Chapter 1 Prologue

It was day.

To be more accurate,it was dusk. That perfect hour of the day that you can't tell for sure if it's early evening or early morning. It was her favorite hour. She gazed to the slowly-waking up town. It had been years since she was in a small town and even more in this one.

The room at the inn was comfortable and very well furnished. She felt like home. Probably due to the adorable land lady with the home made cakes and jams,cookies and tea. Like a good English woman she adored tea.

Her arrival there wasn't planed long back. It had been less than 10 days that a good friend of hers,from the longest and most honest ones,called her and asked for her help. She couldn't say no. He had helped her numerous times in the past. What she didn't know was the exact reason and some ''details'' that he simply chose not to tell her. For the best,he thought. The less drama the best.

So Irene took the first plane from Glasgow,Scotland and flew all the way to the anything but tranquille town of Mystic Falls.

She vaguely remembered the day of her arrival,yesterday noon.

Damon Salvatore waited for her,loosely leaning at the side of his car.

Of course, she thought. He still looked ridiculously attractive for his own good. He was never of her taste,too good looking and poshed for her. But he was a dear friend of hers and she did love him dearly.

''There she is'' he said to her ''It's been some time miss Darcy since you honored us with your presence.''

''And you as well .'' They looked at each other smiling for a moment and jumped happily to his arms. He lifted her and laughed. God,at least some things never change,he thought.

She was cool as a summer breeze and smelled like flowers. She was from the few people that could bring the genuine smile to his face.

''I've missed you'' he admitted. ''And you know that doesn't come easily from me!''

She laughed.''I do know that. I've missed you too.'' He let her down gently and looked at her. Just as he remembered her.

Long red-brown hair with these indefinite curls at the end,white skin and the most captivating eyes he had ever laid eyes on. Honey brown with that touch of green somewhere inside them.

''It's been long hasn't it?What was it,the '70s?'' He took her luggage and placed her in the back of the car.

''Come on,I know your memory is better than this Irene.'' he said entering the car while she had just sat.

''Fine. The first six years of the 1970's. New York. How could I forget?''

''I have to admit,it was more than unforgettable'' He said and the car's engine started rapidly.

He couldn't sleep much last night. Or any of these nights,he thought. His mind was too over-working for sleep. He had a lot to do. A lot to take care of. To handle and put in place.

The big house that his brother so dearly furnished and decorated wasn't bad after all. Nicklaus had always a good taste. Big rooms with couches and tables,wall length bookstores with books from the beginning of time,paintings,carpets,mirrors.

And bourbon. A lot of bourbon. Something Elijah was grateful for,especially tonight.

He didn't know why but he could sense the change in the atmosphere. The air was different. Lighter. Somehow cooler though the hot days of the mid August kept strong.

Maybe it's just how awfully troubled things are.

For all he knew,Nicklaus was for once honest with him. One night they sat down at till dawn they had cleared things down. Their expectations,their fears,the duels of the past,their disagreements. The scenery was for once a bit more clearer and more honest. With their mother and their brother Finn dead,their sister vanished,for good she said,not that they believed her,they were relatively good.

There was of course Silas.

The plain appearance of his name brought quite a disturbance. But that was a mild way to put it. Kol had vanished to thin air as well. Elijah and Klaus had never seen him so scared. They couldn't know about Rebekah,she fled town after Matt's and Elena's ''accident'' at the river. Klaus was furious with the outcome.

Things were different in Mystic Falls. It was like the Mikaelson family had suddenly gone away from their crazy everyday status.

Klaus send away his hybrids,nearby but away,Tyler had been self exiled,leaving Caroline behind with no explanation.

Klaus could have ripped his head off only and just for that.

Elena was struggling her way on becoming a vampire still torn between heart and mind.

One could say that Elijah came on the right time. Decided to spend time with his brother and focus on more simple things,as away from the supernatural as possible,he decided to make Mystic Falls a more permanent visit.

He definitely couldn't expect her. He wasn't aware of her arrival just yet but once he knew...nothing would stayed in place.

He was looking out of the window. She was looking down from the balcony. Both ignored of the presence of the other.

But what can stay hidden,especially under the Mystic Falls' sky?