Jack O'Neill was glad to finally get a bit of peace and quiet in the cafeteria, until, "What's with the tower?" came a voice from behind him. Sleepily, Jack turned to see Daniel. Dr Daniel Jackson was part of SG1, Dr, Archeologist and translator. His mid-length hair was tangled from lack of sleep, it was clear Carter had to wake him up too, thought Jack. Daniels glasses were lop-sided as if he'd slept with them on, knowing Daniel and all his books, he probably had. "What's with the tower?" Daniel asked again.

"I'm tired Daniel!" Jack snapped "I'm to tired to eat, so I'm making a tower! out of fruit loops," he mumbled.

"Has anyone ever told you, not to play with you're food?" came Carter's voice as she sat herself down opposite to Jack, her tray occupied with a glass of blue Jell-o.

"Great! this is just getting better and better!" Jack said mockingly "What's with the . . .hair?" he asked Daniel trying to get back at him. Daniel sighed and sat himself down next to Sam.

"Why did Hammond have us up at exactly One minute to seven?" came Teal'cs deep voice as he sat next to Jack.

"I know!" Chirped Sam. "The Tok'ra say they have a lead on the lost planet and that we should come immediately." said Sam. Jack raised a curious eyebrow.

"How do you get a lead on a lost planet?" Jack asked "Lost Carter, you know what LOST means? It means you can't find it!"

'Colonel, team we need you in the gate room immediately!'General Hammond voice boomed over the speakers. Jack, Teal'c and Daniel Rose to their feet, Carter taking one last mouthful of Jello then they left for the Gate room.