a little while and Santana's just waiting. She figures she'll talk when she's ready. Which she does. "At school yesterday this girl was talking about how her mommy and daddy were gonna take her to see her grandma and grandpa for thanksgiving. She told us all how her mommy always dresses her up in really pretty dresses and does her hair really pretty and stuff. Then everyone started talking about what mommy's do and then one asked me what my mommy does." Abby sniffles a little and reaches to wipe her nose with the back of her hand. Santana has tears in her eyes but she's not letting them fall yet. But she does reach over and scoop Abby up and places her in her lap and starts rubbing her back soothingly.

"Then what happened, baby?"

"This one girl started telling me I'm dumb because I don't have a mommy. Then I told her to be quiet and that I did have a mommy and her name was Santana." Santana's breath catches in her throat as Abby looks up at her. "But then they kept on saying that you weren't my mommy because I didn't come from your tummy like all the other kids. And she was right, I don't got a mommy." Abby started crying harder and now the tears were streaming down Santana's cheeks as she rocked the little girl back and forth in her lap.

Santana was so heartbroken for her. No child should have to grow up without a mom. And Santana seriously wanted to go the school and beat some little kids. Or maybe their parents. She ran her hand through Abby's blonde hair as she lifted the other to wipe away her own tears. Her lips are pressed against Abby's hair when she says, "Abby, those girls are just a bunch of mean troublemakers." She feels Abby nod against her chest and she smiles a little. "You shouldn't listen to anything they say because you have a whole bunch of people who love you and want you to be happy."

"Like who?"

Santana reaches down and tilts her head up so she's looking right at her. "You have your daddy, who's the best daddy in the world. You have Aunt Rachel and Uncle Puck. You your grandma and grandpa." Santana tells her, her thumb caressing her soft cheek. "And you have me, cutie. I'm always gonna be here for you, okay?"

Abby nods and buries her face back in Santana's chest. They are both silence for a little while until Abby looks up at Santana. "Can I call you mommy, Tana?"

It's a loaded question and Santana's jaw drops lightly. She never imagined herself as a mother. Before Abby, she was sure she didn't even like kids. But now, she can't imagine herself anything other than Abigail Elizabeth Hudson's mom. She loves this little girl to death and she would do absolutely anything for her. So Santana leans forward and presses her lips against Abby's forehead.

"Yeah, cutie, you can call me mommy."

"What are we doing Finn?"

Finn looks surprised to see her this morning, which yeah, he kinda should be. But he pushes himself away from his desk and asks, "What do you mean?"

Santana huffs and crosses her arms over her chest, "I mean, what are we doing, me and you? What the fuck are we?"

Then he fucking laughs. Like, no. He does not get to laugh. She has enough problems with emotions already and she doesn't need his teasing. She's about to storm out of his room when he comes jogging up to her and wraps his arm around her waist. "Well, most days I'm pretty sure I'm love with you. So I'd hope that we were together."

Santana looks up at him. "Like, together, together?"

Finn nods, "If that's what you want us to be, then yes. If you don't want to, that's fine too. I just love being around you, Santana."

"I want that."


"Are you really gonna make me say it again?"

"Yes, Tin Man," Santana narrows her eyes at him and slaps his chest, "Tell me exactly what you want and I'll give it to you."

"I want us."

"Us?" Santana nods, looking up at him through her lashes, "Okay." And that's it. Santana likes that it's really easy with him. She's never really had that before.

So she leans forward and smashes their lips together as her fingers tangle in his hair. She really doesn't give a shit that the next period starts in like, two minutes because the guy right in front of her is nipping at her bottom lip and making her moan with his every touch. But yeah, because the fucking class starts soon and kids will be filing in, Santana pulls away from him, her breath heavy and rugged.

"I like you."

"I like you, too, Santana."


Finn laughs again and Santana pulls away from him before walking out of his classroom. At the door, she turns around and looks at him over her shoulder. "Can I pick up Abby from school today?"

Finn raises an eyebrow at her. "Sure." he says, "Why?"

"I have some kids to see."

"Who're you?"

Santana looks down at the little blonde haired girl. She's looking up at Santana with a confused face. "I'm Abby's mommy."

