The Doctor was standing at the Tardis console, listening to the quiet hum of his ship. The corners of his mouth tugged into a small grin.

Today was good. The Doctor thought. No. Even better than good. Today was… fantastic!

Today – in linear time that is, things are a bit wibbly wobbly when in the TARDIS – was the day that everyone lived! Not one person had died. Not even that flirt, Jack.

Wait. Where was Jack anyways?

Oh. Right.

Rose was helping Jack find a room to stay in. Which wouldn't be too difficult because the TARDIS could create new rooms whenever she wanted. "Well," he said to himself, "they're probably just exploring." But just in case Jack is doing something he shouldn't… He started walking in the direction of Rose's room, but a sudden jerk from the Tardis flung him to the floor.

Some sort of alarm was blaring, and that startled the Doctor. He had never heard it before. It was new, and new alarms are not usually a good sign.

Something was happening. Something BIG was happening.

But as suddenly as it had started. It stopped.

The Time Lord stood up, swiftly dusting off his leather jacket before sprinting to the monitor. He analyzed everything. Enemies? No. They were in the vortex. No being could survive direct contact with it. Unless they could. Whoever they were. But just to be sure, a quick scan of the TARDIS and surrounding space. It was as he'd thought. No life. Well that was a good sign.

Next he checked for any damage to the TARDIS. Nothing. The shields were up, preventing any harm. Energy deficiency? Well... The TARDIS was running a bit low, but not enough to cause a problem.

The Doctor had to figure this out! That was not just turbulence!

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something flash. A green spot on the monitor. The TARDIS had categorized it under 'unknown energy', and had traced it down to one part of her ship. It was almost like she wanted him to go investigate. No. He was certain of this. So, he took off down the corridor, letting his ship guide him.