
Wow. This is it. The final instalment of "Uncharted". It's kind of surreal to me that we have reached this point. This story has been an incredible (and cathartic) journey for me and I'd sincerely like to thank everyone who has been reading and who had taken that journey with me. I love and appreciate every single one of you. 3

Since this is the final chapter, I have some important thank you's to dish out. This might get a little long but it's important to me that I recognize those people who have helped me bring this story to life.

To bellieve328, thegreatsporkwielder, ninefiend, who all helped me by betaing some of the earliest chapters.

To booknoser321 who has been with me on this journey from the beginning, fixing my comma errors, pointing out typos and grammatical errors, and just generally helping me to improve the mechanics of my writing. Trust me, this story would be full of mistakes if not for her. Thank you so much for putting up with me and my stupid autocorrect errors and for the many, many times you betaed at the last minute. Thank you.

To erinwert who became a crucial sounding board for me part way through this fic. Thank you for the many, MANY conversations about plot, character arc, angst etc that you have had with me over these past few months as I've tried to shape and mold this story. Thank you also for never being afraid to push me to do better, to go deeper, to create more feeling, to take things in a different direction. You continually challenge me to push myself to do better and to take risks and in so doing have made me a better storyteller.

To mamaleh6449, the ORIGINAL Kelsey Geller, who not only allowed me to take liberties with her "character", but also provided valuable insight and suggestions along the way, particularly on these final few chapters. Your love of Darcy challenged me to do him justice, to delve deeper into his psyche and characterization than I ever thought possible. Thank you.

To beccabumblybee who not only encouraged me when I had this crazy idea of introducing transmedia to a fic, but also offered to make graphics for it. You helped make this whole world more believable for me and the readers. Thank you also for naming Kate and Alexis and for helping me to make them feel real. Finally, thank you for all of your encouragement along the way.

To claudia for giving helping me tweak dozens of sections of this story, often without knowing context. Your support throughout this has been invaluable.

To rumpelsnorcack for the dozens of sprints you did with me throughout the writing of this. Your encouragement and your enthusiasm when you read the snippets I showed you inspired me to keep going even on days when I was feeling down or uninspired.

To all those of you who read this fic, talked to me about something to do with this fic, did sprints with me over twitter or sent me any kind of comment or review, thank you. All of those things helped to keep me going and to strive to make this the best story that I possibly could.

Uncharted - Epilogue


October, 2013

Big Changes for Pemberley Digital

William Darcy, son of Anne Fitzwilliam Darcy and William S. Darcy, former CFO and CEO of Pemberley Digital, took the media world by storm in August when he resigned as the company's CEO to pursue other interests. William remains a majority shareholder and member of the board however, keeping the families interest in the company in tact.

So what does this mean for the future of the media empire? It means a new leader in the form of Alexandra Rogers, newly appointed CEO. A long time employee of Pemberley Digital, Alexandra has already made great strides in pushing the company to new heights since her appointment in September.

In other news, former employee and Chairman of the Board, Brian Kallechenko has left the company under mysterious circumstances. Sources within the company refuse to comment on the details surrounding his departure.


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennet

Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter

Miss Jane Bennet


Mr. Bing Lee

son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee

on Saturday, April 19th, 2014

at 1:30 PM

Netherfield Mansion

reception to follow

at 3:00 PM



May 3 rd , 2014

Former Pemberley Digital Chair Arrested

Brian Kallechenko, former Chairman of the Board at Pemberley Digital was arrested yesterday at a small airport in Maine. A source close to the company tells us that Brian had fled the country last August after it was discovered that he had falsified documents and embezzled large sums of money from the media conglomerate.

A warrant was issued for his arrest soon after, but it wasn't until yesterday, when an anonymous witness at Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport called in a tip, that the police had any breakthroughs in the case.

Mr. Kallechenko will be transported back to San Francisco within the next few days where he will remain imprisoned pending a full trial.