"Abby's mommy?"


Then Abby comes running out her classroom and straight for Santana yelling, "Mommy!" Santana grins happily and leans down to catch her and hoist her up in her arms.

"Hey, cutie. How was school today?"

"So fun! We got to paint today and I painted a pretty picture for you and daddy!"

"Oh yeah?" Abby nods, smiling happily.

The little girl is still standing beside Santana, watching both she and Abby. "Abby, is this your mom?"

Abby looks at Santana and wiggles her eyebrows before looking down at the little girl. Santana can't help but smile when she says, "Yup. I told ya I had a mommy." She sticks her tongue out at the little girl who pouts before walking away. Santana holds her hand up and the girls high five. "Can we go get ice cream?"

Santana pretends to think and taps her chin before laughing. "Duh!" Abby claps her hands and yells for them to go. Santana listens to her talk about her day at school the entire way to the car. She figures this isn't such a bad way to end the day.

Okay, so it's not like Santana hates the holidays, because she doesn't. She just hates the snow. That's why every year when Christmas comes around, she's usually in a sour mood. She hates that she has to shovel her driveway, well, Finn has to shovel her driveway and she has to drive with chains on her tires so she doesn't like, die while driving. But the fact that they went on Christmas break last week kind of makes up for it.

She and Finn aren't living together yet but she practically spends all her time there. It's not like she's in a rush to move out of her house because, yeah, it's fucking amazing. But she likes spending time with Finn and spending time with Abby. And she's mostly in love with Finn by now so that's a plus. She just hasn't told him yet. She's never actually told anyone she loved them before so she's a little hesitant to tell Finn. But that's not saying that he hasn't told her.

The first time Abby called her 'mommy' in front of him, he picked Santana up and smashed their lips together. As Abby was squealing and yelling for him to put her down, Finn whispered, "I love you." in this quiet little voice she's never hear before. She didn't say it back and she felt really bad but later that night when they were in his bed she explained to him that she's never had this with a guy before and that she might need some time.

Finn was completely understanding and told her that she didn't need to say it to him, that he knew how she felt without her even having to speak a word. That night, Santana curled into him, falling asleep to his whispered words.

But it's Christmas Eve and Santana and Abby are sitting on the floor in Finn's living room wrapping up some last minute presents. Finn is in the kitchen making them some hot cocoa because Abby decided to pull both she and Finn outside this morning to play in the snow. Santana's in the middle of wrapping up her mom's Coach purse that Abby helped her pick out when she hears the doorbell.

She stands from the floor and tells Abby she'll be right back before heading toward the door. When she pulls it open she sees a blonde woman with green eyes and a flower dress standing in front of her.

"Um, can I help you?"

"I'm looking for my daughter." The woman tells her.

Santana ticks an eyebrow up, "Your daughter?" she asks, tilting her head to the side. Who the hell is this bitch? She just comes knocking on their door, asking for her daughter.

"Yes." She says, "Her name is Abigail Hudson and I know she's here." This chick tries to look around Santana through the door. Uh. No.

Hold the fuck up. Is this….

"Who are you?" Santana asks, moving to block her view.

"My name is Quinn Fabray."

Oh hell to the fucking no. Santana can not believe she is literally looking into the eyes of Quinn. Finn's Quinn. The Quinn who left Abby when she was a baby and chose herself over her family. Santana wants to slap the shit out of her and possibly cause mental damage.

But before she can lunge herself at Quinn she hears, "Mommy!" coming from behind her and Abby comes running up to her and wraps herself around Santana's leg. Santana places her hand on Abby's head as the little girl looks up at Quinn. "Momma, who is this lady?"

Quinn smiles at Abby and opens her mouth to speak but Santana stops her. "She's no one." Her eyes are locked on Quinn, daring her to say anything. Abby pulls on Santana's hand and motions for her to pick her up. Santana scoops Abby into her arms and places her on her hip before turning back to Quinn. "You need to leave."

"I'm not leaving." Santana's seriously about to kick her ass with Abby on her hip. "She's my daughter, I'm allowed to see her."

"No you're not." It's Finn and he's now standing behind Santana, shooting daggers with his eyes at Quinn. "You have no right to be here, Quinn, so get out."

