Hello, this is a fanfiction continuation for Autobot-Fangirl0203's fanfic. Energon-Stained-Flower. It shows the life of the sparklings once they're grown. And what happens when earth is taken over by the Decepticons.

Disclaimer: I do not own transformers. I do not own Magma-Blast or Starstriker, I do own Disconnect and Twitch ( only partly owned because they were created by Autobot-Fangirl0203 I own how they interact and what they look like) I do own the storyline, and my own OC that will be making an appearance later on within the story.

Summary: (Continuation to Autobot-fangirl0203's Energon stained flower) NightWave and her bonded have been slaughtered, they risked their lives to hide their four sparklings. Now Decepticon's rule earth while Optimus Prime rules Cybertron, the four Siblings try and find their missing creators and get to Cybertron before the cons get to them first. Will their struggle be for nothing?

Times table.

Astrosecond: 1 Second

Breem: 1 Minute

Joor: 1 Hour

Orn: 1 Day

Deca-Cycle: 1 Week

Orbital Cycle: 1 Month

Vorn: 1 Year

:blah: =com

'Blah' =private com.

Authors note: I will answer questions with either a PM or as a review response within the next chapter.

Earth: a peaceful planet, inhabited by organics known as humans, they live unknown to the world around them, completely oblivious to the alien war that once raged the planet they they so willingly called home.
A planet lush with life and growth, animals of different species and things humans still have yet to discover.

Only a few humans were able to know of the existence of the robotic alien race that was once shared their home planet, But now, it is no secret.

Once Megatron had fallen by Optimus primes blade the war had ended, humans were no longer kept in the dark. The secret was out.

Half the population seemed fine, but the other half did not, since their is no more threat, why keep them here? This is a human planet, and now they constantly worried about seeing death on the streets because one autobot miss stepped.

The truth was, The Autobot's and the remainder of the Cybertronians had no where else to go, while not focusing on war they all pitched in, trying to find any sliver of hope that their home planet could be restored.

And when that sliver of hope turned into a reality, the Autobot's left.

Some bots decided to stay, to monitor earth incase there were any deceptions in hiding, or building up an army. But they all realized one mistake that plunged the planet into its darkest days. When more then half of the Autobot's decided to move on and completely forget that humans existed, living under Optimus primes rule in Cybertron.

They made a mistake, fore nobot could see the fuming red optics in the dark, waiting for the day the Autobot's took leave, one greedy seeker and his trine, and his own secret army that had hid in the dark. Once the Autobot's left. They stepped out into the light.

After all, nothing lasts forever.

Earth: no longer a peaceful planet, death and grief now swell within its oxygen, the humans race is only known as slaves to the ever growing Decepticon army, all of the Autobot's that had remained on earth were terminated, including one strong willed femme and her father, as well as the femmes spark-bonded twins.

Optimus prime and his Autobot's had been unable to assist, fore the growing Decepticons outnumbered the Autobot's one to ten, but as everybot knows, he will never give up.

Four sibling Autobot's remain, hardly out of their sparkling stage. their survival depends on one another. They take risks, and sometimes have to pay the price for it. But as long as they're together, they are strong.

Living in a world they hardly know of, searching endlessly for their creators, still too young to understand that their bonds had been severed. The only things on their processors.
Find out creators.
Get to Cybertron.
Don't attract attention.

But most importantly,


Magma-Blast, Starstriker, Disconnect and Twitch, the last of the Autobot's on earth.

And earths last hope. . .


They will survive,


The femme smirked behind her face mask, watching as her two youngest creations, Disconnect and Twitch, interacted

It was no secret that the two showed off hatred towards the other, but deep down NightWave knew that the twins loved each other, she had been proven right when she had walked into Twitch's room to find Disconnect curled up with the sparkling seeker.

Her creations were nearly fifteen vorns old now, and it only seemed like two clicks ago when she had her two children. They had grown up in the blink of an optic.

Magma-Blast reminded NightWave so much of her father, Soundwave. When he spoke his voice was monotoned, a harmonic melody that made the femme smile whenever she heard him speak.

Magma was bold, dangerous and had this, almost daring aura around him, as if he begged someone to start a fight. But he never voiced it, after all. He had always been the responsible one out of the litter.

Starstriker, on the other servo, was a handful, she would always see Sunstreaker when NightWave looked at her prized femme, the only femme out of the batch. She always had an upbeat attitude, not much of a temper, energetic shock of electricity.

