Note: Rin, Makoto and Haruka appear like mermen/mermaid creatures amongst each other while to normal humans they appear like the actual mammal/fish they are. If that makes sense.

"Haru! The pods leaving!"

Haruka roused himself up from his nap, blinking up at the offered hand. He took it and was hauled up from the smooth rock he had been lounging on. He yawned and leaned heavily against the orca sleepily. Makoto let out a warm laugh, bending down to give him a couple pecks on his cheek. Haruka mumbled something but finally started waking up properly.

"I gotta go tell Rin we're going." The orca continue, nodding over to the direction he assumed the predator to be.

Haruka nodded, and followed, side by side, as they searched for the shark. He rubbed his eyes tiredly with his free hand, other wrapped tightly around his mate. The pair found the shark with his gray haired companion. "Rin!"

The shark looked up with a toothy grin, motioning for Ai to follow him as he joined the two cetaceans, "Yeah?"

"Pod's leaving." Haruka informed simply, finally fully awake.

"Oh. Already? Jeez don't you guys ever chill?" Rin laughed, "Scheduled migrations take some getting used to." He continued despite Nitori jabbing him in his side. He ruffled the pilot fish's hair in retaliation, earning him a cute little squeak.

"Where will be off to Mr. Makoto?" Nitori asked, once he regained his composur, peering up at him with his good eye.

"We'll be heading back in the direction of the shore." The orca responded with a sad smile, a sadness tinging his green eyes.

The two fish nodded, sharing a solemn look, "We'll visit Gou and Sei while we're there." Rin decided, and Nitori smiled with a silent nod. Makoto looked guiltily away, biting his lip. No matter how much Rin reassured him he still felt terrible about what had happen to his sister. If only he hadn't acted so rashly, if only he hadn't gotten them involved, if only-

Haruka nudged him back to reality as he was slipping. The fish were heading over to the pod, pausing to look back at the slower cetaceans, "You comin' or what?" The shark called impatiently.

"I want to see something before we go." Haruka mumbled, and Makoto squeezed his hand in acknowledgement.

"Go ahead! We'll meet you guys in a few!" The orca shouted back, and the fish shrugged before departing. He turned back to the dolphin, "Lead the way."

Haruka smiled softly, tugging his hand as he swam away into a bright clearing near the surface of the ocean. Within its shallow depths sat a rocky cave. Makoto's eyes widened at the sight, "You remembered where it was?" He breathed glancing down at the dolphin.

"I refound it when we first got back here, but I didn't want to explore it again without you." Haruka explained, slipping into the cave's mouth delicately. He paused after a moment, hesitating, "Unless you don't want to see it. Then we can just leave." He reminded, leveling the other a concerned look.

Makoto smiled and assured, "I want to see it."

Haruka kissed him sweetly, taking his hand and swimming into the cave. They were forced to let go of each other as the cave became thinner and shallower and darker, only being able to continue in single file. Haruka kept looking back at the orca, worry shining in his blue eyes, but Makoto did not shake, did not fear. He simply smiled.

They reached the small familiar hole and Haruka slipped through easily enough. He dipped back down to work at the opening to make it bigger for his mate, but to their surprise, Makoto fit through quite easily. Haruka blinked up at him curiously, brows furrowed. Makoto never fit anywhere.

Makoto smiled sheepishly, "I guess there's some perks to a folded dorsal fin." He thought aloud with a slight awkward chuckle. Haruka looked pained, drawing him closer with a mournful frown.

"I'm sorry." The dolphin whispered, and Makoto shook his head but Haruka continued, "Thank you for finding me. For saving me."

"You don't need to thank me for something like that." Makoto kissed him, smiling brighter, "It's a given."

Haruka buried his face in the orcas chest, nuzzling into the comforting warmth. Makoto held him close, rubbing soothing circles into his black hair. "Come on, we're missing the pretty view." He whispered softly, nudging the other.

He rose up and broke the surface of the pool of water, bringing the dolphin up with him. They breached the water, and the orca looked up at the small opening at the very top of the cave where the moon shone through, filling the space with its dim shining light. It gave the place an unearthly glow and made the water shimmer beautifully as it reflected the numerous stars above. Haruka peaked his head up and looked around in awe before finally resting his eyes on Makoto's face above him.

Makoto could feel the warmth of the others gaze on his skin and it felt as if he was glowing rather than the water around him. He finally glanced down, smiling broadly and pressing more warm kisses on the dolphins face.