Quinn shakes her head. "No. Finn, I am her mo-"

"No you are not!" Finn roars and Santana feels Abby jumps in her arms so she holds her a little tighter. Santana looks over her shoulder at Finn and shoots him a warning glance. She sees him nod his head a little before turning back to Quinn. "Don't do this in front of the baby, Quinn. Leave."

"No!" Quinn shouts, "She's mydaughter too, Finn! I have a right to see her!"

Santana feels Finn places his hand on her waist and watches as his jaw tightens. "You gave up that right when chose yourself over your family, Quinn." He snaps, pointing his finger at her. "So don't come in here, to my house, and demand to see her now. So I'm telling you right now, leave."

Quinn purses her lips, like the prude she is, and shakes her head again. This chick really doesn't know what's good for her. "Why Finn? So you can live your happy life with this whore? Please.." Now she's pointing at Santana and rolling her eyes.

"Who are you calling a whore you stupid bi-" she stops when she hears a quiet 'Tana' against her neck and she takes a deep breath because she doesn't want to scare the baby.

"Quinn, you need to leave or I'm calling the cops."

"Go ahead." Quinn shrugs her shoulder, looking smug as fuck. "Call the fucking cops. I don't care! I came to see my daughter and I'm not leaving until I do!"

Abby's hands get tighter around Santana's neck and she just wants to take her and leave. "You saw her, Quinn! She's standing right in front of you! Now go! You're scaring the fuck out of her!" Finn yells, taking a step around Santana and toward Quinn.

Santana hears Abby sniffle against her neck and she knows she's crying. Santana reaches behind her and grabs her keys off the wall. She steps up behind Finn, her eyes on Quinn as she says, "We're gonna go." then she kisses his neck before making sure Abby is tight in her arms and darting to her car. She sees Quinn try to make a move toward her but then Finn puts his hand on Quinn's arm and holds her back. She gets Abby in her seat quickly before climbing in driving off.

She looks at Abby through her rear-view mirror and sees a few tears streaming down her little face and it literally breaks her heart. "You okay back there, cutie?" Abby nods silently and Santana sighs as she makes her way to her house.

She can't believe that Quinn showed up today and pulled this shit. Where the hell does she get off thinking she can just do shit like that. All Santana knows is that if she comes near her daughter again, she's going to have some serious problems.

Finn walks through her door front door about an hour later and he's got a pissed off look on his face. She was able to get Abby down for a nap about a half hour ago and she's in Santana's room so Santana was just sitting in her living room watching TV until Finn got there. When she hears him walk in she turns her head and sends him a smile small. He comes and sits down beside her and Santana curls up next to him.

He doesn't speak for a long time and she just sits there and rubs his arm softly. About twenty minutes go by and she clears her throat. "Are you okay?" she asks quietly.

"Yeah." Finn sighs, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and rests his head in his hands. "I just can't believe she's here, you know?" Santana nods and waits for him to continue, "I can't believe after all these years she just decides to show up and demand to see her. That's crap."

Santana nods as she rubs his back. "She's a bitch." Finn lets out a tired chuckle as he leans back again and wraps his arms around her shoulders. "And she's not going to get her, Finn. Abby is yourdaughter. She belongs to you. No one else."

"She's your daughter, too." Finn says it makes Santana's heart flutter. "Abby loves you just as much as she loves me, maybe even more actually, and if anyone is her mother in this situation it's you."

Santana curls up against him, grabbing his hand to lace their fingers together. "We're gonna be okay." It's not a question, it's a statement. Santana knows that everything's going to be fine. It has to be. She feels Finn kiss her hair and whisper that he loves her against it. She can't say that she loves him back just yet but by the way she tightens her grip on his hand and snuggles in further against him, he probably knows she loves him too.

You know what Santana hates the most about being a teacher? When her students wait until last fucking minute to come in for help. Like, she's a good teacher, okay? She gives her students a good amount of time to do their assignment and still have time to come ask for help if they need it. And she's said it time and time again that she will not help them if they come in the day, or the day before an assignment is due. But do they listen? Hell no. That's why she's stuck at school after it's done when she could be getting ready to go home. The only reason she agreed to tutor this kid is because he's never asked for help before. He's a good student in class and he always turns his assignments in on time. So she said she could help him.

