Warning: This chapter contains much discomfort for our poor Souichi. If any of you dislike any form of torture, you have been warned, and feel free to skip this chapter.

'Oh shit.' Watching his abductor take a few more steps towards the table he was bound to, Souichi felt his muscles tense up. He really didn't want that monster anywhere near him. From his vulnerable position, he could do little more than stare daggers, still wishing looks could kill.

Before reaching him, his captor turned towards the desk. He roughly pulled open one of the top drawers, scanning its contents. Souichi felt a bit of relief, no longer having that piercing gaze on him. However, he could not allow himself to relax, not while the other was still in the same room.

"What the hell are you doing?" From his horrible vantage point, Souichi saw the other grab something slender from the drawer, squeaking as it was pushed shut.

"You sure you want to know?" Mananori answered the question with another.

"You fucking pervert! You homos are nothing more than the devil's sex minion! I'll fucking kill you for this!"

"Oh, is that what you think?" Turning towards his captive, the bound man clearly saw scissors in that bastard's hand.

'What the hell is he going to do with that?!' Manori approached him, a self-satisfied smirk on his lips. What scared him the most, though, were those hungry eyes, filled with lust and greed.

"NO! Stop! Get the FUCK away from ME!" Souichi attempted to struggle, not that it was much use. Cuffed to the table, his limbs did nothing but shake; they had lost all strength.

"You should stop ordering me around, Senpai. We're not at the lab you know. I call the shots here." Seeing his captor lean over him, Souichi could clearly hear a condescending tone in that bastard's eerie voice. All the while, those scissors were getting dangerously close to his bare skin, approaching his barely covered groin.

"No! I said NO! DON'T!" His voice rising in intensity, Souichi ignored the threat. A hand grabbed his hip, holding it steady as piercing eyes came up to look into his own.

"You really shouldn't disobey my orders... and you should stop struggling, Souichi-kun. Unless if you want something bad to happen." Manori's voice remained calm yet stern. Understanding the warning, Souichi stilled his movements, however weak or ineffective they may have been. Returning to the task at hand, the scissors traced its way up his upper right leg, hooking beneath his underwear. The tall blond began cutting the thin material all the way up to the waist band. No longer held together, the material fell apart, revealing pale skin beneath it.

Shifting over, the same thing was done above the left leg. Before he knew it, Souichi only had a piece of material loosely lying over his groin as his only cover. The spare hand went to his belly button, long fingers trailing down.

"NO! Don't you dare TOUCH me! I'll fucking KILL you! You monster! I-...!" Before he knew it, a sharp metal edge was against his throat. The scissors were closed with the point pressed against the dip of his throat, next to his Adam's apple.

"What a disobedient pet. You enjoy spouting nonsense, with that venomous tongue, don't you? Maybe I should just cut those vocal cords of yours." The sharp metal edge pressed harder against the delicate skin, the added pressure just enough to draw a bit of blood. Souichi froze, speechless, feeling the sting of a cut. The table beneath his head prevented him from escaping the pressure at his throat. His eyes were open wide in utter shock. He wanted to believe that this was nothing but a horrible nightmare. He was sorely mistaken. Regrettably, this was terrifyingly real. This guy was serious. If he ever met a demon in disguise, this piece of work would certainly be it. He wasn't dealing with a simple perverted abductor anymore. This really was a monster, a madman.

"Or... I could cut off that annoying tongue. That would solve my irritating problem." As the scissors left his throat, Souichi clamped his mouth shut, glaring up at his tormentor as he felt a hand caress his jaw.

"Hmmm... But everything would just get so messy. It's too early for that." Setting the scissors aside, that sick twisted fuck traced a few of his fingers down the bound man's abdomen, barely touching the skin as they glided all the way down to the cut underwear.

'What the hell? Too early!?' The bound man felt his heart pound loudly against his rib cage at the prospect of what was to come.

"Besides, I still want to hear you scream." That sent a chill down Souichi's back. Since that demon hadn't said anything about whether it was out of pleasure or pain, he ventured a guess that his wellbeing wasn't at the top of that monster's list of priorities.

Once those fingers reached their destination, they curled under the piece of fabric, gripping it in his hand. They lingered, however, gliding his palm over the captive's limp organ. Hazel eyes screwed shut in revulsion. Souichi heard a sinister chuckle before having his last line of protection ripped away. Feeling the air touch his now exposed skin, the bound blond realized that he was completely nude. A light blush tinted his cheeks in slight embarrassment.

"Let's take a better look at you." Tossing the mangled underwear, Manori strode to the far wall, near the door, and flicked a switch. Lights turned on, bringing the whole room in such a dreadful clarity. That's when Souichi noticed the ceiling. Even though his gaze was mainly directed upwards, he hadn't been able to make out any details in the dim lighting. Now he saw various chains running along the length of the room, some of them hanging down at certain spots. Hooks holding them up were placed at random locations across the whole ceiling.

'What the hell is this place?' Souichi stared, dumbstruck.

"Hmmmm... This won't do." Returning to his prisoner, icy blue eyes bore into him, examining every inch of exposed skin.

