Hello my peeps, sorry haven't written anything in a bit, job had pretty much had a strangle hold on my life. This can be read as a stand alone but if you want to read the hidden dangers trilogy before hand go a read it.

Disclaimer: Transformers and its characters are owned by Hasbro, the other characters are people that I made up. The song in this fic is owned by Everlife

Faded Pictures

It was a typical sunny afternoon at Jasper high. Jack, Miko and Raf was sitting bored in music class as the teacher was droning on about the history of great composers of Europe. She was currently discussing Bach when she glanced at the clock and noticed that the class was nearly over so she decided to switch gears and discuss something else.

"Ok class, as you all know the annual spring concert is coming up in 7 weeks. Along with the orchestra and the school's concert guard performing, I have a several slots open for individual performances, as well a group performers. so I'd figure I open the opportunity to my classes first before I announce it school wide. If any of you wish to participate please sign up as soon as possible because practices for the concert start next week for both the orchestra and concert guard during class and after school. Deadline for early sign-ups is this Friday, so don't lolly-gag."

[Bell rings]

Everyone piles out of class and starts heading out the school. The kids split up to head to their lockers before meeting up with Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee to head to the base. Since Sapphire and Opal had a free period they were picked up by smokescreen earlier that day. Miko was heading outside when her cell phone went off. She saw that it was Keiko and quickly picked up.

"Keiko, hi"

"Miko, how are you?"

"I'm great, how's Lao?"

"He's one the other line."

"Hi Mimi"

"Lao, I'm not 10."

She opens the passenger door and gets inside Bulkhead. When she's secured he pulls away from the curb and follows Arcee and Bumblebee.

"So how are things?"

"My catering business is really starting to take off. I've never been more busy."

"My clinic has expanded thanks to the trust that father left. I now able to help more people get the care that they need and deserve."

"That's great you two, I'm very proud of you both."

A short silence crept up before she asked the painful question.

"So how's mom?"

"She had sold the house and moved to an apartment in Osaka, we haven't spoken much." said Lao

"I guess things got too much for her after the funeral. Everything just reminded her of dad."

Hearing the sadness in her voice, Keiko decided to lighten the mood and started asking about what she's been up to.

"How are things with you and your friends?"

"Well Jack's working, Raf had joined the AV club and has really revolutionized the way they do things. They've made him club president only after a week. Sapph and Opal had a visit from their mother and it actually went well."

"What about you?" asked Lao

"You know me, still the little hell-raiser of Jasper."

"What about school?"

"There is the annual spring concert that's coming up, the teacher said that there are a few slots open for performers."

"You going to sign up aren't you?" asked Keiko

"Haven't really thought about it."

"What do you love to perform"

"And we know you can sing" said Lao

"I don't have any songs"

"What about that purple notebook with your poems I packed it with your belongings when we moved you to grandfathers."

"I didn't bring it with me."

"I can have it mailed to you in two-three day tops"

"Ok, Ok talk about twisting my arm."

"And keep us posted of the date for the concert as soon as you find out."

Miko looks ahead and sees the base approaching.

"Look I gotta go about to hit a tunnel."

"Ok Miko, love you" said Keiko

"Watch your mail" said Lao

"Bye love you too" [hangs up]

Miko sighs heavily as she puts her phone back into pocket.

"Everything ok?" asked Bulkhead

"Looks like I'll be performing in our schools concert."


The Autobots come to a stop and the kids hop out. They step back and let them transform to their bi-ped modes as Raf explains to them that their school holds two major concerts every school year to showcase the students talents either through singing, dancing or playing an instrument.

