Meanwhile Hiccup was still being carried through a thick fog on Meatlug. They were flying through some giant rock formations that would jump out at them from the mist. Once they narrowly avoided a head-on collision with a particularly thick-looking rock.

"Meatlug, where are you taking me?" Hiccup asked. Meatlug just ignored him and just kept on flying.

Another shape appeared out of the mist but this time it was an old Viking ship that had crashed there. Hiccup yelled and yanked on Meatlug's head fins steering the dragon away in the nick of time. They then flew toward the open sky and then levelled out above the mist.

Eventually, the clouds gave way and an island came into view. It wasn't a particularly beautiful island. It was very rocky, with a giant pool in the very centre that took up about a third of the island. Hiccup couldn't see any plants whatsoever.

Meatlug then flew down and skidded to a halt on the rocky ground. Hiccup quickly dismounted and the Meatlug walked away. Hiccup walked over to the edge of the ledge they had landed on and let out a small gasp.

He saw every dragon from Berk there and they had babies with them. Most of the adult dragons were lazing around in sunbeams while their babies flew and jumped around them squawking and chitterling excitedly.

"You guys come here to have babies." Hiccup said in amazement. He watched a Deadly Nadder walk up to her babies and regurgitate some food while her baby scrambled to eat the stuff. "Whoa…"

Just below the ledge something caught his eye. A Gronkle was rolling several eggs into holes filled with water. Hiccup carefully slid down the ledge to see nearly bumping into a couple of baby dragons playing around.

Hiccup knelt by the water hole and watched in fascination as a baby Gronkle hauled itself out of the water and immediately took to the air flying about six feet before tumbling head over feet a few times and stopped in front of its mother. More baby Gronkles followed afterward. Most were green like the Gronkle but there were also a couple of brown ones, and even a pink one.

Hiccup finally glanced away and noticed one last egg sitting at the edge of the water hole. He stood up and walked toward it calling over his shoulder to Gronkle. "Hey look over here, you missed one—"

The egg suddenly began to shake violently and without warning it exploded in an enormous burst of flames sending Hiccup sprawling backwards. The baby Gronkle thudded on the ground in a ball as the Gronkle and siblings cautiously approached it. The baby uncurled itself stretched with a big yawn and waddled off to find something to do.

Hiccup was left lying flat on his back on the ground with his clothes burnt. He sat up and stared with wide eyes at the broken shell which was at least an inch thick.

"Man it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk!" Hiccup said to himself.

Meanwhile back at Berk. Astrid had quietly placed the last Gronkle egg in somebody's boot and tiptoed out to meet the others not noticing that it was beginning to smoke.

Astrid shut the door behind her and skipped toward her friends. "Wasn't this a great idea?" she grinned happily. Everybody grinned and nodded.

"Uh-huh! Everyone is going to be so surprised!" Fishlegs said barely contain his excitement.

At that very moment the house Astrid had just come out of the door suddenly exploded and destroyed most of the front of the house. A piece of debris pelted toward Fishlegs and hit him in the head sending the him to the ground.

"Surprise!" Snotlout said grinning.

The debris turned out to be a baby Gronkle which fell from the sky and landed on Fishlegs's stomach. It yawned widely and blinked sleepily up at the teens. Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Snotlout all leaned forward and looked at the baby Gronkle and smiled.

"Aww…" They said. Astrid and Ragnar however look at it with absolute horror.

"The eggs…explode?" They said with horror.

There was a short silence and then suddenly a house exploded taking out part of its roof. Another house followed soon after. Vikings began to run out into the open screaming.

"The eggs explode!" Astrid shrieked her hands flying to her face.

One by one the eggs were exploding, blowing walls, doors and roof shingles off various houses. Vikings were running to and fro, not knowing what was happening, screaming and trying to help each other. Astrid was frantically running around and crying, "Sorry!" to anyone who would listen. Baby Gronkles and random debris flew through the air. Two Gronkles crashed into each other and promptly settled down to watch the show.

"Awesome!" Ruffnut gasped watching with excitement.

"Wow!" Tuffnut breathed his eyes following a flaming piece of wood as it shot through the air and crashed into someone's house.

Fishlegs was holding a baby Gronkle and petting it softly silently watching the chaos unfold in front of them. Ragnar cringed every time a house exploded. Snotlout crossed his arms and turned to look at Astrid.

"This is your best idea yet!" Snotlout said.

"Look at the bright side Astrid at least you know how Hiccup felt every time he screwed up." Ragnar said.

