Emma Different Once Upon A Time

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or Once Upon a Time, the rights belong to JK Rowling and the ABC Studios. The speech will be mostly the same as the programme.

The trio were now stood outside Granny's and Harry was watching the recovery truck which says 'Franklin's' on the side lifts up a red car up so it is ready to be towed away, while Emma and Henry are trying to get answers out of Ruby. Emma asks "So this boyfriend of hers you don't think he was involved in her disappearance?" while Ruby is serving some customers.

Ruby sounding a bit annoyed says "That would mean he was involved with her at all, which he isn't" while both turning round to face Emma and getting Harrys attention to the conversation. Harry walks up behind Henry and places his hand on his shoulder while Ruby carry's on being snarky with Emma. "He left her in the lurch right after they found out they were expecting. Hasn't spoken to her since." Once she has finished Ruby is now stood in front of the dinner entrance with a hand on her hip.

Ruby goes on to say "Like I said, he's a..." but she was cut if by the red car crashing back down onto the ground. In the windscreen there was a little red glass wolf handing off the rear view mirror, but due to the vibrations of the car hitting the ground it shock and hit the windscreen. Ruby rushing forward shouts "Hey, hey, hey Billy! Be careful. You almost shattered my wolf thing, Billy. It's god luck." Once the man now named Billy turns round Ruby is leaning on a chair next the Harry with a hand on her hip and a pout on her face.

Billy says to her in a calming voice "I'm sorry, Ruby, but look, it's fine." Emma then walks up behind Harry as he checks out Ruby who in turn Checks out Billy, but when Emma starts to speak it shakes Harry and Ruby out of their day dreams, "Ruby, what about her family?" Ruby turns round and replies "Oh, she's got a stepmom and two stepsisters that she doesn't talk to."

At this Henry speaks up "Wait, Stepmom, stepsisters, and she's a maid?" but Emma says Henry, not now. Henry looks at Harry who then kneels down so that they could both whisper to each other "Cinderella." Ruby not noticing the underlining conversation says "Look, I don't know what you've heard, but it's wrong. Everyone thinks she's not ready to have this kid, but she's trying. Taking night classes, trying to better herself, trying to get her life together."

Emma then looks up at Ruby with a sort of proud look on her face as Ruby continues to ask "Can you understand that?" she then says in a voice that says it all "I think so." But then Ruby says "Then maybe you should stay out of it. She's been through enough already." But Harry then says to Ruby "Emma's been through it, too, Ruby, she can help her and so can I."

Ruby then looks at Harry and sees the truth in his uncovered emerald eyes and says "Then try her ex." Harry smiles at ruby when Emma says "Where can I find him?" Ruby says to her in a mocking voice "He lives with his dad."

Later on Emma's car is parked in front of a well looked after detached house and Harry and Emma are stood on the doorstep when Emma knocks on the door. A Handsome young man a dew years younger than Harry who was 27 answered the door and asks "Can I help you?" as a maroon jaguar pulls onto the driveway. Emma asks the young man "Sean Herman?" Sean replies "Yeah, who are you?" Harry who is again stood behind Emma says "She's Emma Swan and I'm Harry Potter. Where looking for Ashley Boyd. She's in trouble."

Emma takes over and says "We just thought maybe she came to see you." But before Sean could answer her, an older man can walking up behind them and says "My son doesn't have anything to do with that girl anymore. So whatever trouble she's in, I am sorry for, but there's nothing we can do to help you." Emma and Harry look defiantly at the man and both of them say "You're the reason he broke up with her." Not freaked out at the double speech he says "Absolutely. I'm not gonna make my son throw away his entire life over a mistake."

Henry who is sat in the front seat of the car looks up at the adults wondering what was conversation was as Harry says in disbelief "So you just told him to leave her?" the man sticking to his opinion says "What are they gonna do? Raise the child in the backseat of a car?" Emma speaking from experience snaps "Some people only have the backseat of a car."

