Disclaimer - Do not own.

Thanks to:

TeamEthanMorgan - Your right that does seem really cute. Yeah Sarah wouldn't kill Ethan. She know better. Yeah, I love how Benny is protective too. I might have a love idea for Rory and Sarah! But I might not too! You'll have to read to find out! :D

bethanloverxox - Don't worry, the babies must live!

Kaybugg1 - Yeah, Ethan's not having too good of luck.

Autumrose - Yeah, I hated making Sarah do it!

taini - I know, tension will be high now.

Bethan Forever - I was waiting for your review. I knew u'd be really mad at Sarah! I thought you were a chick but wanted to be sure. I'll put your message in bold above the A/N! Yep Rory got smart about it. Yeah your right Erica would of kicked Sarah's ass! Erica is pretty bad ass. Jesse's coming back soon! Sooooo excited!

Important Note for a Friend - Fans of emo-rocker101, emo-rocker101 is in the hospital and will not be updating stories anytime soon! You should all wish emo-rocker101 a get better soon! I'm a fan of them so I do hope emo-rocker101 will get better soon!

A/N: Well you all reacted better than I thought you would to Sarah beating Ethan up. Although I did know how one of you would definitely react! I'm laying here freezing my butt off cause it's cold in my apartment. But it's hot outside so i'm not turning my air off. I'm possibly going to be moving soon. So if I start another episode and it takes awhile to update or I don't start the next episode soon that's why. I'm over excited about ReVamped, so I might burst if I have to wait too long. But packing and stuff takes awhile. I'm moving cause I live upstairs and I need to live down stairs cause I get dizzy when I go up them. So I'm staying with my land lord just moving to a apartment downstairs. I like to make kind of long a/ns because I love letting people know how I'm doing. It tells you all why I don't update too soon and stuff. Anyways, enough of my rambling. Enjoy!

Chapter 6 Hand From The Dirt

Sarah came running down the stairs. She knew it would be extremely risky coming down, but she had to ask Benny about the Cumbile Animus. Once Benny's eyes landed on her they filled with anger. Sarah put her hands up and stayed by the steps.

"Benny, I think I've found a way to get the demon out!" Sarah said.

"How?" Benny tried to say without anger.

"The Cumbile Animus! It sucks souls out of people, so it might suck the demon out of Ethan," Sarah said quickly.

Benny's eyes lite up, "That's a great idea! Me and E buried it in his back yard!"

Sarah nodded, "I'll get Rory and we'll dig it up. And Benny, I'm really sorry!"

*Five Minutes Later*

Benny was standing guard in front of Ethan. Rory and Sarah had grabbed a couple shovel and went outside a couple of minutes ago. The Demon was being very quiet. Benny thought maybe he had given up on making him mad. But the sound of a quiet sob caught his attention. He turned to see Ethan's head down, Benny put his hand under his chin and lifted his head up. Ethan's eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears. Benny was at a loss.

"Are you ok?" Benny asked.

"No! Benny, Sarah scared me! She hurt me really bad! I think she may of hurt the twins," Ethan said in a high voice.

"What? Is this some trick?" Benny said trying to keep his cool.

"No, the demon let me out. I don't know if he gone or what, but please keep Sarah away from me!" Ethan sobbed.

"Hey she wont come near you baby!" Benny tried to soothe Ethan the best he could.

"Can you untie me so you can hold me? I'm really scared right now!"

Benny stared at Ethan, he wasn't sure if it was the demon or not. The demon could just be trying to trick him to get untied, but then again Ethan could of broke through and wants to be held. Benny decided he would untie him, and if he tried to leave he would catch him. Slowly he untied Ethan, Ethan stood up and gave Benny a deep hug while crying on his shoulder. A second later Benny was thrown against the wall. Ethan had his hand held out, Benny was being held against the wall by some unknown force. The demon had a smug look on his face as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

"That worked a lot better than I thought it would!" The demon taunted.

"You asshole! How can you play on peoples emotions?" Benny yelled.

"I can because you're too gullible when it come to your Ethan," the demon laughed.

"Well get ready to be exorcised!" A voice said from behind him.

The demon turned to find Rory and Sarah with the Cumbile Animus. Sarah opened it and the demon left Ethan. The red light flew into the Cumbile Animus and Sarah closed it quickly. Ethan almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Rory. Rory caught Ethan before he hit the ground. Ethan's eyes opened, and in them were real tears. Benny ran up to Ethan and held him. Ethan started sobbing into Benny's chest for awhile. After about five minutes Ethan pulled away.

"Benny, that demon was horrible!" Ethan said, he turned to Sarah. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me, but you think next time you could not give me a black eye?"

Sarah smiled at him guiltily, "I'm sorry Ethan! I shouldn't of done it!"

*Later that Night*

Benny and Ethan were laying in Ethan's bed. Benny was rubbing Ethan's arm soothingly. Benny had told Ethan that he was not going to let Sarah stay with him alone anymore. Ethan didn't dispute, he was slightly scared of Sarah now. As they were cuddling something happened in the back yard. A hand shot out of the ground. The hand was followed by another, then a body. Once out of the ground the man stared at the house in front of him.

"Guess who's back, Ethan?" Jesse sang mockingly to no one!

A/N: I think that ending part might of been a bit creepy if it happened in the show. I can just imagine the creepiness of his voice. It sends chills down my back. Anyways, Your thoughts plz?