Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.
A/N: This story was originally written by Jalen Writes it All but has been adopted and revised by me, Xo BellaItaliana oX.
I will be making some changes and adding some touches to make it my own, while keeping true to the plot that Jalen has already written. I hope you guys like it and that I do it justice. Review and let me know what you think of my version of her awesome story!
If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note at the bottom of the chapter! We hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to reading your reviews.
NEWS: If you go to my Wattpad page – where I have also posted most of my stories, including this one – you will see that I have posted PICTURES you can view during the scenes in each chapter inside the story with the chapter! This is new and I haven't done so with all my stories yet aside from the initial chapter image (one at the beginning of each chapter) So, take a look and tell me what you think! There are even Jasper Romance pics! The user name (penname) is the same as this one so it won't be hard to find. Or you can click on the link on my profile! - Bella'Xo
REMINDER: As always, Lily's thoughts will be in Italics while any sign language will be in Bold Italics.
Chapter 16
(Lily's POV)
I was running through the forest in a panic.
She's here.
She's coming to kill me.
I looked around I ran, praying I don't catch a glimpse of her. I know it's impossible to outrun her, she'd catch me in no time. She always does.
But, I keep on running, I couldn't give up.
My feet were being cut up from the sharp pieces that lay on the ground. But I couldn't worry about that.
She's coming.
I need to keep running.
I need to get out of here.
She's coming to get me and its only a matter of time before she'll succeed.
She always does.
Suddenly, I'm crushed and pinned up against a tree, held up by my neck. I could see her standing there with that sick smile on her face, showing me two rows of razor-sharp teeth that could slice through my skin like butter. Her vibrant orange hair had leaves and twigs stuck within her curls. Her face was still as beautiful as ever, even with her lips twisted in that snarl.
"This is for James," I read from her blood-red lips just before she leans in and bites cleanly into my neck.
I shoot up out of bed, my head pounding behind my eye lids. I looked around frantically to find that I was no longer out in the woods with Victoria there hovering over me.
I sighed as I realized that it was just another nightmare, the same nightmare that has been plaguing me over and over the last month.
I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump slightly, and I turned to see Jasper sitting there beside me, his beautiful face morphed into one of concern.
I didn't even think as I reacted, immediately throwing myself into his strong arms, seeking the comfort that he so willingly offered.
He tightened his arms around me, just as he'd repeatedly done during these times over the last month, when I find myself startled awake from each nightmare.
This has got to stop.
I closed my eyes and buried my face into his neck, my heart slamming rhythmically against my chest. My breathing finally began to slow back down to it's normal pace and I was no longer feeling the tremors wrack my body as I shook.
Jasper always manages to calm me down at times like this, which is why he'd began to make a habit of staying with me at night while I slept over this past month. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep due to the fear these terrors brought me. I basically became a zombie with the dark circles under my eyes. Jasper, of course, took notice of this, so now he insists on staying with me during the nights using his gift to help me sleep.
I felt Jaspers calm seep into my being, and pulled back to look up at his concerned face.
"Same one?" I read from his lips and nodded in confirmation.
"She g-got me this t-time." I disclosed to him and he frowned, cupping my face with his cool hands.
I watched his beautiful, pale lips as he spoke, "You know that I'd never let anyone hurt you, especially her. This dream of yours is not going to come true." He vehemently expressed to me, and, admittedly, I do take a little bit of comfort in his determination.
Edward had read my mind one night and told the Cullens about my dreams that have been coming to pass. They think that it's possible that I have a gift. Carlisle even suspects that I could be like Alice and am seeing things how she saw them when she was as a human. He believes that if I ever became a vampire, it could strengthen and evolve. Carlisle also thinks that it might have something to do with my blood. He's been researching in his spare time, trying to find some kind of explanation to all this.
The Cullens seem to have accepted Bella and I into their family. They understand how serious we are with both Jasper and Edward. They also knew that I would rather die than ever expose them as vampires to anyone.
Rosalie has stopped being so hostile towards the two of us, however she still isn't all rainbows and unicorns either. To be honest, I don't know if Rosalie has a nice bone in her body towards anyone but Emmett, and sometimes Jasper, since they play twins so often. If I were to guess, I would say that she somewhat resents Carlisle for changing her. I'm not sure what he deal is with the rest of the family, but they seem to just ignore her smart remarks and bitterness towards life.
Alice, however, has become a really good friend to Bella and I, always wanting to get together and spend time with us. She always manages to evoke a laugh from me, especially when she manipulates Bella into her own life-size Barbie, much to Bella's annoyance.
Emmett...he's the best. He is like the irritating, older brother we never had as he's always messing with us, me especially. He really takes joy in teasing me, but he is really nice to my sister and I.
As for Edward, I would say that in the beginning, he and I were the closest, aside from Jasper, or course. This was all thanks to his mind reading ability, causing him to be the easiest for me to comminicate with. However, the whole family learned to sign, rather quickly I might add, and it has made getting to know everyone much easier - Rosalie included, though I have a feeling this wasn't by choice.
I glanced over at my nightstand and smiled a bit when I caught sight of the framed picture of Jasper and I from prom night. He's holding the camera, looking at it with a smile while I'm in the middle of laughing at something. We're laying down on a blanket with candles surrounding us. It's my favorite picture from that night and one of the best days of my life.
Jasper looked towards the door and then back at me. "Charlie's coming." I nodded as he stood, opening the window, turning to face me. "I'll see you later, love." He leaned down and I smiled, bringing my lips up to meet his. It ended way too quickly for my liking, and when I opened my eyes, he was gone.
Sighing, I closed my window, turning when I saw my dad standing there with Bella's birthday gifts in his hands.
"Morning, Lils."
Morning, dad.
"Come on, let's go and wake up the birthday girl," He smirked.
Smiling, I close the window next to my bed and pull myself out from under my covers to follow him.
In my opinion, our relationship with Charlie has definitely become stronger over the last four months. We're a lot more comfortable here, and we enjoy spending time with him.
Dad knocked on Bella's bedroom door and opened it, both of us walking in to see Bella just waking up, propping herself up on her elbow as she wiped the sleep from her eye.
"Happy birthday, Bells." Dad grinned as I smiled, taking a seat across from her on the bed.
She scowled and sat up the rest of the way, leaning against her headboard.
"Dad, we agreed, no gifts," she frowned and I my smile widened in amusement.
Bella hates her birthday, more so this year for reasons only Edward and I know. She's turning eighteen today, making her one year older than her eternally seventeen year old vampire boyfriend.
"At least mine's not wrapped," Charlie pressed, handing her the digital camera I had helped him pick out for her.
Bella gets a genuine smile on her face and looks back up at him, "Thanks, Dad," she replied before he then handed her the gift from our mom.
"Goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated - or well, she coordinated me." he corrected himself as Bella opened it, revealing a ready to be made scrapbook. "To put your pictures in, record your senior year and all," he paused as this info sunk in. "Man, senior year. How'd you girls get so old so fast? Lily, you'll be seventeen on thursday..." he says thoughtfully, shaking his head.
I smiled at him, but turn to Bella as she shrugged.
"It's not that old," she seemed to mumble to herself.
"I don't know," he pondered, studying her face, "Is that a wrinkle?" he asked.
Bella's face paled and her eyes grew wide as she quickly hopped out of bed and ran over to her full-length mirror to study her reflection.
Charlie looks over at me with wide questioning eyes and I shrug.
"I was kidding," he tells her and she turns around.
"So not funny, dad," she scowled at him.
He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head, walking out of the room.
Bella looked over at me and I reach up to pull her in for a hug.
"Happy B-Birthday, Bells."
I pull back to see her face and saw she had a grimace on it.
"Would you people stop reminding me?" she muttered, and I laugh, shaking my head as I walk out of the room and into the bathroom to start the shower before peeling off my clothes and stepping inside.
The only bad thing about this school year is that Jasper had graduated, so I don't get to see him at school anymore. However, he still picks me up and drives me in almost everyday. It's kind of weird, but also good seeing how Jasper and Charlie get along very well and talk every morning before we leave. As for Edward, well...Charlie still hasn't forgiven him for making Bella and I leave last spring.
When I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around myself and head back into my bedroom and over to my closet to pull out a white v-neck, tan cardigan, and a pair of jeans.
Before I slip them on I stop to glance at my bare back in the mirror, seeing some of the scars that still haven't completely faded away yet. They're all very faint and small, but I can still see them. At least mine's not like Bella's on her wrist. It's almost identical the marks that Jasper has littering his beautiful forearms.
I sigh to myself and pull on my clothes before going over to my desk to dry my hair, leaving it in waves today. I grab my light brown ankle boots from my closet and tie them up before stopping at my jewelry box for my long, gold necklace.
When I'm finished getting ready for the day, I grab my book bag off the floor in front of my desk and skip down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
I peeked out the window as I took out some slices of bread to put it in the toaster, and noticed that the cruiser was already gone. They called off the search for those "animal attacks" when they tracked that barefoot print all the way over to Winnipeg.