"This sounds like an interesting concept." said Optimus walking up to the group

"Is it possible that we can see this concert?" asked Bumblebee through clicks and beeps

I don't think it's wise for all of us to be out in the opening like that" said Ratchet

"Well I can send a wireless feed back to base through a secure channel." suggested Raf

"Actually the concert is held at the town theater which has an outdoor stage so you guys can watch in person but remain hidden at the same time." said Jack

"That sounds like a plan" said Bulkhead

"When is this event suppose to take place?" said Optimus

"In about a month and a half." said Miko

Sapphire and Opal looked up from the sketchbooks and walked over to the others "And we already have outfits designed for Miko's musical debut." Said Sapphire

"Well your performing with me then."

"Duh, we already signed up." said Opal

"I don't really have much for musical talent so I'll volunteer as an usher or something." said Jack

"The AV club is already working on the lights and sound equipment for that night." said Raf

"Well then Lets get started." said Miko

The weeks leading up to the concert had been quite hectic, the twins were working on the designs for the performance all the while practicing with Miko on their pieces for the concert much to Ratchets chagrin. Jack and Raf had been assisting the girls with getting the sound right. While balancing their responsibilities at home. As the night was getting closer Miko's brother and sister were also having a trying time, negotiating a truce with their mother and convincing her to come with them to see Miko with little success. Hun even tried to talk to her but to no avail.

"You are definitely mother and daughter, you both are stubborn to no end."

"You turned my daughter against me, made her feel that I was a monster."

"No mother, it was you. You resented Miko, hated her because she lived while Mako didn't. You wished for her to die." said Lao

"We were there for her when you weren't. Every time that she had something important and you didn't show up, it hurt her. She never showed it but we knew it did. She wanted you to be there, you were just to selfish and cold hearted to realize that." said Keiko

"Get out."

All three left her apartment and headed downstairs.

"That woman will never change. It was foolish for us to even think that she might." said Hun as they got outside

"We will be there for her and supporting her all the way." said Lao

"I will see you both at the airport tomorrow evening." said Hun

All three bowed to each other and parted ways all the while being watched by Miko's mother. Later that night she is sitting on her bed with a book in her hands flipping through the pages she looked a the photos of the past. Some were of her husband during their wedding, some where of them with their children. Then she got to the photos of Miko, that's when the scowl turned into a look of sadness as she saw all of her accomplishments. Accepting the first place trophy for a kendo tournament, bowing to her sensei as she earns her black belt for Karate. Her during and after her piano recital. Tears started falling from her eyes as she looks at these pictures and realizes that she has missed out on a lot and that in fact it was her fault that she missed them. "I will not make that same mistake again."

She gets up out of bed and goes into her office shutting the door behind her.

The next evening she is arriving at a car rental place at the airport to pick up her car so she could head to Jasper.

Today was the big day the school was all a buzz about tonight's concert and that the Autobots were introduced to another school concept…..Half days. So the kids were at the base a little earlier than normal, much to Ratchets joy. Later they were dropped off at the concert hall so they could get ready while Optimus and the other will join them later. While Raf and Jack were helping with the set-up Miko and the twins were getting ready back stage while the band was warming up. When three familiar faces came back to see them. Miko's face lit up as she saw them she gets up and hugs them.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it."

"We wouldn't miss this for the world." said Hun

"Front row center" said Keiko

"Cheering you on, Mimi"

The twins snickered at her nickname

"Lao" she said annoyed

He kisses her forehead and heads out with the others to there seats. Soon others started arriving as jack led them to their seats. Optimus and the others were already in place so they can watch. Raf was in the sound booth giving the directions to the rest of the AV club that was working the lights.

"Alright mike, lower the house lights and raise the stage."

The lights were shifted accordantly as the music teacher came out on stage.

"Cue spotlight."

The spotlight followed the music teacher to center stage as she approached the microphone.

"Good Evening, friends, family and Honored guest. Welcome to the Jasper High school annual spring concert."

The audience applauded at the greeting and fell silent.

"Tonight you are in for a treat for the ears as our students showcase talents from Singing to dancing, to our orchestra. So sit back relax and enjoy the show."

The crowd once again applaud as she walks from the microphone and towards the conductors stand. She places an ear piece microphone on her head and speaks again. "We begin with Ludwig van Beethoven symphony no.9 from piano concerto no.5" she taps on the stand and raises the baton the students raise the instruments. From the first wave, the strings were heard and the concert began.

The Orchestra portion and the chorus portions had finished and was about an hour and a half in when it came time for intermission so people could stretch and smoke outside the kids went out the back to see how the Autobots were enjoying themselves.

"So what do you guys think?" asked Raf

"I have to admit so far this concert is quite enjoyable." said Ratchet

"There's such a mixture of music that was unknown to us and that it could come together is amazing." said Optimus

"We can't wait for the second half." said Bumblebee

"Speaking of which we gotta get back so we can get ready for our performances ." said Sapphire

"See you after the show." said Bulkhead

After intermission Jack had made sure everyone got to their seats and was surprised when he saw a familiar face walk up to him. He handed her a program and escorted her to a empty seat near the rest of Miko's family. Hun had noticed her but was unable to say anything as the second half had begun with once again the music teacher came on stage and introduced the second half performers. The performers came and went leaving the Autobots entertained some of the comedy acts nearly caused them to blow their cover from laughing. Sapphire and Opals duets floored the crowd. Finally it came time for Miko's showcase, when she was introduced she came out in a pink and black dress with a bell skirt that was mid thigh length in the front and calf length in the back with alternating layers of Pink and black . The bodice was black with magenta and carnation pink petals coming from the skirt level up to her chest, black pants fishnet gauntlets and fedora complete her look as she walks over to the electric keyboard on stage. Sapphire and Opal were at their spots holding instruments of their own with other band members waiting for her. She looks up at the sound booth and slightly nods at Raf who hit's the switch to begin the background music. She looks at the crowd to see her brother grandfather and sister smiling at her, then looks right ahead to see none other than her mother. The song started but Miko was to much in shock that her mom was in the Audience.

"What's going on?" asked the drummer

"Did Miko just forget the words?" asked Opal

Sapphire walked up to Miko to ask if she was alright. Raf had stopped the track to restart it and Miko ran off stage. Leaving the crowd to wonder what was happening. "Cut the stage lights." said Raf

The house light came back on and the stage lights were turned off as Sapphire and Opal followed her.

Raf and Jack came backstage and found Miko kneeling on the ground holding herself and hyperventilating.

"Miko what happened?" asked Sapphire

"I'll get some water for her." said Raf

"Her mom is here." said Jack

"What the heck is she doing here?" said Opal

"I guess she came all this way to watch me fail." said Miko through gasps

"Here Miko" Raf gave her the glass of water as her music teacher came into the back to see what was going on.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, we just need a few minutes. Small case of stage fright." said Jack

"Alright let me calm the crowd down and come back when your ready."

Sapphire's cell goes off she picks it up on the first ring, she hands the phone to Miko.

"Someone wants to speak to you."


"Miko, you ok?"

"I'm fine Bulk"

"You don't sound fine."

"I got startled when I saw my mom, that's all"

"You talked back to Megatron, you snuffed an insecticon, and you survived being shot."

"All this time mom has never been there for me and now she just shows up out of the blue."

"Maybe this is just a first step into making amends. Let this be the opportunity to say what you felt, don't hide and let it slip away."

Just then they heard chanting on stage, Miko gets up and walks near the stage to hear the band and everyone chanting her name.

"You hear that? They want to hear what you have to say."

"Let's get out there and rock their world." said Opal

Miko hands Sapphires cell back to her as everyone heads back to their places.

Miko cleans her face a little and walks out on stage as the chants turn into applause as she returns to the keyboard.

The house lights dim and the stage lights turn up and the drummer taps his sticks in count then the music starts up again.

"You never take

Take this time to really look.

Look at the one

The one I really am.

You try to fit

To fit me in your perfect box.

You let me slip between the cracks

Now I've faded

Into someone else

Made me someone I don't want to be.

Yeah I've faded

My true colors gone.

Like a picture that no body sees."

