A/N Hey guys back with another chapter, I hope you're enjoying this FanFiction so far, I still have many things to come! I have dis story all planned out and I honestly love the way it turns out, I hope none of you are disappointed with the results! This is another blow off steam chapter, after all, it wouldn't be a full story if the characters where thrown into horrible danger every chapter would it?

by the way i would love some feedback on how the characters (Wheeljack, Jazz, First Aid, Soundwave) on how I'm doing with them, if i need to fix some things and whatnot, if you have something to add DONT BE AFRAID TO TELL ME. i need to know if I'm not doing one of the characters right, i hate OOCness when I'm trying to be serous.


Please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own transformers. I do not own Magma-Blast or Starstriker, I do own Disconnect and Twitch ( only partly owned because they were created by Autobot-Fangirl0203 I own how they interact and what they look like) I do own the storyline, and my own OC that will be making an appearance later on within the story.

Times table.

Astrosecond: 1 Second

Breem: 1 Minute

Joor: 1 Hour

Orn: 1 Day

Deca-Cycle: 1 Week

Orbital Cycle: 1 Month

Vorn: 1 Year

:blah: =com

'Blah' =private com.

Chapter 10. I miss something?

Morning came fast for the Autobot's. the sun was up, shining selflessly over the underground base. From a view in the air all one would see would be ground. Dirt and tan desert rocks, but underneath all that stone is a place where few Autobot's call home. Inside the base everybot was up and running, each one doing something, be it watching human shows or working on a new invention, everybot but one. . .

Wind blew against a few sorry trees, they leaned and cracked on the verge of breaking apart from the sere force of the vigorous winds. A loud bark administered from somewhere within the straggling forest. Accompanied by a low growl.

A shaken up St. Bernard limped around a fallen tree, the dog whimpered and whined with every step of its paws.

The animals front leg had been bent into a position that looked seemingly impossible to achieve. The animals blood covered its once white fur, rendering it a deep red and dark brown as the blood dried against the long hairs of the dog.

The St. Bernard quickened its pace fearfully as sticks and twigs crunched under its assailants feet, more low warning growls and hungry snarls rose from the depths of the darkness.

Manson hobbled lifting his front paw completely into the air and attempted to run, A loud, angry vengeance-full Howl pierced through the loud winds screams as three black and white wolves charged from beyond the darkness of the forest.

Terrified the dog still continued to limp away as fast as the dog could go with his injuries the snarling and barks of the wolves as they hunted their pray drew nearer, closer. The dogs fleshy heart beat raptly as it broke into a full out dash, the animal ignored its battered limb as it tried to flee.

The wolves advanced, keeping their distance as they watched their pray sadistically, taunting the injured animal with devilish shimmers in their black eyes.

Manson couldn't take the pain any longer. The animal collapsed in to a bloody heap in the dark green grass. Low snickers grew from behind him, the hound knew its life would be cut short as the padding of paws against the dull grass crept closer.

The leader wolf perched himself atop a fallen tree, the pads of his paws scraping lightly against the bark, he watched his prays breathing, the stomach of the dog rose shakily and stayed for about two full seconds before the dog released its breath, a deep, painfully shaky sigh rose from the dogs nostrils.

With one last snarl one of the wolves charged foreword, kicking with his back paws and launching himself into the air, his jaw widened showing sharp white teeth, his claws retracted as they reached deathly out to its prey.

Manson looked up in horror as the wolf basically flew at him in slow motion, his eyes shut, hoping that the forcefulness of how hard he squeezed them shut would rid him of the pain to come.

With a loud yelp from Manson, the lead wolf dug his claws into the St. Bernard's chest.


Twitch shot upright in his berth, his breathing high as he looked around frantically for his companion, a small purple coolant tear dripped from his optic and landed on his leg plaiting.


His voice was broken and hardly a whisper as he looked around, he let loose a small chortle as Manson pranced from behind a desk and made himself known to the seeker by sitting down in front of the berth, sighing in relief, the blue and gold seeker bent down and picked his puppy up.

He almost screamed when he saw his arm.

His optics widened, the once violet tint flashed white with anger and shock as he lifted his arm to his face, he looked down at his chassis and his fears only grew, he looked to his legs, how had he not seen it before? Everything was... Everything was pink!

With new found vengeance the seeker sucked in air and screeched at the top of his vocalizer.


Cuddling Manson to his chassis the seeker leaped from his berth and examined himself further, he wasn't just pink, but he was sparkling! He growled darkly, she had gone too far this time! Narrowing his now deathly white optics Twitch exited the berth room, his wings extended to his sides with dark anger as he stomped into the main room. He set Manson down on the floor, the dog mindlessly trotted to a small bowl of water and began thirsty lapping at it. Twitched clenched his fists and growled.