Oh, if they only knew...
I started to eat as I pull out my Physics notes, quickly reviewing them once more in preparation for the quiz today. When I finally finish, I slip them back into my binder and clean up my plate before running back upstairs once more to brush my teeth.
When I make my way downstairs once again, I spot a figure at the door and smile, knowing it's Jasper here to pick me up for school.
I hurried the rest of the way down the steps and turn towards the door, swinging it open to find him standing there, handsome as ever.
He'd changed since he was he last, wearing a dark grey thermal with black jeans and shoes. His hair is untamed and curly, always making me want to run my hands through it. He's also wearing one of his charming smiles that makes my knees feel like jello, despite having only seen him an hour or so ago.
"Good morning, Darlin'," I read from his beautiful, pale lips.
I smirk, stepping aside to let him in, and stand up on the tips of my toes to press my lips to his. He places both of his hands on the small of my back and pulls me closer.
How is it that every kiss from him makes my knees go weak?
Jasper turned his head, causing me to frown, and I turn to see what he's looking at. Bella was smiling at us, lowering her new camera from eye level.
"Gotcha," she says with a small grin.
I shake my head at her in amusement.
"Happy Birthday, Bella." Jasper smiled, laughing at her antics.
She frowned, eyeing me with disdain while probably wondering how he knows.
I hold my hands up in innocence.
"Alice told me," Jasper admitted in my defense.
Bella sighed and shook her head as I headed into the kitchen to grab my bag, and slung it over my shoulder.
Standing next to the door, Jasper opened it as I turned to look at my sister, "See you at s-school."
She nodded, turning to head into the kitchen.
Jasper grabbed hold of my hand and smiled down at me, giving it a small tug as we walk outside and over to the Jeep that he parked behind Bella's truck. Always the gentleman, he opened the door for me and I climb in, turning to see him getting in on the driver's side in the blink of an eye.
Yeah, I definitely lied when I'd said I'd never get used to his speed, because I surprisingly have. It took a while, but it doesn't shock me anymore and have begun to sense him before my eyes do.
Reaching over, I buckled my seatbelt as he began to pull out of the driveway, grabbing my hand and lacing my fingers together with his.
We were about halfway to school when I felt Jasper tap me on the shoulder and I turned to him.
"Why is Bella so unhappy about her birthday?" I see Jasper ask me and I shake my head as the ridiculousness of the situation fills me once again.
"Because she's a y-year older than E-Edward, now." I answer him and he frowns.
"She knows that Edward is over a hundred, right?" he puzzled and I shake my head.
"Y-Yes, but physically sh-she's older." I clarify for him and he nods, looking back at the road, looking to be thinking that over in his head.
He drove into the school parking lot and pulled into a spot, getting out and opening my door for me as I gathered my stuff for school. I climbed out and slung my bag over my shoulder as Jasper shut the door behind me.
"You know, maybe you should be concerned with my age, too. I am over one hundred and sixty-one." I see him say and I playfully grimace.
"Wow, you're r-right. Why am I d-dating such an o-old man?" I asked, quirking a brow
He narrowed his eyes, and I smirk. A small smile of amusement pulled at his lips and he leaned down to kiss me. I smiled into it and he deepens it a bit before pulling away.
I stand there stunned for a bit before slowly opening my eyes. "Oh, y-yeah. That's w-why."
I see him chuckle as he puts his arms around me and I buried my face into his chest, taking in his tantalizing smell.
My favorite place.
I turned my head to see Bella pulling the truck into her spot a couple yards away, and I reluctantly pull back from Jasper to look up at him.
"I'll see you later, Darlin'. I love you." I smile as he places another kiss to the crown of my head.
"I love y-you, too." I tell him before leaving the safety of his embrace and walk over to meet Bella.
She looked up at me as I approached, slinging her bag over her shoulder with her camera in hand. Mike, Jessica, Angela, and Eric are all with her, Mike saying something.
"I can help you with it, but first." she holds up the camera and slightly shakes it, "I need a picture. My mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories."
"I only take them, I don't actually pose for them." I read from Angela's lips as she moves to step out of the group, only for Eric to pull her back in.
"You do today," Bella commented and the four of them all arranged themselves in a line, arms around each other, Jessica having to fix her hair first.
"You'll photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?" she asked as Eric scoffed.
"Don't worry, I'm in the picture; no one will be looking at you guys," he boasts and I let out a silent laugh as Bella raised her camera, taking their picture and capturing the moment.
I looked over to see Edward's silver Volvo pulling in before he parked and got out, making his way over to us.
