Chapter 1-The Unknown Father

A/N: This is the sequal to Harry Potter and the Unsuspecting Savior. This story will be in response to Severitus' Challenge becuase I personally think that he's brilliant to think up something like this and all of the stories that I've read so far in response to it really are very good and they've inspired me. I'm going to try and pick up where I left off at the end of the the last story so here we go. Oh and please don't sue because I most certainly don't own and please go easy on me with the flames because I still am fairly new to this. Well I'm sure you're all sick and tired of my rambling so I'll get on with the story now.

**************************************************************** Defense of course went off without a hitch. The whole of Gryffindor House was happy to have

"the best defense teacher they'd ever had" back. After defense the Trio and the rest of the fifth year Gryffindors made their way to lunch then to Double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs. After Lunch Remus bade his way down to the dungeons to have a talk with Severus. Remus came to Severus' office door and knocked. After hearing an 'enter' he opened the door and stepped inside the office.

"What can I do for you Lupin?" "Severus, I heard that you had a rather interesting summer." Snape inclined an eyebrow then responded "Is that so? Where did you heard that from?" "Well I heard some rumors flying around that you took care of Harry this summer." "Well that rumor is true, I was in the company of Lei McKinny as well, but I still don't know what you want to talk to me about. Surely you didn't just come down here to chat." "Well you certainly were never one to beat around the bush." Remus took out a letter from his robe pocket and handed it to Severus and said "I believe this should explain everything." Severus took the letter and proceeded to read it. When he was finally done he looked up at Remus and said "Is this your idea of a joke Lupin?" "It's no joke Severus. Harry's your son. For someone who spent half the summer with him you obviously didn't take a good look at him." "I beg your pardon Lupin." Snape said bitingly "The charm that Lilu put on him is already wearing off, it'll be completely off in the next week or two, and Harry will figure it out. He's not stupid!" Remus said almost deperately. "But why would he want me as a father? I don't deserve to be anybody's father. Especially not Harry Potter's." "From what I overheard Harry and Lei saying to their friends you three had a pretty good summer." "Well we did." Severus grudgingly admitted. "You've also seen first hand how his relatives treat him. So why don't you step up and be a father to that boy! He desperately needs one!"

Severus sighed knowing that he wasn't going to get Lupin to back off if he didn't concede. Even he had to admit that the relationship between Harry and himself and much improved during the course of the summer so it wouldn't be that bad breaking it to the boy, but he still wasn't sure. Potter could still be unpredictable at times. "I will speak to him after dinner tonight. Is that to your satisfaction?" "Yes, thank you Severus. I'll just be on my way now, I've got a class to teach in fifteen minutes and I have to get everything set up. Good day Severus."

"Good day Remus." Remus then took his leave and Severus was left to his own thoughts. His vision flew to the letter that was still sitting on his desk and he picked it up and read it again. It said

Dear Remus, If you are reading this this means that James and I were killed by Voldemort. I only hope that Harry survived but if he didn't then you don't need to read any further than this if you don't want to. I've been keeping a secret for some time now. I feel that you would be the only person that would be rational about the whole thing given the fact that you weren't like Sirius and James. This secret concerns Harry and his father. His father is not James as everybody believes. He is in fact Severus' son. You remember the short period of time that the two of us were married right after we finished Hogwarts. Well right before Severus and I divorced and James and I married Severus and I shared one last night together and the result is now fifteen years old if I timed the delivery of this letter correctly. I cast a charm on Harry when he was born to look like James until he turned fifteen then the charm would start to wear off over a period of time. Please tell Severus that he has a son, even if Harry didn't survive he has the right to know that he was a father. If Harry is still alive then give a father his son and a son his father. Thank you Remus, you were always a dear and I loved you like a brother. Love always, ~Lily Potter formerly Lily Snape

Severus carefully folded the letter and leaned back in his chair feeling a headache coming on. But he didn't have time to dwell on the information that he had just been provided, he had a class to teach. Carefully he placed the letter in his robe pocket and made his way out to teach 6th year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs.