Have I ever mentioned my magic gets explosive when I'm under pressure?
I've had this problem ever since my birth (Also quite explosive). It's something that irked Orne to no end. I can't begin to guess how many breathing exercises I've learned, how many calming chants and spells I've memorized, all just to keep my wayward magic in check when I'm nervous. I thought I had become lord and master over my abilities several years before. That much cherished belief was crumbled into dust that next morning.
I was up, and ready for the day long before Havwhich bustled into my room with a heaping breakfast tray. What was it with these people? Where they that uneducated? While I certainly enjoyed partaking in human delicacies, I didn't need them, and most definitly not right before I meet the king!
Havwich abruptly froze mid step, nearly dropping the steaming try.
"By the great kings!" He gasped, staring about. I grinned.
"Do you like it? I certainly do. It's so much less dismal than before, don't you think?"
Havwhich was apparently too well bred to voice his true opinion, but he seemed unable to suppress a look of disapproval as he cast an eye around my newly brightened chambers.
"Quite nice I'm sure." He grumbled, almost sulkily as he plunked the tray down on the table.
I bit on a chuckle. I had a feeling ruffling Havwhich was something I would find very entertaining.
"Why thank you, my good man!" I said cheerily, striding over to poke at a biscuit. "And when shall I meet the King?"
"Not for another hour. I had expected you to still be in bed."
What did they teach these people?
"Sorcerers don't sleep." I said, trying not to sound demeaning.
The portly little thing squinted up at me, then shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I didn't serve the last sorcerer. You will of course have your own manservant as soon as we find someone suitable." The expression on his face completed his thought. The sooner the better, as he cast another appraising look around the room.
"I will return in a half hour, at which time you will be conducted to the king. You will be expected to give a display of your powers."
He gave a stiff bow, and was out the door before I had a chance to blink.
The next thirty minutes were spent in pacing, muttering, and little bursts of colored glitter.
When Havwich entered again, I was a little more sparkly than I would have cared for, but I blew it away with a puff of wind that scared the fat man silly.
When Havwich had straightened himself, (I was quite sure by this point that the steward decidedly didn't like me,) he pointed the way out with stiff courtesy, and a mottled red face.
This time we walked through all bright corridors, cherry and colorful, and covered with hangings.
Like the previous night, some were old, and some new. I soon picked out which ones were Princess Adelina's. They were the brightest, and they seemed to have a romantic, whimsical feel to them.
We came to a stop at the end of one particularly grand hall, where craved double doors stood open, leading into an opulent throne room.
As we entered, ten men who had been sitting at the long council table in front of the throne rose.
We two paused, I bowing deep with so many flourishes I lost count, and Havwich as low as he dared around his pot belly; he was in serious danger of falling and bumping his nose.
"Your Great Majesty, King Lionel, may I present the sorcerer Rhys of Aravaria."
I stepped forward, biting on my jitters. "I am most pleased to serve you, Your Grace."
The king, middle aged, plump, and not at all lion like, scanned me, then flipped through a little red book he'd been holding.
"Those who serve," He read, "must serve patiently, and those who are served must behave graciously."
I could feel my bow knot into a confused frown. What an absurd thing to do at time like this. But the men around the table, who had seated themselves again, all nodded and mmmmed as if the King had just uttered the wisest thing in the world.
The King smiled down at me as if he were a god, and I a pitiful little slave he was allowing to live.
"The Book of Homely Truths has declared you shall be shown grace. So, if you serve well, gracious we will be."
I blinked, not quite sure what to make of that statement. So I bowed, with a few less flourishes this time, and thanked him.
"You are most welcome." He looked immensely pleased with himself. "And now," He puffed out a proud chest. "give us a demonstration of your magic!"
I pulled my baton out of my sleeve, drew a deep breath, and waving it, began to whisper quietly.
The image of a fire bird formed under my fingers.
I could practically feel the men lean to see.
With a toss, I sent it up in the air, flexing its fiery wings. I beckoned, and it reared its head, crying like to set your blood a fire. The men looked terrified and intrigued at same time. It was glorious. I could feel misplaced pride swell in my chest. In retrospect, the firebird was not a very wise choice. The element of heat had never been easy for me to wield.
With a jerk of my arm, the flaming puppet went flying over the men's heads. One shrieked like a girl in pigtails, ducking so quickly he cracked his head on the edge of the table, immediately giving way to howls of agony. Howls turning to panicked yelping, quaking hands clamped to his brow. I cringed at the dreadful mixture of sounds that bounced off the stone walls. Perhaps blazing birds in the land of cowards was not the best idea.
Blood trickled between his fingers, and dripped in his eye, as he fumbled for his handkerchief. In his panic, he dropped it and resorted to using his ruffled sleeve instead. The king sent him a disgusted look and the others did their best to ignore him. I gave a twist of my other hand, sending a soothing spell, luckily invisible, in his direction. He immediately calmed, and the bleeding soon stopped.
I had to get rid of the trouble maker quick before they decided to have me tried for attacking a palace official! With a flick of my wrist, the fire bird arched towards the ceiling, twisting into fish all made of water, with a rainbow of glowing colors flowing through it, casting beams of color about the room like a stained glass window
The men oo'd and ahh'd.
The fish whizzed through the high beamed rafters, and zig-zagged though the dozens of hanging banners, its colors putting the flags to shame. The King let out a delighted bark, clapping his hands together as his round cheeks turned red.
Perhaps my confidence rose a tad too much… I grew lax in my cockiness… despite the little accident minutes earlier. I don't know, but the next moment, the puppet slipped out of my control, and went careening around the throne room! It opened its mouth and dumped bright red liquid in the chief counselor before swimming loop-the loops toward the throne.
"For goodness sake, make it st-"
The king was cut off mid-sentence, by a smart slap across the face, courtesy the fish's tail
Everyone watched in horror as an instant later, the fish explored in a shower of rainbow colored water all over the royal throne. The splash spattering colored water all over the room
A horrified silence descended over the throne room. Not a sound could I hear save the trickle of water as it collected in the cracks of the stone floor.
Pink water dripped into my eyes, stinging, and obscuring my vison.
Just as well. I thought. I don't have to see the Kings's face this way.
That was it. I was going to be sent back to the citadel wallowing in shame! Orne would probably dismember me for this!
A snort broke the silence. It grew to a snicker, as another snort joined in.
I brushed the water out of my eyes, and looked around in amazement. The men at the table were glancing about uncertainly, some chuckling nervously. A burst of laughter echoed behind me, filling the room. The happy sound bounced off the walls and was picked up and added to by a second voice, light and high like the first. The men's tittering turned to laughter. They looked around at each other, and the more they looked, the more they pointed and laughed. Even the king laughed, if a little hesitantly, flipping through his little book. He must have found what he was looking for, for he suddenly threw back his head and roared.
I was so relieved in that moment my knees nearly gave out.
Brushing some red droplets out of my hair, I turned to see who my rescuer was.
The sliver eyed girl had her head poked around the door, still giggling uncontrollably. A smaller blonde was with her, laughing just as hard.
As soon as sliver eyes saw me looking, her flushed bright pink and ducked away from the door. The blonde seemed to find this even more hilarious. She tossed me a little wave and rushed off after her shy companion, and I could hear two sets of bubbling giggles echoing off the corridor walls.
Author's Note: I am so sorry it's taken me this long to update! A year and 9 months is far too long and it won't happen again! I still love this story so much, and I have a lot of it planned out. This chapter would have been up ages ago, if I hadn't got my first real case of writer's block and lost interest in this chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I will be updating again soon.