She looks at her mother when she sings the next stanza to drive the message home.

"I bet you don't

Don't even know my favorite song

You tell me how

How I should wear my hair

You wanna change

Everything I ever was.

Try to erase me

Till I'm not there.

Now I've faded

Into someone else

Made me someone I don't want to be.

Yeah I've faded

My true colors gone.

Like a picture that no body sees.

Now I'm faded like I never was

Till I don't really know my self.

Yeah I'm faded

Into what you want

But I'm not taking it to well

I don't want to be you little picture-perfect pretty girl

Who's got nothing to say.

I not gonna wait around…..let you run my whole life down

So you can watch me fade away."

[Instrumental Break]

During the intrumental break her mother let the words of sink in and made her reilize that she was truly at fault for the relationship going so wrong.

You try to fit

To fit me in your perfect box.

You let me slip between the cracks

Now I've faded

Into someone else

Made me someone I don't want to be.

Yeah I've faded

My true colors gone.

Like a picture that no body sees.

Now I'm faded like I never was

Till I don't really know my self.

Yeah I'm faded

Into what you want

But I'm not taking it to well

I'm faded….hate it

Slipping away as I disappear in the dark

I'm jaded...hate it

So far away from who i was at the start

I'm faded….hate it

Slipping away as I disappear in the dark

I'm faded….hate it

So far away from who i was at the start "

The song ends with the lights cutting out. A second later thunderous applauds erupts from the audience as the lights comeback on and the band take their bows

Sapphire nudging her forward. As she took her bows she looks out to the crowd and sees her family standing and applauding and looks over to where her mother was sitting and notices she wasn't there. The music teacher came out and thanked everyone for coming.

"Cue house lights and close curtain" said Raf

Everyone had left leaving only friends and family waiting for them students outside. The teacher had thanked everyone for putting on a great performance and would see them at school. All the students headed out to meet up with family then head home or to hang out. Miko's family met her and each gave her a hug.

"Thanks guys but I wish mom had stayed."

"We didn't think she would come, we had gotten into a huge argument the night before." said Keiko

"At least she showed up to something."

"We must be going as well, but I want you to remember that we love you and we will always be there."

Miko gave them one last hug before heading over to Jack and the others to celebrate.

Later that night she was wide awake and figured her mom couldn't of just left. She gets out of bed and climbs out the window to find Bulkhead on curbside duty. Sensing that she was outside he unlocks the door and she climbs in. "Can't sleep?"

"I need to find my mom, can you help?"

Soon enough they drive up to a motel outside of Jasper, it had started raining. She gets out and heads to the office a few minutes later she comes back out and heads up the stairs and stops in front of room 219.

Inside the room light was still on as her mother was just finished packing her over night bag when she heard a knock on the door. When she opens it she sees a soaked Miko in her pajamas standing there.

"Miko, it is in the middle of the night. You should be at you host home asleep."

"Why did you leave?"

"Come inside."

After Miko was ushered in she closed the door behind her. She gave Miko a towel and sat her down.

"you ran off stage when you saw me"

"Because this was the first time you came to anything that was important to me."

"You are wrong I was always there."

"Don't lie to me, you were never there."

Miko's mother gave her the photo album and look though the pictures when she got to the ones of her tournaments she stopped.

"I never saw these."

"I was the one who took these."

Miko looked at her with confused eyes as her mother continued

"I was so angry at myself for not appreciating the things that I had. It took me loosing them to see how wrong I was. To be there for you should have been my first priority. Can you ever forgive me?"

Miko looked at her mother and gave her a hug letting the book fall of her lap. Tears fell from her eyes as she was pulled closer and was embraced by her mother.

The next morning finds Miko in bed still in her mothers embrace. Her mother knowing that this is the beginning of a new start for her and Miko.

A/N: wow that took me about 6 hours, maybe it's because I stopped for a break watching disc 1 of season one of Transformers Prime. Well hope you enjoy.