And Disconnect, a handsome young mech, all green with black decals sparkling around his frame, he was calm, and very smart, the mech had always been into tech. Creating new things and upgrading the old. And he absolutely loved to work, if you had something you didn't want to do... As Disconnect. His eyes as blue as his fathers.

And then theirs Twitch. You could guess just by the name.
Twitch was a rascal, worse than Starstriker, his plaiting dark blue and a sparkling orange, gold decals scaled up his wings and stretched out like vines. The seeker had always a bad temper, jumping and outgoing, he often spoke randomly and out of key. NightWave remembered that one time where he asked Optimus prime if he had interfaced before, during a meeting in which the troublemaker had managed to get in to.

The war had ended though, Soundwave, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and herself had chosen to stay on earth with their sparklings.

If she were alive now, she would have wished she had left with the others.

The cell was cold, damn and cramps, she was hardly aware of her two bonded hugging her frame, as well as her father holding her servo. She was afraid, dare he admit it she truly was, she was just glad she had managed to hide her sparklings before the Decepticons came.

She shuttered at the dead Autobot's around her, some she knew, some she didn't. But it hurt all the same, her family, all slaughtered and she knew her fate would be next.

She was so right.

Starscream had came, taken the femme from the cage, and tortured her, right their in front of the bars, only a few feet separating NightWave from the twins an her father.

Hook and Knockout had been the ones to torture the poor femme, and after four joors of torture, slaughtered her.

Next was Sunstreaker, then came Sideswipe. All murdered in front of each other. Soundwave had been last. He held onto the servo of his fallen daughter, knowing all to well that even if he tried he would never make it out because if their bond, when one dies, the other soon to follow.

They started by dissembling his creations, one by one. And then, too week to continue, had sliced Soundwaves main Energon vein, leaving him to bleed out, laid out on top of the very mechs he had learned to love.

-Orns later-

"C'mon you stupit oaf"

Disconnect grumbled and rolled over, burring his head into his arms as his twin shook his body.

"Magma wants us up, we gatta go bro, we might gets founded"

Disconnect growled darkly, if there was one thing he hated, it was being inturuped during his recharge. He onlined his optics and stared at the grinning blue an gold seeker above him. Disconnect simply scoffed and pushed him away.

"C'mon D.C! Why you gatta be a grumpy puss when ya wakes up"
Twitch pouted, earning himself a roll of Disconnects optics.
"Command: get up and get ready"

Magma-blasts monotoned voice flooded their Audio receptors as Disconnect shot up, scrambling over Twitch causing the seeker to holler in pain as his small wings contacted the ground, Disconnect was at his brothers side within a second.

Magma-blasts eyes shown amusement as he watched Twitch fidgit on the ground then roll on to his stomach and kick himself upright, Twitch pointed an accusing finger at Disconnect and growled.

"I will get you for that"
Disconnect rolled his optics again and looked up to his older brother, they were similar in a way, except Magma-Blast always wore his battle mast, he had only seen it off once he ate. Disconnect crossed his arms.

"What are you going to do? Talk to death?"

Without warning Twitch screamed and threw himself at Disconnect, his long seeker claws scratching at his face.

"Ya hurt me! I hurt you!"

"Enough." Magma-blast said, his orange optics staring deathly at Twitch, his youngest brothers wings bent down as he gazed upon the ground in shame.

"Okay, who screamed?"
Starstriker walked over to her brothers, a servo to her hip plates as her yellow optics glowed with amusement. Disconnect pointed at Twitch, in which Magma-blast calmly set his servo on his brothers arm and pushed the causing digit down.

"Oh, didja find the scraplet I hid in your subspace?"

Twitch well... Twitched as his wings shot strait into the air in fear.

"Ya put wha' in my subspace?"

"A scraplet" was Starstikers smug reply as she crossed her arms over her chassis, Twitch then began to freak out, opening his subspace and throwing things out, dancing on his pedes as if he were standing in fire. Before long his subspace wascompletely empty, with no sigh of a scraper ever being there. he bent his neck and looked right into his subspace, replying softly, almost in a whining tone.

"I ain' see no scraplet"

Starstriker buckled over with laughter.