She explains the assignment to him in easier terms and has him do a couple of review questions before sending him on his way. She's packing up her laptop and bag when her phone rings. She looks at the screen and smiles when she sees Finn's name.

"Hey, babe."

"Santana." He's breathing really hard and he sounds like he's about to break down or something.

"Finn? What's wrong?"

He doesn't answer her and she's getting really fucking scared right now. She calls him name again and she hears him sniffle before saying, "Abby was kidnapped."

Santana's body goes limp as her phone drops away from her ear as her heart falls out of her chest. She doesn't even realize she's crying until she's in her car and speeding toward home.

Her baby was kidnapped.

"Why the fuck aren't you guys doing anything?!" Santana roars at the two police officers sitting in front of her. Finn places his hand on her back, but she bats it away. "My daughter is out there, missing, and you guys are sitting on your asses doing nothing!"

"Ms. Lopez, please, it's best if we stay calm-"

"Stay calm!" Santana shouts, standing up from from the couch, "My six year old daughter is out there doing who knows what, with who knows who, and you want me to stay calm! Fucking do something and maybe then I'll stay calm!"

Finn stands up and wraps his arms around Santana and sits her back down on the couch. He gets her to calm down enough to let one of the officers explain to them what the procedure is in situations like these. Santana listens as the officer tells them everything that happened. She was playing at school during recess and the teachers at the stupid fucking school didn't even notice she was gone until they were taking roll after snack time. Santana makes a mental note to go back down to the school and rip the teacher a new fucking asshole.

The officers are assuming that she was taken during that one recess break and they are reviewing the street cams as they speak. They said they already put out a missing child alert to all officers in the area and people are searching for her as they speak. Then they ask she and Finn if there's anyone they know that would possibly want to hurt her or them, for that matter, and she and Finn can't think of anyone. Everyone who meets Abby automatically fall in love with her. The officers write down a few more details before standing up from the couch and leaving to see if there are any updates.

As soon as they're gone, Santana buries herself in Finn's chest and immediately starts to sob. She's wracking her brain for any reason why someone would take their baby. She knows Finn is breaking inside and she's glad that he's managing to stay strong because she sure as hell isn't. She looks up from Finn's chest and sees Rachel and Puck rush into their living room and Santana stands up to give her best friend a hug. Finn stands up next to her and he and Finn embrace each other.

Santana cries softly into Rachel's neck. "T-They don't know where she is. Rach, what if they can't find her? What if she hurts? What if she's hungry? What if she's cold? It's still winter time and she might not have her jacket. W-What if whoever took her is torturing her? What if she's scared, Rachel? I-I just need my her back!"

Rachel shushes Santana's cries as she rubs her hair. "They're going to find her, honey. They have every officer in Lima searching for her. They will bring her back." Rachel moves them over to the couch and sits down with her and holds her as she cries. Puck is talking quietly to Finn, getting all the information they know.

About twenty minutes later, Santana's calmed down a bit and the officers come back in the room and Finn and Santana jump to their feet immediately. "We got a report of a few minutes ago about a little girl, who fits our description, checking into the Main Street Motel with a woman who's about '5"6 with blonde hair. Officers are on their way to the motel now."

As soon as the officer mentioned blonde hair Santana knew who it was.

Fucking Quinn.

Santana thought that bitch was long gone after she showed up again the day after New Year's, drunk as fuck, demanding to see Abby again. Finn was pretty fucking convincing when he threatened to call the cops and she left and Santana thought they had seen the last of her.

Apparently she was fucking wrong.

Anger is flowing through her as she clenches her fists and looks up at Finn. From the look on his face, she can tell he's thinking the exact same thing she is. "I'm gonna kill that fucking bitch."

The officer and Rachel and Puck look between Finn and Santana with confused faces. "You guys know who this woman is?"

Finn decides to answer because Santana is far too pissed to even speak right now. "Her name is Quinn Fabray." He explains, looking at three people in front of him. "She's Abby's birth mother." Santana watches Rachel and Puck's jaws drop as Finn explains the situation with Quinn and how he has full custody of Abby, and that up until last month, she was out of her life. "The day before Christmas Quinn showed up and asked to see her. Me and Santana didn't allow it and Quinn threw a fit."