The man just replies "Well, they're to be pitied. I'm not letting that happen to my son," trying to end the conversation the man strolls into his house while Sean says "Dad, maybe we should help them look." "It's a waste of time Sean," was the reply he got of his dad. Harry glaring into the house steps closer to Sean and says "Sean, if you want to come, come. Stop letting other people make decisions for you. If Ashley runs away with this baby she's gonna be in some serious trouble."

Sean asks the pair once Harry steps back a bit "She's running away with the baby?" and Emma just says "Yes." But before anything else should be said his dad says "Sean. Inside. Now," Sean turns round to find his dad stood right behind him. He sighs and walks into the house, leaving Harry, Emma and his Dad standing at the front door.

Sean's dad moves into the doorway and he crosses his arms and says to the younger pair, "Look, believe me, if I knew where she was, I would tell you. I went to a lot of trouble to get her that deal." Emma interrupts and asks "Deal? What're you talking about?" Sean's dad says to them as Harry gets a look realization on his face as he says "Ashley agreed to give up the baby," at the same time as Sean's dad did.

Sean's father nods and continues to say "And she's being paid very well to do so." Emma looks between the two men and asks in disbelief "She sold the baby?" Sean's father turns round and says to her "You make it sound so crass. I found someone who's going to find that child a good and proper home."

Harry responds "And how do you know that Ashely isn't going to be the best for the baby and who are you to judge whether Ashley is capable of providing that?" Sean' dad turns round and say "Look at her. She's a teenager. She's never shown any evidence of being responsible. How could she possibly know how to be a mother?" Henry is in the car looking up at the adults and smiles when Harry turns round to see if he is okay.

Emma upset at what she has found out replies with a lot of emotion in her voice "Maybe she's changing her life." Sean's father not knowing why Emma was so passionate about it turns round and says "Everyone says that. Now look. I found someone who's going to pay Ashley extremely well, someone who's going to see to it that everyone's happy."

Emma and Harry share a look and Emma says "Mr Gold." It was Sean's father's turn to speak as he asks the question? "Isn't that why you were hired? To bring him the baby?" Emma and Harry look at tells Sean's father the answer.

Emma, Harry and Henry are now in Emma's car driving through the street. Henry who is in the front with Emma is saying to the pair "You can't make her double-cross Gold. No one's ever broken a deal with him." Emma turns round and says "Happy to be the first," and Harry shakes his head and mutters 'Stubborn' then he turns round and says to Henry "This isn't the first time I have broken a deal.

Emma just looks at him from the rear view mirror and says "If Ashley wants to have this baby, she should have it. Anyone who wants to be a mother should damn well allowed to be one." Henry and Harry just look at each then turn away as Emma pulls up in front of Granny's dinner.

The trio walk into the dinner and Emma asks Ruby ho9w was behind the counter "Why didn't you tell me she sold the baby?" "Because I didn't think it was important" was the response Ruby gave as she walked away. Emma follows Ruby own the counter saying "Really? Considering that's why she's running away?"

Ruby gives Harry a look and says "Look, Ashley's my friend. I don't like the idea of people judging her." Ruby walked to the serving hatch and picked up a customer's order while Emma picks up the lucky red wolf that used to be in Ruby's ruby car.

Harry spins round and looks out of the window to see Ruby's car missing and before Emma could say anything he rushes out of the dinner leaving three confused people. Emma shaking her head as her friend asks "Ruby, where's your car?"

Ruby just looks at her and walks back behind the counter as Emma continues to say "You didn't send us to Sean to find her. You sent us there do give her a head start." Ruby snaps "Look, I'm only trying to help her." "Yeah, so are we. Ashley's in more trouble than you know, Ruby. Where is she? Don't make her deal with Gold without me."

