"You should eat something, you know. You look horrible."
Emma shot Regina a glance. She was sat, leaning on the wall next to the mirror and Regina was sat cross-legged in front of the mirror. "Well, excuse me for not looking presentable after going from a dimension to another."
"I mean you look like you haven't eaten in a long while," Regina clarified.
"Oh. Actually, I haven't eaten anything since the dinner at your place." Emma frowned at herself; how could she have passed so much time without eating anything? Regina looked at her from her side and smiled, shaking her head, "Dinner. It seems it was forever ago. Do you know I made an apple turnover? But I didn't serve it in case, you know…"
"Too soon?"
Regina nodded, "Exactly." The brunette looked at her feet, with a guilty expression all over her face and Emma shrugged it off to try to lighten the mood, "Well, you know what? I'd love to try one of those. Rumor has it your apple turnovers are super delicious."
"They are, you should try it some time. I promise I won't poison it," Regina joked but looked at her with a thankful look. Emma nodded, "Then it's settled! I will try it and I will be with you to tell you how good they are and…" She didn't finished the sentence so Regina wondered, "And?"
"And be there with you to thank you with a kiss."
Emma thought she blushed a lot but Regina definitely won her. Her face went red and she tried to hide it but it was obvious she couldn't, so she explained herself, "It's been a long time since someone told me something like that or even looked at me like you do."
"That's good." Regina whipped her head and looked at Emma, slightly confused but ready to put her defenses up, but then Emma continued, "More for me."
Regina rolled her eyes, "Go to sleep."
"You go to sleep. You seem tired."
"Well, you would be tired if you had walked through the whole town looking for people and then gone to Jefferson's and go hat by hat- and trust me, he has plenty of them." The mention to Regina's solitude in the town made an awkward silence appear between them until she broke it, repeating to Emma, "Go to sleep."
"Sleep with me."
"I beg you pardon?"
"I mean sleep, as in sleep and dream and stuff," Emma raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Although the other sleep I wouldn't mind either." That made Regina laugh and Emma sighed tiredly. "Seriously though, make a bed appear there or something. I'll bring the mattress here."
"I don't know, Emma…" The blonde didn't wait to hear Regina's argument because she rose to her feet and picked up the mattress, pulling it until it was before the mirror, "Your turn."
Regina rolled her eyes but made appear a bed next to her. They both laid on their sides, looking at the other woman. "Good night, Regina."
"Good night, Emma."
"Are you asleep?" Emma asked softly.
"I'm awake," Regina answered. Both of them stared at their ceilings, although Regina's was more like an infinite darkness. "How's that place?" Emma wondered after a while.
Regina hesitated before answering, "Cold."
"It must be if you're alone."
"Yeah," Regina agreed and the conversation ended. Once again, the silence of the night surrounded them and a howl was heard from far away. They smiled. "Ruby?"
"Probably," the blonde answered. "Is Storybrooke a ghost town now?"
Regina shrugged, "I guess so. Why?"
"I've always wanted to be in one. When I was little I heard a kid in my school who had gone to this ghost town, western-like, and it was awesome."
How cute, Regina thought as she pictured a little Emma, with shiny eyes as she listened to the story of that kid. "I never pictured you like a cowboy fan girl."
Emma laughed, "Oh I was. I even got a cowboy hat and these toy guns. I spent the day running around and shooting people with it. It was a lot of fun."
"I guess being sheriff was something you had in you since then," Regina affirmed. Emma nodded, "It seems like it."
Regina bit her lower lip and covered her face with her hands, brushing her eyes, "I'm sorry, Emma."
The blonde heard those words and was surprised by the honesty she notice in them. "I know," she whispered. Another silence.
Emma didn't know how much time passed but she turned her face to look at Regina; the brunette was asleep. She smiled and accommodated in the bed, looking at Regina. "I know," she whispered again before falling asleep.
