This is it! The one you've been asking for! A story of Haruhi and Mori that's not just a Oneshot! Without further adieu...

Haruhi sighed as she walked toward the road. She'd been offered a ride by everyone except Kyoya, as usual, and had refused, as usual. It's not that she preferred walking: she would gladly take a ride from any of them to avoid that long walk. She just didn't want to feel like she was making anyone make sacrifices for her. So she trudged along, trying to ignore the clouds building in the sky. Clouds meant rain, and rain was usually accompanied by storms. Just as the first droplet of water splatted on her nose, she heard the distant rolling of thunder. She quickened her pace, as though by walking faster she could get home before the storm hit. As the rain began to pick up, she started running. There was a loud clap of thunder and she nearly screamed, stopping and hugging her arms around herself, shaking. A limo slowed to a stop next to the sidewalk and the driver's window rolled down. "Pardon me, Miss Haruhi, but I've been instructed to offer you a ride."

Haruhi shook her head, calming down. "N-no thanks." There was a flash of lightning and she froze again, a small sound escaping from her throat.

The chauffeur opened the door and stepped out, putting a blanket around Haruhi's shoulders and guiding her to the door, opening it for her. "Now, now. A storm is brewing and I understand you live some ways away."

Haruhi gasped slightly as she saw who sat in the back. "M-Mori-sempai?"

"Yeah." He tipped his head at the empty spot next to him, clearly meaning for her to get in.

Haruhi nodded and climbed in, the chauffeur closing the door behind her and getting back in himself, driving toward her neighborhood. She looked at Takashi. "Uh...thanks Mori-sempai. But I can walk."

"Yes you can. You can also get sick in the rain."

Haruhi looked down. "Yeah..." she said softly.

Soon, the limo slowed to a stop and the chauffeur opened the door for Haruhi, holding an umbrella open for her. "Here we are, Miss."

Haruhi climbed out. "Thanks." She gasped slightly as the chauffeur handed the umbrella to Takashi, who had also climbed out. "Mori-sempai?"

"Make sure you get there."

"I can get to my own apartment you know!"

Takashi smiled. "Yes, you can." He held the umbrella over them both and escorted her to her apartment while the chauffeur waited in the limo.

Haruhi unlocked the door and walked in, looking around. "Dad? Hm, must be waiting for the storm to pass." There was a loud clap of thunder and she nearly squealed, running to her room.

Takashi raised an eyebrow and closed the door behind him as he walked in, closing the umbrella. He leaned it against the wall and followed her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Haruhi."

Haruhi flinched but turned her head to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Change clothes."

Haruhi closed her eyes, calming herself down, and nodded, going to her closet and looking for some suitable dry clothes.

Takashi left the room to give her privacy, looking around at the apartment. It was small, the ceilings too low in spots for him, but seemed comfortable enough for two commoners. He went back into her room after sufficient time, eyes widening. She was beautiful, even wearing loose fitting jeans and a boyish shirt. He nodded. "Come on."

"Huh? Where?" Haruhi flinched at a flash of lightning.

"You're scared of storms." He picked her up after a loud clap of thunder and went outside, holding the umbrella over them. He went to the limo and looked at the chauffeur as he opened the door for them both. He set her on the seat and climbed in. As the limo started moving, another flash of lightning and clap of thunder prompted Haruhi to latch onto Takashi, eyes squeezed shut. Takashi looked down at her in shock, then grunted and smiled, putting an arm around her.