Meanwhile Harry is rushing through town looking like a madman while searching for Ashley. He turns down and alley and pulls out his wand and mutters "Point me, Ashley" and Harry sees the direction in which Ashley went and goes rushing after her hoping to stop her from reaching the border.

Back with Emma, Ruby made her decision and she said to Emma "I can't talk in front of him. He's the mayor's kid." Henry not happy with what Ruby said says "Hey, I'm on your side." It's silent for a minute as Emma stares and at Ruby who stares at Henry who stares back.

Emma then drops down to Henry's and says to him "Henry, I need to find this woman. And in order to do that I need you to go home, okay? So please listen to me. Seriously. She's not going to tell me anything if you're around." Henry seeing how serious Emma was says "Okay." With a voice filled with gratitude Emma says "Thank you."

As Henry was leaving the building he sees Harry running towards him and waves and Harry gets to him out of breathe. "Henry what you doing out here," Harry says after he has his breathe back. "Emma is talking with Ruby about what's happened with Ashley but they didn't want to talk when I was there." Harry puts his hand on his head and says "You want to help don't you?" and when Henry nods he leans down and whispers "Why don't you hid in the back of the car and then you can help." Henry Grins up and him and runs off to the car. Harry shakes his head and re-cats the point me spell and runs off following Ashley's trail, not seeing Henry staring at his back.

When Henry has gone Emma stands and turns to Ruby who sighs and says "She left town. She said she was gonna try Boston, thought she could disappear there." Emma straight to the point "How long ago did she leave?" Ruby with a sad look in her eyes says "About a half an hour." After hearing this Emma leaves the dinner.

She is driving to the edge of town when Henry sits up from the back of the car startling Emma by asking "What'd she tell you?" A shocked Emma gasps "Henry! What the hell? I'm going to Boston. You can't come with me and what you doing in here anyway?" Henry shouts "You can't go to Boston! She can't leave. Bad things happen to anyone that does," and then sheepishly he says "Harry told me too."

Emma not impressed says "I don't have time to argue with you over the curse. I got to get you home. And I'll be having words with Harry later." At the last part of the comment Henry winced because of the trouble Harry will be in. Trying to get her mind off of shouting at Harry he says "We have to stop her before she gets hurt. We've wasting time. If you drop me off, you'll never catch up to her and Harry is running after her anyway I think."

Emma trying to convince him says "Henry…" but he continues to talk not listen to her "Then Mr gold will call the police, and he'll have her sent to jail." Emma sighs and says "Buckle up." And says to herself "Ashley, what did you get yourself into? Harry what the hell are you doing?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enchanted Forest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Grumpy the dwarf, Prince Thomas, Cinderella and Prince Charming are walking in a cave, when Cinderella asks "Why are we down here?" Thomas replies "We need a place to keep him." Charming the older Prince in the group takes over and says "Rumplestiltskin is the most dangerous man in all the realms. He needs his own special prison, so we converted the mines to hold him."

Cinderella with a well-placed doubt asks "But how will we get him here? He's eluded all forever." Grumpy looks at her and says "His strength is also his weakness. His deals. He can't resist making them, and we already know who he wants to deal with next. You."

Charming says to Cinderella "We've sent word with one of Snow's bluebirds. He's accepted a meeting with you. You're gonna tell him that Doc heard something with his stethoscope, two heartbeats." Thomas takes over and says "You're going to tell him it's twins." Charming takes over again and says "And if he wants both, which he will, you propose a new deal. Grumpy."

Grumpy then opens a small chest and revealed a scarlet feather. Cinderella says "A quill? I don't understand. Grumpy elaborates and says "The Blue Fairy cast a spell on it. Whoever signs with this will be frozen, their magic made impotent." Charming starts to explain and says "All you must do is get him to sign the contract. Ella, this man is a scourge. You will be doing the entire land a service."

