Hay guys :) So I'm back with another story! But it's a mini story. This was initially supposed to be a One-shot but I thought it was too long to be one so I broke it into chapters. So enjoy and please read and review! I worked hard on this!

Summary: Something life-changing happens to Jan and it forces her to deal with her issues with her family. What will happen? R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Brady Bunch or any of the characters.

Chapter One: Thoughts of What Happened.

Jan Brady almost – well did, stay up half the night; staring up at the ceiling, emotionless. Every hour; the clock would strike and each time it would, Jan felt she was getting closer to her death. The pain she was feeling was eating her up inside, bit by bit. Chewing her up and spitting her out. She felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest and stomped on.

Jan Brady, never in her life, felt this kind of pain – ever. It was worse than the feeling of being under Marcia's shadow all the time; worse than feeling invisible, and even worse than feeling like she's good for nothing.

This kind of heartache, she wouldn't even wish on her worst enemy.

It was the kind of pain that slowly, but painfully eat you up inside and you would feel it. You would feel bits and pieces of you being ripped out as time passed. But you also felt you couldn't do a thing about.

And that pain is the worst type of pain there is.

Everyone in the Brady household wondered what was wrong with poor Jan. What had had her down in the dumps? What was the problem with Jan?

But Jan wouldn't tell any of them – ever. For various reasons; they only seemed to care what was happening in her life when something bad occurred to her and the Brady clan was forced to see what was wrong or it wouldn't be "Brady-like".

The only one that seemed to care for her and her well-being – was Peter. He was only a year older than her and was also a middle child as well and could understand more than anyone at the Brady residence could ever.

The images that flashed through her mind every other second would keep Jan on pens and needles; sending her heart to beat vastly against her chest – like a hammer against a thin cloth.

She wondered if this pain would ever go away or would it stay – lingering like of what could have been – or what should have been.

Maybe if she stopped thinking about it so much, that she would eventually forget about it ever happening – or taking place in her life; like it never happened.

Jan sniffled as her red rimmed eyes adverted to her youngest sister; Cindy. She seen she was tossing and turning in her sleep. Small moans and mumbles coming from her direction; Jan – at first was just going to tune her out; assuming little Cindy was just having a bad dream.

But Jan seen that whatever Cindy was dreaming about was really disturbing her. Jan slung her covers to the side and tip toed over to her youngest sister's bed and gently shook her.

"Cindy…Cindy, wake up; It just a dream." Jan lightly whispered. Cindy shot up; her curly pony tails lop sided; tears streaming down her rosy red cheeks. Her baby blues eyes stared up at her, breathing heavy. Cindy reached up for Jan. Jan was a bit hesitant, but picked up her baby sister and sat down on Cindy's bed, with Cindy now in her lap.

"Cindy, don't cry. It was only a dream." Jan tried convincing her frighten baby sister.

"But Jan, it was horrible. I dreamt of a strange man trying to hurt you. I tried yelling out your name but nothing would come out." Cindy began sobbing on Jan's shoulder. Jan froze. Bringing back the memories of what she tried so hardly and desperately to forget.

The noises of her sobbing baby sister brought her back to reality. Jan blinked as she turned and rubbed Cindy's small back, shushing her.

"Cindy, it's okay. I'm fine. It was just a dream; you have nothing to worry about, okay?" Jan wished she could believe her own words but found it completely impossible. Right now, she was not okay. She was everything but okay. But she couldn't have little Cindy worrying for her. She was only six. She was way too young to worry about anything – especially about her older sister and her antics.

"O-Okay," Cindy sniffled, rubbing her eyes in a tired-like manner.

"Try and go back to sleep, your first day of first grade is tomorrow. You'll need all your rest." Jan said as she forced a smile for her younger sister.

"Can I sleep with you, Jan?" Cindy asked, "Please…" Cindy added.

Jan couldn't say no to the big blues eyes that stared up at her full of hope. She never could.

"Alright, but you have to try and go back to sleep, okay?"

Cindy nodded as she smiled getting under the covers with her sister. She leaned up and kissed Jan on the cheek.

"I love you, Jan."

Jan smiled, but this time, genuinely for the first time in weeks.

"I love you too, Cindy. Goodnight."

"Goodnight…" Cindy yawned, resting her head on Jan's shoulder. Jan stroked Cindy's spiral-looking curls, slowly drifting off to dreamland herself.

Read and review please! :-)