"You stupit femme! Ya tricked meh!"
Twitch went to lunge at his crumple heap of a sister on the floor before Magma-blast. ( who happened to tower all three of his siblings by at least three feet) grabbed onto one of his brothers wings, being the only part of him available at the time and lifted him.

"Twitch, you're sister is not stupid, appolguise"

Twitch growled in pain, he did not like his sensitive wings being mech-mandled by his brother, and the thought of hanging three feet in the air brought harsh discomfort.

"I'm sorry Star" Twitch mumbled, Magma set his brother down and patted his head, his optics showed jokingly before they landed on Starstriker.

"Request: Star, appolguise for tricking Twitch"

Starstriker, who was laid out on her back, her vents on high as she took deep breaths. Nodded at Twitch in a way of saying 'sorry bro' only because she couldn't must up enough to actually say it.

Disconnects door wings twitch was annoyance as he spun on his pedes and walked out of the small ally way, as far as he knew, the town they were in happened to be abounded, no mech of femmes, no humans lurking. Although this place was perfect for the refugees, Magma-Blast had stated they could not stay in one place for long, and they were all low on Energon, leaving Twitch, the young seeker, who in a way was much like Jazz, one of his mothers friends. To sneak into a decepticon ship and steel some cubes.

After all, Twitch had to be the smallest of the pack, he was also very sneaky and could get out of any situation. He had gotten in and out of three decepticon ships within the eight orns they had been on their own.

Eight orns since their creators had gone missing.

Since there happened to be no Decepticon headquarters, or ships in the area around them they had to find somewhere else near on, because each one of them were running low. And after all, with being bonded to your siblings if one offlined and the others hadn't a good Energon level, they would surly follow. And Magma always put survival before settling down, so until they could find a place close enough to either an Energon mine or a ship, they would just have to keep moving.

Since they had all require an earth vehicle mode they could move faster, Disconnect chose a rather crappy looking Volkswagen Beetle, he did not want to stick out like a sore digit around here, and he always happened to get caught in bad situations.

In a way Disconnect was the medic of the group, he had always loved helping people, sometimes Ratchet would even let him help patch up a wounded mech or femme.

Magma decided to go with a 2014 ford tremor. And it truly looked good when he was in his form, the orange decals almost looked like they were popping out. Magma-Blast was the leader of the group, he was a skilled warrior, and if he was known, he would be feared. His main weapon was a large claymore, he as training with Ironhide before the group left for Cybertron.

Starstriker, being the up struck femme she is chose to have her alt mode as a 2014 camaro z28. It complemented her very well, and she hated having to dent it. She could be known as the second in command, she used very large katanas and almost had a ninja feeling to her, she was like trying to grasp a bar of soap, when you think you had her, you didn't she could maneuver though any attack and was very hard to hit.

Twitch, on the other hand, decided to go all out and find the deadest give away vehical he could find. He was also a triple charge, he had a bright green Lockheed U2 as his flight mode and a 'dazzling' Aventador lp700-4 with a bright blue and gold lights that flashed from one to the other underneath. Twitch could also be known as a sniper, although he could hardly ever hold still, his aim was fantastic, he could hit a headshot on a con who happened to be a mile away, if their was a clear view for him to work on. Hound ha taught him how to snipe.

Most of the time the four siblings had to do things on their own, they had learned a lot during the fifteen years growing up with the Autobot's, but now that they had left earth they had to teach themselves, day in and day out, training and working hard until they either collapsed into recharge or couldn't continue on.

Disconnect felt a warm servo contact his shoulder as he looked up into his brothers orange optics, his door wings tilted down showing he was upset, Magma pulled his brother in for a hug, showing his rather pleasant side he did every once in a while.

"Things will get better once we find out creators"
Magma spoke, his monotoned voice soft. Disconnect pulled away from his brothers embrace and gave him a weak smile.
"I hope we find them soon, I'm tired of all"
He waved his hand frantically in the air showing off his point.
"This. All the death, you can practically taste it in the air"

Magma-blasts eyes looked down sullenly at his brothers as he rubbed the spot between Disconnects door wings that Magma-Blast knew he liked, the gesture was enough to relax the worried mech.

"Come now, you're siblings are waiting. We must leave"
And with that Magma turned slowly looking back only to see if his brother was following, in which he was, he frowned under his mask. As he transformed into his Ford tremor, his siblings following suit.

Things would get better, because they can't possibly get worse.

How was it? R&R!