Ella unsure about it asks "But should we even use magic? It's that what's causing these problems to begin with? What if this magic also has a price?" Thomas without wasting anytime says "Then I will pay it. I will do whatever is needed to save you and our child." Charming taking control says "Let's go." And the four of them walk further into the mines. Walking through a door they walk into a massive cavern and at the end of it was some sort of cage or cell.

Grumpy turns to Ella and says "I hope you like it. A lot of Dwarf blood went into it." Ella just walks past him and asks "You sure this'll work?" Charming says to get rid of the fear "Once he's in there, he'll never get out. You'll be safe." Walking in front of her Thomas says "I can do this, Ella." And Ella nods slightly as they both look at the cell which will be holding Rumplestiltskin. Ella with a look of pure determination on her face says "Let's get him."


Emma's yellow car speeds round a corner and Henry is looking round when he shouts "Look out!" Emma swerves slightly as she nearly hits a man who's running on the road. The man hears the car and turns slightly before he leaps onto the side of the road neatly getting hit in the process. Henry checks to see if the man was alright when Emma continues to drive on and he says to her "It's Harry."

Harry sees who nearly hit him before he starts to run in the director Emma was going. Emma seeing Harry running in the rear view mirror slows down till Harry caught up and climbs threw one of the back windows into the car. "Cheers for nearly running me over guys," Harry says sarcastically to Emma and Henry, who just smirks at him before turning back round to face the front of the car.

Once Henry turns round he sees something and says to Emma "I told you," while pointing forward. Harry leans over Henry's seat while Emma looks in the direction that Henry was pointing. The trio see a red car and Henry says "It's her car." The car was crashed into a ditch on the side of the road a few meters away from the town border.

Emma stops the car just the red car and Henry immediately opens the door both him and Harry climb out while Emma gets out of the car. The trio rush towards the car to see if Ashely is there, when they reach the car Emma looks inside and asks "Ashley?" when they all look into the car they see the car empty and the passenger door open.

Then they hear an agonising scream of excruciating pain from just behind the car and Harry looks around the car to see Ashley sat on the floor staring at them saying "My baby. It's coming to Emma, Henry and Harry who has a look of panic on his face.

Emma is back in the driving seat of her car and Ashley is sat in the passenger seat crying in pain, holding her stomach. Henry who was sat in the back with a pale Harry asks "Is the baby really coming?" Emma know what Ashely would be going through says "Oh yeah. Don't worry, the hospital isn't that far."

Ashley hearing what Emma said shouts "No! No, no, no! Take me to Boston. I can't go back there." Emma says to Ashely "No, we don't have four hours. Trust me, I know." Ashley crying says to her "I can't go back there, please. He's gonna take my baby." Harry snapping out of his shock leans forward and says "We won't let that happen, he will have to go through us first."

Emma glancing at Ashley says "But do you know what you're asking for if you keep this child? Are you really ready?" Straight away Ashley says "Yeah." Emma wanting to make sure Ashley has made up her mind says "Are you sure? Because I wasn't." When she said this Henry who was looking at Ashley turns to stare at the back of Emma's head.

Ashley not believing what she was hearing asks "You weren't?" and Emma says "Nope. If you want to give his kid its best chance, it's gonna be with someone who is ready, so know what that means. Your whole life is going to change, and once you decide that it's yours, this running away can't happen. You have to grow up, and you can't ever leave. Understand?"

Ashley over whelmed says "Yes. I want my baby." While Henry and Harry are staring at Emma head with a look of astonishment on their faces. Emma looks at Ashley and sees the sincerity on her face as they continue to the Hospital.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enchanted Forest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stood under a pergola was a very pregnant Cinderella, holding her baby bump thinking about what she was about to do. When all of a sudden a male voice rings out saying "Well, well, well. You're starting to show." Ella turns and sees Rumplestiltskin stood in the moonlight. Walking toward him with her cloak around her, he continues to speak saying "A little bird told me you wanted to speak."