I turn back to Bella and see that she's back in the world where only she and Edward exist.
Knowing this was my que to leave, I turn and walk towards the school, noticing Mike glaring daggers at Edward.
"Oh good, Cullen's here," he says as he, Jessica, Angela, and Eric walk away.
I shook my head and walked inside the school, weaving my way through students as I hurriee over to my locker, opening it up and grabbing my history book.
Closing my locker, I spot a small pixie-like figure skipping her way over to me in my peripheral vision. I turned my head and smiled, seeing that Alice was carrying a present.
Oh, Bella's going hate that.
"Lily!" She smiled widely, and I wave at her, hiking my bag up higher onto my shoulder. "Come on, I want to give Bella her present!" She grinned excitedly while grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall.
I shake my head and follow the tiny, albiet strong, vampire.
Over the last few months, I have learned how to communicate with certain members of the Cullen family without speaking or signing. With Alice, I just had to decide to say something and Alice would see it and respond out loud.
"You know Bella isn't going to like this, right?"
Alice turned to look at me, "Yeah, but she'll still like what's inside!" She winked.
We soon find Edward and Bella as they enter through the doors of the stairwell, and Alice runs over to Bella hugging her. I see Bella shushing her as Alice pulls back and I walk the rest of the way over to them, thinking a hello to Edward that he returns.
"Alice, didn't I say no gifts?" Bella frowned, trying to find a place to hide the beautifully wrapped box.
"You did. I didn't, and I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it!" Alice says and I smile as Edward gives Alice a look. " "You'll be wearing it to your party tonight, green's a great color on you."
"My... party?" Bella asked with a look of foreboding as she peeked down at the present.
Alice smiled mischievously, turning slightly to make sure I could fully see her lips moving, "Well actually, it's yours and Lily's party. Since your birthdays are so close, I figured it didn't make sense to have another one two days later."
My eyes widened and I look over at Alice, slightly startled. Jasper didn't say anything about a party.
I quietly groaned to myself as the little pixie puts her hands together, pleadingly, looking back and forth between my sister and me, "Please? It'll be fun!"
Bella looked over to me for my opinion and I shrugged. Sighing, she turned her attention back to Alice, "I... guess we can deal.."
"Great! Oh, Lily, make sure you wear the blue dress. It really brings out your eyes. Be at the house by seven!" Alice instructed as she hurriesd off.
I shake my head, noticing that Bella was holding something in her hand, a dream catcher.
I tapped her on the shoulder and gesture at it questioningly.
"Oh, Jacob gave it to me," she explained.
I raise an eyebrow and turn to look at Edward who looked a little annoyed at the gift.
He came all the way here this early in the morning to give Bella a present? That was...nice of him, I guess.
I waved to them, signaling my departure, and headed to my World History class, ready to start the day.
Classes went by slowly as usual. My schedule consisted of Honors World History, AP Language Arts, AP Physics, and Statistics. It sucks not having Jasper here to keep me entertained during my math class. The last couple of months of school last year was a lot of fun with him.
As I stood by my locker, ready to go to lunch, I spot Alice walking towards me like she does everyday.
"Hey, Lily."
I smiled, and closed my locker as we headed to the cafeteria for lunch.
I waited in the lunch line and grabbed myself a sandwich, paying for it, and then made my way over to our usual lunch spot. Edward and Bella already sitting there with Alice.
When I sat down, I saw that Bella looked a little concerned about something. She kept glancing over at Edward who just kissed her hand and smiled at her. It seemed to do nothing to settle her, though, and I could practically feel her tension and worry.
The rest of the day went by quickly. I walked over to Bella's truck where she was waiting for me.
"How do you feel about this party they're throwing for us?" she asked me once we were inside the cab.
"I-I don't know. I think i-it's nice of them t-to do though. Why? What's w-wrong?" I wondered.
She shrugged, "You know I don't lik-" she started to explain, but I cut her off.
"N-No, I know that. T-Today with Edward, what was th-that?" I clarified, and she took in a deep breath, her face falling slightly.
"In English, we were watching Romeo and Juliet, and he started talking about suicide. He said that he thought he wasn't going to get to me in time at the ballet studio with James. He said he was going to kill himself if he didn't."
My eyes widened at this.
So, that's why she was upset all day.
"H-How would a vampire commit s-suicide?" I asked her.
"He started talking about this royal family of vampires called the Vol.. I can't remember what they're called, but he said something about provoking them into killing him. He promised to explain it to me tonight." she answered and I frowned.
