Disclaimer: I do not own teen wolf.

Title: Freedom

Chapter 1: Saved

"Stiles! Derek! Where are you?!" Scott yells, running through the dark hallway. He can smell their scent getting stronger, they're near. Suddenly, he hears a low grunt coming from a room on his left. The grunt is so quiet that a normal human wouldn't catch it, but Scott is not human, less normal.

He runs towards the room, forcefully breaking down the door that was just a few seconds ago locked. In front of him, lies a bloody, beaten up Derek, chained to the walls, hanging.

"Derek! What happened to you? Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked as he tries and successfully breaks the chains off the walls.

"Go get Stiles first. He's in the next room. I'll explain everything later." Derek said weakly as he pointed to a door to their right. Scott just stares at him, still a horrified look on his face.

"GO NOW!" Derek growled, louder and more sternly this time. Scott snapped out of it and ran towards where Derek had gestured.

When he opened the door, the scene was similar to the one before, except he found Stiles tied up to a chair rather than chained to the wall. He was also quite bloody, but a lot less than Derek was.

"uhhhh." Stiles mumbled weakly, head lowered, arms and legs tightly tied to the chair he was sitting on.

"Stiles! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Did you find Derek yet?"

"Yeah, he's in the other room."

Stiles let out a sigh of relief and gave a little nod.

"Now that that's over, tell me what the hell happened."