Pulling her hood down she says "Yes. I'd like to alter the bargain." Rumplestiltskin replies "That's not what I do." But Ella determined says "But I think you'll want to. I'm having twins." As she finished she looks down to her baby bump. Rumplestiltskin throws the flask that was in his hand away and he stakes towards Ella, now interested in why she wanted to speak to him, saying "Is that so?"

Ella looks up at him as he nears and does a little dance saying "Let's have a look." Ella looks uncomfortable as he touches her bump and continues to speak to her "And you would, what? Give up both? Why is that, I wonder?" Ella nods as he asks the last part. Ella going along with the Princes' plan says "My husband, he's having a hard time. Our kingdom is poor. We're losing money. Our crops are dying. We can't support ourselves or our people."

Rumplestiltskin trying to work out the deal says "And you would trade your other child for comfort?" Ella responds "I can always have more children. But I can't make crops grow where the soil is dead." She walks forward while pulling out a piece of parchment with 'Contract' on the top saying "In exchange for our other child, you will see to it that our land is once again fertile. I think it is more than fair."

Rumplestiltskin liking the deal shouts "Yes! Yes, yes. It is. If what you're saying is true." As he says this he walks towards Ella and leans down to read the contract in her hand. Ella slightly offender at what he said says, "It is. And all you have to do is sign on the dotted line." She then pulls out a red quill that Rumplestiltskin says while plucking it out of her hand "What a lovely quill. Wherever did you get it?"

Ella trying to remain innocent says "It's from our castle." But Rumplestiltskin trying to remain one step ahead says "You know, the only way to stop me is through magic." Ella huffing slightly says "I'm not trying to stop you." Rumplestiltskin then says arrogantly "Of course you're not. Because as we all know, all magic comes with a price. And if you were to use it to, say, imprison me, and then your debt to me would only grow. And we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

Ella now getting annoyed just says "Just sign the contract, please." Wanted to make sure he asks her "Are you sure you're happy with this new arrangement?" Ella doesn't say anything she just lifts it up and he just giggles and goes to sign it and says "Then so be it."

He signs it and then as he puts the last dot onto the paper he drops it as the magic infused with the quill responds to the signature. Once it has finished and he can't move Ella shouts behind her "Thomas!" But Rumplestiltskin with rage in his voice says "No one breaks deals with me, dearie. No one."

Then from behind Ella a horse drawn carriage comes up and some soldiers are following it. Rumplestiltskin continues to say "No matter where you are, no matter what land you find yourself in, I assure you, I will have your baby.


Emma, Harry and Henry are in the hospital waiting room, waiting for news about Ashley and her baby. Emma is pacing up and down in front of Henry and Harry. Henry then says "You know, Emma, you're different." Emma still not 100% listen says "What's that?"

Harry sighs and leans forward placing his hand in front of Emma to stop her pacing, when she looks at him he says, "I agree, Emma you're acting different." Henry then takes over and says "You're the only one that can do. You as well Harry." Emma starting to pace again says "Break the curse? Yes, I know. You keep telling us." "No. Leave. You both are the only ones who can leave Storybrooke." was Henry's answer.

Emma not getting what Henry was saying says "You left and came and found me and Harry." Henry then says "But I came back. I'm 10. I had no choice. But if anyone else tried to go, bad things would happen." Harry turning in the seat slightly says "Anyone except us." Henry then says looking at the pair "You're both the saviours. You can do whatever you want. You can go."

At this Emma kneels down in front of Henry and Harry wraps his arm around his shoulders, both looking sad at Henry but before anyone could day anything else a nurse says "Miss Swan, Mr Potter, the baby is a healthy six-pound girl. And the mother is doing fine." At thus both adults stand but for different reasons, Emma to smile in thanks but Harry stood because of who he sensed arriving.

