The Proposal

Summary: Based on one of my favourite movies The Proposal. AU Story. Rachel is a book editor from Canada and Finn is her long suffering assistant. She is about to be deported back to Canada and her only choice is to marry Finn. Will he agree to it?

A/N: I know that there are loads of these out there but I love the movie the Proposal and I really wanted to try doing one myself. I hope you guys like this. There will be similarities to the movie obviously but I will try to make it different.

Chapter 1: The Idea


He could hear the incredibly annoying ringing of his alarm clock but he just couldn't bring himself to get up. Then he looks over and sees the time. "SHIT!" he yells realising that he needed to be up and ready for work about 20 minutes ago. He throws his clothes on and rushes out the door to get his boss's coffee order. When he moved to New York from Ohio, he didn't imagine he'd become the lackey to the most awful boss in the city, Rachel Berry. It had been 3 years since he moved from Ohio and he was still an assistant. But he knew if he was going to make it as an editor he had to kiss up to her for a little longer.

The coffee shop was absolutely jammed but luckily the coffee shop girl had a crush on him. "Finn over here" Marley calls. "You are a complete life saver Marls thank you" he says grabbing the coffees. "COME ON! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" he yells when he almost gets run over by a taxi on the way to the office. He reaches Schuester Publications just in the nick of time with both coffees unspilled.

He is walking to his cubicle when he runs into Sam. "This is a new shirt man! And I just spilled her coffee. She's going to freakin' kill me" Finn yells into Sam's face. "Sorry dude" he says raising his eyebrows. "Give me your shirt" Finn demands. "What?" Sam asks. "Your shirt, I need your shirt right now" Finn says. "No way" he says. "I have 5 seconds before the boss gets here. I will give you my season tickets to the Yankee games in exchange for your shirt" he says. "Done" Sam says shaking Finn's hand. They quickly exchange shirts and Finn hands over the tickets. Then the clacking of Prada heels echoes down the halls. Finn quickly runs to his computer and types a message.

-The Witch has arrived. Look busy. F

Rachel appears and suddenly the entire office that had been slacking off only seconds before are sitting at their desks, typing furiously. "FINN" she calls and gestures to him to come into her office. Man it's enough that she's mean but did she really have to be so hot too? He follows her into her office. "Coffee please" she asks and he hands her his coffee cup. "Who is Marls and why does she want me to call her?" Rachel asks, tapping the coffee cup with her perfectly manicured fingernail.

"Well that was originally my cup. Marls is short for Marley, she's the girl in the coffee shop" Finn admits nervously. "And I'm drinking your coffee why?" Rachel asks. "Because your coffee spilled" he says. She takes a sip of the coffee and looks surprised. "You drink caramel espressos with an extra shot?" she asks. "Oh I love them. I wouldn't drink the same coffee you drink just in case it spilled. That would just be pathetic" Finn says. Luckily the phone rings at that moment before Finn could be more embarrassed. "Okay I'll let her know" he says to the voice on the other end of the line. "Schuester wants to see you in his office in a half hour" Finn says putting the phone down. Rachel groans but says "Okay but you need to come and get me if I'm not finished in half an hour". She strides out of the office and Finn follows her. "Where are we going?" he asks. "Santana Lopez's office" she says. "Why?" he asks. "I'm going to fire her. Keep up" Rachel says clicking her fingers.


Rachel knocks on the door of Santana's office. "Come in" Santana calls. "Rachel. What a surprise. What are you doing here?" she asks. "You're fired Santana" Rachel says. Finn backs up against the breakfront because Santana is known to have a strong temper. "YOU BITCH! You're only firing me because you're threatened by me" she yells. "No Santana. I'm firing you because you're rude, lazy and incompetent. I asked you a thousand times to get Artie to do Oprah" Rachel says. "I told you. Artie doesn't do interviews!" Santana says.

"Well I just had him on the phone. He's in" Rachel says. "I'm not leaving. You'll never find someone as good at their job as I am at mine" she says. "Are you kidding? You spend more time having sex than you do in this office" Rachel says. "You're only saying that because you spend your life here and probably haven't got any since high school" Santana sneers. "Santana you can either leave now, quietly or I will have security remove you and Finn will film it on his little camera phone and put it on…..what's that video website?" she asks Finn.

"Youtube?" Finn says. "Yeah that's the one" Rachel says. Santana strides off yelling curse words in Spanish and pointing her middle finger at Rachel. "Move her breakfront into my conference room" Rachel says to Finn. "Why?" Finn asks. "It's from the 1800's. I'm definitely not letting that go" Rachel says. Rachel heads back to her office. "Rachel Berry's office. I know Mom, I know but I have to work this weekend. I'm really sorry but if you leave your number we will get back to you as soon as we can" he says as he sees Rachel appear over his shoulder. "That your family? They tell you to quit?" Rachel asks. "Every single day" he says picking up the phone as it rings again. "Rachel Berry's office. I'll let her know" he says putting the phone down. "Your meeting with Schuester is in 5 minutes" Finn says to Rachel. "Remember, 30 minutes?" she says. "30 minutes" Finn says and he gets back to work as she leaves for Mr Schuester's office.

"G-g-g-ood m-m-m-orning M-m-miss b-b-b-berry" Mr Schuester's assistant Tina stutters. Rachel simply walks past ignoring Tina and slamming Mr Schue's office door. "You wanted to see me?" she says. "Yes Rachel. Do you remember when you were renewing your work visa and you weren't supposed to leave the country whilst it was going through?" Will says. "Yes" she says not liking where this was going. "You went to Ohio anyway even though we told you not to" he says. "We were going to lose Artie to Sylvester Publications. I had to go" she says.

"Well the United States Immigration Department doesn't seem to care about book publishing emergencies. Your visa application has been denied and you're being deported" Will says. "But it's not like I'm even an immigrant really. I'm from Canada for crying out loud- it's only across the border!" Rachel yells. "Rachel really we don't want to lose you but you have to leave the country for at least a year whilst we reapply for your visa" Will says. "Well it's not ideal but we have email, I can video conference in from Vancouver, we can make this work" Rachel says.

"Rachel, I hate to tell you this but if you're deported you can't work for an American company. I'm turning over operations to Santana Lopez while we get this whole thing worked out" Will says. "SANTANA? The woman I just fired?" Rachel says incredulously. "She's the only person in the building who has enough experience. Believe me if there were any other way we would do it" Will says. "Please Will you can't do this. I need this job" Rachel begs. Just then there is a knock at the door. "Rachel, there's an important call from Oprah's people downstairs. I told them that you were otherwise engaged….." Finn says but Rachel interrupts him having had an idea.

"Me and Finn are getting married" she blurts out before she's thought about what she's saying.

A/N: So that's the first chapter. I hope you guys liked it. I will be updating Back At The Start by Saturday hopefully, New Directions: Take Two is scheduled for its first update on 4th September if I have all the characters I need by them and Moving On: Senior Year will be updated as soon as I've got past my writer's block for that story. This will hopefully be updated daily.
