Ug, I know, I know, I'm SO late with this, but it's super long so...merp. Thank you so much for reading this. I've been working on a NorIce fic, so that'll be up soon.
So…I'm just going to leave this here…*drops papers and backs up slowly with hands in the air* Heh ;^^.
I lay in bed awake, again, wondering what the hell happened. My life had changed so fast, as if someone had flipped a switch. I was starting school now, so that I could just enter during the second Quarter instead of ending up in the middle. Not only was that confusing in itself, there was…him.
I looked over to the sleeping form in the bed next to mine. Every day he came home from school and went somewhere, somewhere meaning I had absolutely no clue, but I knew he went there every day. He kept making passes at me too, confusing me even more. And what's more, he kept seeing me, unlike everyone else who had started to ignore me, as always. It was frightening, really. I had come to depend on my invisibility, but he just seemed unaffected by it.
I sighed and looked at the alarm clock on the stand between our beds. It was nearly five in the morning. I sat up in bed and sighed. So much for sleeping tonight. My insomnia was really becoming a pain. But Gilbert promised to take me to the rink this morning before school. I thought, grinning childishly as I pulled myself out of the comfort of my blankets. I looked down at my maple leaf pajama pants and grey t-shirt.
I sighed again. It's not like anyone's going to see these this morning. I thought to myself as I headed toward the bathroom connected to our room. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes from not sleeping. I looked at the now-faded scars on my wrists and sighed again. As I undressed for a shower, I looked at my more recent, more prominent scars on my thighs. I sighed. Over the years my depression had increased so much…
I stepped into the shower and let my head tilt back slightly as the water got hotter and hotter. I washed myself as fast as possible and jumped out of the bathtub, panting. I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't even foggy. Since when had my aversion to warmth gotten so bad? I could no longer let anyone touch me; it always felt like they were burning me. Before I put my clothes on, I twisted my body backwards to look at the criss-crossed scars on the backs of my legs.
Those weren't self-inflicted. They were from a long time ago, when friendship was happy and wonderful and pure to me. I grimaced and turned back towards the mirror. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be this way. I thought to myself. Damn him. And getting kidnapped brought back those memories.
. School. If I had a time machine, I would go back to the person who invented it and kick them in the balls. I grimaced and put the last binder in my locker and glanced at my schedule before closing and locking my locker and leaning on it face-first and groaning. But even that didn't last long, as Gilbert decided to appear out of nowhere and scare the absolute shit out of me by wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Gah! G-Gilbert don't do that! How many times do I have to tell you it's freaking creepy?!" I shouted, though it didn't sound like much of a shout. He leaned back against the lockers and grinned.
"Do you have your schedule?" He asked calmly, as if I didn't just yell at him. I sighed and grabbed the slip of paper out of the pocket of my overly-large hoodie and unfolded it. During that time he chose to circle around me and try to read it over my shoulder, making me blush profusely.
"Oh, you got Mr. Braginsky (A/N-I'm using this as the term for General Winter). He's a little overbearing, but not too bad. And watch out for Mrs. Bartalone, (A/N-This is an actual teacher at my school, everyone hates her) she's kinda a bitch."
. And so the day progressed. Most of the teachers didn't notice me (not that I was surprised) and I just kind of slipped into the back of the room for most of the class. The bell rang, and everyone rushed out, but I didn't, no one would notice me slipping into the class right after the bell. I glanced at the clock and then my schedule.
I have that guy next…Mr. Braginsky. I thought to myself as I contemplated the books I would need. I hated the hallways. No one noticed me, so they usually ended up tripping me or bumping into me, and I was just waiting for the day I would accidentally get shoved into an empty locker and be left there overnight. It had actually happened before, at my old school. Lucky me, Alfred had gone to my locker at the end of the school day and heard me banging on the locker door next to mine, which was, luckily enough, completely empty.
I trudged over to Mr. Braginsky's room and paused slightly at the door. There were maps and graphs covering it (well he is a history teacher) and a lot of blue and white. I cracked open the door and peeked in, surprised by a cool breeze that ruffled my hair. I stepped in completely and my eyes widened as I caught sight of the man in front of the class. He wore an old brown coat that went down almost to the floor and looked suspiciously like something from the Russian military. He had a cold, powerful aura that truthfully, kind of scared me.
I noticed a blonde girl at the back of the classroom waving at me urgently and pointing to a seat next to her. I hurried over, still mesmerized be the strange man. Was he our teacher?! As I neared the girl, I noticed that she was…kind of boyish. Not the way she acted, her body shape, although petit, wasn't unlike mine.
"Hi, are you like, that new kid?" she-he…it whispered, smiling. "I'm Felix and this is Toris." He said, pointing to a brown haired boy next to him. The boy smiled meekly and reached out a hand. I shook it, still wondering about the blonde's gender. Felix was a boy's name, right?
"So…you're a guy, right?" I asked slowly, not sure if my question would offend the boy-girl-whatever Felix was. But, to my amazement Felix only laughed.
"Pfft, I'm a guy. But I like, totally fooled you, right?" he asked, flipping his shoulder-length hair over his shoulder. I sat there, amazed, before realizing that my mouth was hanging open and hurriedly shut it. He was…interesting, to say the least. I noticed his bright pink nails and he giggled and explained his love for all things pink and girly-or "fabulous" as he called it.
Toris, on the other hand was much more studious and quiet, letting Felix talk most of the time. He told me about all the kids in this class, mainly the five boys situated in the corner in their own world.
"Those boys are nice, but it's hard to just talk to one of them." He pointed to a short, smiling boy. "That's Tino, he's totally nice, and next to him is Berwald." He said, pointing to a much taller, scarier looking boy with short hair and glasses. "He can be scary, but he's really just a softie." He said giggling. "Then there's Lukas," he said, pointing at a thin boy with longer hair and an odd pin-like a cross or something- "And Matthias" the loud boy next to him with spiked hair, he was almost as tall as Berwald. "Then there's Emil, he's pretty quiet." He said, pointing to a silver haired boy who seemed to be completely unaware of his surroundings, content to gaze out the window. He had…a puffin on his shoulder?! Was that even allowed?
This boy-Emil, he seemed a bit detached from everyone else, and the more I watched him, the more I saw part of myself in him. Felix continued talking for the rest of class, quietly of course. When the bell rang finally, he walked with me out of class, stating that we "like totally have to hang out sometime". I smiled to myself as I walked to my locker, realizing that this was the last period and it was time to go home.
Maybe school won't be as bad as I thought. I thought as I rode home on the bus. I just might survive.
Hey, I realize this is late, but I also have a NorIce I'm working on and I'm starting a second chapter of the Curl story. Please bear with me, I've had a lot going on in my life recently.