"What lovely news," was heard from behind Harry. Turning and looking up the adults and Henry see Mr Gold stood at the reception desk. "Excellent work Miss Swan, Mr Potter," Mr Gold walked towards them continuing to say "Thank you for bring me my merchandise." But Emma and Harry just glare in return.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enchanted Forest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Charming and Grumpy are leading/dragging Rumplestiltskin into the horse drawn prison he walks into the cell with handcuffs on Rumplestiltskin start to giggle madly as the cell door was locked. Ella who was stood next to her husband asks "Did we really win?"

The answer she got was "Yes, I told you we would." Starting to hyperventilate saying "I was so afraid. I was so afraid that we'd fail, that I would have to go back to that life. That terrible life." As she is saying this she is running her figures threw Thomas's hair. "I was afraid that I'll lose you, and that nothing would've changed."

Thomas trying to reassure her he says "As long as I'm alive, you will never go back to that life." They both smile and lean in to share a love filled kiss. Pulling away Thomas asks "Now, how is our little Alexandra?" At this Ella asks "Alexandra?" His reply was "Did I not mention that I picked out a name?"

Ella laughing slightly says "A name? That's more like a prison sentence." Not giving in Thomas says "Well, I like it." Ella leans up to say breathlessly "Men, you really know nothing of…" but she is cut off by a shearing pain running threw her. Thomas worried asks "Ella, what is it?" as she holds her stomach.

Ella struggling to form a sentence says "it's the baby. Something's wrong." Thomas starting to panic says "No, no, it can't be. It's too must be the stress, the excitement." Ella out of breath and sway slightly says "I'm dizzy." Thomas leading her to a bench says "Sit, sit." And when she was sat he knelt in front of her and says "I'll go get you water." Ella says "Okay," while holding and rubbing her stomach.

Thomas runs off leaving Ella on the bench breathing in deeply. He is rushing through the jungle heading towards an innocent looking well. He starts to pull on the rope making the bucket squeaky make its way to the top of the well, when a rustling sound makes him look up. As he looks up all he sees was a bush shaking as if something was there.

Ella breathing heavily as the pain recedes shouts "Thomas! It's okay. It's passed." She looks at her stomach when she hears a loud rustling in the trees, as if something is struggling. Worried she again shouts "Thomas?"

When she didn't get a reply she stands and slowly makes her way towards the well where Thomas went. As she reaches the well she sees a scarf left on the side of the well, she says "Thomas?" while jogging to the well. When she reaches the well she sees the scarf was the one Thomas was wearing and she looks down the well while shouting "Thomas?!"

As Charming was locking the door to Rumplestiltskin's temporary cell, Ella came storming out of the woods, shouting "What did you do?" the three males turn to her but Rumplestiltskin has a smirk on his face. Charming turns and says "Ell, what's wrong?" while grumpy says "Your highness, what happened?"

Ella ignores the two of them as she reaches the cell and shouts directly to Rumplestiltskin "What did you do to my Thomas?" he speaks directly to Ella saying "I haven't done anything. In case you haven't noticed I have been otherwise engaged." Ella not listen due to her grieve says "Something's happened to him. You know. Tell me!"

Rumplestiltskin leans towards the bars and says "I have no idea, dearie. But I did warn you. All magic comes at a price. Looks like someone has just paid." Charming stepping in and pulls Ella away saying "Don't listen to him. We'll find Thomas." In a sing song voice Rumplestiltskin says "No, you won't. Until that debt is paid, until that baby is mine, you're never going to see him this world or the next, Cinderella, I will have that baby!" Charming and Ella are walking backwards away from the cell as Rumplestiltskin acts like a dangerous cages animal.


Mr Gold is getting a cup of coffee from the coffee machine in the hospital waiting room, but when it doesn't work he bangs against it and that is when Harry and Emma walk towards him as the coffee pours out of the machine.

He says "Well, well. Must be my lucky day. Would you care for a cup, Miss Swan?" He was about to offer one to Harry but the glare on Harry's face deterred him from asking. Emma just ignores him and says "A baby? That's your merchandise? Why didn't you tell us?"