From the way Astrid looked she didn't see it as a bright side. The Vikings slowly began to stop running as they noticed the wooden tree in the centre of the village. Three large pieces of flaming debris had crashed into it and now the tree was nothing but a giant flare.

As the explosions gradually stopped and a stunned silence fell over the village, Stoick stalked up to the tree and turned to face the crowd his eyes livid. "What in Thor's name is going on?"

"The eggs explode." Astrid whispered with blinked wide-eyed at the angry chief.

Behind her one more house exploded and Ragnar closed his eyes and cringed as it did. Then everything went silent and Astrid offered a weak smile.

Meanwhile Hiccup was still on the small islanded looking for Toothless.

"Toothless, Toothless!" Hiccup yelled as he roaming around. "Oh Toothless, where are you?"

As he came to the top of another ledge he found himself looking down at Skull, Stormfly and Hookfang. Hiccup felt a smile jump onto his face. Around were baby dragons Skull's babes looked weak and feral since they didn't have any bone armour all of them same colour scales as him, Stormfly had three babies one with her colour, another green and the late one a bright purple and Hookfang had three as well one with his colour, another yellow and the last one a dark purple.

"Hookfang!" Hiccup cried happily leaping off the ledge and running forward. Hookfang dipped his head down and allowed Hiccup to rub his nose. "Skull!" Hiccup said walking over to him patting him under his chin. "Stormfly!" Hiccup said walking over to her. "Oh…you have no idea how happy I am to see you guys!" Stormfly nuzzled him affectionately.

Hiccup looked down and grinned. "And you have…babies? Aw, look at you guys all happy together!" He said as he knelt down to pet them and Stormfly got up and moved away to give him some room. All three of them chattered at Hiccup eagerly pushing each other out of the way to get a chance to see him.

Hiccup laughed as the purple Deadly Nadder nuzzled his arm and he scratched it under the chin. "Who knew you were leaving to celebrate your own sort of holiday?" He said thoughtfully.

"I should get back to my holiday," Hiccup said grinning, standing up and looking at Skull, who cocked his head to the side. "So what do you say there, Skull? Think you could give me a ride back home?" Hiccup asked. Skull bent down and allowed Hiccup to climb onto his neck and jumped into the air.

Hiccup waved at the rest of the dragons down below. "I'll see you all back on Berk when you're good and ready! Okay, gang?" Hiccup yelled.

Stormfly however took this as a sign to follow him and she leaped into the air with a cry. Several other dragons saw her movements and copied them, and soon Hiccup had the entire island of dragons getting ready to come back home. "Oh no!" Hiccup yelped, shaking a hand at the dragons to try and dissuade them from following him. "No, no, no…I think I just started the return migration." He said to himself.

On the ground, all the baby dragons were squawking excitedly and wiggling their wings, getting ready to take off. Then, in one wave, they began running to the edge of the island ready to take flight.

"Well, if you insist…" Hiccup said giving up. He watched feeling a bit nervous as the first group of baby dragons reached the edge of the island.

One by one five baby dragons Stormfly's children, one of Skull's and one of Hookfang's leaped off into the air their wings flapping frantically. "Come on…" Hiccup muttered under his breath.

Slowly but surely the dragons began to gain height. Chattering in excitement, they began to fly faster. Unfortunately, it was windy around the island and the baby dragons' weight couldn't hold against the currents. One by one they were blown back onto the island.

"Oh boy, this is never going to work." Hiccup frowned.

The four baby dragons got up again and shook the dust off themselves. The other babies shuffled uncertainly on the ledge crying up at their parents. The adults hovered above in the air not sure what to do next.

Hiccup knit his brow and thought for a second then he got an idea. "Oh! Hold on." He yelled to the dragons below. "I've got just the thing." He patted Skull's neck and they flew off.

Meanwhile on Berk The Vikings were patching things up the best they could but it would take quite a while to get the village back to how it was. Meatlug's babies had fallen asleep around some of the food supplies and were twitching in their sleep, occasionally rolling over and letting out a squeaky yawn.

Stoick and Gobber walked out of a destroyed house talking. "Gobber, this is a disaster," Stoick groaned.

"Ach, it's not so bad," Gobber said shrugging.

"Not that bad?" Stoick said angrily as they stomped out of the house and into the open. "The village is destroyed, the dragons have gone and left us…let's face it. This holiday is a complete—what are these people looking at?" He grumbled noticing staring fixedly at the sky. Stoick followed their gaze and narrowed his eyes in confusion. "What is that?"

