It was a glum rainy day as Chromia walked down the street on her way to school. It was only sprinkling rain, but Chromia was wet and cold. Chromia was completely bored, walking down the street, until her sister came and welcomed her.

"Mia! Mia! What if I don't fit in? What if grade 6 is too easy or to hard?! Do I look good?" Arcee asked, as she tugged on Chromia's hand, trying to get her attention.

"You'll fit in! You're pink, and that is the new color. Grade 6 is hard and easy at the same time. You look like a baby tugging on my hand like that" replied Chromia as she looked at her baby sister.

Arcee let go of her hand and straitened her back. Arcee wanted to be popular, and the bright one, always in the spot light; completely the opposite from her older sister.

"Are you nervous? After all grade 12 is when you are supposed to have a boyfriend" teased Arcee.

"Boyfriends are sissy's who can't take care of themselves" Chromia stuck her chin up.

"Are not! You're just jealous, cuz I am younger than you and I are prettier!" Arcee ran up ahead.

Chromia rolled her optics. She hated it when her sister bragged about how pretty she was, and how she was in the spot light.

Chromia wasn't as pretty as the other femmes, and she was never in the spot light and her paint job was blue, not pink like all the other femmes. She had no friends and was a loner.

"Maybe I should consider a paint job" Chromia looked down at herself.

She splashed thru the tiny puddles forming on the side walk as she walked to the glum education center.

Chromia didn't care about how dirty she was, or how disobedient she was. She didn't care about anything. Most of all, she didn't care that she didn't care.

"Hey, look at the shadow" teased one of the main girls in the school.

Chromia kept walking, trying to avoid them.

"Aww too sissy to fight your own battles?" she was teased again.

Chromia was used to them; they were on her back every day, and man were they ever heavy.

"You shouldn't talk, because your voice is just as ugly as you!" the youngest of the gang teased.

"Good one" the leader smirked.

"I have a much prettier voice then any of you glitches would ever have, and I and not ugly! I am just blue!" Chromia turned around and yelled.

"Look who decided to grow up, you shadow. All you're good at is being ugly" teased the leader.

Chromia couldn't stand it, she had too. Without warning, she threw her fist into her enemy's perfect pink face.

"How dare you!" they yelled, as they helped their leader up.

Chromia turned around and took off. A giant smirk swept across her face.

'There goes the perfect face' Chromia just loved giving people a flat face.

Ironhide POV

Ironhide walked down the old checkered halls, with his pals Orion and Ratchet.

It was a new school year, and new bots swarmed the halls, as if they were ants, doing their usual thing and not bothering to look around them.

"So, Ironhide what's your goals this year?" asked Ratchet.

He shrugged "I guess to try and not get kicked out of school"

"Ya that one is real hard" Ratchet nudged him.

"How about femmes, you hadn't had one since your other one left" Orion said.

Ironhide remembered her; she was the most beautiful femme he ever saw. But she left, after Ironhide got a virus.

"She was a glitch for leaving you" Ratchet patted his shoulder.

"Ya I guess you're right" Ironhide really was in love with her and it broke his heart when she left.

"Hey, look at her" whispered Orion, as he looked at the prettiest femme in the whole school.

"She is a glitch" Ironhide whispered back.

"She is not" Orion whispered back.

Ironhide didn't care about femmes, not after his last femme friend left. Not until she ran up the stairs. Ironhide stared, knowing his life had just changed forever.

Ironhide watched the lovely figure walk up the stairs and run down the hall, not even noticing him. He had his optics glued on her, not watching where he was going.

He tripped and went clinging down the stairs.

CLANG, CLANG, CLANG he fell at least 3 floors, knocking over 3 people as he went banging down the concrete stairs.

When he reached the bottom, he was crowded by people.

"Are you okay?" asked Orion as he helped him up.

"Yep I'm fine" Ironhide rubbed his poor helm, which he banged on all 3 floors during his magnificent trip.

As they walked back up the stairs, he spotted her again. This time he watched his step.

"Her!?" whispered Orion as he looked at the femme who Ironhide was looking at.

Ironhide nodded, and turned around to follow her.

"You're going to miss class!" Orion yelled as Ironhide zoomed back down the stairs.

He followed her down the hall, until she stopped and turned around to crash into Ironhide.

"Watch where you're going!" she snapped making Ironhide gazed at her even more.

"S…s…sorry" he stumbled, looking at her dazzling blue optics which were filled with furry, making her more desirable to Ironhide.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" she snapped.

He loved her attitude, she was stubborn and not all over him like other femmes.

"I'm Ironhide" he replied, giving her a dreamy smile.

"Chromia, now why are you following me?" she asked, starting for outside.

"Uhh, I was going outside but then I ran into you. Did I tell you I'm Ironhide?" he asked.

"Why no you didn't" she smirked as they walked into the rain.

"Where are you going?" asked Ironhide.

"Missing class" she smirked.

"Ohh, okay. So where are you going?" he asked again.

"Somewhere" she replied.

"Ohh…" Ironhide trailed off, "well, that's perfect. I'm headed there too!"

It was silence for about 15 minutes, until.

"So, Chromia…" he trailed off, trying to think of what to say.

"You're still following me?" she turned around and looked at him in disbelief, not knowing he was still following her.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked shrugging his shoulders, "we're headed the same place!"

"Wait, by the way, where are we going?"

She shrugged then looked ahead.

"I'm taking a short cut, so follow if you want" she smirked as she turned and walked down a back ally.

The ally was dark and dirty and gave Ironhide the shivers.

Chromia and Ironhide were just about to exit and turn onto Main Street, when 4 older Mechs who was black from the shadows, blocked their way out.

Chromia turned around to see 4 more Mechs, blocking them from turning around. They were surrounded.

"Hey look we don't have go hunting, they came to us" one of them smirked walking towards them.

'I have a bad feeling about this' Ironhide thought as he looked at all of them.

"What do you want!?" Chromia said firmly, hoping they wouldn't notice her taking a big gulp.

"You" he smirked.

They all dashed towards Ironhide and Chromia, giving them no time to do anything.

They were stuffed into a truck, tied up and helpless.

Tears ran down Chromia's face, she was scared and not knowing what was going to happen to her next.

Ironhide couldn't see anything in the dark, he could only hear Chromia's sobbed coming from beside him.

"Mia…" he whispered, hopping to get her attention.

Chromia wiped her tears away, and looked at the direction from where his voice came from.

"What?" she sniffed.

"Don't cry… we'll be found" he replied doubting what he had just said.

"And what if we aren't found?" she sneered,

"Then were together" he smirked.

"I'm fine on my own" she snapped.

"Obviously you aren't"

"I was fine until you came" Chromia was blaming it on Ironhide.

"Yep, everything's fine until I come along, how sad." He sighed, leaning back to get comfortable.

"I so agree on that one" She sat still, and didn't move.

Ironhide rolled his optics. Being stuck in a tiny trailer with someone who hates you is not fun at all.

It gets allot better.

I would love a review.