Slingshot: Off with the chitchat and on with the story.

Kitten: Stop rushing me!

Blaze: This is gonna end badly.

Stormshadow: Indeed though by the contrary of the iacon rules Slingshot is not aloud to harm another fellow Autobot.


Slingshot: Yeah cause I mean she has no symbol!

Kitten: Yes I do

All: You do?

Kitten: Yes... It's a cat!

Slingshot: I think you've hung out with Air Raid to much... T.T

Kitten: He likes cats!

Slingshot: Go ask him

Kitten:(Runs away)

Blaze: Now on with the story for the sake of the readers.

What has to be done(Continued)

"W..what do you mean leave!" Nightrage asked fearfully as he glanced up as his fathers stern gaze. Never before had he ever seen Air Raid so serious.

Air Raid looked away for moment then back at Nightrage. He knelled down and whispered."Apparently what ever I thought of you and with your chances of becoming an Autobot or well Aerialbot I was wrong." He sighed."You probably already know you ain't fully an Autobot.."

"What are you talking about I thought I was fully an Autobot" Nightrage asked in a kind of alarmed and fearful high pitch voice.

"Your not... I think it's time you met your um... other creator." Air Raid replied slowly. In a way he never wanted Nightrage to meet his mother but yet at the same time he did. Dang this is so confusing!

Nightrage looked away and nodded."I think I understand what your trying to say I'm fine with leaving the Autobots"

Air Raid was kind of shock in the sudden change of emotion.

Never tell Electro the truth

Electric Flame had managed to snitch Nightrages guitar and was piddling around with it. He heard Nightrage come into the room so he put down the guitar and crawled out of the closet and hid beside his berth. He watched his cousin for a minute and tried to read his thoughts but sadly his mind was to cloudy. Luckily he could hear Nightrage mumbling to himself.

"Why did you make me agree with him" He asked as he looked at something that Electro couldn't see. Their was fear in his optics but the question was. Why?

Nightrage stood up and walked over to the closet just as Electro managed to crawl up under his berth.

"Electro leave now" Nightrage growled at him.

The little blue sparkling crawled to the back of the underside of his berth and opened up a vent and crawled into it. What's his problem? Electro asked himself. He continued crawling along in the vents. He came across another opening where he could Air Raid and Silverbolt talking along with the other Aerialbots whom where in there. He got real still and listened to them.

"Well I am going to leave with Nightrage Silverbolt... I made up my mind" Air Raid explained to them.

Silverbolt nodded but didn't reply.

"You can't leave!" Fireflight shouted as he ran up and clung to his brother. "We need you!"

Air Raid tried to hold FireFlight back."Uh Silverbolts the one who you guys need"

Silverbolt nodded."Indeed..." He didn't really focus on everyone except something far off.

Electro backed away from the open vent and continued down another tunnle. Aw he is leaving.. and Nightrage?

Goodbye my friend

Blaze walked outside and watched as the two jets took off into the sky. She was a bit sad that they left and she had no clue why. She walked back in and looked down at Electro whom was sitting outside of an open vent. "um what are you doing?"

Electro's optics got wide and he quickly crawled back into the vent and shut it behind him.

"Okay that's a bit weird..." Blaze mumbled.

"What is?" She jumped at the sound of Mavericks voice behind her.

"Wait you didn't see Electro?" Blaze asked.

"Oh I did... he said he found another way to get around the base now." Maverick laughed.

Electro popped moved one of the top vents open and pocked his head out smiling."That I did my comrades that I did"

Blaze narrowed her optics when she looked up at him."Does Silverbolt no your up their?" She asked giving him a stern look.

Electro's smile vanished and he quickly disappeared back up into the vent and shut it.

"Is he mental or something?" Maverick asked looking back at Blaze.

"No!" She shouted then smacked him across the face and stormed off.

Stormshadow: Sorry that the chapters short but we have been very busy

Skydive: Yep

Slingshot: I wonder if kitten ever found Air Raid?

Kitten: *Walks into the room and smacks Slingshot across the face then leaves*

Blaze: I'll take that as a yes... well kitten don't own transformers nor mavrick and afterburner only us Stormflyers sadly...

Stormshadow: If anyof you readers out there think you can guess who Nightrages decepticon mother is post in your review.

Blaze: Hint.. she is an actual decepticon femme

Slingshot:... Goodbye