It looked like a big dark cloud was moving toward them. As it came nearer the shapes became more defined and the cloud began to break up into over a hundred silhouettes of flying dragons. Something else was hanging below them suspended by ropes that were held in the dragons' mouths and talons. It was an old Viking ship and leading the pack on Skull was Hiccup.

"It's Hiccup!" Stoick yelled.

"And our dragons!" Astrid gasped, lowering the hammer she had been using to fix a house.

"There's one thing you say about Hiccup, he sure knows how to make an entrance." Ragnar said in amazement.

All the Vikings began to cheer and wave their hands to try and attract their dragons. The dragons flew closer and closer to the island, dropping lower and lower until the old ship touched ground. The ship crashed about a foot into the ice and skidded to a halt right in front of the crowd of Vikings. The dragons all released their ropes, and the ship tipped to the side and with one large crash, finally lay still. The Vikings watched the ship with anticipation.

Slowly a baby Deadly Nadder emerged, followed by a baby Hideous Zippleback. The Vikings began to gasp and squeal with excitement as the rest of the babies began to dismount from their rides, their parents landing beside them. Skull dipped his neck down to the ice and Hiccup smoothly jumped off, taking a few steps forward and grinning at the faces on the Vikings. Cries of "Welcome back, laddie!" and "Good job!" were mingled with the happy shouts of the Vikings who were greeting their dragons.

"Yeah!" Snotlout cheered, running up to Hookfang and scratching the dragon behind his horns.

Up above in the air Meatlug was skimming over the island, her eyes frantically searching for her own babies. Finally spotting them by the food barrels, she landed, gazed at them all adoringly, and promptly regurgitated a pile of fish for them to eat. As the babies happily scampered towards the food, Fishlegs came flying out of nowhere and tackled his dragon to the ground.

"Meatlug!" He yelled slamming into her.

Stormfly had spotted Astrid and she and her babies were trotting up to meet her. "Stormfly!" Astrid wailed happily, throwing her arms around her dragon. "You're back! Ohhh…" She looked at the babies and her eyes lit up. "And you have babies!" she squealed bending down to pet them.

"Skull!" Ragnar yelled running up to him. He rubbed the side of his neck. He then noticed something pull at his leg of his pants. He looked down and saw Skull's babies and began to pet them. "Welcome to Berk."

"Well done, son!" Stoick said giving him a bear hug.

"Thanks Dad." Hiccup gasped, clutching his stomach and taking deep breaths.

In a considerably better mood, Stoick spread his arms and looked at the crowd. "Everyone grab your dragons! To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate!" He yelled.

Within minutes every Viking and dragon were celebrating. Hiccup strolled through the Great Hall amongst dragons, happy Vikings and tables laden with food.

He passed a table with Fishlegs, who had a baby Gronkle in each hand and had reverted to baby talk. "This is the best holiday ever! Who's a baby? Who's a cutie baby?" He yelled.

Beside him, Snotlout was petting one of Hookfang's children, occasionally jerking his hand back as the dragon let out a burst of flame from its mouth. Beside the table, a couple was scratching a Gronkle under the chin. Two children were holding mugs of cocoa a baby Hideous Zippleback between them trying to steal a sip. One small girl was dragging around a grumpy-looking Terrible Terror that was almost as big as she was.

Hiccup smiled as he saw everyone celebrating with their dragons. But deep inside him missed Toothless. Astrid and Ragnar then walked up to him with sad looks on their faces.

"Hiccup, I know this must be really hard for you, seeing everyone with their dragons." Astrid said nervously taking his hand and smiled. "But you really did a wonderful thing. Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed him quickly before pulling him into a tight hug. Hiccup's arms instinctively went around her and he laid his chin on her shoulder. For a few seconds they just stood like that quietly.

"Yeah! I just wish there was some way of helping you." Ragnar said with his eyes closed.

"Just would like to know where did Toothless go?" Hiccup said quietly.

"I don't know." Astrid said sadly looked up, her eyes landing on the door of the Great Hall.

The door to the Great Hall had opened, and Toothless was tentatively sticking his head inside. He stepped in and glanced around the room before spotting Astrid with Hiccup and perking up. He quickly started walking towards them, attracting the attention of quite a few Vikings along the way.

Astrid's mouth fell open and suddenly had an idea. Grinning deviously, she pulled out of the hug and braced her hands on Hiccup's shoulders.

"Wow. Man! Wouldn't want to be you right now. I mean, you brought back everyone's dragon except yours." Astrid said.

