There they were. Happy, smiling, They had this glow about them. No death. No destruction. No Daleks. No weight of the worlds on their shoulders. Just peace. And love. So much love. Maybe that was the glow. They radiated love. It spread from the little family to everyone who passed them by. Just a glance at them and you walked on with your day, smiling. But he was more than glancing at them. His stared.

The universes were suppose to be closed off from each other. But here the Doctor and River stood. Staring at the little family. On a crowded street of London. The other London. Not ours. How? Maybe the TARDIS went mad. Maybe River did this on purpose, wouldn't put it past her. Wouldn't you be curious about the other woman? Either way the Doctor was just standing there. Starring.

Her hair was longer. And brighter. Or maybe that was the glow. But her smile was just the same. The smile that warmed and broke his heart. She looked exactly the same as the day he left her on DÃ¥rlig Ulv-Stranden. Yet he had changed. He was the one that looked different. That was why he knew he could stare all he wanted, and she wouldn't ever know it was him. So he starred. Starred at her smiling down at the little bundle wrapped in her arms. The baby. Their baby. Not his. The Doctor couldn't help but wonder what looked like. He had imagined it many times before... Before he had to give her up. Before The Doctor left her here with him.

A single tear rolled down his cheek. River came up and took his hand.

"Is that her?" River asked. "Is that Rose?"

The Doctor was silent for a long long time.

He thought about their time in Scotland, trying their damndest to make Queen Victoria say "I am not amused." He thought of her sweet face at Christmas. He remembered her silly jealousy with Sarah Jane. He remembered his silly jealousy of Mickey. He remembered her warm heart. He remembered the last time he saw her. New Year's morning 2005. Brave, sweet, and strong. And he gave her up.

"Yeah." He finally said. "Yeah that's Rose. Rose Tyler"

Pause. "She's pretty." River said sincerely.

"She hasn't changed."

"But you have, my love."


They watched the family some more. He bounced the baby about, making it giggle. Rose laughed along. So beautiful. That glow. A mother's glow. The Doctor wished he was able to be apart of these moments. These private moments. But they will never be his. Only theirs. Then felt another squeeze of his hand. He smiled at River. Never wanting to give her up either. But one day he will. But he will love every moment until then.

"Come on sweetie. We've intruded long enough." River said, turning The Doctor around to the way they came.

"You're right. Let's go."

"Before you even say hello?" came a voice.

The couple turned back around in surprise! There she was, smiling at them. Rose Tyler. They gawked at her. Stumbled for the words but only gibberish.

"What? Did you think just cause you change your face I wouldn't recognise you?" Laughed Rose. "I think I know you better than that Doctor."

The Doctor smiled. Smiled and laughed and picked her up and spun her around and around.