Hermione woke up the next day to a throbbing headache but when she stumbled out of bed and into the common room to access her hangover potions she was pulled up short. In a quick rush, everything came back to her and she remembered shamelessly allowing Draco to fuck her brains out on the common room floor while Blaise fondled her and she kissed Ginny. Summoning two potions as opposed to walking past the couple she could see sleeping on the sofa Hermione turned around downer her potion and crawled back into bed, levitating Draco's in the air next to him.

"You okay Mione?" Draco whispered hoarsely. Hermione turned over to face him and found those grey eye gazing guiltily at her.

"Yes. I'm fine Draco," Hermione answered truthfully.

"Phew I thought you'd be mad?" Draco sighed as he sat up and downed the hangover potion.

"I had fun and it's not like Blaise or Ginny are going to tell," Hermione finally admitted. "How long have you two been fucking together?" Hermione then asked, giving in to her curiosity.

"Erm. Since fifth year I guess. But only when we're fucking, never when we actually make love to a girl. It's easy to block him out of my encounters, neither of us have ever expressed any interest in guys or each other so it used to be a fun game, last night was just a blast from the past I guess," Draco muttered, looking up at his black ceiling with a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth. Then he turned back to her. "Care to explain you and Ginny?" Draco waggled his eyebrows and Hermione cringed. "Out with it Granger," Draco smirked.

"Okay. So beginning of fifth year before Ginny started getting all her boyfriends she came to me really nervous about kissing guys, she knew I'd kissed Krum and wanted to know what it was like. I tried to tell her it was really easy, instinctive but she was getting herself worked up and to shut her up I just kissed her. I was her first kiss," Hermione told Draco, her voice quiet as she retold the story.

"So what did you mean by usual rules?" Draco asked, trying to sound disinterested and failing miserably

"Well when she came to me to remind her how to kiss I just said, imagine the guy you really want to kiss while we kiss and also we're supposed to check in on each other the next day and talk about it so we don't ruin our friendship, that's usual rules. However, last night was the first time kissing Ginny felt like I was kissing Ginny though, as opposed to some fictional made up character," Hermione blushed.

"Fictional…?" Draco repeated before he fixed her with a Cheshire cat-like grin. "Let me guess it was either Romeo or Mr Darcy," Draco laughed quietly.

"Ugh not Romeo, have you ever met such a Hufflepuff," Hermione protested playing up to the Slytherin perception of the badgers, but Draco noticed her lack of denial about Mr Darcy.

"Mr Darcy? Really Hermione?" Draco spluttered and this time Hermione cheerfully beat him with the pillow.

"What are you doing reading pride and prejudice anyways?" Hermione responded. Draco shrugged.

They were distracted out of their argument by the sound of someone landing heavily on the floor, loud male cursing and then a girly laugh. Seconds later Blaise waltzed into Draco's bedroom having only pulled on his boxers and Ginny was right behind him wrapped in the blanket.

"Morning lover," Blaise grinned, his voice entirely too loud for the sleepy atmosphere despite it already being mid-afternoon.

"Blaise if you ever call me that again-," Hermione started but Blaise held up a hand to silence her.

"What, will I never get to hear your lovely 'I'm close to cumming' pant recite goblin names again?" Blaise drawled and Hermione's face reddened as the three suppressed laughs.

"Well what do you think of to put off cumming then if you're so clever," Hermione retorted, directing her tone at all of them.

"The Zabini family tree," Blaise fired back.

"I might count imaginary gnomes from mum's garden," Ginny flushed.

"How to brew the draught of living death," Draco mumbled. Hermione's eyes flashed to his.

"Liar," Hermione breathed. Draco rolled his eyes before he took a deep breath.

"I might recite sections of Hogwarts a history." At his words Blaise burst into a loud laugh.

"You're as swotty as she is," Blaise chuckled, only going quiet when Draco cast a wordless silencing charm in his direction.

