What You Don't Know...

AN: Hey, this is my first time writing. So any feedback is appreciated.

This story picks up at the end of Season 2 Episode 21 "Departure of Summer" when Bay goes to visit Emmett.


Chapter 1: Departure of Summer


I was sitting in my room still contemplating my best man's speech at Toby's rehearsal dinner. I know she knew I was talking about her. God, I wish I wouldn't have screwed up with Bay. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I ruined it.

I look up as the lamp starts flickering announcing that someone is here. I head out of my room to go open the door and Bay is already in the living room.

"What's wrong?" I sign. I can tell she's upset about something, her beautiful eyes are blazing.

"Why do guys cheat?"

"What happened?" I ask cautiously.

"Why did you cheat on me?" She demands.

"I told you. It was stupid. It didn't mean anything," I signed slowly.

"How can it mean nothing? Sex is a big deal and you don't just have it with someone else because you're in a bad mood, or you're in a fight with you're dad or you're being sent overseas," she babbles.

"Ty?" I ask.

Bay continues, "When you slept with Simone I couldn't understand it. I figured it had to be something that I didn't get because I hadn't had sex yet. But now I have, and I don't get it."

My heart stops. I know it's crazy, but I was still hoping that I would some how be her first. That we would end up together again and I would get to be the one to love her like that for the first time ever. My heart is also breaking for her though, because although I hurt her, too, that bastard took her virginity and then CHEATED on her right when she was stressing and worrying about him going back to the war zone. I know, I know...I cheated on her, too. But that doesn't mean I can't hate him for doing it, also.

"However bad you're feeling right now...he's going to feel way worse when he fugures out what he lost," I sign.

I pull Bay into a hug, and I swear that is all I intended it to be. I reveled in the feel of her body close to mine and the wonderful smell of her hair. I pull back just enough to lean in and kiss her gently on the lips. It's been so long since I've tasted her delisciously soft lips, and it fills me with a hunger for more. I deepen the kiss running my tongue across her bottom lip. She parts them, granting me access to her mouth. Her tongue meets mine and I can't help letting a small moan escape. I've been dreaming of kissing her again since the disasterous prom. My hands find there way down to her hips and around to her ass where I lift her up, she wraps her legs around me snuggly as she grasps my hair holding her mouth to mine. I pin her against the wall and grind my rock hard cock against her warm center as I start to kiss down her neck, licking and sucking greedily. I look up at her and I can see the passion in her face. God, I wish I could hear her moan. I slowly start to slide my hands up under her dress up and towards her wonderful breasts.

Bay suddenly lets go of my hair and starts pushing me away.

I see the panic in her eyes as she signs, " Emmett. Emmett. Stop. STOP. I can't do this."

I set her feet back on the ground. What the hell was I thinking? Looking down, I sign, " I'm sorry, Bay. I didn't mean...I didn't mean to get so carried away."

Resigned, I turn to walk away, but she grabs my arm.

"Emmett it's not that I don't want to, but...Ty. And you, too," she pauses. "How am I supposed to trust anyone ever again?"

"I know, I blew it. Simone was the biggest mistake of my life! I hate that I lost you because of my own stupidity. I loved you, Bay. I still love you, I never stopped." I looked up to see tears glistening in her eyes.

"Emmett, it's just all too much. You have to give me time. Be my friend, and we will see what happens." She signs.

I nod.

Bay kisses me lightly on the lips, turns and walks out the door.


What the heck was he thinking? I thought as I walked toward the thing and got in. I lean my head over on the steering wheel to contemplate what had just happened. What the heck was I thinking, for that matter? Why did I let it go that far? Why did I kiss him back at all? I go to see him to get answers for why guys are such assholes and I end up making out with him! What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe his speech got to me today. He obviously still really regrets what he did.

I start the thing and head home. I'll think about this tomorrow.

And there you have it! Please let me know what you think.

