Heero's Laugh Part 3

So my jerk of a partner and I have been arguing over who's Gundam was better as we sit at our desks in our office. How can he possibly think Wing Zero was better than Deathscythe Hell? Sure, he had the Zero System and that buster rifle, but my buddy had a cloaking mechanism and thermal scythe that could function underwater! My Gundam was wayyyy better a close combat. It looked cooler too, bat wings and all.

But as we continue to bitch about it, I'm stapling papers roughly on my desk with a loud thunk each time I smack down on the top of it.

He says something and I look up as I staple another stack of papers. I feel the pinch of metal go through my flesh.

"FUCK!" I scream. I just stapled my damn finger!

And of course, he bursts into a fit of giggles while I suckle my bleeding finger. I glare daggers at him, even though I love the sound of him laughing. A loud sound from him causes him to shut up immediately, his face turns beat red, and I gape at him.

"Did you just fart?" I ask bewildered.

"No!" he defends, an obviously lie and his cheeks redden even more.

"You just laughed so hard you farted!" I holler and now it's my turn to laugh at him.

"Shut up!"

Swiveling in my chair, I stand up and make for the door. "Oh man, I gotta tell someone."

"Don't you dare!" he yells and leaps from his own chair. I barely get the door open, and his hand shoves it close. Damn, he's fast. "Don't tell anyone! I'll do whatever you want!"

I turn to face him still laughing hysterically. "Anything, eh?"

"Anything!" he pleads and shakes me by the shoulders.

"Kiss me," I blurt out without thinking. It's a joke…really it is.

His blue eyes widen and then he glares at me. "Fine." He yanks me forward and our mouths collide. His mouth pushes against mine and naturally, I kiss back. It's a little rough, but hey, it's a kiss from Heero fucking Yuy. We part with and audible smooch, and he looks a little shocked by his actions. My lips tingle and there's some kind of spark fluttering between us in the air, like static energy. It's cathartic. I smile at him and he smirks, again his cheeks tint pink. Well, I think we've just started something new.