Mr Gold starts to walk away from the machine and says "Because at the time, you didn't need to know." Harry says with a bit in his voice "Really? Or you thought we wouldn't take the job?" Emma gives a quick look if surprise to Harry because she has never seen him this angry before. Meanwhile Harry was concentrating on keeping his magic in and to not curse Mr Gold out of Storybrook.

Mr Gold glancing at the pair says "On the contrary, I thought it would be more effective if you found out yourselves. After seeing Ashely's hard life, I thought it would make sense, especially to you Miss Swan. I mean, if anyone could understand the reasons behind giving up a baby, I assumed it would be you."

At that Harry took a step forward before Emma placed her hand on his arm and motioned to Henry when he glanced at her. Staring at Emma before turning to Gold and projecting in his mind 'I don't care who you are or who you where, you hurt either her or Henry and I will kill you.' He stakes away as Mr Gold stares at him wide eyed.

As Harry walked away Emma saw the look on Mr Gold's face and smirked to herself, thinking it was because it looked like Harry was going to hit him. Henry looked up at Harry as he came and sat down next to him, with steam practically coming out of his ears. Due to how Harry was acting Henry started to eavesdrop on the conversation between his mom and Mr Gold.

Emma then says to Gold once he has stopped staring at the back of Harry's head "You're not getting that kid." Mr Gold says as he gets his voice back "Actually, we have an agreement, and y agreements are always honoured. If not, I'm going to have to involve the police, and that baby us going to end up in the system. And that would be a pity. You didn't enjoy your time in the system, did you, Emma?"

Emma looks more uncomfortable now as she says "That's not gonna happen." Mr Gold says almost patronising "I like your confidence. Charming. But all I have to do is press charges. She did, after all, break into my shop. Emma says "Let me guess, to steal a contract."

Mr Gold trying to seem innocent says "Who knows what she was after?" Emma talking professional now says "You know no jury in the world will put a woman in jail whose only reason for breaking and entering was to keep her child. I'm willing to roll the dice that the contract doesn't stand up. Are you? Not to mention what might come out about you in the process. Somehow, I suspect there is more to you than a simple pawnbroker. You really want to start that fight?"

Mr Gold realising who he was dealing with, in regards to Emma and Harry says to her "I like you, Miss Swan. You're not afraid of me, or your friend Mr Potter for that matter. That's either cocky or presumptuous. Either way I would rather have you both on my side."

Emma interrupts and says "So she can keep the baby?" But he is interrupted by Gold saying "Not just yet. There's still the matter of my agreement with Miss Boyd." Emma just sys three words "Tear it up." But Mr Gold says with a flourish "That's not what I do. You see, contracts, deals, they're the very foundation of all civilised existence. So I put it to you know. If you want Ashley to have that baby, are you willing to make a deal with me?"

Emma not saying yes or no says "What do you want?" But the answer wasn't what she wanted, "I don't know just yet. You'll owe me a favour." Emma just stares at him and takes a step forward and holds out her hand. Saying "Deal," and she slow turns round to a cooled of Harry and Henry.

The trio are making their way to Ashley while Emma is quietly tell her what she had to do and he shakes his head and says "I should have done the deal." But Emma just shakes her head and says "No one knows better than me what it feels like to lose a kid, I didn't want Ashley to feel that." Henry who hasn't heard the conversation rushes to the glass door that separates them from the mother and daughter and walks through while Harry holds the door open for Emma and a nurse before following them to the base of the bed.

Emma says to Ashely when she reaches the bed "Hey, What's her name?" Ashley tiredly says "Alexandra." Henry leans up to see the baby as Emma and Harry both says "It's pretty." Ashley says "Thank you for getting me here." Emma bluntly says to her "Mr Gold was outside." But when Ashley starts to look scared Emma says "I took care of it. She's yours."

