A/N. I know it's been ages since the last update and it's Saturday, but, well. The story's not over yet.


"That is," Rose cleared her throat, smirking at him, "if by the time we reach your room our heads are not filled with other, more creative ideas."

He gasped, delighted. "I'm already looking forward to it, darling."

No Time Like the Present

Chapter Thirteen

"First things first," she muttered into his chest. "Are the Bad Wolf visits over? Won't she be tormenting me ever again?"

Has she? The Doctor was glad his hands were filled with Rose's lovely, if still unusually meagre, figure, or else the ship would get to learn of his wrath. Even if all the TARDIS would do was laugh at him.

"Look, I'm sure she has not meant it! Her approach to things understandable to us might differ greatly from ours," Rose was justifying the old girl without fully realising it.

"Are you sure?" He eyed her dubiously. "Our clever vessel is actually more familiar with human preferences than you think, love!"

"Yes, I know," Rose agreed, shaking her head. "In fact, I'd rather stick to lying down for a while," she admitted sadly. "I hate not being fully aware of my surroundings."

As if having understood her request, the TARDIS has doubled the brightness aboard, making Rose bite her lip.

What she meant, old girl, was she needs the lights dimmed, not made blindingly bright.

The TARDIS buzzed apologetically.

Your room, Doctor? Rose reminded him.

Yes, the Gallifreyan was wasting no time, taking Rose into his arms and getting her into his room with a little smile on his face, putting her onto the bed. "That's just how it is for us. Trouble wherever we go," he sighed.

The Time Lady rolled her eyes at him, incredulous. "We are together, no matter the odds. We have had… we have a chance to do whatever we please, with or without your other companions, yeah? In what way is this trouble? "

"You don't understand. I'm afraid something might happen, something bad," he admitted.

Rose sighed. "So? It hasn't happened yet, why should you worry? For God's sake, Doctor. I have gone through the entire change of species… Is that not enough to finally start believing the positivity always gets its way?"

The Doctor beamed at her. "You are the best, Rose. Could I get a kiss, just a single one? To make sure the species change hasn't turned you into a completely different person?"

"Don't be daft, Doctor. How could it?"

Let me show you, Rose, the Doctor kissed her softly, expecting for her to intensify the gesture by allowing him in… Which she did, refusing to back away once the bits of his mind have become a part of hers.

"Ooof. That's… intense," she breathed, letting go of him reluctantly.

The Doctor took her by the hand. "Has this been too much, Rose? It's possible to make the experience feel nowhere as invasive, just tell me!"

She blinked at him. "It's been amazing. Intense, yes, but never too much. The only question I can think of right now is why? Why haven't I felt such a depth, such devotion when kissing you before? Have you been keeping these things from me? Or… Have I been unable to see it before?"

The Doctor sent her a knowing smile. "There are a lot of things your still need to learn about, Rose. Telepathy can be employed anywhere, as you must know. Now, as a Time Lady, you are about to learn so much more," he breathed at her seductively.

Rose smiled at him softly. I'm yours. Right now, however, all I want is to rest and do nothing, she confessed.

The effect her words had on the Doctor was something she expected.

"Is something wrong, my Rose? Maybe I should check up on you?"

The girl exhaled, shaking her head. "I feel fine, just tired. Right, TARDIS?"

The Doctor was happy to hear the old girl's approval and exhaled in relief.

"If this is all, maybe, I don't know, you'd like to spend some time alone?" The unwillingness with which the Doctor has uttered the question has been self-explanatory.

Rose giggled. "No. Don't go! I might suddenly get the urge to begin exploring the Time Lady side of telepathic communication and what it gives me," she teased. "Naturally, I can't have telepathic conversations with anyone but you."

They could hear the TARDIS was upset.

Rose understood her mistake. I didn't include you, old girl, because you are a part of my mind ever since-

The Doctor was there to help her. Believe me, old girl. At times, I get jealous just by watching at the friendship you two share!

This seemed to have calmed the TARDIS down considerably.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" The Doctor was waiting for a confirmation.

Yes. Talk to me. Sing to me. Be here and do nothing, if you so wish, just-

The Time Lord nodded, excited. Your wish is my command, Rose Tyler!

Rose moved from her position, making some space for the Doctor. Come here, Doctor… Unless you are afraid telepathy might affect me weirdly?

The Doctor didn't object to joining her. We can't know that unless we try, he sent her teasingly.

"I don't say I wouldn't like to try it, but I am way too tired to think straight right now, yeah?" Her voice grew quiet.

"I understand, love. It's okay!" Even if the Doctor wanted to know whether her wish to have him close meant anything more than her need to not be alone, he realised that didn't need saying.

Rose wasn't lying and has fallen asleep soon after, leaving him feeling unbelievably responsible for her life and well-being. Only during quiet moments such as this the Doctor has got the chance to remember every single second with only the two of them needed to be cherished.

Because some people simply didn't have the understanding of privacy.

"Hi! I see you two are having fun!" The understanding of keeping quiet sometimes must have left his mind.

"Forgive Jack, Doctor. His excitement is admirable, but he might have missed the fact you weren't alone here," Martha tried to justify her new friend, leaving the Doctor exasperated.