Santana glances at the officer, who's taking all this down in his notepad. "We thought we got rid of her." she says softly and feels Rachel's hand on her shoulder. "Do you think she would hurt her?"

The officer looks at Santana with a sympathetic look on his face. "If the child is someone that the kidnapper knows it's highly unlikely that the child will be harmed. Right now we're just focusing on getting her back home safely."

Santana nods as the officer bows his head slightly and turns to talk to another officer. "If she hurt her Finn, I swear to god-"

"I know, babe." Finn cuts her off and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. "Let's just hope it really is Abby they found."

Not five minutes later, the same officer comes back into the living room and says, "We got her." Tears burst through Santana's eyes at the words and she feels Rachel's arms wrap around her. They get a few details from the officer before Santana is bounding through the house through the front door, Finn following right behind her, racing toward her car. She goes way over speed limit as she drives furiously through the roads, weaving in and out of traffic to get to the motel.

When she pulls up, she sees Quinn being handcuffed and she darts out of her car screaming, "You stupid bitch! How fucking dare you try and take mydaughter! You better hope I never see your fucking face again, Quinn! I should fucking kill you!" She racing toward Quinn and before she can get to her she feels herself being lifted off the ground. She knows it's Finn but she's still screaming out profanities in Spanish as the officers escort Quinn into the back of the squad car.

Finn pulls her aside and tells her that she needs to calm the fuck down because he wants to see Abby and he can't do that with her acting like a fucking psycho. So she takes a few deep breaths before telling him that she's calm and then grabs his hand as she looks around for their daughter. She finally spots the little girl coming out of the motel, holding a police officer's hand and she yells, "Cutie!" and Abby's head whips toward her and a smile spreads across her face as she starts to race toward them. Santana and Finn jog toward her and Santana catches her in her arms when she jumps into them. She's fucking bawling at this point as she hugs her daughter close to her as Finn's arms wrap around her own body. She's trying to kiss every possible inch of Abby's face as tears gush down her own. "Oh my god, baby, are you okay?" she asks, lifting up the little girl's head and inspecting it, "Did she hurt you? Are you cold? Did she touch you-"

"Momma." Abby whines, stopping Santana from rubbing her face. "I'm fine. She didn't touch me. She just said she wanted us to be together forever and I told her that my mommy would be very mad if I stayed away forever."

Santana let out a tearful chuckle as she pressed her lips against Abby's cheek. "That's my girl." Finn scoops Abby out of Santana's arms and hugs her close and tells her that he loves her and that he's never gonna let anything happen to her ever again.

Abby tells them that all she wants right now is a snack because she didn't get any after recess. Santana tells her that as soon as the police tell them they can go they'll go to her favorite restaurant and get some food. A couple officers come by and explain to them everything that's going to happen now. Quinn is going to go into custody and will be tried in court for kidnapping. They tell Finn and Santana that they won't have to be there at the hearing but are welcome to go anyway. After telling them that they already checked Abby out for any injuries they tell them that they are free to go and to have a nice night. Santana holds her daughter close as Finn thanks the officers for everything before leading his girls to the car.

For an entire month, Santana has Abby sleep with them and she makes sure that she knows where she is at all times. She and Finn decide not to let her go back to school just yet because they want her to be assigned to another teacher. The only reason she actually does go back to school is because Abby comes into their room one morning and tells them that she's sick of them kissing her all the time and she misses her friends and demands to go to school. Because neither of them can say no to her, Finn gets up out of bed and tells her that he'll take her. But not before Santana kisses and cuddles her for about ten minutes straight.

This pretty much go back to normal. Santana's still a little hesitant to let Abby do some things by herself and she knows Finn is too. Not to mention the nightmares Santana still wakes up with in the middle of the night, but Finn's always there to soothe her back to sleep. They teach Abby all the things to do in case of an emergency and if a stranger ever comes up to her again. Abby listens to every word they say and promises to never let a bad guy get her ever again.

It's a promise both Santana and Finn make to her too.