"And you are entirely too loud in the mornings mate," Draco hissed before he lifted his charm. Behind Blaise Ginny caught Hermione's eye and raised an eyebrow. Hermione nodded and then raised her own eyebrow, breathing a sigh of relief when Ginny nodded back. Thankfully last night hadn't ruined anything within her friendship with her friend. Draco noticed the exchange but didn't say anything as he ignored Blaise and Ginny and planted a soft but firm kiss on Hermione's mouth.

"Fine. Fine. Mind if we borrow your room Mione, thanks bye!" Blaise called as he pulled Ginny through the bathroom before Hermione could protest.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep in there until I've cast several scourgifys," Hermione moaned. Draco grinned before he reoccupied her mouth and by proxy her mind.

Draco's fingers trailed down Hermione's body as he kissed her languidly and she shivered delicately as his fingers dipped between her thighs to gently stroke her clit.

"I'm incredibly surprised you can still be attracted to me," Hermione sighed absentmindedly as Draco's lips moved to her shoulder.

"Wait what?" Draco spluttered, withdrawing his hand in shock.

"Well Ginny has a much better figure than-," Draco cut Hermione's words off by kissing her firmly., cupping her neck with his hand and teasing a long and passionate kiss out of the bewildering witch.

"Fuck Ginny," Draco breathed as he rolled on top of Hermione and pressed his very hard erection against her centre. "You're it for me Hermione," Draco whispered. Hermione's eyes widened and Draco just grinned at her before he ducked underneath the covers and began to run his tongue over her clit, sliding one finger deep inside her causing Hermione's hands to fist in the covers as she fought back a loud moan. Seeming to know she was holding back Draco redoubled his efforts, adding a second finger and curling them against her wall in a way that he knew could have her screaming in minutes. "You're so wet for me Hermione," Draco breathed as he crawled up her body and hovered over her.

"Please Draco," Hermione whispered and he only flashed her a breathtaking smile before he slid into her slowly, bottoming out and eliciting the most delicious moan from his witch as he did so.

"This time, I'm going to make love to you Hermione," Draco murmured in her ear and Hermione's nails raked down his back as his warm breath tickled her ear.

"Please," Hermione whimpered, rolling her hips against his in a plea for friction. Without wasting another second Draco slowly began to move, his hand gripping tight enough to one of her thighs to leave a bruise but Hermione couldn't care less.

Their lovemaking session had lasted a surprising amount of time but when they were both sated Hermione remembered her burning question.

"So Ginny definitely doesn't do it for you?" Hermione asked.

"I've told you, you're it for me Granger. Maybe you don't get what that means, but in the old pureblood ways it's basically saying 'yep, I'm growing old with you'. It's slightly more committed than 'I love you' don't you think?" Draco explained, smiling as he wound one of Hermione's wayward curls through his fingers. Hermione blushed heavily as the significance finally set it.

"So you really want me?"

"Granger I'm not going to answer that again. The real question is, do you want me?" Draco drawled. Hermione frowned at him seeing through his bored drawl almost instantly.

"Well… Yes, of course I want you. Not just for your skills in bed," Hermione smiled and Draco preened. "But the man that you are as well," Hermione finished.

"So you're finally admitting I'm better than weaselbee?" Draco smirked, Hermione rolled her eyes, surprised that he was even worried. "I'm not worried. I just want to hear you admit it," Draco continued, correctly interpreting her facial expression.

"If it matters so much to you then fine I'll say it. Yes, you Draco Malfoy are better than Weasley," Hermione smirked before Draco covered her mouth with his own, claiming her and taming her all at once. As Hermione's hands knotted into Draco's hair she couldn't help but be incredibly glad that Draco had walked into the bathroom on her all that time ago, because this man certainly was better than Weasley.

AN: So that's finally a wrap on Better than Weasley. I'm happy with it, I'm done with it... I hope everyone enjoys it too