Emma moaned and Regina opened her eyes. She narrowed them to adapt to the darkness; was it right? Had she heard a moan? "Regina," the blonde whispered ever so softly. Confused, Regina rose and sat on the bed, "What? Are you hurt?"
It took a moment for her to realize that Emma was still sleeping and she had said her name in her sleep. It took her another moment to realize that under the sheets, Emma was touching herself. She blushed wildly and felt like a stalker as she watched the sleeping girl but she couldn't tear her eyes away.
Regina watched how Emma's breathing quickened, how her brows furrowed and her mouth opened slightly and how a single drop of sweat ran down her neck. She listened to her own heartbeats speeding up and swallowed. Shaking her head she tried to regain composure. She knocked on the glass to wake Emma up, but she didn't and Regina knocked harder. Meanwhile, the blonde seemed to be reaching the climax and Regina clenched her legs together, feeling the throbbing feeling between them.
Suddenly Emma's back arched and she let out a restrained groan before opening her eyes. Blue met brown and it took a few minutes for Emma to process the information. Then she opened her eyes wide and the blush she had on her face grew, "Oh my god, did you-?"
Regina nodded, "Yeah."
"You whispered my name. Several times."
If Emma was given a wish, in that moment she would have wished to not going through this, "Yeah, uhm…You…"
"Was I fucking you?" Taken aback by Regina's question and nodded, swallowing slowly. "With my tongue?" Another nod and Regina smirked, "You liked it?"
Emma tried to hide the smile and shrugged, "It was ok."
"Real me would do it better," Regina commented as she eyed her fingernails.
Sitting of the bed, Emma raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you tell me how would you do it?"
Regina looked at her and smirked.
Regina was awakened by an incessant knock on the door, visibly annoyed. She opened her eyes and saw Emma, sleeping like if the knock didn't existed; she couldn't help the smile as she saw the former sheriff and then blushed when she remembered what had happened a few hours ago. She whispered her name, "Emma, wake up or they'll come in." The blonde didn't move at all. "Emma!" Regina whispered louder; if she was in the same room, she'd push Emma from the bed to wake her up. She wondered if Emma would be able to sleep during a storm and decided she probably would.
"Sweetie, I know you're still mad but you need to eat something. Are you awake?" The silence answered Snow so she continued, "Emma?"
The called girl didn't move and, if it wasn't for the up and down of her chest, Regina would've thought she was dead. Maintaining calm, Regina took a breath and imitated Emma's voice as she could, "I'll be there in a minute."
For a moment Regina thought she had been caught because of the silence on the other side of the door but then she heard an 'okay' and let out the breath she had been holding. Then, she looked at Emma, who finally moved and opened her eyes, narrowing them, "Hey."
"Shut up," Regina snarled. Emma stretched and sighed loudly. In her bed, Regina shifted and wondered how such a simple sound could turn her on but then shook her head and tried to focus on her annoyance. "Dress up. You have to go and have breakfast with your…family."
Still half asleep, Emma stared at her, blinking in confusion, "What?"
Regina rolled her eyes, "Go"
"I don't know. To wherever they have breakfast. It's their castle, not mine."
"Where was it in your castle?"
The brunette shot her a 'really?' look and Emma raised her eyebrows, waiting for the answer so Regina sighed, "Downstairs?" Emma smiled and leaned forward but stopped as she realized they were separated by a glass.
"Where you…going to kiss me?" Regina asked as she saw Emma leaning back with a frown. Emma shook her head and rose from the bed, "That was stupid, I'm sorry."
She started to smooth her clothes. She had fallen asleep with the same clothes she had been wearing during the dinner with Regina and Henry; she hoped someone had brought her clothes so she wouldn't have to put on princess dresses. "Come here." Emma looked up as she heard Regina's voice and saw her smiling at her.
She did what she was told and Regina put her hand on the glass. Emma imitated her and smiled, "I'd still rather a kiss."
Emma nodded and with one last grin, she left the room.