They stayed like that, tangled together under the stars for moments that felt like ages before finally breaking apart. Hand in hand they left to find their pod.

"Rei. Rei. Rei!" Nagisa cried, shaking the sleeping blue haired man beside him. Rei sat up blearily, palming for his glasses by his side and slipping them on quickly. Nagisa was hovering over him, eyes shining. But in seconds he had left his side in order to stand against the edge of the research boat, leaning so far over it looked as if he would fall any second.

Rei scrambled onto his feet, rushing over to grab the other by the waist and steady him back on the ship. "Nagisa, careful!"

"Rei, look." The blond insisted, tugging the other by the collar to look out at the dark sea. There were orcas everywhere, suddenly surface in a group, water spraying everywhere as they breathed, some of it sprinkling the pair of humans. "They're getting ready to move!" Nagisa explained, "Go start the boat!"

Rei hesitated, in awe of the massive creatures surrounding their little ship. The animals mostly ignored their existence as they headed on their way. "R-Right." Rei nodded, tripping over to the controls. The ship rumbled to life, and Nagisa clicked on his video camera to start the new log, "December 31st, Dawn of the New Year! The orca pod moves on! And we, humble marine bioligists shall follow them on their epic journey! Where will they take us?" He narrated, getting lovely panning shots of the swimming cetaceans, "Will they journey to unknown lands? Unknown worlds? Will there be aliens?"

"Actually," Rei interrupted, forcing Nagisa to point the camera towards him, "Based on previous dating they are most likely following the same migratory route and will be heading in the direction of our home town." He continued matter of factly, gaining a pout from his shorter shipmate.

"No fun! Why do you have to be so statistical all the time?" Nagisa bemoaned, swirling the camera back to something more interesting, like the orcas.

"We're supposed to be scientists, Nagisa." Rei insisted.

"He's even like this in bed, ya know." Nagisa continued into the camera tragically.

Rei squawked, "You better edit that out of the video!" He snapped.

Nagisa laughed, giving the camera a wink before returning his gaze to the migrating animals. By now they could recognize the entire pod, each with their own name and observed personality from their months of study. They could pick them apart by dorsal fin alone! And as one folded black fin rose up into the air beside a much smaller silvery blue, Nagisa's heart soared.

"Rei look! Haru and Mako are here!" He bounced, pointing and zooming in on the pair of cetaceans. Rei smiled broadly at the sight.

Haruka swam at full speed, relishing the feel of the wind against his skin, of the water moving with and against him, of no walls to close him in. Makoto swam beside him, occasionally nudging him, reminding him of his presence and warmth. This was heaven. This was freedom.

Haruka dove down suddenly, lifting up to make a modest but beautifully executed flip. Makoto laughed, grinning up at his favorite sight. The dolphin allowed a small smile on his own visage from the reaction. His peace was soon disrupted.

"You call that a flip?" Rin barked, sliding up beside Makoto, Nitori in toe, "Listen, dolphin boy, let me tell you that I've been practicing hard and that ain't no flip."

Haruka snorted, eyeing the shark. Makoto continued to laugh good naturedly, "I thought you didn't like flips, Rin?"

"I never said I did." The shark retorted, "All I'm sayin' is I wont lose to you on this, Haru. Ai back me up."

"I think Rin is very good at flips." Nitori stated nervously, diplomatically.

"We can just all do as many flips and jumps as we want. It's fun." Makoto suggested, diving down to do his own graceful arc. And their swimming commenced once more, this time punctuated with graceful and less than graceful flips, dives, jumps and arcs. Laughter and smiles and the occasionally frustrated growl echoed throughout the chilly air.

Their laughter caught the attention of Makoto's personal family, and soon Even the twins joined in, much to their big brother's delight.

It was wonderful.

And once the fun had died down as cetaceans and fish alike grew tired and sleepy, the calm returned. The twins swam back to their mother's side. Rin and Nitori dove deeper down to breathe better. And Haruka and Makoto returned to their hand holding.

It was in this quiet that Haruka spoke up once more, "I'm never swimming circles again." Makoto laughed, squeezing the others hand tighter. They had both swam circles for a lifetime. All that was left was to move forward.


Because all that mattered was their ever present companionship, and the fact that it would remain just that—ever present.

From now on and forever.



but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing!

reviews make me smile

see you next water time!