The pleasure of your company is requested

at the marriage of

Elizabeth Bennet and William Darcy

on Saturday, November 1st, 2014

at 5:30 PM

Grace Cathedral

1100 California St,

San Francisco,

CA 94108

and afterwards at

Grand Cafe

Union Square

at 7:30 PM



February 13 th , 2015

More Claimants to Join Civil Suit Against Local Businessman

It appears that Kevin Stevenson, the local businessman who was accused of sexual harassment by his secretary, Willma Boone at the end of last year, is not a first time offender. In the past three weeks, four more women, including prominent businesswoman, Elizabeth Darcy, CEO of Bowtie Media, have come forward with complaints against Stevenson

Although none of the claimants were available for questioning at the time of this article, a reliable source indicates that the case against Stevenson will go to trial in the spring.



June, 2016

Upclose and Personal:

Elizabeth Bennet of Bowtie Media

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Elizabeth Bennet, the CEO of the San Francisco based digital media company, Bowtie Media.

Thank you for joining me, Elizabeth. Can you give us some insight into why you started Bowtie Media?

"Please call me, Lizzie. Well, as you may know, in 2012 when I was finishing my degree in Media Studies, my friend Charlotte and I made a video blog called "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries". It ended up lasting nearly a year, and through that I grew very interested in web content and what sorts of things interested web audiences. I shadowed three different companies during that time, and the experience, combined with offers from investors, made me decide that this was something I should try my hand at doing permanently."

You were fresh out of grad school when you started the company. Were you ever worried you wouldn't be successful?

"Oh my gosh, yes. I was terrified I was going to fail. I'll be honest, there were many moments when I was first starting out where I felt like I didn't have a clue what I was doing and that everything was going to crumble down around me."

That obviously didn't happen though.

"No. Thankfully I managed to make it work, but there were times, especially within the first few months where I genuinely thought it was over."

Your very first production, Costumed Tales, lasted a little over a year and gained popularity very quickly. Can you tell us a bit about what that was like?

"It was surreal, really. From a production standpoint, at that time I couldn't really afford to hire anyone, so I was wearing multiple hats. I'm still not sure how I managed to pull it off. My existing audience helped - a lot of viewers started watching Costumed Tales because they had watched my vlog - but Kate [Prewitt] and Alexis [Quinn], the stars of Costumed Tales are the ones who kept them coming back and who brought in new viewers."

You had a large turn out at VidCon that year too as I recall?

"Huge. I'm pretty sure they had to turn people away from our panel. I can't really remember, that day is a bit of blur to me now, but the room was full. Kate, Alexis, and I were all stopped for photos and autographs everywhere we went that weekend. It's was pretty amazing."

Bowtie Media has had continued success since then. Can you tell us a little about your other projects?

"Certainly. We created an interactive research website in 2014 where we use a mixture of unique video content, music, images and text to convey information. A bit like Wikipedia, but far more interactive. It's been quite popular and has continued to grow. Just last year we added the ability for users to upload and input their own content as well, and that's been met with enthusiasm. We've also produced two other web series and a short film, and this summer we will be launching a short documentary web series."

It sounds like you've come a long way from the days where you were doing multiple jobs?

"Well, I still fill more than one role - that's kind of the nature of the type of company we are, but we do have employees now, so I'm no longer having to fulfill every role myself. My husband, William, thinks I could cut back even more, and we've actually just hired a Media Studies graduate, Kelsey Geller, to be my assistant. She's incredibly bright and motivated, and I think she'll be invaluable to the company moving forward."

Speaking of your husband, he made waves a few years ago when he stepped down as CEO of Pemberley to work with you. Was that a difficult decision?

"I don't wish to speak for my husband, that was a decision that was his to make and there were many factors involved in it, but I will say that it was not a decision that was made lightly."

What is it like working with your husband?

"It's been wonderful. We both have very different skill sets so together we're able to really do a thorough job on any project we attempt. Even though I'm the one with the title, we are very much partners and equals within the company. I never make any major decisions without consulting him first and he does the same. We are a team."

If you see each other at work all day and then again at home, don't you ever get sick of each other?

"Not really. Aside from when we're in meetings or working on something specific, our day to day tasks tend to be individual. We work very hard to keep our professional and private life separate."

Do you have plans to start a family, and if so, how do you think that will impact the company given that you are both such an integral part of running it?

"As I said before, we keep our professional and private life separate so whatever our private plans are, they will not negatively affect the company."

What are your hopes for the future of Bowtie Media?

"That we are able to continue producing unique content that is both entertaining and educational whilst also pushing the envelope and taking risks to try new things."