She started up the truck and pulled out of the lot while I began to wonder about Jasper and if he ever planned on doing the same if I died.
I shuddered at the thought. There was no way I would ever let him think like that. He shouldn't have to give up his life just because I lost mine. I decided on talking with him about that tonight. I had to make sure.
Bella pulled up to out house and shut off the car before I even realized we made it all the way home. I snatched my bag and hopped out of the truck, and walked up to the house, unlocking the door. I grabbed a quick snack out of the kitchen and headed upstairs, walking right into my room, dropping my bag on the floor.
I took a seat at my desk and opened up my laptop, signing into my email to see one from mom.
Hey sweetheart,
How is school? Are your classes easy? How is Jasper doing? I really like him for you, Lily. Make sure you tell him that I said hi! How did your sister like her present? I sent your present in the mail, it should be there by thursday. Phil is doing good, he's playing really well.
I love you!
I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the part about the present as I start typing my reply.
Hey Mom,
School is going good. My classes are pretty easy, but I'm taking Statistics this year. It's a little bit harder than Calc. Jasper is great. He's been asking how you are doing. Bella really liked her presents. I still haven't given her mine, yet. She told me not to get her one, but I know she'll like it. Mom, I thought I said for you to not get me any presents. I love and miss you too.
I closed my laptop and stood up to grab my bag and get a start on my homework, trying to occupy myself until it was time to get ready.
A Birthday part for us.
I really didn't know what to expect from Alice, and I had no idea what kind of party she was gonna throw. After all, they couldn't eat any cake, right?
I turned my head and looked over at my closet and the blue dress hanging there. I smiled and shook my head before turning back to my homework.
It's four o'clock and I've finished my homework , still having a few hours to kill before the party, so I headed downstairs and slipped into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and washed it off. I hopped up on to the counter and start eating it, thinking over what Bella said.
How could a vampire commit suicide? They're basically indestructible. I can't think of anything that could hurt them...except another vampire.
I shuddered at the thought of Victoria hurting Jasper. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him and I really hoped that I could protect him some way, some how. I knew I couldn't physically do anything though. James showed me that. Bella and I are practically defenseless against a vampire.
I knew Jasper was a skilled fighter from when he told me about his past with the newborn armies and Maria. Overall, he was just a pawn in her twisted games. He told me everything one night, and I could tell how much it still got to him. I could never do anything like that to him, no matter what. I love him way too much to ever just use him or let anyone else do so.
I threw the apple core into the trash can and walked back upstairs, knocking on Bella's door.
When I entered, I found her sitting on her bed, reading Romeo and Juliet. She looked up at me as I sat down on her bed, my hands fidgeting in my lap.
"What d-do you think Alice h-has in store for us t-tonight?" I asked and she visibly sighed, shaking her head.
"I don't know, but I hope it's nothing big." Bella replied and I smiled at the anxiety written on her face.
Throw Bella a party and she acts like you're sentencing her to death. Now, I'm not exactly a fan of being the center of attention, but Bella absolutely despises it.
"Well, w-we know how Alice i-is," I murmured into my lap and she nodded in agreement. My face turned serious when I looked back up at her, "Have you thought about V-Victoria?"
Bella blanched as fear filled her wide, brown eyes. There's my answer.
"I-I'm having d-dreams."
"About her?" she asked and I fearfully nod.
"Sometimes, she gets m-me. S-Sometimes, it's you." I confessed, and her eyes widen.
"What about Edward? Or Jasper?" she asked, but I shook my head.
"No, it's n-never them. Only u-us." I look down as I continued to speak, "I'm s-scared, Bells."
My terrible dreams have a bad habit of coming true. All the dreams I've had a couple of months ago. The accident. Victoria, James, and Laurent. Who says this isn't the same? What if Carlisle is right about me seeing the future? What if Victoria is really out there, right now, watching us, and she wants to kill us? She's out blood - no pun intended. She wants revenge for James. When I think about it, wouldn't I want to do the same thing? Jasper and Edward killed her mate, and now vengeance is coursing through her cold hearted body. She's like an unstoppable storm.
I felt Bella as she gently grasped my chin, making me look up at her. "Don't worry, Lils. Do you really think any of the Cullens, even Rosalie, would let her get to us?" I shake my head no, and she forced a smile, "We're gonna be okay, Lils."
God, I hope you're right.
A/N: What do you think? Any idea's about the party tonight? Will Jasper attack and, if so, who? Will they all leave the girls behind? What about Victoria?
Any questions and comments, post them in my comments and I'll answer them in my next Author's Note at the bottom of the chapter!