Regina prepared coffee on her kitchen while she broke her brain to find a way to unblock the portal. If she broke the glass, it wouldn't work and she would lose any communication so she discarded that option. Then, what was left? The only thing able to break any curse was a True Love's kiss but there were two problems.
The first was if Emma was her true love or Regina was Emma's. And then, if they were, they couldn't kiss so it would be pointless.
"There has to be a way," Regina said to herself as she filled her mug with coffee. Emma had magic and so did she so they could find a way; maybe a kiss wasn't the only thing it would break it.
"I'm not sure I understand this, Regina."
The brunette ran a hand through her hair, "It can work. If we put the magic necessary for this, both of us, we can make it work." Emma scratched the back of her head, "How can it work if we can't, you know, touch each other?"
"Our hands would be close, meaning our magic could actually touch. It's worth the try, don't you think?"
"And what is the force breaks the glass? You said we would lose the contact."
Regina grimaced and bit her lower lip, "I know but I can't think of anything else…" Emma nodded, accepting it, and sat on the mattress. They shared a moment of silence but not an awkward one but one in which both of them were comfortable, enjoying the company of the other. If that could be considered company.
"So, how's Henry?"
"He's fine, kinda excited about being here and the 'mission' you entrusted him. He named it Operation Cobra 2.0."
Regina smiled, "He'll never change." Emma returned the smile, "Yeah."
Suddenly, they heard a thud outside Emma's room. They both frowned but it was Regina who asked, "What's that?" The blonde shook her head slowly and shrugged. She heard a rustle outside and the doors opened wide.
Emma jumped back as Snow, David, Henry and some guards entered the room. Henry ran next to her and attached to her waist, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything!"
"Break the glass," David commanded the guards but Emma placed before it. "Don't," she ordered them. The three guards stopped between them and looked at each other; they obeyed both of them so they didn't know what to do.
"Emma," Snow sighed.
"We want her here, don't we Henry?" The little boy nodded, hiding behind Emma's arm. "She's evil," David insisted.
"I won't hurt you, you dumbass, although you both deserve for doing this. I won't do it because that would mean losing Henry and Emma and I'm not going to do that," replied Regina from behind the mirror. They all looked at her, surprised by her intervention on the conversation. Then Emma looked at her parents, "See?"
"Better safe than sorry," Snow said grabbing one of the guards' sword. She flung it over her head, ready to destroy the mirror but Henry put between Snow and the item, making Regina and Emma gasp at the danger he had put in. "Don't! You're all going crazy," the kid exclaimed.
"Please, step aside Henry," Snow said.
"Listen to her, Henry. I don't trust her with a sword," agreed Regina. However he didn't so Regina whispered to Emma and hoped she had listened to her. "Now."
Indeed, Emma heard her and whispered as well, "Are you sure?" Regina gave a positive answer and without a second thought she placed her hands on the glass like Regina. She closed her eyes and focused on what Gold had said once. Magic is about emotion.
She felt a tickling running through her arms and her hands and a force that send the rest of people in the room a step back. "We need more," Regina said looking at her with worry.
"I'm trying."
Regina closed her eyes; she could elevate the amount of magic but she didn't know if her body could handle it. Still, she had to do it. So she did it. The air filled with contained magic and suddenly, it exploded, sending everyone away from the mirror.
Emma fell to the floor and hit her head. When she reached for her forehead, she felt blood on her fingers and, when she looked at where she had landed, she saw the multiples pieces of glass scattered around her. In panic, she whipped her head and found the mirror broken.
"No," she whispered. Emma tried to stand up but her wrist ceded and she fell on her elbow. She winced but crawled towards the mirror, where a single piece remained attached at the frame. "No," she repeated much louder. Emma clenched her teeth and her fists. "No, no, no!" She kicked the frame and it fell backwards.
