Hello! Sorry I have not updated in a long time. Real life does get in the way; I never realized how much, though!

Anyways, I do not own or profit. Enjoy!

I exited the bathroom of the club, pulling my still-messy blonde hair into a tight pony tail. I yawned, though I was unsure as to why. I was not tired, but my body was still recovering after my little episode with Godric and Eric. The loud music seemed to be louder when I came into view of Eric's throne, but the "king" was not there. Neither was Godric and I could not seem to locate Pam either. Where in the good Lord's name had they gone?

I moved carefully around the cluster of erratically moving bodies, scowling once when I felt an unwelcome palm on my backside. I would have turned around to confront whoever it was, but I was too focused on finding Godric and Eric. There was some concern for Pam as well, but . . . Godric and Eric were different.

"Hey, babe; you look lost," came a voice behind me. I turned around and saw a human man a bit taller than me looking at me as if I were something for him to eat. His thoughts were too vile for me to go over again. What really bothered me was the fact that he was perfectly sober.

"I can assure you I am not," I replied as I went to continue my search for the Viking and his sire. The man;s hand gripped my wrist and tightened around it painfully.

"Oh, come on darlin'. Done be such a prude," he yelled over the music. My heart was beating in my throat with sheer rage mixed with some fear.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Or what? What will you do?!" he yelled. It was only a split second later when his face changed from scary male looking to get lucky to a less flattering child shaking in his socks.

"Or I will tear you into two thousand pieces and artfully arrange them around the houses of your family members," growled a familiar voice both above and behind me. The tone he used was enough to make me shrink down and hide.

The man's hand instantly dropped my arm. He never blinked, did not look as if he could speak, and never took a breath.

"Do not touch what is mine. If I ever see your face around here again, nobody will be seeing you again. Are we clear?" I felt the growl from Eric's chest before we heard it.

The man nodded and took off running out the doors. I turned around and looked at Eric's face. He looked seriously angry. His fangs shone in the light of the club. People were watching and some looked like they wanted to tuck tail and run out too. To save the business of the night, I did what nobody else would dare do in my situation. I took Eric's head in my hands and looked him in the eyes. I ran my hand through his hair and pulled him into a hug. He was tense for half a second before he responded in kind, his muscular arms wrapping securely around my body.

"Are you all right?" he asked in my ear.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Eric," I replied. I knew I could have taken care of the situation on my own, but what Eric did seemed to make a bit of a statement to the rest of the crowd there. I was his, and he was mine. For a moment I wondered where Godric was, but he was always busy. I would no doubt see him later.

"Where were you? Where are Godric and Pam?" I asked.

"Pam had to run an errand and Godric said that he needed to talk to the queen about something left unfinished in Texas." His body had relaxed visibly. People were still staring in our direction, a few in awe and others in utter disdain. He showed that I was his. Time for me to show he was mine.

I pulled him in for a kiss and wrapped my fingers in his silky hair as he responded. Normally I would not be so public with my affections, but the time called for it. We both pulled away, locking eyes once more before I took his hand and we made our way to the thrones.

"How much longer is Fangtasia open?" I asked.

"Give it another hour or so," he laughed. "I will close up at two."

"Sounds good," I replied. I was about to sit on the seat beside him before his arm pulled me down to his lap instead. I squealed at the sudden change and looked at him in mock horror. After a second we both laughed and I looked upon the crowd of people that stared at us, most of them being too obvious. There were thoughts of jealousy and hate in the crowd, but I was not going to let it bother me. I was going to enjoy my morning, especially when I would have both Eric and Godric to myself.

Well, it isn't much but I felt like updating. Hope y'all enjoyed!