Ragnar looked confused until he saw Toothless behind Hiccup. "Yeah! Pity you weren't able to find him."

Hiccup's face went from confused to annoyed. "Yeah, you know, this is not helping at all guy," He said crossly.

Astrid and Ragnar grinned and Astrid shoved Hiccup backward, spinning him around so he came face to face with Toothless running to meet him.

Hiccup's eyes widened and smiled. "TOOTHLESS! Hey, bud!"

Toothless eagerly dashed up to the Hiccup, coming to a halt. Hiccup smiled at him and quickly threw his arms around the dragon's neck, hugging him tightly.

Everyone watched and smiled as Hiccup opened his eyes and quickly drew away.

"Bad dragon! Very bad dragon!" Hiccup scolded, waving his finger at him. "You scared me to death! Don't ever stay away that long again and…what is in your mouth?" He said noticing that he was holding something in his mouth. Toothless then immediately opened his mouth and put whatever it was right on Hiccup's head and covered him in saliva. All the Viking teens looked on with disgust.

When Toothless pulled his head back it turned out the thing that was in his mouth was Hiccup's helmet which was now on Hiccup's head. Hiccup's hair was also now completely soaked, gingerly brushed spit off his face.

"Yeah, you found my helmet." Hiccup said brushing the saliva out of his eyes and suddenly froze. "Hey! You found my helmet! That's where you've been?" Hiccup grinned and held Toothless' head in both hands looked him in the eye. "Buddy thank you. You…are amazing."

Then everyone cheering and clapping from the crowd. Hiccup hugged Toothless again Astrid and Ragnar went up to greet Toothless and grinned.

"Happy Snoggletog!" Astrid yelled.

The next morning Hiccup was woken by the house shaking again. Hiccup immediately got up, yawned, and jumped out of bed.

At the front door Hiccup paused to look at the village. Then he heard a roar from behind the house brought Hiccup back to reality.

"I'm coming, Toothless!" Hiccup said smiling and hopping down the steps. "All right bud, come on down," Hiccup said as he rounded the corner. "I was just…" He stopped and stared.

Toothless wasn't on the roof. He was sitting on the ground, staring at Hiccup expectantly. His old saddle and tail fin were spread out in the snow in front of him.

"Toothless, what'd you pull this out for?" Hiccup said confused shoving the saddle out of the way with his boot. "You don't need this anymore." He walked up to Toothless' side and prepared to mount him. "C'mon, let's get going." But Toothless quickly got up and moved away from him, turning around and sitting back down in front of the old riding equipment.

Hiccup shook his head in confusion. "Would you quit fooling around? You have your new tail now," Hiccup said trying to mount Toothless again but Toothless ducked away again. Hiccup smiled uncertainly. "Toothless!"

Toothless glanced down at the equipment, then slowly held up his tail and looked at it. Toothless then lifted the tail higher, looked Hiccup in the eye and without any warning at all began to whip his tail against the ground smashing the fin as hard as he could.

Hiccup's eyes widened in shock. "Toothless! Stop! What are you doing?" Hiccup yelled.

The tail fin then snapped but Toothless kept shaking his tail frantically until the fin detached itself and was flung ten feet away into a snowdrift. Hiccup stood there, staring in disbelief. Toothless gently took the old saddle in his mouth and tugged it across the snow in front of him. Once he dropped it he looked up at Hiccup with wide eyes and patted it with his front paw.

Hiccup then got what Toothless was trying to say and smiled.

A few minutes later both Hiccup and Toothless were in the sky flying around. Once they levelled out in the air Hiccup slowly unbuckled himself from the harness.

"Okay, bud, you ready?" Hiccup asked.

Toothless gave a small growl. Hiccup unhooked his prosthetic from the stirrup, braced himself and leaped off Toothless's back into the open sky. They both began to free fall head first side by side.

Hiccup couldn't stop grinning. He glanced at Toothless. The dragon gave him a wide, upside down, toothless smile. He reached out a paw and playfully gave Hiccup a small push, causing the boy to spin around in the air.

As the island rapidly zoomed up to meet them, Toothless quickly spun around and Hiccup grabbed onto the saddle, strapping himself back in and make the tail fin snap out to the side. Toothless spread his wings out and he pulled up and zoomed over the forest, just brushing the tips of the trees and spraying snow in all directions.

Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go and the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart. Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever. I asked Hiccup what Toothless thought about that great gift he gave him. He just said that he gave him a better one.