"Uh oh"

Jazz mused.

Star snickered at her brothers enraged cry, Jazz looked over to his niece, a playful smile on his lips as his visor flashed with humor. Ally looked over to the hallway upon hearing a deep metallic growl, finally after two hours pulling her glittering blue eyes from the television and planting them curiously on the fuming seeker as he exited the hallway.

Starstriker giggled upon seeing her brother, Jazz heaved out a large breath, turning from the pink seeker and throwing both servos over his mouth in attempt to hide his laugh.

Magma Blast raised an optic ridge at his brother as he literally melted with anger, he was glad at that moment to have his battle mask, because he couldn't hold back the wicked smile on his lip plates.

Ally glowered happily as she clapped her hands and opened her mouth.

"Imma Barbie girl! Ina Barbie world! It's fantastic, I'm made of plastic!"

Jazz couldn't hold it in anymore, with a deep, regretful breath he let loose the loudest outburst of laughter, he wheezed and tried to breathe, causing a chain reaction, Ally drowned into loud childish giggles as Starstriker doubled over laughing, she hit the metallic floor and rolled onto her back.


Was all she could say as Twitch's optic twitched with anger, his wings shot strait up into the air as he charged at his heap of a sister, he landed on her curled up form and began pulling at her wolffish antennas.

"OW! Twitch! What th- OW! MAGMA"

Magma simply shook his head and watched as Twitch picked his sister up and chucked her into a nearby wall, the action cause Jazz to laugh harder as he leaned against the ground bridge controls for support.

Starstriker rose with a deep demonic growl as she stared her brother down, she licked her lip plates as Twitch clenched his servos.



Both siblings charged at one another, Twitch landed a punch in Starstrikers chest, she staggered back and round house kicked his face, sending him sprawling to the side, he threw himself back at his sister, grabbing onto her helm and ramming it-hard- into the concrete wall.

Starstriker lashed out with her teeth, digging them savagely into his Energon wiring, Twitch reeled back in pain and clutched his bleeding wrist.


Twitch backhanded his sister throwing her hard against the medbays door, she hollered in pain and chucked herself at the pink seeker, she jumped into the air and kicked Twitch right in the chassis sending him flying back into a few empty Energon crates.

Starstriker ran to her brother, her yellow optics glowing with anger as she went to lift him up.

"What in the name of Primus?"

Disconnect and First Aid exited the med bay, a look of horror on their faceplates as their optics landed on the fighting siblings, Disconnects optics landed firmly on his brothers.

The data pad that once had been firmly in his servos clashed to the ground and shattered.

First aid stifled a laugh by clearing his throat and leaning down to pick up the broken Datapad while Disconnect just looked on in horror.

Every last metal piece of his brother was colored pink, from his pedes to the small wings attached to his helm, he swore he saw a few sparkles making themselves known, but Disconnect brushed it off, labeling it only a trick of the lights.

The room was heavy with unholy silence, Twitch stared hatfully at his sister while Starstriker gleamed back at him, Jazz was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Magma remained emotionless but his optics glowed happily, Charm and Wheeljack were no where to be seen.

"Ah... Ah... Ah.. O' Mah Primus!"

Jazz fell to the floor, he banged his head into the floor twice. he was attempting to catch his breath before he overheated.

"It looks betta' den it did when we applied it"

Jazz rolled onto his back and vented, Twitch casted an annoying glance at Jazz. Disconnect shook his helm, his optics zoomed and out of focus, the image of his pink brother forever imprinted in his processor, wordlessly Disconnect spun perfectly on his heel and walked into the MedBay, First Aid cocked a optic ridge at the group, the silence was no more as Ally, Jazz. Starstriker and Twitch all started laughing.

Twitch abruptly stopped and turned to his black and yellow sister. He pointed a finger at the wash racks.

"ah wan' all dis pain' off"

He growled, Starstriker rolled her optics and crossed her arms over her chassis, she narrowed her optics at her brother.

"Ah wan' e'rey detail, e'rey color back ta normal!"

Starstriker looked hopfully over to Jazz, thinking he would have a way out for her, much to her disappointment Jazz only shook his head no, a small smile still at his lips and pointed to the wash racks.


She scoffed. She grabbed her brother by his ear wings and yanked him to the wash racks.

Wheeljack chose then to come from his lab, a small device held in his right servo, one of his optics were now a microscope his left servo hung loosely in the air by his chassis.

"I miss somethin'?"

The group went back to their doings, a secret flashing in each their optics. Wheeljack looked lost for a moment, before shrugging lifting his invention to his optics then turning back to his explosion proof lab room.

Not one minuet later a loud explosion rocketed the base, the lights flickered as dust fell from the celling.

Disconnect chuckled softly from inside the MedBay.

"Oh, Wheeljack."