October 8 th , 2016

Bing and Jane Lee (née Bennet) wish to welcome their son, Hudson Wyatt Lee to the world. He was born Friday, October 7, 2016 at 11:34 AM at St Joseph's Hospital. He weighed in at 7 lb 6.5 oz and measured 23 inches long.



August 19 th , 2017

William and Elizabeth Darcy (née Bennet) are delighted to announce the birth of their first child. Lilly Anne Darcy was born at 2:00 am on Friday August 18th, 2017 at UCSF Birthing Center. She weighed in at 6 lb 9.5 oz and measured 19 inches long. Lilly is welcomed with much love by friends and family, including grandparents Lillian and Jim Bennet, and aunts Lydia Bennet, Jane Lee, and Gigi Darcy.


October 19, 2017

Broadway Star Lydia Bennet on Her New Role in 'Julianne's Song'

We talked to the stage actress about her role in the new play that also stars Laura Dale .

by Deena Bakker

Meet Lydia Bennet, the talented up-and-coming Broadway actress you need to know. The California native was first seen in the off off Broadway show, The Cupid Chronicles. Now, a student at NYFA, Lydia is preparing to make her Broadway debut, starring opposite Laura Dale in Manhattan Theatre Club's 'Julianne's Song'. The young star spilled about all things theatre and her strong female roles.

Was The Cupid Chronicles your first job?

"Yes, it was. I had moved to New York for an internship and one of my coworkers was going to an open call, and she dragged me along. I lucked out and was cast as Stephanie. It was after that that I decided I wanted to pursue a career in acting so I started taking classes whenever I could afford them and going out to auditions whenever I could. I did a few more plays and a student film before I was able to acquire an agent."

What's your role in Julianne's Song like?

"It's such a great role. I play Julianne, a girl who desperately wants to connect with her mother, but continually faces roadblocks. When I read the script, I was really impressed. It's refreshing to find a work where the primary focus is family instead of romance. My own family is very important to me so that was something that really drew me to Julianne.

Your character is still in high school. Was it tough to play someone younger?

"Not really. I'm still young enough that I remember what it is like to be that age. The important thing for me was that I felt a connection to Julianne and her journey. Her age doesn't matter as much as her interactions with those around her and how they shape and change her.

What is it like working with Laura Dale?

"It'a an amazing experience. Laura is an amazing actor, and I feel like I'm learning so much just by watching her in action. She is such a generous performer, and whenever we are in scenes together I feel like everything just comes together because she gives so much of herself. At the same time I'm not afraid to make mistakes in front of her because she's always incredibly understanding and she messes her lines up sometimes too, which is really comforting."

Where do you see yourself going after this?

"Oh gosh, I really don't know. I mean, I still have two semesters left to complete my Associate of Fine Arts Degree at NYFA, so for now I'm focusing on that and rehearsals for Julianne's Song, and after that we'll see. I have a very you-only-live-once, approach to life so I tend to jump into everything headfirst and worry about the rest later."


Georgiana Darcy

Sidney Parker

Request the pleasure of the company of

William, Elizabeth & Lilly Anne Darcy

at their engagement party

on Saturday, March 24, 2018

at 3:00 PM

Sanditon Scoops

Sanditon California



May 18 th , 2019

Bing and Jane Lee (née Bennet), along with their son Hudson, welcomed Brett Thomas Lee to the world 12:34 AM on Thursday, May 16th. Brett was born at the family's home, Netherfield Mansion, weighed 8 lb 2.7 oz and measured 21 inches long. Lillian and Jim Bennet, long term residents of Longbourne are delighted to welcome their newest grandchild into the family.



June 16 th , 2019

William and Elizabeth Darcy (née Bennet) and big sister Lilly are delighted to announce the birth of James William Darcy, born at 11.43 am on Saturday, June 15th, 2019 at UCSF Birthing Center. He weighed in at 8 lb 2.5 oz and measured 23 inches long. James is welcomed with much love by friends and family, including grandparents Lillian and Jim Bennet, and aunts Lydia Bennet, Jane Lee, and Gigi Parker.



November 10 th , 2021

Bing and Jane Lee (née Bennet), are proud to announce the birth of their first daughter, Elizabella Joy Lee. Elizabella was born on November 9th, 2021 at 12:02 PM at Netherfield Mansion. She weighed 6 lb 11 oz and measured 18.5 inches long. She is welcomed with much love by friends and family including her siblings Hudson and Brett.