"W- what do you mean?" Souichi was confused, unsure of what to make of such a vague statement. He watched the other move towards the desk, retrieving what looked like a short leather belt from within.

Circling onto his captive's left side, that bastard dragged something from under the table before stepping onto it. He then stepped up onto the metallic surface, next to a bound arm, reaching up to unhook a length of chain. Stepping off of the table, that creep attached the leather strap to the now long length of chain dangling over Souichi's hip.

"Well, you see, you're covering one of your best features, Souichi-kun." That creepy grin was back. Souichi's anger and irritation flared up. Amongst everything else, he hated that pervert for calling him by those stupid pet names. It infuriated him.

Searching his pants' left pocket, Manori fished out a small keychain. Choosing one of the smallest keys, he unlocked the cuff that bound Souichi's left ankle. With this surprising turn of events and newfound freedom, the tied blond took action. He tried to kick up and out, aiming for that monster's chest. He needed to escape.

However, what happened only infuriated the cuffed graduate student even more. Devoid of strength, his leg refused to respond properly. He was able to bend his knee, but his foot remained on the table's surface. Concentrating on lifting it, his leg was unable to maintain any height, and would have collided with the table's surface if that bastard hadn't caught it in midair.

"Well, well. It's nice to see that my drug did take effect." Bringing the knee up while supporting the weak leg, Manori wrapped and tied the belt just above the joint, effectively keeping it up.

With his knee up in the air, his foot hanging down, Souichi's left hip hung a little off the table, not quite touching it. In this position, parts that were meant to remain private were revealed to that perverted monster.

"Now this is much better." From his new vantage point at the end of the table, blue eyes looked at him, all of him. It was extremely unnerving.

"Screw you!" Staring into hazel eyes, blue ones danced with mirth, thin lips curved up into a smirk.

"Oh, I certainly intend to screw something, my pet." Souichi felt new waves of fear, revulsion and dread travel through him.

After taking a moment to relish in the sight of his powerless – and very naked – senior, Manori returned to the desk. He deliberately took out various tools and what seemed like torture devices from a few different drawers, setting them one by one on the desk. As he silently watched his abductor with a menacing scowl, Souichi regrettably recognized a few of them. A whip. A few knives. Various sized of dildos and butt plugs. He glared at those abominations with the utmost contempt.

"Now... What shall l we start with?"

"Fuck you! You perverted monster! LET. ME. GO!" Souichi was seething with rage. He had to get out, and the only working thing he had to his disposal was his voice. So he poured every ounce of hatred he had in his words. There was no reasoning with a madman, but he could at least voice his displeasure and loathing.

"Ah. It seems like I'll need to teach this little pet some manners." A wicked grin plastered on those lips, Manori glared dangerously at his victim. Reaching beneath the table he came up with two small metal clamps, each connected to a thin wire leading to somewhere beyond the captive's field of vision.

'What the hell is that for?' Souichi wasn't left wondering for long.

"Wha-! What the hell?! No! DON'T! Get away from me!" The small clamp was placed on the bud of each nipple, pinching them painfully between two pieces of metal. Souichi winced at the intense pressure. It hurt. He bit his lower lip, strangling any sound that threatened to escape.

Manori retrieved a small remote dotted with a dial and switch. The bound man really didn't want to find out the purpose of this new contraption. Before Souichi knew it, his torturer flipped the switch. A strangled surprised gasp escaped from his throat. Shocks of electricity traveled through his chest. His limbs shook slightly. He could barely breathe. He heard a click and the stimulus ended. He laid there panting.

"How did you like that?" Icy blue eyes stared down condescendingly.

"Go to hell!" Souichi saw that smirk grow into a devilish grin.

"Looks like you still haven't learned your manners." Instead of looking disappointed, Manori actually seemed excited. He brought the dial up a few notches.

'Oh no.' Hearing the flick of the switch, Souichi felt stronger shocks travel out from his burning chest. His limbs shook even more out of their own accord, his suspended leg pulling on the chain. After what seemed like much too long, the switch was turned off. His limbs fell limp. He panted heavily, breathing in large gulps of air.

"Have you learned yet?" Before allowing his victim time to respond, Manori turned the dial up a few more notches before flicking it on again.

The electricity traveled up bound limbs. Souichi cried out in pain before his lungs seized, unable to breathe. His body shook violently. His back bowed under the strain. The shocks burned through him. He couldn't think. It hurt so much. Once the stimulus finally ended, the weak body fell limp again. Souichi gasped for air, breathing heavily. He couldn't stop a few pained whimpers from escaping. He heard the dial turn a few more notches. Panic coursed through him.

"N-noo! S-stop it!" The tied blond was in agony. All he wanted to do now was break down, cry out in anguish, every fibre in his being shouting in despair. But he had much more pride than that. He reeled in his pain as much as he could. He certainly wasn't going to give that madman the satisfaction of his defeat.

"Oh, come on, my pet. We're just starting to have fun."

A/N: … And that's it for now. Sorry, I'm horrible, leaving you all at such awful cliff-hangers. :P

Please look forward to the next chapter. And thanks again for all of your support and reviews. They make my day!

Until next time!

Getsuei ;)