Early Christmas morning, four children crept down the stairs toward the tree. Their eyes were wide with surprise when they spied all of the gifts that had miraculously appeared over night.

Jamie heard little voices and came out of the bedroom off the dining room. "Hey you kids. What are you doing up so early. You'd think it was Christmas or something. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Uncle Jamie." Benji called out.

"Merry Christmas, Jamie." .

"Merwee Kissmus." Elizabeth chimed in.

Hannah just looked confused, not knowing what her sister's name and something called 'Christmas' meant. The kids moved quickly to the gifts.

"Unh Unh. Don't touch. Not until after Christmas dinner." Jamie reminded them.

"Awwww." Benji complained.

Jamie did not back down. "That's the way it works."

Benji pointed toward the fireplace. "Look! The stockings!"

There was a piece of stick candy poking out of each sock. He ran to the right side of the mantle.

He pointed to the opposite end of the fireplace. "Mary and Hannah, yours are over there."

Mary glared at Benji. "I know." She might not have been able to read the names on the stockings, but her memory was quite good, especially when it came to candy. She gave Hannah her stocking and then took down her own.

"E...L...I...Z...A...B...E...T...H. Here Elizabeth, this one is yours." Benji handed his sister her stocking. "B...E...N...J...A...M...I...N, and this one is mine."

Benji was still four, but would turn five in February. He was a bright boy with a thirst for learning, much the same as his father had been as a child. Benji knew all his letters and numbers and could even read some words.

By the time Christmas greetings could be heard coming from upstairs, the children were well into their candy. Soon the rest of the family appeared downstairs, providing Jamie with reinforcements for keeping the children out of the gifts. Hop Sing came from the kitchen with trays of sweet rolls, glasses of milk, and cups of coffee. They would have a casual breakfast since there would be much feasting later. After eating, Jamie sneaked out through the kitchen to do the morning chores. With so much activity in the house, Mary did not miss him. Then everyone dispersed to get cleaned up and dressed in their holiday attire.

Gradually the men appeared downstairs, handsomely dressed in their suits. Adam looked especially distinguished in his black suit, charcoal gray vest, white shirt and red ascot tie. Benji also looked sharp in his gray knee pants, white shirt, red vest, and tie. Around eleven, the ladies and girls came downstairs. One would have thought that Kate and Cecille had communicated weeks ahead. Cecille and Elizabeth wore gold satin with dark green sashes, while Kate, Mary, and Hannah were in dark green satin and gold sashes. Both the husbands greeted their wives with holiday kisses.

Ben dropped down on one knee before Mary and Hannah. "Girls, your dresses are beautiful! They are a wonderful surprise." Mary did a little twirl for him. Not to be outdone by her sister, Hannah gave a twirl as well. Ben chuckled at them. "Very pretty, girls. You look marvelous! Adam, I think it's time for some carols. Would you lead us, please?"

"Sure, Pa." He sang out 'O Come, All Ye Faithful' in his beautiful baritone voice, and the others quickly joined in.

Elizabeth and Hannah were enthralled by the music that filled the room.

"Oh it's good to hear so many carol singers in this house." Ben's chest was swelling with emotion. Could we have 'Silent Night' next, please?"

At the conclusion of the final strain of the carol, Ben asked everyone to have a seat for the reading of the Christmas story. He took the family Bible from the shelf and turned to the Book of Luke.

Ben began to read chapter two of Luke. " 'In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus...' "

As he finished the reading, Hop Sing carried platters of turkey and ham from the kitchen. Next there were bowls of mashed potatoes, carrots, beets, and a large basket of bread. The family moved to the table with great anticipation for a sumptuous meal. Adam volunteered to pour the wine. When he was seated, Ben asked them to join hands for the blessing of the food.

"Lord, we thank for this blessed day, our family, our home, and for this food that you have graciously provided. Amen."

The feast commenced with a chorus of 'Amens'. And when they thought it was not possible to eat one more bite, Hop Sing brought out a delectable, flaming plum pudding. However, the children quickly grew antsy after dessert.

Ben looked around the table at each child. "I believe it's time to open presents."

They cheered, hopped off their chairs and ran to the tree, except for Hannah who had to be helped out of the high chair. The adults moved to the living room and handed out gifts to the children. There was paper and ribbon flying through the air as presents were hastily unwrapped. With all the noise, Hoss, Joe, and Jamie slipped out to the barn unnoticed. Much to Mary's delight, one of her gifts was a pair of riding boots.

Mary hugged her boots and looked for Joe among the crowd. "For riding Cochise!"

"No, Mary. Those go with something outside." Ben motioned with his head. Mary looked confused and a bit sad. "Go on. Have a look outside."

She ran to the door, pulled it open, and stopped dead in her tracks. There standing just off the porch were Hoss, Joe, Jamie, and the little paint pony that was wearing a tiny saddle. Mary looked at the boys and bolted toward the pony. Joe intercepted her. The pony jumped at Mary's sudden movement, but Hoss held him with a firm grip.

"Hey now, Mary. I know you are excited, but you can't run at an animal like that. You need to meet him slowly." Joe put her down as the rest of the family assembled on the porch.

Mary reached out calmly and rubbed the pony's nose.

"That's better, Mary. Just be gentle. You two need to get ta know each other." Hoss gave he encouragement. "Whatcha gonna call him?"

She smiled at Joe and announced. "Patches." Joe had told her once that Cochise looked like patches of black and white.