September 27 th , 2023

Introducing Carolyn Grace Lee, the newest member of the Lee family. Parents Bing and Jane, along with brothers Hudson and Brett and sister Elizabella welcomed Carolyn to the world on September 23, 2023 Carolyn was born at Longbourne Memorial Hospital at 5:46AM. She weighed 7 lb 13 oz and measured 20 inches long.



April 14 th , 2024

Finding the Path: William Darcy '03, MBA '05

Like his father and grandfather before him, William Darcy came to Harvard fresh from High School and filled with determination. Through a combination of summer classes, hard work, and dedication, William completed both his undergraduate and master's degrees in record time.

At the age of 23, due to the tragic and untimely passing of his parents, Anne and William Darcy, William became the youngest CEO ever to grace the halls of Pemberley Digital, the company his grandfather, William P. Darcy, founded in 1946. Despite his youthfulness, William quickly made his mark, building a world-renowned application development team and leading the company to new paths.

In 2013, William stepped down as CEO, choosing instead to work at Bowtie Media, the innovative company founded by his wife, Lizzie. Together, William and Lizzie have honed and shaped Bowtie Media into the successful company it is today.

In recent years, due to the births of their children Lilly Anne (6) and James (4), William and Lizzie have both made cuts to help strike a healthy balance between work and family, and come September, when both of their children will be in school, that balance will be even easier to maintain. The couple's hardwork and commitment, along with the appointment of their program director Kelsey Geller in 2020, has ensured that the company will continue to grow and thrive.

And thrive it has - Bowtie Media has become a leader in producing high quality and affordable educational content that has been utilised world-wide to help educate people of all ages and their programming has already won two international awards for innovation in advancing education in third world countries. The accessibility, quality and intuitive nature of their programming has helped to catapult the company to new heights.



December 27 th , 2028

William and Elizabeth Darcy (née Bennet), are delighted to announce the birth of their twin daughters Adeleine Lydia Darcy and Evelyn Jane Darcy born at 8:54 pm and 8:55 pm on Friday December 25th, 2028 at Longbourne Memorial Hospital. They weighed 5 lb 5.2 oz and 5 lb 3.4 oz respectively and measured 18 and 17 inches long. Adeleine and Evelyn are welcomed with much love by friends and family, including their siblings Lilly Anne and James, grandparents Lillian and Jim Bennet, and aunts Lydia Bennet, Jane Lee, and Gigi Parker.



October, 2049

The Darcys Take Back Pemberley Digital

In 2013, William F. Darcy stepped down as CEO of Pemberley Digital. Since then, beyond his continued position as majority shareholder and board member, no Darcy has had a controlling interest in the company for over 36 years. All that is about to change.

As we reported last month, the current CEO of Pemberley Digital, Alan Michaels is retiring at the end of this month, and we can now announce that William F. Darcy's eldest daughter and heir to the Pemberley empire, Lilly Anne Darcy, has been appointed as the new CEO.

Lilly Anne has had years of experience in the field of media production. She started her career young, working at her mother, Elizabeth Bennet's, company, Bowtie Media, all through high school. In college, whilst obtaining her multiple degrees in business, economics, and media studies, Lilly Anne worked as an intern and later employee at several media companies, including the afore mentioned Pemberley Digital.

In 2045, fresh from completing her MBA at Harvard, Lilly Anne applied for a senior level management position at Pemberley. Although her family name and father's position on the board would have gotten her the job without question, she insisted she apply like everyone else and earn the job based upon her own laurels, and just as she has accomplished everything in her career so far, she persevered and worked hard to achieve her goals.

From everything we know about Lilly Anne, it seems she is primed to fill the shoes of her grandparents, William and Anne Darcy. Lilly Anne's proven integrity, work ethic, and ingenuity are going to be the keys to her success as she bring Pemberley Digital into the second half of the 21st century.


Uncharted may have come to an end, but that doesn't mean it's entirely over. I'm planning to write some one-shots in this universe of missing scenes, extended scenes, or alternate POV's and I'm accepting requests for these. So if there's a missing or extended scene, or an alternate POV's of a scene that you might like to see, please go ahead and let me know here: bit . ly / 1c12pQH [no spaced]. No promises that it will get written, but at least give it a shot! :)