Ok so yesterday I found a new pairing. Yes it is Casmund.

So I was reading a bunch of stories and not one of them(that I have read so far) has had one or the other stay in the others world, so I obviously was like 'I must write it!' And here I am. My first Casmund story! Enjoy

Edit- 10-3-13 I fixed it up a bit.

EDIT: 11-3-15(Dear sweet lord it's been two years... Sorry...


Lucy, Peter and Susan stood next to the portal. Peter looked behind him where his brother was, a small sad smile on his lips. Edmund would not be returning to their world, too injured from their last battle. Lucy had done all she could, but magic can only go so far. If he went back now, the magic that was healing him would be null and void and he would die a slow and painful death.

Lucy was in tears, knowing that she had to leave didn't keep her from feeling the powerful grief and guilt, if anything, it made the feelings worse. She would miss her brother dearly, terrified for him and how he would get along without them with him, they had never been apart like this, not even when they had been adult kings and queens of Narnia.

She decided not to think to hard about Edmund and what had happened, just the thought of the sword going through his chest, so close to his heart, it made her want to cry harder.

Susan had a sad smile on her face as well, her eyes just as wet as her younger sister's. She would miss her brother dearly, he was her baby brother and she never wanted to lose him in this way, to have to leave him behind while she went home. He was part of her home, and leaving him here would be like leaving a quarter of her heart behind. At least she was leaving him in good hands, the newest king of Narnia would take care of him for her, in a way that she could no longer give him, and in a way she never got from the newest king. She wasn't stupid, she knew that the boy had an eye for her brother, but she went and fell for him anyways.

The three siblings walked forward to the portal, heavy hearts almost visible in the lagging foot falls and slow movements. One by one, the siblings looked back at the one they were leaving behind, before stepping into the portal and disappearing from their brother's life.

Edmund was lying on his bed, the bed that had been set up in Caspian's tent, the sheets still uncomfortably stained in his blood. He knew his siblings were gone, it was this feeling in his gut; the stabbing feeling of loss. Though he also had a feeling that this was not the last time he would see his family. The feeling helped him calm down enough to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Lucy, Peter and Susan got to their bodies without any complications, they were still standing and holding hands, like they were before being pulled into Narnia. The same could not be said for Edmund, who collapsed to the ground like a puppet whose strings were cut. Before the siblings could so much as bend down to check his pulse someone screamed, alerting the entire station. In no time flat the siblings were crowded by people, some trying to help, others just gawking at their brother. A medic, who had been in the station, looked over the prone boy, and after a quick and thorough inspection, as best he could in the situation, he concluded that Edmund was in a coma.

I know. It's super short. But it is just the prologue.

If you are reading my other stories, know this, I have finished the next to last chapter for A Dramione fairy tale. The last chapter is an epilogue. I will get that to you when my brother lets me on his laptop. I am working on my other stories, it is just hard right now. I am in the middle of battling a major sickness Pisateli Blok, most know it by Writers Block.

Oh my gah! I kinda want to smack eighteen year old me. She irritates me in all her ugg ness. Seriesly? Pisateli Blok? Dude had problems. I simply say that I forgot. I do tend to do that.

I hope you enjoy my edits. I added quite a bit.

20 year old Mars.


P.S. I live off of reviews, they are my medicine!