Some groans and questions, checking they were okay, were heard behind her as she stared at the place where the mirror had been with tears of anger in her eyes. It hadn't worked. Regina had promise they would meet again and now it wasn't possible. She kicked the wall with the heel of her boots over and over until David arms surrounded her, whispering calming words. Snow hugged Henry behind them, the kid with tears in his eyes as well. The guards started to put everything in place around them but everyone stood still as they heard a strong thunder. They ran to where they had heard the sound; the hall.
In the middle of the lounge, Regina stood. She smiled tiredly at her and fainted. Emma ran to her and kneeled next to the body, pushing the strands of hair away from her face, "Regina?" The brunette released a low moan, her eyes closed.
Henry stood next to Emma, sobbing, "Is she okay?" Emma looked at him and her lip quivered before she could say anything. The boy shook his head and kneeled too, "Fix it, mom. You can do it. Kiss her."
Emma's look went from Henry to Regina and nodded, "I can."
"Emma." She turned her face to see her mother, who now stood behind Henry and next to her husband. The look on her face told Emma she shouldn't do it but Regina released another moan and she shook her head; screw it.
She leaned down and pressed her lips against Regina's, hoping with all her heart it worked. As soon as their lips touched, she felt a wave of magic go through her and separated from Regina, who had opened her eyes. Before Emma could process the information, Henry jumped and hugged Regina. Still slightly hazed, Regina looked at Emma and smiled, reciprocating her son's embrace. "I didn't bring the bow."
"It's ok, mom. We'll find another."
Watching the scene, suddenly Emma felt out of place and tried to back away a little but Regina grabbed the fabric of her leather jacket and pulled her into the hug. Henry managed to get out of the sandwich and the two women hugged completely.
"You forced too much," Emma said on her ear.
"I knew you would save me. You're the Savior after all, aren't you?" Regina moved her face to kiss Emma but the blonde leaned back, "Parents alert." Regina looked behind her and saw Snow and her husband staring at them with an expression of resignation on their faces.
"I'm going to kiss your daughter so if you don't like to see, turn around because I'm doing it anyways." With that, Regina pulled Emma into a sweet kiss, ignoring the outraged expression of them. As they separated, Snow yanked Emma away from Regina, which made the former Mayor raise an eyebrow, "My dear Snow, don't you of all people recognize True Love when you see it? Let it go."
"Not with my daughter."
"Yes, with your daughter," Emma protested freeing from Snow's grip. "Let's do something, okay? Everyone repeat after me: I won't hurt anyone of this family."
The rest of adults shared a look of confusion while Henry repeated along with Emma. The blonde stared at them and raised her eyebrows, "Repeat." Rolling her eyes, Regina repeated and soon after, Snow and David as well. "I promise," Emma emphasized.
"You can't be serious," was Regina's response.
"I promise," Henry's.
"I promise," Snow's –reluctant, but a promise.
David and Regina stared at each other and finally Regina sighed, "Okay, I promise." David nodded and promised as well.
"Then that's all. You all promised and it shall fulfill." She grabbed Regina's hand, "Now, will you show me this land?"
Regina smiled at her, "Sure."
"Can I go?" Henry asked curious. The adults shared a knowing glance and Emma kneeled in front of him, "How about later? Your mother and I have things to talk about."
"Oh," he sighed disappointed but then realization hit him and raised his eyebrows, "Oh!" Emma smiled and stood to grab the brunette's hand again. They walked towards the door and when they passed by Emma's parents, David grabbed Regina's arm and whispered in her ear, "Hurt any of them and you will regret being born."
She flashed a smirk and raised an eyebrow, "Don't worry, Charming. I'll be busy." As they walked away, Emma asked her, "What did he say?"
Regina shrugged and kissed her cheek, "Nothing important."
As they exited the castle, Snow frowned with concern, "I still don't trust this is right." David hugged her from behind and leaned his jaw on her shoulder, "I don't think Regina does anything to mess this up. Now relax." He kissed her neck and Henry growled next to them.
"Get a room!" he exclaimed as he walked away. The King and the Queen looked at him and laughed before sharing a kiss.
A/N: I hope you liked this little story!:)