Ashley has a look of disbelief as she asks "She is? What did you do?" as Emma nods. Emma then says "Made a deal with him." As she said this both Henry and Ashley look up at her. Ashley crying happy tears says "Thank You. Thank you."

Harry looks up to the clock and says "Emma the time." As she looks up at the clock as well she says "Hey, kid, it's almost 5:00. We gotta get you home" as the trio rush out if the hospital.

Regina is in a room at Granny's zipping up her dress as the shower was running in the background. She shouts out to the run "I have to go. Henry's expecting me home at 5:00. But I will see you again." She is now sorting out her hair in the mirror. She then is putting her shoes on as she says "At the next council meeting. Oh and don't forget, you left your socks under the bed." And now she walks out of the door.

Emma is again driving with Henry is the passenger seat and Harry in the back. Emma just randomly says "Pumpkin." Harry and Henry just look at Emma weirdly and she then says "My code name. I was thinking in honour of Cinderella, Pumpkin." But her hopes where shot down as Henry shakes his head at her. Harry just laughs at Emma put of face as she asks "You got a better one in mind?" Henry says "Yup." "Well." "I'm not sure your ready yet." At this Harry just continues to laugh hysterically in the background.

Emma pulls us in front of Henry's house and rushes out and turns when Emma shouts "Henry? About what you said at the hospital, about me and Harry being able to leave?" at this Henry gets a worried look on his face as he says "Yeah?" but Emma says "I'll see you tomorrow."

Henry smiles as he rushes through the garden into the house, as Emma and Harry watch him enter the house, just as Regina pulls up in front of the house. Henry rushes into the house and slams the door and runs upstairs, while one of his shoes falls off but he doesn't have time to pick it up as Regina walks through the door shouting up "Henry."

Henry doesn't reply as he quickly opens and shuts his bed room door and throws his stuff and the bed and gets his homework as Regina again shouts "Henry?" but he jumps on the bed when she shouts angrily up the stairs "What did I tell you?" Henry throws his other shoe on the floor and starts to read from a book trying to look innocent as Regina walks into his room, saying "Do not leave your shoes lying around on the stairs."

Henry looks up at her and nods as she carries on saying "Someone could get hurt." She then drops the shoe on his bed and walk back out of his room. When the door is shut he drops his book and lets out a relived breath of air.

Ashley is looking down at her baby girl when a young man says "Is that her?" startled She looks up to see Sean stood there with a guilt look on his face. Not believing he was there Ashley says "Sean." He stares to walk towards her saying "I am so sorry. I never should have left you." Ashley just says in response "You're back." He says to her as he takes a seat on the bed next to her "Yeah, I'm back. Here, I got her a present."

He reveals a little pink pump which they both share a laugh over. He says "I don't know if they're gonna fit," as he is putting the pumps on their baby girls tiny feet. Ashley happily says "They're perfect." And the happy couple share their first kiss as a proper family.

Emma and Harry are pulled over by the side of the road and Emma pulls out the card that Graham gave to her. Harry reaches into the car and gets Emma's phone and gives it to her so she could ring the number. Harry presses his ear next to the phone when Graham picks up the phone and says

"Hello?" Emma says "Graham, its Emma and Harry. We were thinking, maybe some roots wouldn't be so bad. Them deputy jobs still open?" Grahams says to her "Absolutely" and then Emma replies "Then we're in. Reina gonna be okay with this?" Graham just says "I don't care. It's my department. I'll see you both Monday morning." Emma smiles and says "I'll I mean we'll see you." She hangs up the phone and sees Harry smirking at her and she faintly blushes and says to him "Shut it." Harry just laughs and the both of them look up and see Henry pacing in his bedroom.

Graham shuts his phone before getting on the floor to reaches his socks that are under the bed and stands topless in one of granny's rooms before he sits on the bed to put his socks on.

A/N: The poll has now closed and the results will be posted at the beginning of the next chapter. Please read and review.