Ben called out. "That sounds like a good name for a pony."

Hoss kept hold of the pony's bridle. "Ok, Joe, just set her on top real easy like." Joe picked her up and carefully put her in the saddle. The pony flinched, but did not buck. "Alright, hold on now."

Mary gripped the saddle horn as Hoss led the pony in a small circle in front of the house. The smile on Mary's face said it all. She was in love. She leaned over to pat the pony's neck. Kate did not realize until she saw Mary's smile, that she had been holding her breath. She released a sigh and gave Ben a look of relief. Ben winked and gave her a squeeze. Benji was still holding the book and toy horse he had just opened as he watched the delighted Mary circling about on her pony. His shoulder slumped and he dropped his head. Adam placed his hand on his son's shoulder and gave him a look of understanding. After a few rounds, Hoss brought them to a stop back at the porch. Adam whispered in Benji's ear, and took the book and horse from him. Benji walked up to the pony and reached out to pet its nose. Mary reached out to block his arm.

Joe pulled her back upright in the saddle. "Whoa there, Mary. I know Patches is your pony, but think of the times I let you ride Cochise? I think you need to share, too." Mary held tight to the tiny saddle horn when Joe tried to lift her out of the saddle. "Come on, now. There'll be lots of other times you can ride him."

This time when Joe pulled her up out of the saddle, Mary threw her arms around him and squeezed tight. Then she reached for Jamie, who was a bit embarrassed to have a little girl hanging around his neck in front of a crowd of people.

And lastly, she put her arms out to Hoss. "You're welcome, doll. You just be good to him and let others have a turn once in a while, ok?"

Mary nodded and ran to Ben, who picked her up and gave her a hug. All this time Benji had been standing there petting Patches.

"Ok Benji, You're up next." Joe lifting the grinning boy into the saddle.

Ben leaned down and whispered to Mary. "I know it's hard to let the others take a turn. Thank you for not making a big fuss." He placed a kiss in her hair.

Hoss circled Patches and a beaming Benji for a few rounds, and then brought him back to the porch. After Joe lifted him out of the saddle, Benji ran to his father, looked up with bright eyes. Adam gave his brothers a grateful nod, which they all returned warmly.

Ben shivered and clapped his hands together. "You know, it's cold out here. Let's get back inside. There are still more gifts to open!"

As the others went inside, Hoss and Patches headed for the barn. "Ya done me proud, little fella." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of carrot and gave it to the pony.

Once Hoss returned from the barn, the adults began opening their gifts.

Adam pulled his father away from the chaos for a moment and handed him a long flat package. "Here, Pa, this is for you, from Cecille and I."

"Thank you, Adam." Ben tore back the paper wrapping. It was a painting of a harbor with many large vessels in the water. "What a beautiful painting, Adam. Thank you very much!"

"It's Boston harbor, Pa. We wanted you to have it, because you may not get to Boston to see it."

"What do you mean, Adam? Kate and I would love to visit you some time. I don't understand."

"Pa, my firm appointed me to open a west coast office. That's the reason we brought so much with us. I was hoping that Cecille and the children could stay here until we can be settled in San Francisco...Pa?"

"Yes. Sorry. I'm just in shock. I just never thought you would come back to this side of the country. Of course, you can stay as long as you need. That's wonderful, Adam! Wonderful! I am so happy for you! And for us, because you will be so much closer. Oh, that's great! Just great!" Ben embraced his oldest son. "Hey, everyone. I need your attention, everyone. Excuse me...Joe!" He caught Joe's attention and put his fingers to his mouth to signal a whistle.

Joe let out a shrill whistle and soon all was quiet.

Now that everyone was looking at him, he went on. "Please, I would like your attention for a moment. Adam has a very important announcement that you will all be interested to hear."

Hoss and Joe smirked at each other assuming Adam would announce that Cecille was expecting their third child.

"Well, you are going to have to put up with us for a while after the holidays, because you are looking at the head man of the new west coast office of Shepley, Richardson, and Cartwright, Architects LTD that will be located in San Francisco."

There were cheers, hand shakes, and congratulations between brothers.

Kate gave Cecille a hug. "I'm so happy you will be staying on for a time. The children will have so much fun together."

Ben took Elizabeth from Cecille, and motioned for Kate and Hannah to come sit down. "Benjamin, Mary, come here."

Benji jumped up beside Ben. Mary, having just managed to get her boots on, came running.

"Did you hear that? You children are going to get to spend more time together. Won't that be fun?" Ben hugged both his grandchildren.

Joe looked at the sweet scene. "Hey! Too bad we don't have a photographer. This would make a great picture. Everybody look this way."

If there had been a photograph taken in the Cartwright living room that Christmas day, it would have captured Joe standing in front of the fireplace, assuming the photographer pose, one hand holding the flash pan and the other the squeeze ball; Ben and Kate sitting together on the settee, Kate holding Hannah, and Ben holding Elizabeth; Adam and Cecile, arm in arm, proudly looking on at their daughter sitting in her grandfather's lap and their son just to his side; and Hoss with his arm around Jamie's shoulder, standing next to the tree, pointing at Mary, in her lovely green dress and riding boots, squeezed between Kate and Ben, leaning hard into his chest, just touching Elizabeth, and a scowl on her face.

Still, from Ben and Kate's perspective, there had never been a better Christmas.

Kate gently placed her hand on his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Ben."

He leaned in for a kiss. "Merry Christmas, Kate."